Physical Exam Stories Zity

Physical Exam Stories Zity


Physical Exam Stories Zity
TK Story: Jennifer's Medical Exam (F/F - FF/F)
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Enough of the legal mumbo jumbo, enjoy the story!!!! Jennifer's Medical Exam By: Ticklemaster Http:n/a Jennifer was at her apartment, filling out collage forms, which begins 2 weeks later. Jennifer is a very pretty 19 yr old girl with long flawless brown hair, as well as a very warm and caring personality. Jennifer saw that one of the forms required her to have a complete medical exam within the past 12 months. Jennifer's last medical exam was about 18 months ago, so she would need to have another physical for collage. She called her local doctor and was told that with a recent and serious flu epidemic, he was quite busy and could not see her for 3 weeks, unless she herself, had taken ill. She called doctor after doctor and was told the same thing. Out of desperation, she called her old child-hood doctor, Dr Karen Morris. The receptionist she spoke to said that Dr Morris generally worked with adolescents, but she remembered Jennifer quite well and would love to see her again, and made an appointment for that afternoon and advised Jennifer to bring her collage forms, medical records, and insurance with her. Jennifer spent the rest of the morning filling out the forms and got a quick shower and ate a sandwich on the way to the doctor's office. Luckily, the traffic was not as bad as Jennifer had anticipated and arrived at the office a few minutes early. She parked her car and went inside and filled out the patient forms at the receptionist window and sat down, thumbing thru one of the office magazines and about 5 minutes later, a nurse called her name and escorted her to a back room and took her height, weight, and blood pressure. "Ok, baby", the nurse said, "I am going to take your temperature now". The nurse pulled out a rather large thermometer and Jennifer said "How is that thing going to fit under my tongue"?. The nurse said "Sorry sweetie, but that's not how we do it here, and you know that". Jennifer did know that, and she had it done that way before, but she is older now and insisted that the nurse do it another way, but the nurse was not about to budge. "Ok", the nurse said in a commanding tone, "Be a good girl and step out of your jeans for me and you can hold on to the rail, if you need to". Jennifer pulled down her denim blue jeans and kicked them off and took a deep breath and held on to the rail. She could feel the nurse as she pulled her panties down around her ankles and saw her lubricate the thermometer and then she spread Jennifer's butt-cheeks apart and Jennifer winced and whimpered slightly as the nurse slid in the thermometer. She held it in place for a few minutes, which to Jennifer seemed like a few hours then removed it and checked the temperature and said "So far so good. You can get dressed now and follow me". Jennifer pulled her panties back up and put on her jeans and followed the nurse to an examining room. "The doctor will be here in a few minutes", the nurse said, "so go ahead and un-dress down to your bra and panties". Jennifer took off her denim blue jeans, shirt and shoes, neatly laying them on an empty chair, leaving only her bra and panties on. Jennifer studies some of the doctor's degrees and credentials that adorned the wall. She was studying a plastic model of a skeleton that was in a corner when the doctor walked in. "Scary, isn't it", the doctor asked. "Yeah", Jennifer giggled, perfect for Halloween. Dr. Karen Morris or "Dr. K", as she was affectionately known at the clinic was Jennifer's doctor when she was a little girl up thru her adolescence. Time and mother nature was very kind to Dr. K, as she was about 45 years old, but could very easily pass for late 20s- to early 30s. They made small talk about her life and plans during and after collage. "Well", Dr. K said, "I see that you are here for your collage physical exam. There are some new tests that we have to administer, so this may take longer than you have anticipated". Jennifer asked, "Why will this need to take longer"? Dr. K looked up from the medical chart she was reading and said "It's nothing for you to be worried about. It's just these collage physical exams get more and more detailed every year it seems. These tests are designed to make sure you can handle the stress and rigors of collage". Jennifer seemed to accept that answer. "OK, now", the doctor said, "no sense in taking any longer than needed, so why not get started". Jennifer replied, "Sounds good, Dr. K". The doctor had Jennifer climb up on the exam table where she took her pulse and peered into her eyes and ears with a little light and tested her reflexes with a small rubber mallet and noted the reactions. The doctor instructed Jennifer to remove her bra and lie down on the examining table. Jennifer hesitated and Dr, K said "There's no need to be embarrassed. I have seen you many times before and have seen my share of young women, so go ahead and remove your bra and lie down for me". Jennifer un-fastened her bra and lied down as Dr K listened to her heart and breathing and gave her a very thorough breast exam. Then Dr K. felt and pressed around Jennifer's tummy, ribs and abdomen area and Jennifer burst out with laughter and almost jumped right off the table HAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Then the doctor had Jennifer raise up and Jennifer could feel the doctor slide her hands inside Jennifer's silk panties and pulled them down to her ankles and pressed and felt around Jennifer's thighs and pussy areas. Jennifer had to bite her lips to keep from laughing as she did not want anybody to know that she was extremely ticklish "down there". "OK Jennifer", the doctor said, "We