Phat Princess Carolyn

Phat Princess Carolyn


Phat Princess Carolyn
What are the best Princess Carolyn episodes?
Subreddit for the Netflix animated series, BoJack Horseman, starring BoJack Horseman as BoJack Horseman.
Horseman/Sugarman family species swaps
sarah lynn if she hadn’t been a child actress
To me, a Californian, the most unbelievable part of this...
Actually he convinced me to go to therapy
Hopefully my brother will like his birthday card
Diane screencap redraw I did few months ago !
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I've been showing a friend some episodes of Bojack for fun. Showed him some Beatrice episodes, but I really think he'd love PC. Anyone got good ideas for episodes about her?
Try Ruthie (think that's what it's called) one of my favourite PC episodes
I love the way they end the conversation between PC and Gecko.
Say anything, it's from season 1 so its not very spoiler heavy
In ascending order of quality; Ruthie, The Amelia Earhart Story, The New Client

The #1 Blind Item Site in the World!
[ Blind Gossip ] If you have been wondering about the weird machinations of this famous couple and the real status of their relationship, we have a little insight for you!
The most important thing to note here is that their troubles didn’t just start recently. This has been going on since before they were even married.
She did not want to marry him in the first place.
To be more precise, she did want to marry him when he initially proposed.
After they were engaged, however, she discovered some very unsavory details about who he really was. She was mortified and wanted to back out of the wedding.
However, everyone around her pressured her to go through with the wedding to avoid a huge scandal.
In case it is not obvious, he is the more prominent, wealthy and powerful one in this relationship.
She bowed to the pressure and proceeded with the lavish foreign wedding. They have been married ever since.
She is playing a role. Everyone close to her knows it. She is unhappy and has been avoiding him for the past year while she counts down to the end.
They have a marriage contract tied to [a key anniversary]. She has legal representation. He (and his family) are now trying to incentivize her to stay. They are negotiating.
It is not clear if those incentives are carrots or sticks.
The overall impression we have of our couple is that she really despises him but loves her children. She knows how complicated a divorce will be and is concerned about how it might negatively impact the children. Hopefully she will find the strength to do what is best. In the meantime, she has her ways of letting him know that she will not be ruled by him.
He told her a long time ago that he preferred her hair long… so she cut it short as an act of defiance.
It will be interesting to see if she renews the the contract!
[Optional] If she was your friend, what would you advise her to do?
Curse Of Monaco
Legend has it that in the 13th century, Rainier I kidnapped a beautiful Flemish maiden, who took her revenge by cursing him and his descendants – which includes the current head of the House of Grimaldi Prince Albert II.
Prince Albert and Princess Charlene.
Everyone knows he has a LOT of illegitimate children – assuming she know that too.
Everyone also knows that family has long been in bed with a lot of illegal activities (*).
My gut feeling is she fears for her life – whatever she found out is putting her life in danger and she knows it – not sure she will get out. Sad.
Princess Charlene and Prince Albert. That poor woman was forced to marry him and has been miserable ever since. She needs to get out and maintain whatever relationship she can with her children until they’re old enough to escape their fathers negative influence. Her ‘illness’ and her inability to fly is an obvious ploy not to have to return to him. She has achieved the hardest part, which was to get out of the country, now she is free she should stay where she is and fight him for visitation.
I have never understood Charlene or Albert. If he knows she is unhappy, why does he cling to her SO tightly? A famous man with $$ will ALWAYS find a beautiful younger woman willing to give her life options away to live in a palace with money & prestige. He can remarry in an instant. For him to hold onto Charlene like a desperate man does NOT make sense to me. Unless he is sadistic and wants to torture her with a loveless marriage? Charlene is now frail, thin & ill-looking.She must leave.
I can’t understand why she EVER decided to go through with the wedding?! Ending up in gales of tears during the wedding ceremony is truly frightening, unless you’ve recently lost a loved one. Now she has to worry about who gets the children & how Albert will influence them. Girl child looks miserable; cut her bangs “just like Mommy” to also show her unhappiness, I believe.
Advice. Get out ASAP. But protect those kids as much as possible!
Prince Albert of Monaco and his wife.
I remember when they got married. She tried to escape but her passport was taken from her and she was just sobbing and sobbing at that wedding.
