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Rafael Vieira MD

Jana Vasković MD

Last reviewed: July 06, 2022

Reading time: 8 minutes

The clitoris is an erectile tissue of the females, located at the junction of the inner lips of vulva and immediately above the external opening of the urethra . The clitoris is responsible for feeling sexual sensations upon stimulation, and in many women, its proper stimulation facilitates orgasm.
This article will discuss the anatomy of the clitoris, a female sex organ and most sensitive erogenous zone. Cultural perceptions of the clitoris have had significant impact on the research and knowledge about the clitoris in comparison with the penis, its male counterpart. Through this article, we will guide you through the ins and outs of the clitoris, namely its internal and external anatomy, blood supply, innervation, and function during sexual arousal.
The clitoris is an erectile structure, homologous to the male penis . It is located inferior to the mons pubis at the anterior end of the vulva where the two labia minora meet. Similar to the penis, it is composed of paired crura, a body and a glans.
Unlike its male counterpart however, the clitoris is not circumscribed by a foreskin nor is it perforated by the urethra (and, therefore, has no urinary role). Instead, urethra opens separately, just posteriorly to the clitoris. In addition, most (i.e. four-fifths) of the clitoris is internal; only its glans (measuring an average length of 5 to 8 mm) is externally positioned. This is why the clitoris is informally described as having two parts: the internal and external.
The clitoris arises as a pair of crura , two erectile structures which attach to the ischiopubic rami. Anteriorly, each crus converges to form the paired corpora cavernosa of the clitoris, which are collectively known as its body and are enclosed in a layer of dense fibrous connective tissue (known as the tunica albuginea). In females, the corpus spongiosum is represented as two bodies of erectile tissue in each of the labia minora, referred to as the bulbs of the vestibule or clitoral bulbs.
The clitoris is supported by the suspensory ligament of the clitoris, a fibrous band that connects the clitoris to the pubic symphysis .
At its distal extremity, the body, which is formed by the junction of both corpora cavernosa, is surmounted by the glans (head) of the clitoris, which is a small tubercle of erectile tissue that arises from the junction of the vestibular bulbs (mentioned below).
Externally, the glans is enclosed between the prepuce of the clitoris anteriorly and frenulum of the clitoris posteriorly, which are folds formed by the division of the anterior extremities of the labia minora.
The neurovascular bundle of the clitoris is located posterior to the corpora cavernosa, between the tunica albuginea and the clitoral fascia . Two dorsal arteries (branch of the internal pudendal artery ) supply blood to the fascia and skin over the clitoris. They each give off a branch known as the deep artery of clitoris , which supplies blood to the ipsilateral corpus cavernosum, engorging it during sexual arousal.
Paired dorsal veins of the clitoris are located centrally, medial to their arterial counterpart, and deep to an unpaired superficial vein of the clitoris . Finally, the most lateral structures of the neurovascular bundle are the dorsal nerves of the clitoris.
The dorsal nerve of clitoris is a terminal branch of the pudendal nerve , which travels along the dorsal surface of the clitoral body to the glans. Here, it terminates as a network of highly sensitive free nerve endings and other mechanoreceptors making it one of the densely innervated regions of the body. Like the arteries and the veins, it lies superficially located between the tunica albuginea and the clitoral fascia, and therefore some procedures (e.g. vulvoplasty) may risk injury to this nerve and affect clitoral sensation and sexual function.
During sexual arousal , the clitoris, along with the entire female genitalia, fills with blood. This is due to the ischiocavernosus and bulbocavernosus muscles contracting and compressing the clitoral veins while the arterial blood flow remains; this increased blood then fills the venous spaces in the corpora cavernosa of the clitoris, leading to its ingurgitation. As the clitoris is richly innervated by sensory fibers, stimulation of the clitoris (either direct physical stimulation or mental simulation) may lead to female orgasm .
The G-spot is an erogenous area of the vagina which may lead to strong sexual arousal and orgasms when physically stimulated. It is said to be located 5–8 cm (2–3 in) up in the anterior vaginal wall. However, its existence is subject of discussion and has not been proved.
