Phone Sex

Phone Sex

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Blog >Phone Sex Guide With Free Chat Numbers
By Summer Corkran | January 6, 2020
The Ultimate Phone Sex Guide: How to Talk Dirty and Have Mind-Blowing Sex Chats
You might have heard about people talking about phone sex or calling the chat lines, and you are wondering how it works. Well, the gods of fate are on your side, because you are in the right place. This guide will tell you everything you need to know about phone sex.
We give people a chance of fulfilling their dreams and sexual fantasies by giving them a step-by-step guide on how to have wild phone sex conversations that lead to incredible orgasms. Phone sex will change your life for the better!
Our platforms allow you to have the time of your lives. You can have wild fun by chatting with sexy random strangers from all over the world conveniently and affordably. This guide is meant to make you a pro when it comes to the phone sex field.
You are guaranteed to be a phone sex smooth operator by the time you are done reading this extensive guide that has a sea of information about phone sex and how to talk dirty to strangers.
From today and onwards, impressing a person at the other end of the line will be a walk in the park for you. That being said; sit back, relax, and buckle up as I take you through a ride that involves the best tips for โ€˜hooking upโ€™ with your ideal partner.
What are the objectives of phone-sex?
This guide is not only meant to make you a phone sex expert, but it also seeks to answer some of the questions that you might have in mind. It addresses the following concerns:
Phone sex can be described as an instant and straight-to-the-point approach to achieve sexual satisfaction.
Most people describe phone sex as the virtual version of the American Pie movies; the only difference is that phone sex is straighter to the point and less corny. Phone sex is a pretty diverse yet simple field once you get used to it.
It entails flirting and talking about hot, naughty, and wild sexual topics without holding back what is in your mind. Phone sex aims to help you attain maximum sexual gratification by arousing each other even though you are physically apart.
In simple terms, phone sex involves stimulation techniques by use of words, sounds, and by planting the seed of wild sexual acts in the mind of the person you are conversing with at the other end of the line. It mainly involves the use of filthy or dirty talk, sex toys, and imagery.
Adults and singles can spice up their social and sex life by engaging in phone sex conversations using the chat lines.
Since you are here, I believe that you are ready to spice up your social and sex life. We aim to provide the best for our consumers, and we always strive to do so.
For this reason, we sent a team of experts to the field to conduct a survey among phone sex users and chat line enthusiasts. We wanted to know which phone sex platforms they preferred the most. The following are the platforms that garnered the most votes as the best phone sex resources:
Free Chat Lines, which is our very own sex line, is one of the leading chat line platforms for single men and women. It is meant for those with bold personalities and for people who donโ€™t fear trying out new things. It offers diversity and fulfills erotic desires for different types of people. If you have an uncontrollable sexual appetite, this is the phone sex platform that will feed your sexual fantasies. is like a phone sex pharmacy; it has a dose for everyone. It does not matter if you have bizarre sexual fantasies or if you are into bondage and kinky sexual activities. Whatever your desires are, Chat Line Numbers has you covered.
Chatroulette is unmatched when it comes to connecting hot singles from any corner of the globe. It is among the most liked platforms for singles with different sexual orientations. It has connected thousands of real-life partners and it is famous among people who are curious about exploring new sexual activities.
This phone sex platform is among the highly-rated chat line services company. If you are not sure about your sexuality or if you are open to exploring sexual activities that you have never engaged in before, Phone Sex Numbers will serve you right. You are guaranteed to know the right path for you in terms of your sexuality and sexual preferences after using this platform. Phone Sex Numbers has all kinds of people. It's always possible for you to find a person that best fits your phone sex partner description.
Having phone sex is a personal decision. Whatever purpose you might have in mind, it is important to initiate a comfortable conversation first to have a good start.
When it comes to phone sex, the most crucial part is initiating a conversation with a person that you know nothing about. You have to be mentally-prepared for what you are about to start. You should at least have one or two things in mind about what you are going to say.
Your choice words will determine where your conversation is going; and at the same time, it is a crucial ingredient in setting the mood right for perfect phone sex. If you are a beginner, you might be anxious, which is perfectly normal considering that you have never done this before.
At this point, the most prudent thing to do is sit back and imagine yourself talking to Mr. or Ms. Perfect. Think of different ways to charm your crush. You can even look yourself in the mirror and practice talking to a beautiful lady or a handsome man over and over again until you are confident.
Since you do not know what direction your conversation will go, it is good to expect anything. However, positivity and confidence are important. Hoping for the best while expecting the worst should be your mantra. A phone sex conversation might not go as you expected, but this does not mean that you should throw in the towel.
Another vital thing to consider is timing. Perfect timing is always called for. So, what exactly is perfect timing? Perfect timing involves you being in a private space where you do not expect sudden interruptions from people or pets.
