Pi Hole

Pi Hole


Pi Hole

By Jstemach63

in Circuits Raspberry Pi
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This instructable will teach you how to create a pi-hole from a raspberry pi 3. A pi-hole acts as a filter that will catch the majority of ad traffic before its downloaded onto your browser. This will speed up your browser by eliminating the amount of ads downloaded onto your network.
Once you have your pi, you need to connect it to the network you want to block ads on.
Plug one end of an Ethernet cable into the back of your Pi, and the other end into your router.
When the status light on the back of your pi lights up, the Pi is connected properly.
Navigate to this link https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian/ and download raspbian Jessie with Pixel
Once downloaded, install on your micro SD card that will be used in the pi.
After installation, insert the SD card into your Pi and restart the Pi.
Next, you need to find out the ip address of your Pi.
Open your router control panel by typing your internal ip into google. Im not going to cover this process, mainly because its different on each routher.
Once in your router control panel, navigate to the connected device list and find the ip of your Pi.
Next, you will need to connect to your Pi over the network to configure it for pihole.
Put the IP of your Pi into the host name and click open.
Once connected, you need to run a set of commands.
Type: curl -sSL https://install.pi-hole.net | bash| into your Pi CMD window.
This will install the software required for Pi hole to run.
Lastly, you need to set the Pihole as the active DNS server through your router.
Again, this will be different on each router so im not going to cover it in great detail.
You need to find the section of you router control panel where you can input a static DNS server.
Type in the IP of your Pi and set it as the active DNS server.
Once complete, you can access the web interface and log in, viewing total ads blocked, and configuration settings.
To connect to the web interface, type: pi-hole/admin into google.
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9 months ago
on Step 4
cannot add pi in putty, fatal error


9 months ago

https://www.instructables.com/Use-ssh-to-talk-with... use this it shows you how to active ssh on your pi just make sure you set a good password on the pi when you do.

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Today’s blog post comes from Jacob Salmela, creator of Pi-hole, a network-wide ad blocker used by Raspberry Pi enthusiasts to block advertisements on all devices connected to their home network.
Pi-hole is a network-wide ad blocker. Instead of installing adblockers on every device and every browser, you can install Pi-hole once on your network, and it will protect all of your devices. Because it works differently than a browser-based ad-blocker, Pi-hole also block ads in non-traditional places, such as in games and on smart TVs.
I originally made Pi-hole as a replacement for the AdTrap device. I have a background in networking, so I figured I could make something better with some inexpensive hardware like the Raspberry Pi . I spent two summers working on the project and made the code open source. Four years later, we have several developers working on Pi-hole, and we have grown into a very large project with a vibrant community.
Pi-hole functions as an internal, private DNS server for your network. For many home users, this service is already running on your router, but your router doesn’t know where advertisements are — but Pi-hole does. Pi-hole will intercept any queries for known ad-serving domains and deny them access, so ads won’t be downloaded.
Users configure their router’s DHCP options to force clients to use Pi-hole as their DNS server.
This means websites will load normally but without advertisements; since ads are never downloaded, sites will load faster. Pi-hole also caches these queries, so responsiveness to commonly visited websites can also be noticed.
The Pi-hole software has very low resource requirements and can even run on a Raspberry Pi Zero W . And despite its name, you can also install Pi-hole on several other Linux distributions. Many users install it on a VM or in a container and let it provide services that way. But since Pi-hole’s resource requirements are so low, many users have found it to be a good use of their older, lower-powered model Raspberry Pis. Simply install Pi-hole, connect the Pi to your router, and begin blocking ads everywhere.
The Pi-hole web interface allows users to monitor ad-blocking data, to access the query log, and more.
You can also pair Pi-hole with a VPN to get ad blocking via a cellular connection. This will help you with bandwidth limits and data costs, because your phone won’t need to download advertising videos and images.
Pi-hole can be downloaded to your Raspberry Pi via a one-step automated install — just open a terminal window and run the following command:
curl -sSL https://install.pi-hole.net | bash
You can find more information about setting up Pi-hole on your Raspberry Pi on the Pi-hole GitHub repository here .
If you need support with using Pi-hole or want to chat with the Pi-hole community, you can visit their forum here .
If you’d like to support Jacob and the Pi-hole team as they continue to develop the functions of their ad-blocker, you can sign up as a Patreon , donate directly , or purchase swag , including the Pi-hole case from Pi Supply .
I spent some time putting together this guide for those that want to do a headless install of Pi-hole on Raspbian Lite: https://www.myhelpfulguides.com/2018/07/15/install-pi-hole-raspbian-lite/
A really excellent fightback against corporate and political manipulation.
Also it saves on bandwidth costs and reduces the impact of advertising (malware embedded in random adverts).
A really great use for an old RasPi which is inherently more secure than Intel/AMD based platforms.
I have made a video about how to install pihole and show setting up dns in different router go ahead and check it out.
Found a use for an old Mac Mini laying about the office! Now running Ubuntu Server 18.04 and PiHole…
This is how I put my old Pi B out to pasture. Plopped it right next to the router, even powering the Pi from the router’s USB port. I found that the wired connection makes Pi-Hole perform even better. Not just is Pi-Hole blocking adverts, it also shows me devices on my network that are excessively trying to call the interwebs (looking at you, webcam!) and allows me to block them as much as needed.
What a clever concept, will definitely be looking at this in greater depth, someone could make a lot of money selling these, Advertisers beware.
While we think our first-time setup is pretty simple, we’ve teamed up with Pi Supply to provide a pre-made working Pi-hole (along with a pretty case) for those that want an even simpler setup. It’s pretty easy to find a link to their page if that’s something that interests you, even if just to spread the word!
That is good news, was not thinking of profit for myself but the benefits to other people, this is in effect mass cold calling by the big corporates, so will be spreading the word to as many people as possible via social media, Kind regards Doc Cox.
Nice work mate, can we install this on a usb stick? like amazone fire or Pi Zero USB Stem
Can you explain the benefit of whitelisting
Sometimes a blocklist may contain a false positive (commonly: a site that got blocked which shouldn’t have been) and in this case, adding that blocked site to your whitelist means you’ll be able to access the site again.
Same goes for blacklisting – you can manually add a site to be blocked, if you don’t want it to be accessed from any device on your network.
I tried Pi-hole but it’s overblocking too much. I’d spent a lot of time tuning the whitelist because some sites stopped working. Also it doesn’t respond with NXDOMAIN for blocked domains but with a localhost IP, which leads to sites loading forever.
For those that are fans of Docker, Raspberry Pis and PiHole, I’ve combined all 3 in a guide here https://dxpetti.com/blog/2018/running-pi-hole-on-docker/