are all finished here. Go ahead and put your clothes back on and follow me". Jennifer got dressed and followed the doctor down a maze of hallways and corridors and arrived at a larger examining room, complete with a cushioned exam table with leather straps and cuffs. The doctor escorted Jennifer inside who looked at the table with a confused look. The doctor instructed Jennifer to completely and totally undress and to lie down on the table. Jennifer was confused, but did so. The doctor told Jennifer to stretch her arms behind her, as far as she could. The doctor strapped down her arms and locked her wrists tightly in a leather cuff, but not so tight that it cut off the circulation. The doctor then strapped down Jennifer's legs and tightly locked her ankles in a leather cuff. Jennifer had a look of fear and said "What kind of test is this"? The doctor strapped Jennifer down some more, making her completely immobilized and the only movement she could make was to wiggle her fingers and toes and said, "Jennifer this is a tickle test. Collage can be a very stressful period and any stress you have now, will have to be tickled out of you". Jennifer was panicked, for she was insanely and unbearably ticklish. She fought against the restraints for all she was worth, but could not move a muscle, except for her fingers and toes. The doctor spoke into an intercom and said "Ashley, I think we are ready for you". A few seconds later a response came over the intercom "I am on my way, Dr. K". A few minutes passed and a knock on the door was heard and Dr. K opened the door and a nurse stepped in. She looked to be about 25 yrs old, with long black hair. Ashley asked the doctor "Is this her 1st test" And the doctor replied "Yes it is". Ashley came over to where Jennifer was strapped down and said "Hi, Jennifer, my name is Ashley". Jennifer mumbled a nervous, "Hi". Ashley said, "Here is how this works. The test itself lasts about 2 hours and we will not start to tickle you too hard right away, but every now and then you will hear a "beep". When you hear that beep, we will tickled you a bit harder and eventually we will be tickling you very hard. But if you are good, you will get a surprise". Jennifer said "I don't think I can take any more surprises today". Ashley giggled as she gently brushed a strand of hair out of Jennifer's face and said said "You will like this surprise". Dr K said "Let's get started". Ashley place a pair of night shades over Jennifer's eyes so Jennifer could not see a think. Ashley said, "Sweetie, just take some deep breaths and relax". A few minutes had passed and a high pitched beep was heard and Jennifer could feel fingers lightly stroking her kneecaps and feet hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. That went on or a few minutes then another "beep" was heard and Jennifer could feel fingers stroking her breasts and thighs and Jennifer was trying to suppress the laughter, but could not any longer and she burst out HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Then Jennifer could feel the fingers stroking her feet and underarms HAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA . Then about 10 minutes later another "beep" was heard and Jennifer was being tickled like she had never been tickled before and felt fingers circle her clit and tickling her inner thighs and tummy as she exploded with laughter and laughing so hard that it hurt and tears were pouring down her cheeks HAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA PLEASE NO MORE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Ashley gently wiped Jennifer's face and whispered, "You're doing just great. Hang in there". Jennifer could feel fingers dig into her ribs and butt area and she was going just insane with laughter HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA PLEASE NO MORE I CANNOT TAKE HAHAHAHAHAHA ANY HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA MORE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA That went on what seemed like forever and Ashley took a damp cloth and gently wiped the sweat off of Jennifer's body and said "You are doing great". Jennifer could once again, feel fingers dancing around her inner thighs as her body was quivering and twitching HAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Jennifer's tormented wails of laughter in echoed across the room as the doctor and Ashley have no signs of stopping as another "beep" is heard and Jennifer screamed with laughter as every single inch of her body was being tickled HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, Then Ashley said "You are doing good and I have that surprise for you. Jennifer braced herself, not knowing what was going to happen and a whirring sound was heard as Ashley inserted a vibrator into Jennifer's clit and gently massaged her inner thigh areas while Dr. K continues her relentless tickle test. Jennifer had never felt anything like this before and was going wild with tickle torture and pleasure at the same time. She thought such sensations like these were never possible and Jennifer had a screaming, earth shattering orgasm as the doctor continued to tickle Jennifer silly. Then another long "beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep" was heard. Then the tickling subsided as Jennifer was shaking and quivering uncontrollably. They gave her a few minutes to regain her composure before removing the night shades and releasing her. Ashley helped Jennifer get dressed and Jennifer made another doctor's appointment for the next week. The End
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My mom gave me a physical exam when I was 14 years old, awkward "Willy" examination
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I was 14 at the time, and my mom was a doctor at my local hospital.