I hope she gets out of this marriage and that she’s able to retain at least some custody of her children. When Grace Kelly married Prince Rainier, she was told that in the event of a divorce, she would have to give up her children to the royal family of Monaco.
Yes, she was basically held hostage before the wedding. He screams creepy but the whole family is bizarre except I don’t recall hearing anything bad about Caroline. Charlene and her creepy haircut look like someone whos already over the edge.
Prince Albert and Charlene. Girl you’ve been through enough. Get your children and set up somewhere else. They can still be a part of the royal family and make their decisions when they are old enough.
Why are the children of Grace Kelly so messed up.
Princess Charlene and Prince Albert. No one else ticks all the boxes…. Meghan has not avoided Harry. No one else has cut their hair in the Royal Family and she shaved half her head. Charlene has been in South Africa the last 6 months while Albert has been in Monaco and they just passed 10 years of marriage.
Princess Charlene? Don’t know what the anniversary is
They just “celebrated” their 10th wedding anniversary
Princess Charlene of Monaco and Prince Albert. He is a cad. Hopefully she can work out an agreement to see her children as much as possible, but she needs to leave. Life is too short.
Princess Charlene of Monaco. Girl, take those kids and RUN!
Those kids probably belong to the crown. She will get visitation only
This has Charlene and Prince Albert written all over it.
Prince Albert of Monaco and Princess Charlene
This has to be Charlene, Princess of Monaco and her husband Albert who has fathered illegitimate children throughout their relationship.
Prince Albert of Monaco and Princess Charlene
Albert II, Prince of Monaco And his South African wife.
Princess Charlene and Prince Albert of Monaco.
Could be Meghan the narcissistic Duchess of Sussex. Trying to save face now that people have rumbled her lies except for the short hair bit but perhaps she has a wig collection for appearances.
This sounds like the Royal Family in Monaco – Albert and Charlene? That haircut is horrific.
This vacillation makes me view her in a negative light tbh. She should make a clean break although it sounds like she might lose access to the children, which she might be trying to avoid. She did leave them when she moved to South Africa, so not clear about that either.
Prince Albert and Princess Charlene of Monoco.
Leave. Live your life. He is a cheater…and will never change.
Albert and Charlene of Monaco. That lady has the saddest eyes.
Prince Albert of Monaco and his wife Charlene.
Couple: Albert and Charlene from Monaco
This sounds like Prince Albert of Monaco and Princess Charlene. Personally, I think the only thing keeping them married are their children. Both of them seem miserable, and that’s going to have an effect on the twins.
Prince Albert and Charlene of Monaco
I want to say William and Catherine, but I haven’t heard of problems, nor has she cut her hair, but it all the hints point to the royals… Not sure I can see this as H&M
Princess Charlene and Prince Albert of Monaco.
Feel so sorry for her, stuck in this ‘marriage’. He’s made such a fool of her over the years with his numerous affairs and secret children. Then all the nasty things that everyone said about her after she adopted a more edgy style and cut her hair short….. it was so obvious to anyone with a brain that she had finally had enough of pretending and it was like “You can’t control me anymore! ” – a big F you to Albert!
Prince Albert and Princess Charlene of Monaco
Prince Albert & Princess Charlene of Monoco
If I was her friend? Fight for your children
Princess Charlene and Prince Albert of Monaco.
I’d advise her to leave the marriage. Even if half the stories about him are true (I think they are mostly all true), the majority would be on her side and have huge empathy for her.
Prince Albert of Monaco & Charlene Princess of Monaco.
Princess Charlene of Monaco? If this is about her, I hope she makes her break for freedom now – run!
Princess Charlene of Monaco and her husband Prince Albert.
It depends whether staying or leaving would be best for the children and only she will know that
Prince Albert and Charlene. She looked on the verge of tears at their wedding. Wishing her all the best.
Not on the verge, she WAS crying. Albert told to her shut up and stop crying.
Princess Charlene and Prince Albert of Monaco
Prince Albert and Princess Charlene of Monaco
This is Prince Albert of Monaco and his wife Charlene.
Think this is Albert of Monaco and Charlene.
My only concern would be for the kids and making sure she stays in their life. I’d advise any negotiations should lock in her access to her kids.
I knew from the headline it was Charlene and Albert of Monaco.
Divorce but stay in Monaco so she can have a relationship with her children.
