Php Private Const

Php Private Const



PHP 7: The Important Stuff

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Okay enough with type hints and return types! PHP 7.1 added another cool feature
for class constants: we can finally make them private!
In GenusController find, getNotesAction() . This is used by an AJAX call to load
notes that appear at the bottom of the genus show page. For example, go to /genus
and click on one of them. Bam! At the bottom, an AJAX call loads a list of
notes, complete with an avatar. That comes from the avatarUri field that's returned.
Look at the /images/ part: that looks funny to me. All of our images are stored
in that directory, and that's fine. But I hate having random strings like this in
my code. This is a perfect place to use... drum roll... a constant!
Open GenusNote , which is the object we're rendering on this page. Add a new constant:
const AVATAR_FILE_PREFIX = '/images'; . Then, in the controller, use this:
So far, this is all stuff we've seen before. And when we refresh... yep! Everything
still loads.
This is an improvement... but it would be even better if I could call a method
on GenusNote to get the complete avatarUri string, instead of calculating it
here in my controller. In other words, I don't want anyone to use our constant
anymore: we're going to add a public method instead.
In PHP 7.1, we can say private const .
Now, accessing that constant from outside
this class is illegal! That means, if we refresh, our AJAX calls are failing! On
the web debug toolbar, yep! You can see the 500 errors! If I open the profiler and
click "Exception", we see
Cannot access private const from the controller
Awesome! So now that I can't use the constant anymore, I'll be looking for a public
function to use instead. In GenusNote , add a public function getUserAvatarUri() .
Hey! We're PHP 7 pros now, so add a string return type.
Before we add the logic, let's make things fancier. Suppose that sometimes there
is not a userAvatarFilename value for a note. If that's true, let's show a default
avatar image.
Back at the top, add another private const BLANK_AVATAR_FILENAME = 'blank.jpg' .
We'll pretend that we have a blank.jpg file that should be used when there's no
Back in the new method, add $filename = $this->getUserAvatarFilename(); . And,
if (!$filename) , then $filename = self::BLANK_AVATAR_FILENAME ... because we
can access the private constant from inside the class. Finish the method with
return self::AVATAR_FILE_PREFIX.'/'.$filename; .
Nice! Back in the controller, we're still accessing the private constant, which is
super obvious. That'll push me to use the public function getUserAvatarUri() .
const AVATAR_FILE_PREFIX = '/images' ;
class GenusController extends Controller
public function getNotesAction (Genus $genus)
foreach ($genus->getNotes() as $note) {
'avatarUri' => GenusNote::AVATAR_FILE_PREFIX. '/' .$note->getUserAvatarFilename(),
private const AVATAR_FILE_PREFIX = '/images' ;
public function getUserAvatarUri () : string
private const BLANK_AVATAR_FILENAME = 'blank.jpg' ;
public function getUserAvatarUri () : string
$filename = $this ->getUserAvatarFilename();
$filename = self ::BLANK_AVATAR_FILENAME;
return self ::AVATAR_FILE_PREFIX. '/' .$filename;
class GenusController extends Controller
public function getNotesAction (Genus $genus)
foreach ($genus->getNotes() as $note) {
'avatarUri' => $note->getUserAvatarUri(),

PHP бесконечность
Инкапсуляция const oop php
PHP private const

У меня есть класс, который использует использование констант во внутренней реализации, но я хотел бы ограничить видимость этих констант. Почему PHP не разрешает частные константы? Есть ли другой способ достичь этого или это PHP, пытающийся отбросить некоторые ошибки дизайна, о которых я не знаю?
Используйте private static свойства. В этом случае у вас будет одна и та же переменная во всех объектах, и если вы хотите расширить ее область вложенности, вы можете открыть метод getter, чтобы получить его значение и ограничить параметры переменных.
Начиная с PHP 7.1, существуют реальные частные константы.
Дополнительную информацию см. В документе RFC .
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Private Constants > PHP 7: The Important Stuff | SymfonyCasts
PHP private const PHP Lang -
PHP private const - ExceptionsHub
PHP: Class Constants - Manual
PHP: Константы классов - Manual
PHP Class Constants - PHP Tutorial
PHP OOP Class Constants - W3Schools
Private in PHP | Know Working of The Private Method ...
Make everything private in your PHP classes - Exakat
Php Private Const

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