Anyways, I signed up for my school's tennis team, and I needed a physical exam in order to be enrolled on the team. So since my mom did these types of exams at the hospital, she did the exam on me, so she firsts checks my weight, height, blah blah blah, then we get to a point where she told me pull down my pants, so I agreed and pulled down my pants, then she tells me to also pull down my underwear, I was so confused since I didn't know that she had to check for hernias and shit, but whatever, she just told me that she has seen my "Willy" many times when I was much younger. So I just decided to fuck it and get it over with, she examines my balls, super awkward moment, I felt like I was gonna get a boner but thankfully I did not, this whole touching my balls and penis thing was weird as hell, it didn't last a minute, but I just had to get over it with.
Idk why I wrote this, but I just want to share my odd experience.
My doctor was one of my friend's mom in high school. She was quite attractive, both mother and daughter. I would always joke with the girl that her mother has touched my dick on multiple occasions. She said that it was always weird knowing the fact that her mother has touched the junk of multiple guys from her class.
My kid started going through puberty and had his physical recently. His pediatrician is female and told him that if he wanted to, he could change to a male doctor. He said, "I don't want a man touching my man parts." She turned red and I started laughing.
Nothing awkward about it, your mum was a Doctor. Now if she wasn't and she wanted to give you a "willy" exam that would be awkward.
A mother will keep their child safe at all cost. My genitals and anus were examined when medical intervention was necessary. Mom was there, a hospital was not. I was 46, but still her son. Mom has a right too be concerned for my safety, and her checking my testicles helped me keep them.
Well it is still weird, but it is also totally fine if she is a doctor (or there is something legitimately wrong like Upper-Survery explained). But either way it is weird.
nothing awkward about that ,my mother was not a docter but she was a retired nurse so growing up she took care of my sister and me when ever we got hurt or sick even if we had a question about our personal health or our phyical bodies we could always go to her for advise and reasureance .growing up my parents always tought us kids that there is nothing wrong or embarrsing about the human body .many times when my sister and i were very young we would see our parents eatheir getting dressed or undressed .many times we would walk into there bedroom and they would be just siting around in there underwear a few times i have seen my father completly naked but growing up seeing him or my mother naked was no big thing .i would sometimes ask my father or mother if i could walk around the house in my underwear with the curtains closed they would almost always say yes.a few times i was just lay on my bed and reading and my father would know on my door just to see what i was doing one time i asked him to look over and examen my body to make sure that my body was develuping normally he was kind enough to say, yes he would love to examen me .so i got undressed and he gave me a quick phyical exam
I had the same thing done for a physical to play sports at around 14. It wasn't sexual, it's just what they have to do. Medical problems can occur in those areas, and playing sports with such a problem would be very bad.
The fact that she's a doctor changes the situation for me. We're talking about someone who has probably seen more than a few genitals and knows how to deal with the embarrassment it inflicts on patients. Also she made a reasonable point. Having someone touch your genitals in a clinical setting is always embarrassing. Wouldn't you rather have someone you know do it to you, instead of an anonymous doctor? Someone who has seen it before?
I'm not saying it isn't slightly weird though. I'm saying that it might be better than the alternative.
you should break your arms next time lol
My mom is not a doctor, but is my mom. She checked my penis, inner thighs, testicles, and rectum when my clothes were contaminated with a caustic substance. I was 46 at the time. It wasn't wierd, because she is my mom, she changed my diapers and gave me her DNA. My penis is as much a reflection of her as my dad. She is entitled too see these things when she seems necessary. She got a much closer look at these parts of my body than I ever did. She gave me life. She isn't seeing anything she hasn't seen before, and I trust her judgement. If she feels maternal pride in what her DNA created, all the better. She cares enough about my safety too examine my testicles so I can keep them. I would rather she check them than watch me lose them
my mom was a retired nurse so when ever my sister or me got hurt or sick we would go to her most of the times it was just for a band aid or something simple ,if we ever had a question about our health or if we had a concern about the way our bodies were changing as we were getting older we could always to to her for advice and reasurance .even as little kids my sister and me were always taught by our parents that their is nothing wrong with the human body ,and their is nothing to be ashamed of or embarest about seeing another person without their cloths on if they are members of your own family .quite a few times i have walked into my parents bedroom and found them completly naked just laying on the bed and they were hugging and kissing i dont think they were shocked or embareesed in any way they just quicly put there underwear back on and sat up on the bed and asked me if i wanted sit on the bed with them and just talk so i said sure . once in a while when my mother and sister were not home and it was just my dad and me he would let me do whatever i wanted to do .sometimes he would let me sit around the house with him in our underwear .a few times he has cought me getting out of the shower but it really didnt bother me at all and truthfully neither one of us cared about it in any way in the least .when i was 10 or 11 my father took me on a trip to cali
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