Some researchers have found a greater concentration of nerve endings at the lower third of the vagina. However, evidence on this has been based on small sample sizes and therefore is often dismissed as anedoctal. 
A stronger theory supports that the G-spot may be an extension of the clitoris, as the clitoral tissue extends into the anterior wall of the vagina. This is supported by the fact that vaginal orgasms (obtained through stimulation of the G-spot) and clitoral orgasms have the same stages of physical response.
Regardless of whether the G-spot is an individual structure or a simple extension of the clitoris, overly focusing on the G-spot as a source for sexual arousal and orgasm may be detrimental, and it is generally best to consider the clitoris, urethra, and vagina as one unit because they are intimately related. 

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An organ of the external genitalia of females whose function is to enable sexual pleasure.
Two crura of clitoris, each forming a corpus cavernosum, which converge to form the glans of the clitoris
Dorsal artery of clitoris, deep artery of clitoris Deep dorsal vein of clitoris, superficial dorsal vein of clitoris

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From my clitoris, you are so goddamn far
I've got double the nerve endings than your pee pee
If you do your f-cking research this would be so easy
♡ -[TWC]- Introvert -BOM Light- EVOX
I had just turned 16 here, back in 1985. I idolized Madonna, Boy George, Annie Lenox, and Cyndi Lauper
"¡Oh, Tania! ¿Dónde estarán ahora aquel calido coño tuyo, aquellas gruesas y pesadas ligas, aquellos muslos suaves y turgentes? Tengo un hueso en la picha de quince centímetros. Voy a alisarte todas las arrugas del coño, Tania, hinchado de semen. Te voy a enviar a casa con tu Sylvester con dolor en el vientre y el útero vuelto al revés. ¡Tu Sylvester! Sí, el sabe como encender un fuego, pero yo sé inflamar un coño. Disparo dardos ardientes a tus entrañas, Tania, te pongo los ovarios incandescentes. ¿Está un poco celoso tu Sylvester ahora? Siente algo, ¿verdad? Siente los rastros de mi enorme picha. He dejado un poco más anchas las orillas. He alisado las arrugas. después de mí puedes recibir garañones, toros, carneros, ánades, san bernardos. Puedes embutirte el recto con sapos, murciélagos, lagartos. Puedes cagar arpegios, si te apetece, o templar una cítara a través de tu ombligo. Te estoy jodiendo, Tania, para que permanezcas jodida. Y si tienes miedo a que te jodan en público, te joderé en privado. Te arrancaré algunos pelos del coño y los pegaré a la barbilla de Boris. Te morderé el clítoris y escupiré dos monedas de un franco..."
Maybe, You can see my clitoris a little bit. ;-)
Aminat and her daughter, Hannah, Assaita, Ethiopia. Amina was only 14 when she had her daughter. It took 1 week in the local hospital to deliver the baby... Since then, Aminat is struggling against the child weddings and the female genital mutilations that are still practiced in the Afar tribe. She has the courage to go in villages and tell the elders to stop their culture, like cutting the clitoris of the baby girls between the 7th and the 14th day of their birth...
YES to men with leather pants and leather gloves
NO to men who want to control and oppress me
My friend is coming soon and taking new pictures. What do you want to see, feel free to give me inspiration ♥
And yes I answer everyone who writes to me privately, but have a little patience until I have time to write back
Asian pigeonwing (Clitoria ternatea)also known as Darwin pea is a plant species belonging to the family Fabaceae.
"In India, it is revered as a holy flower, used in daily puja rituals. The flowers of this vine were imagined to have the shape of human female genitals, hence the Latin name of the genus "Clitoria", from "clitoris". The species name is thought to derive from the city of Ternate in the Indonesian archipelago, from where Linnaeus's specimens originated."
'Spotted hyenas deserve respect not contempt. More often than not, they hunt down their prey rather than scavenge. They are fabulously intelligent, with massive brains and one of the most complex social set-ups of any carnivore. Females dominate males and have no vaginal opening, but they do sport an impressive, fully erectile clitoris'
Clinny charms! For a keyring or a bag (or something else). Crocheted in white and pink cotton yarn. ♡
( Here is my first clunny. And from this page I got the idea.)