Lock yourself in a silent room where you feel the most comfortable. Interruptions are the last thing you want, especially if you had already set the mood right and your phone sex is going perfectly.
The following are some of the most crucial factors that you should consider before engaging in phone sex to make the most out of the experience:
Before engaging in phone sex, anticipate the moment and think of something that your body is yearning for.
Whenever you want something so bad, you usually see yourself with the thing you desperately yearn for so much. Doing this triggers your preparation instincts, and in most cases, you try your very best to be ready to receive what it is that you want. The same case applies to phone sex.
For you to be ready to engage in phone sex, you have to anticipate the moment. Picture what you want in your mind and have a clue of what you are going to say in a way that will not seem like you are dominating the conversation.
A good way of looking forward and preparing for a conversation is by preparing a list of questions or statements that you are going to say to your phone sex partner.
Are you prepared to go hard from the word go, or will you let the conversation escalate at a controlled pace? What questions will you ask to get to know the other person's fantasies?
Asking yourself these questions and answering them will save you from having awkward moments during phone sex. Also, have your sex toys by your side so that you do not waste a lot of time looking for them when you are already deep into an erotic moment.
As earlier stated, a perfect environment for phone sex is crucial. Check your environment and ensure that it is not prone to distractions and interruptions. To set the mood right, you can play smooth music to make you feel relaxed.
If you are into romantic and passionate sex, you might want to throw a few rose petals on the floor or on your bed, light a few candles and spray your preferred scent so that your room has your preferred aroma.
If you like getting sexually-physical on the floor, bathroom, or the kitchen counter, make sure that your preferred spot is ready by removing things that might act as distractions such as cutlery.
Make sure that your room is locked and that you are not expecting anyone. Your house should be kept private. Make an impression that there is no one in the house by turning off the television and switching off the lights.
Doing this will discourage passersby who know you from being tempted to visit your home. Have everything you need, including lubricants and sex toys in your room. The key point here is to have maximum privacy and minimum interruptions.
Phone sex requires that you are as calm as possible. If you are the anxious type, make use of breathing exercises to help you get relaxed. Control yourself to ensure that you are not overexcited lest you ruin the moment.
Being in a relaxed state is essential both for you and the person you are about to have phone sex with. If you are composed, your conversation will kick off on a positive note paving the way for hot erotic phone sex conversations.
For an ultimate phone sex experience, consider playing a role that you're in the mood for. You can play it "nice and sweet" or "rough and wild".
Successful phone sex involves knowing different phone sex roles and identifying the one the fits you best at that particular moment according to your moods.
You might have seen people role play by acting as a doctor and a patient, a prison warden and a prisoner, a housewife and her gardener, or a house cleaner and her employer who set the mood right by flirting and using different tones while talking dirty before ending up in hot sexual activities. The same applies to phone sex.
Awesome and fun phone sex involves role-playing. You should also be able to identify what kind of person you are talking to as well as their mood so that you can be aligned as soon as the two of you are connected.
You might ask the person to pretend to be a fireman or anything else, depending on your fetish and imagination. The main thing here is to feed your imagination in a way that you will achieve maximum sexual arousal.
Understanding the person you are having a phone sex conversation with is the formula for achieving mind-blowing orgasms without them touching you. Below are different types of callers on phone sex platforms:
Naive callers are mostly people who are new to phone sex. In most cases, they do not know how phone sex works; and in such cases, you will be required to make them follow your lead.
Some people, especially those who like dominating during actual sexual activities, prefer naive callers because they get to make them do whatever they want.
When talking to naive callers, it is crucial to make them understand the importance of being descriptive and the importance of speaking their minds so that their first experience can be excellent. When you make them enjoy their first phone sex conversation, they might even add you to the list of their favorite callers.
Romantic phone sex users have a notion that everything should be perfect. They have a Romeo and Juliet syndrome. When dealing with such callers, it is essential to be patient while keeping in mind that you have to be romantic in every detail that you talk about. If it is your first time dealing with such a phone sex user, pretend that you are on a date, then let things flow naturally from that point.
Curious phone sex callers are almost similar to the naive callers. They mostly join sex chats to โ€˜feedโ€™ their curiosity. Most of them want to know what phone sex is all about or what it entails. These callers often ask numerous questions, and you need to be patient with them.
When dealing with the curious callers, you have to be kind enough to answer their questions. Once they get the flow of phone sex and how it works, you will be impressed by how they can be good phone sex partners since they are ready to unleash the beast in them.
Friendly callers are mostly polite and social. Most of their conversations are warm at the beginning because they are trying to get to know you. Once a friendly caller is comfortable with you, they are ready to take things to the next level.
Usually, friendly callers tend to get naughty with you after they have warmed up to you. You can phone sex with them all night long and not get bored. The good thing about phone sexing with friendly callers is that you never have to worry too much about what you should say next because they always have something to tell you.
