Phi phi Hydroponics

Phi phi Hydroponics

Phi phi Hydroponics


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Nutrifield Si-Phi 5L

Gallo Winery, Modesto, CA, Visualizing root-knot nematode RKN second stage juveniles J2s under magnification is an important diagnostic exercise in introductory plant pathology and nematology courses and preparing sufficient numbers of J2s is necessary for achieving research and educational objectives. A modified hydroponics system was developed from the principles and protocols outlined by Lambert et al. Tomato plants infected with M. Eggs released from galls on the roots hatched as infectious J2s and survived in the hydroponics reservoir water. This solution was then sieved to collect and enumerate the nematode populations before use. The hydroponics system described here improves upon the system developed by Lambert et al. Further, the materials used to construct the hydroponics system described herein may be economically obtained from hardware and pet care stores. The purpose of this note is to provide a method for instructors to generate RKN J2s for classroom activities such as visualization of J2s under the microscope and experiments such as host response tests, e. This system has utility for achieving classroom teaching objectives because it produces large quantities of single nematode species cultures free of debris. Students learning to identify plant-parasitic nematodes by examination of morphological characteristics will benefit from studying cultures that lack the impediment of non-plant parasitic nematode species or soil fragments. This exercise is best suited to introductory plant pathology and nematology undergraduate and graduate courses. Many RKN species have a broad host range, infecting many field, vegetable, fruit, and ornamental crops. Achieving sufficient control in the field through crop rotation can be difficult because of their broad host range Mitkowski and Abawi RKN species are well suited to rearing in a hydroponics system because adult females maintain a fixed feeding site, the eggs are released outside the roots, and the structure of the roots is maintained during infestation. This allows the roots to survive intact while in the hydroponics system, thus supporting the nematodes' obligate biotrophic lifecycle. RKN molt to the first stage juvenile J1 within the egg and hatch as J2s, which is the motile, infectious stage of the life cycle Jones et al. The J2s find and penetrate the roots and establish a feeding site Bridge and Starr ; Jones et al. Males are usually only present in low numbers and develop more frequently under unfavorable environmental conditions e. Hatching is dependent upon moisture, temperature, and availability of oxygen and is not initiated by specific root exudates Wallace ; Mitkowski and Abawi ; Jones et al. Each hydroponics unit Fig. Two holes are made in the lid, one in the center approximately 2. The bucket and lid are painted with black spray-paint to reduce the amount of light entering the reservoir water and restrict algal growth. An aquarium air pump e. The bubbling stone is placed at the base of the bucket and the aquarium pump operates continuously 24 h. The bucket is filled with approximately 13 L of distilled water and amended with 30 ml of liquid fertilizer e. A variable amount of 0. The hydroponics unit is placed on a light rack with a 14 h photoperiod at room temperature Fig. Seed tomato plants cv. The 'Rutgers' cultivar is preferred as it is highly susceptible to RKN and hence a suitable propagation host. If you cannot sterilize the sand, consider purchasing sifted sand from a landscape supplier. Leave sand to cool on the benchtop, then portion into 10 smaller sized plastic pots e. Place three seeds approximately 1. Thin to one plant per pot when they have produced the first set of true leaves. Water plants with a complete fertilizer e. Miracle-Gro All Purpose Plant Food; Scotts Miracle-Gro Company, Marysville, OH at the manufacturer's recommended rate for the first four weeks after emergence, as the sand does not provide sufficient nutrients for optimal plant growth. Begin inoculating plants with M. Briefly, inside a round pastry baking tin, nest a mesh support e. Kleenex; Kimberly-Clark Corp. On top of the assembly, place an aliquot approx. Add approximately ml of distilled water to the baking tin and allow the water to gently moisten the soil through the mesh support, filter, and facial tissue. Place another pastry baking tin upside down over the assembly to cover and prevent loss of water by evaporation. Incubate the assembly at room temperature for 48 h. The nematodes will migrate from the soil through the tissue and into the water. Following the incubation period, discard the soil and collect the water containing the nematodes. Water the nematode suspension solution collected by the modified Whitehead tray or other methods into the root zone of the tomatoes. Repeat inoculations using the same technique every three days for at least 30 days. After the inoculation period, gently remove plants from their pots and wash the sand away with a gentle stream of cool tap water. Take care to support the root mass so that it does not tear away from the plant. Place the tomato into the hydroponics buckets one per bucket. Affix plants to the lighting rack with wire ties or garden string to support the foliage and keep the plant from slipping down. Adjust the reservoir water level as needed to ensure the root mass is just covered. Monitor populations of M. Keep the infected tomato plants in the hydroponics buckets for approximately 30 days before replacing with a fresh plant, without changing the reservoir water. Seed new tomato plants cv. Begin inoculation of the replacement tomato plants at approximately 30 DAP or when plants were approximately 12 to 15 cm tall by watering with reservoir water siphoned from the buckets. Continue inoculations in this way for at least 30 days up until approximately 60 DAP. However, depending on the population density of nematodes within the hydroponics buckets, inoculation time may need to be extended to ensure establishment of sufficient populations. Following the inoculation period, remove plants from their pots, gently wash the sand away, and place in the hydroponics buckets, as described above. Rotating new tomato plants through the buckets without replacing the reservoir water for several cycles promotes population increase. Every 4 to 5 months, the system components should be completely disassembled, washed with hot soapy water, reassembled, and filled with fresh distilled water. Bleach should be avoided in this process as residues may negatively impact nematode populations. After filling the buckets and placing the new tomato plants, add 30 ml of liquid fertilizer and a variable amount of 0. Working at a sink area, assemble the collection apparatus Fig. Place a glass funnel over the desired collection bottle using a ring stand and support. Briefly wash the back of the sieve to assist the retrieval of nematodes that passed halfway through the sieve. Finally, transfer nematodes from the sieve to the collection bottle by turning the sieve slightly over and rinsing into the funnel. Repeat the process until all the water from the hydroponics reservoir passes through the sieve. Here, M. Bridge, J. London: CRC Press. Eisenback, J. In Manual of Agricultural Nematology. New York: Marcell Dekker. Hartman, K. Identification of Meloidogyne species by differential host test and perineal pattern morphology. II Methodology. Barker, C. Carter, and J. Jones, J. Top 10 plant-parasitic nematodes in molecular plant pathology. Plant Pathol. Lambert, K. A system for continuous production of root-knot nematode juveniles in hydroponic culture. Phytopathology Mitkowski, N. Root-knot nematodes. Plant Health Instr. DOI: Wallace, H. The influence of aeration on survival and hatch of Meloidogyne javanica. Nematologica Whitehead, A. A comparison of some quantitative methods of extracting small vermiform nematodes from soil. Log In Bookstore Join Renew. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. Page Content. Gorny, A. The Plant Health Instructor. Hydroponics unit assembly and view of interior of the bucket with root mass and bubbler stone for rearing of Northern root-knot nematode Meloidogyne hapla second stage juveniles. Regular Maintenance Keep the infected tomato plants in the hydroponics buckets for approximately 30 days before replacing with a fresh plant, without changing the reservoir water. All rights reserved.

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