Princess Charlène of Monaco and prince Albert
that woman who married prince albert.
srsly tho, at this day & age, why do people still want to be princesses?
Couple: Prince Albert of Monaco and his wife Charlene who is still in South Africa.
Prince Albert of Monaco and Princess Charlene
Charlene & Prince Albert of Monaco!
Couple: Albert and Charlene
Optional: would have told her not to do it.
Prince Albert and Princess Charlene of Monaco
Prince Albert of Monaco and Charlene
Prince Albert of Monaco and his wife Princess Charlene. He has a whole raft of illegitimate children, both before and after the marriage.
She was rumored to have bolted for the airport right before the wedding and Monaco security forces dragged her back.
She should run. He’s worse than Prince Charles and Diana got away. It will be easier for her, not like the Grimaldi’s aren’t used to the royal family being screwed up (side eye at Princess Stephanie but also Princess Caroline in…
Princess Charlene of Monaco and her husband Prince Albert.
Prince Albert and Princess Charlene
Op- if your only true happiness is to leave the marriage, then do so. Hopefully your children will not have to choose sides and will remain fully in your life.
Charlene of Monaco, the Punk Rock Princess (and I mean it in the most awestruck, attagirl way).
I’d tell her to get a damn good lawyer and a couple of intimidating bodyguards. And to fight dirty if need be, to get her kids.
Charlene Wittstock, AKA Princess Sadface, and Prince Albert of Monaco
Allegedly she tried to flee the day before the wedding, but she was forced to stay. I’ll never forget her walking down the aisle crying, such a sad bride. Their 10th anniversary just passed. I don’t think she’ll be allowed to take the kids with her, especially the boy since he’s the heir to the throne, so she may have to extend the contract in exchange for guaranteed visits or something.
Prince Albert and his wife-the former Charlene Witstock.
I would advise her to get the heck out of there as soon as possible.
This is Prince Albert of Monaco and his wife, Charlene, Princess of Monaco. The world knew that he had two illegitimate children from before they were involved, but another woman has come forward and this child was conceived during Albert and Charlene’s relationship. If you watch the video of their wedding, she is literally sobbing through parts of it. She’s been in South Africa for months. The official story is for health reasons. The palace just announced another delay in her return.
Well, “bowed” and “ruled” sound like those lousy Sussexes, but I don’t remember MM cutting her hair, so who knows.
Princess Charlene and Prince Albert of Monaco
Life is too short to live with a man who cheats — she needs to find a man who will love her and be faithful to her. The children will be much better off with a mother who is truly happy.
Couple: Prince Albert of Monaco & Princess Charlene (originally from South Africa). Their 10th anniversary is coming up.
HSH Prince Albert of Monaco and his wife Princess Charlene
Princess Charlene and Prince Albert of Monaco
So many royal clues! Prince Harry and Meghan Markle now that Andy is in the high and clear they can break up!
Couple: Prince Albert of Monaco and his wife Charlene. She has been in South Africa since last year and can’t fly back to Monaco due to a “sinus infection.” She also cut her hair really short before she departed for SA. He fathered so many children before and during their marriage.
I would advise her to let the contractual relationship runs its course and get far away from him as possible. She is young still so it’s not too late for her to find real happiness!
Princess Charlene and Prince Albert of Monaco 🇲🇨
I have been following this story and really hoped there would be a blind!
Her situation is difficult – would it be possible for her to divorce and remain in Monaco to be near her children?
I am hopeful that I have been wrong in thinking that she was desperately – even terminally – ill.
Here’s hoping things are resolved soon – Gabriella in particular looks terribly unhappy in the photos.
My advice to her would be to leave when the contract is up. She has looked so deeply unhappy for the entirety of their marriage.
Princess Charlene and Prince Albert….OH MY!! I didn’t think the ‘ear, nose’ operation sounded legit.
Advise to her: I don’t know! All depends on what is best for the kids. Maybe divorce, but live under the same roof?
This is Prince Albert of Monaco and that poor woman from South Africa who ended up marrying him against her will and has been miserable ever since. Sad story.
Princess Charlene of Monaco
I predict divorce ASAP
princess charlene of monaco. i hope she can leave and still be with her kids.
Run Charlotte Run! and then she ran Halfway across the world.
Princess Charlene and Prince Albert II?