We are Timbuktu989 on C h a t u r b a t e, come and say hello
We are Timbuktu989 on C h a t u r b a t e, come and say hello
We are Timbuktu989 on C h a t u r b a t e, come and say hello
We are Timbuktu989 on C h a t u r b a t e, come and say hello
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🔥 Looking for a guy for dating, my nickname on the site AngelSex24 - x-size.сom 🔞
Gently stroking my sensitive clit ♥
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🔥 Looking for a guy for dating, my nickname on the site AngelSex24 - x-size.сom 🔞
Susanna Jones wore her 'This is the way it will happen' look on her face as she sat in the office of the Crushmen Sisters and faced Edith Crushmen across her imposing oak desk. Her husband sat beside her, in a lower chair decorated with pink and white chiffon as if it was borrowed from a wedding reception. He dared a glimpse at Susanna: her head erect, her blond hair brushing the shoulders of her white jacket, her lipstick set in a satisfied grin of scarlet gloss. When she looked like this it was almost always when she was overriding her meek and obedient husband, as it was today. He loved her for it - but at the same time he would have to put up with her decision.
"You want him feminized, Missus Jones," declared the senior Sister. "You wouldn't have brought him to us otherwise. May I ask you why?"
Susanna lifted an eyebrow and turned her look on Alan beside her. "Hmmph," she snorted. "Look at him. Does he look male to you? Would you be proud to have people see him as your husband? Would he suit male clothes, a wimp like him?"
Alan Jones drooped under her glare, crushed by her estimation of him, and the tears pricked at his eyes ready to run down his cheeks into the lacy circular frill of white silk organza that surrounded his hair, his cheeks and his chin. How cruel it was of Susanna to borrow her mother's blouse to put him in for his first visit to the Crushmen Sisters. He was allowed to wear a cardigan over it, in pale blue angora, but it was this neck frill that the woman on the other side of the table would see, marking him down as a spineless, milksop sissy under the thumb of his wife.
"He can't pass as a male any longer. I've had enough of all this pretending. He has to be transformed - with no room for doubt or second thoughts."
It was Edith Crushmen's turn to lift her nose in the air and look down on the object of her visitor's scorn. Her dark crimson lips curled into a sneer of contempt which added to the impression of superior maturity created in Alan's thumping heart by her drawn back hair and thin-rimmed spectacles. He felt her eyes covering him with the close scrutiny of a woman who despises men in general but him in particular. She shook her head slowly as if agreeing that for such a creep there was no arguing about his watery sex. "Yes," she said with a tut. "He is sexless. It remains for us to agree the level of his feminization."
"VERY feminine," snapped Susanna. "Com-PLETE-ly feminine, Miss Edith. As un-sexed as you can make him, please. Damn the cost, just do it!"
Her words brought a chuckle from the sex-practitioner. For Alan Jones it was the blow of a sledge-hammer. A wail started then died in his throat as he all but fainted. What was going to become of him? How could his beloved Susanna do this?
"Excellent, ma'am. I admire your decision. Your husband will be conditioned to accept feminine dressing, and the level of dressing we impose will depend on how much he needs for converting his psyche. I suspect we'll make him a pantie-waist by the time today's finished."
Susanna perked up. "Really? I'd like to see that. I thought we were talking weeks of training."
"You're forgetting my sister and I know what we're doing, Missus Jones." Edith Crushmen stood up as she spoke and walked round the desk, closing on the quivering husband. "Get up," came the order and Alan stumbled to his feet to avoid what he thought was going to be a heavy clout round the head. He started with fright as her latex gloves lifted the hem of his cardigan and found the fastening of his Mother-In-Law's pink satin trousers. "Our methods will impress upon his feeble mind how what we say we mean, and that what we do to him will be permanent. He's got a quick learning curve ahead of him."