Dealing with aggressive callers often requires you to have a heart of steel. They do not mind their words, and they usually jump straight to the point without beating around the bush. Aggressive callers have no time for flattery.
When you phone sex with an aggressive caller, you will most probably get the feeling that the person almost knows you. They enjoy engaging in filthy conversations, and you should be prepared to feed their phone sex appetite because they always act like they are sexually starved.
Passionate phone sex callers are mostly sweet and adorable. They handle phone sexing with precision, and they are always keen to get into every little detail.
The good thing about having phone sex with passionate callers is that you will never hang up your phone without feeling like you have not accomplished your goals; the chances are high that you will end your conversation having climaxed.
Having phone sex with a passionate caller will leave you yearning more of them. In most cases, flirting, engaging in dirty talks, and engaging in phone sex with passionate callers will make you wish that you can come across such callers the next time you pick up your phone to phone sex.
A memorable phone sex is one that satisfies your sexual desires and fulfills your most erotic fantasies.
If your main goal is to have a memorable phone sex experience that will satisfy your sexual needs, you first need to have enough minutes to chat with a phone sex user. Having enough minutes ensures that you will not be left hanging in case your minutes or credits lapse.
Imagine picking up your phone, and as fate would have it, you come across the most intriguing phone sex user, the one in a million person you have always wished for, and when things are getting hotter, your minutes lapse.
Itโ€™s such a deal-breaker, right? ALWAYS have enough MINUTES if you want to achieve a mind-blowing orgasm.
Another secret to having an excellent phone sex experience is to never get bored with another caller a few minutes after starting your conversations.
The caller on the other end of the line might not be as you first imagined when you picked up your mobile device to phone sex. Some might start with a simple โ€œhelloโ€ waiting for you to take control of the conversation.
Always keep in mind that you will not know who you will chat with, and you are bound to come across anyone since phone sex users have different personalities. Be patient, and you will eventually achieve what you want.
Below are more tips or secrets of having memorable phone sex experiences:
Before having phone sex, identify your objectives. Are you calling to fantasize, to flirt, to dirty talk or to achieve sexual climax?
People who know what they want from the word go always get the things they desire. Such people always know what they are looking for. The main question that you need to ask yourself is, โ€œwhat do I seek to achieve when calling a phone sex platform?โ€
Most people already know what they want the moment they pick up their phones and dial a chat line number. You might be calling a chat line number to fulfill your wildest fantasies, the ones that you feel like you might be judged when you tell them to a person or a sexual partner while having a one-on-one conversation.
When it comes to phone sex, there is no limit to what you can talk about. You might even be surprised by the fetishes other people have out there.
Another reason to phone sex is to explore your sexuality. You might be straight but always have this feeling that you need to experiment with a lesbian or homosexual. Phone sex gives you the chance to choose the kind of people you want to have virtual sex with. Seize the opportunity and explore your sexuality.
All in all, the most common thing with all phone sex users is the urge to satisfy their sexual needs. If you think that you have always wanted to have sex with a person who has a Latino accent, do not hesitate to choose a chat line that is specific to such people.
Engaging in phone sex with a person under the category that you want will leave you 110% sexually-satisfied the moment you hang up your phone.
Explore your sexual fantasies and touch your pleasure zones to determine what turns you on the most.
We are turned on by different things because we are all different. What arouses you might not necessarily stimulate another person even if you feel like you have a fantastic connection with them. Take your time and identify what turns you on. Doing this will make you climax within the shortest time possible.
Do you like talking dirty or having sex using sex toys? Do you enjoy having rough sex? Do you like it slow? What are your turn on spots? Identifying your sexual triggers will allow you to have the most awesome phone sex.
Identify what excites you the most. Find your body's most sensitive spots and stimulate them during phone sex.
Understanding your body will help you orgasm fast because you know your โ€˜weakโ€™ spots. Although many might not realize it, there are different levels of sexual pleasure. For one to experience the maximum level of sexual pleasure or climax, there are things that you should do.
There is no specific guide to what you should do because there are different things that can sexually-excite us. One person might enjoy it when the other person whispers or talks in a low and sexy tone while another person will climax when they are talked dirty to while they are touching specific parts of their bodies.
Climaxing all comes down to understanding your body. So, before you pick up your phone to have phone sex, make sure that you are perfectly aware of your sexual triggers.
There are different types of orgasms. Some are specific to a particular gender, while both genders might experience others. Some orgasms are specific to physical contact with another person, while others can be achieved if you are alone.
Some orgasms are only achieved with the right amount of stimulation and imagery, while others require little effort to achieve. Achieving the types of orgasm you want depends on the gadgets and the techniques that you use.
The following are the different types of orgasms you can achieve:
Tension orgasms are achieved by applying the right pressure to a specific body part that you feel is sens
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