Table of contents

One-Step Automated Install

Alternative 1: Clone our repository and run

Alternative 2: Manually download the installer and run

Alternative 3: Use Docker to deploy Pi-hole

curl -sSL https://install.pi-hole.net | bash

git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/pi-hole/pi-hole.git Pi-hole
cd "Pi-hole/automated install/"
sudo bash basic-install.sh

wget -O basic-install.sh https://install.pi-hole.net
sudo bash basic-install.sh



Those who want to get started quickly and conveniently may install Pi-hole using the following command:
If you would prefer to review the code before installation, we provide these alternative installation methods.
Please refer to the Pi-hole docker repo to use the Official Docker Images.

Seven Things You May Not Know About Pi-hole



You may already know that Pi-hole lets you block advertisements for every device that connects to your network without the need for any client-side software. But Pi-hole is very powerful and has several other uses that you may not know about.
While Pi-hole does have it’s roots in the Raspberry Pi community, we have evolved and you can now run Pi-hole in a virtual machine, on your own hardware , and on several different Linux distros .
Since Pi-hole logs (by default) all DNS queries sent to it, you can find out what sort of traffic is happening on your network –sometimes discovering things you may be surprised or scared to see.
Unlike traditional, browser-based ad blockers, Pi-hole work at the DNS level. So when an ad is blocked, it’s actually prevented from being downloaded in the first place because the DNS query is intercepted. Since these ad images, videos, and sounds are not being downloaded, your network will perform better .
Now that you know Pi-hole prevents undesired digital assets from being downloaded, it’s not a far reach to conclude that you are using less bandwidth. This is useful for high-latency networks or even for cellular data plans with limited data; you get more bandwidth for your money !
You can add additional block lists to your installation that will prevent domains that are known to serve malware or act as a phishing site from ever entering your network.
Advertisements in smart TVs and mobile apps can’t be blocked by browser-based ad blockers because smart TVs and mobile apps don’t run in a browser. This is where Pi-hole shines; since the ads are prevented at the network level ( before the ads reach the device), you can prevent ads from appearing on Internet-connected devices that aren’t a Web browser . An example blocking ads in NBC’s mobile app for watching the olympics ( ad-free with Pi-hole ).
You can find us on Discourse , Reddit , Twitter , and GitHub . We welcome beginners and advanced users alike. Whether you’re looking for help, want to learn more, or just want to chat, we’re here. We have several super users who are also around to provide help if you need it.

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