Alan's wife watched in awe as her husband stepped his high heels out of the trousers round his ankles at the same time as having his cardigan unbuttoned, slipped off his arms and tossed onto the desktop. It was followed by her mother's royal blue satin French knickers, so that all he wore was her blouse. The hostess turned him round in both hands to face his wife, lifted the front of his blouse and seized the half erected cock beneath.
"This thing is going to be most respectful to your Mistresses today, Alan Jones," she said, holding it in one hand and plucking at its head with her latex fingers. "It already liked wearing your Mother-In-Law's panties, I see, and her blouse. It's going to get used to a more effective level of female apparel, better suited to your immature nature. Because you're a pathetic little sissy, Alan Jones, aren't you?"
Her fingers were unbelievably successful at bringing her captive to a state of high stiffness, so that when the woman stopped pulling at his knob and held his blouse up out of the way, Susanna was treated to a very stiff cock indeed.
"Oh my God," she cried with a thrill of confidence in the Crushmen Sisters. "I've never seen it like that. So what kind of things are you going to dress the buffoon in?"
"Clothing that will keep this useless dick in a state of adoration and respect. I believe that is what you would like, ma'am."
"Yes, and so would his Mother-In-Law when she moves in. We are both expecting abject submission and obedience when we have him in his place. What time shall I come back to pick him up?"
"I'm guessing five. If there's a problem, although I can't see this blouse-boy giving us any trouble, I'll be in touch."
It was when Susanna stood up to go that her husband was seized with panic. "Susanna! Darling, don't leave me. I don't know what she's going to do to me. Please take me home with you. Ahhh! Ohhhhh!"
He would have begged longer and in much more forceful terms but his captor had his cock again and was jerking it more vigorously than before, keeping him under her close control. "You're going nowhere, fairy. You're coming with me to meet Miss Cynthia. She'll be so pleased to find how girly you already are, just right for dressing in such pretty things for your girly nature." He all but collapsed on the arm she had round his waist as her fingertips slowed to a steady frolling around his naked knob, its stiffness bringing a splutter of scorn from his wife at the door. "We'll see you at five, Missus Jones."
A long wail of despair in the poor man's throat ended as a fit of uncontrollable sobs as he was held from behind by his elbows and propelled across the room to the inner door. His pulse was racing, his cock was aching and his tears were rolling down his cheeks.
"Cynthia dear, look who we've got. It's Alan stiff-cock Jones."
The wretched husband panicked at the appearance of the tall woman who strode towards him. Like her sister, Cynthia Crushmen wore her hair pulled into a tight bun on the back of her head. She also wore a blouse in lilac satin with a fussy frill round her throat and short pretty sleeves at her shoulders. Her skirt was in a deep aubergine purple that shone with glossy smoothness and her legs hissed and sizzled inside it until she reached him.
"Oh yes, I can see you have a very sissy cock, Mister Jones," she cried, taking over its fondling from Edith. "It's loving your pretty blouse, darling, isn't it? It's just longing to be feminized by Mistress Edith and Mistress Cynthia. Aren't you lucky that we are going to be looking after you today, to make your feminine dreams come true?"
Alan would have loved to reply. It was almost a chance for him to stand up for himself and tell her that it was all a mistake, and he definitely did NOT want to be feminized, and he didn't want to wear Carmen's blouse either. It was all a coincidence that his cock was so aroused. But just as he was trying to form the words, he found himself pulled into the front of her blouse, his face buried in its frill with her arms round him, and his cock pressed into her satin skirt.
Ohhh it felt so delicious, being clasped into her slippery clothing and her strong, cuddling body. "Alan, precious, I can see you are BORN to be girly. When I saw you in your blouse I knew it straight away: your smooth, shapely legs belong on a girl, with panties at the top and pretty lacy ankle socks at the bottom. What do you think, Edith? Shall we put Alan into girls' panties right this minute?"
The pleasure of pressing into Mistress Cynthia's blouse and skirt suddenly doubled as he felt the caress of Mistress Edith's skirt up the back of his legs and her hands sliding down his hips to his thighs as she squeezed his blouse between her and her sister. "L
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