Adding: I think children sense when things have gone wrong more than adults realize. I don’t know how the courts where she is filing fall on child custody but the best road is to learn from Brangelina/Depp. Don’t make it public. If he is a better dad than husband hopefully he will grant the divorce and the children will be able to thrive with both parents. If he is an all round bully than it will be difficult and she’ll have to move legally to protect the kids. Either way she should leave.
Princess Charlene & Prince Albert of monaco
Princess Charlene and Prince Albert. God the thought of having to be with such a slime must be horrible.
Prince Albert of Monaco
His wife, Princess Charlene
Princess Charlene and Prince Albert of Monaco
Couple: Albert & Charlene of Monaco
[Optional] If she was your friend, what would you advise her to do? At this point, she knew what she was getting into and now there’s two children to think of. She should stay and get her * back to the palace. Honestly, what kind of life is she going to have if she leaves for good? An extremely unhappy one.
If I were her friend I would tell her to take the kids and run as she seems truly traumatized 😣
Hmmmm…Charlene does look seriously ill, though. What a mess!
Princess Charleene of Monaco. She should dump his royal * and take split custody of their twins. I like him, after watching tv series about Monaco he grew on me, but they shouldnt be together, she never seems to be happy, the sadest princess in Europe. He has a ton of out of wedlock kids, so maybe this is one of reasons for leaving him
The linked blind is Markle but I don’t think she fits. She never cut her hair short and she seems to wear the pants in the relationship.
I think this is another royal couple- Prince Albert of Monaco and his wife Charlene, who seems miserable in that marriage.
Prince Albert & Princess Charlene of Monaco. Stories around their wedding claimed that she ran away but was brought back by royal underlings and pressured into going through with the wedding. And that she cried during and after the ceremony. Never did see a photo of her smiling after the ceremony.
Prince Albert and Charlene. Makes sense now.
Prince Albert and Princess Charlene of Monaco
Charlene, Princess of Monaco, and her husband, Albert.
Ooohhhh!!! Hello, Charlene. That whole story about an infection in South Africa or whatever that was being treated was SO thin. She has looked absolutely miserable for such a long time.
Charlene and Albert of Monaco. Sad situation.
Price Albert of Monaco and his wife Sophie
Prince Albert & Princess Charlene of Monaco.
He’s a POS & their kids look miserable…
Run Charlene! RUN!!!
Prince Albert and Princess Charlene.
He’s a cad and she needs to hang in till the contract ends.
Princess Charlene of Monaco. She and Prince Albert celebrated their 10th anniversary in July of this year. She has been in her native country for some time, ostensibly due to medical issues, but the contract renegotiations make more sense.
It was known to be a sham marriage even before the vows were tearily exchanged. I hope she can leave. Albert is an extremely… unsavory type, and more about him will probably continue to be disclosed.
I am guessing Prince Albert and Princess Charlene
Albert and Charlene of Monaco have been married ten years this year, and she’s never looked happy to me
Princess Charlene and Prince Albert of Monaco!
Charlene and Albert of Monaco. She was crying through the entire wedding and he wasn’t comforting her or anything – very telling.
I hope she gets out. I don’t think anyone thinks he’s a nice guy.
Prince Albert of Monaco & Princess Charlene
This is poor Princess Charlene of Monaco and her awful husband Prince Albert. I hope she finds a way to keep custody of the children in South Africa but I doubt that will happen.
Charlene of Monaco has looked like she’s in pain for several years. I feel bad for their beautiful children.
Prince Albert of Monaco and his absent wife Princess Charlene …she cried on her wedding day….she never wanted to be with him….he should have listened to her…
Prince Albert and Princess Charlene of Monaco?
Key Anniversary: Next year will be 40 years since the death of his mother, Princess Grace.
Prince Albert and Princess Charlene of Monaco.
She’s in a very difficult situation. I think, if I were her, I would return until the children are a little older, otherwise she will lose her relationship with them.
Charlene & Albert
They celebrated their 10th anniversary in June…
Prince Albert and Princess Charlene.
She should run as fast as she can, if possible, keeping her children in mind. Maybe she can join the circus like her sister-in-law Princess Stephanie did.
Is this Princess Charlene? Always heard that about them, am surprised there’s a contract though!
This is Prince Albert and Princess Charlene of Monaco. She has been back home in South Africa for most of this year and is claiming she is unable to fly back to Monac
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