Phara Overwatch

Phara Overwatch


Phara Overwatch

Pharah, Age: 32

Occupation: Security Chief

Base of Operations: Giza, Egypt

Affiliation: Helix Security International
Soaring through the air in her combat armor, and armed with a launcher that lays down high-explosive rockets, Pharah is a force to be reckoned with.
Long-range explosive projectile weapon.
Launch an explosive blast to knock back enemies.
Launch a continuous volley of mini-rockets.
Fareeha Amari's commitment to duty runs in her blood. She comes from a long line of highly decorated soldiers and burns with the desire to serve with honor.
As a child, Fareeha dreamed of following in her mother's footsteps and joining the global peacekeeping force, Overwatch. She enlisted in the Egyptian army, and her dogged persistence and tactical prowess caused her to rise up through the officer ranks. She was a courageous leader and earned the loyalty of all who served under her. With her exemplary record, Fareeha was well placed to join the ranks of Overwatch, but before she had that opportunity, Overwatch was disbanded.
After leaving the army with a commendation for distinguished service, she was offered employment with Helix Security International, a private security firm contracted to defend the artificial intelligence research facility beneath the Giza Plateau. The top-secret facility was touted as vital to the safety of not only the region but countries across the globe. Fareeha gladly accepted the choice assignment and received training in the Raptora Mark VI, an experimental combat suit designed for rapid mobility and devastating firepower.
Under the call sign "Pharah," she works to safeguard the AI installation. Though she mourns Overwatch's passing, she still dreams of fighting the good fight and making a difference on a global scale.

Pharah’s primary weapon launches rockets that deal significant damage in a wide blast radius.

Splash Damage:
Self Damage:
Area of Effect:
Reload Time:

 0.85 rounds per second
 2.5 meter radius
 1.5 seconds

Propelled by her suit’s thrusters, Pharah soars high into the air.
Pharah looses a wrist rocket that knocks back any enemies it strikes.

 60 meters per second
 8 meter radius

Pharah directs a continuous salvo of mini-rockets to destroy groups of enemies.

Damage per rocket:
Rockets per second:

 40 (direct hit), 9-30 (splash)

↑ Developer comments: Players discovered a way to make Pharah hover indefinitely across some surfaces. While we initially allowed this neat trick to persist, it ultimately proved detrimental to map balance, so it needed to go.

This page was last edited on 9 May 2022, at 06:06. Text/code is available under CC-BY-SA . Licenses for other media varies.
Fareeha " Pharah " Amari is an Damage class hero in Overwatch .

Fareeha Amari's commitment to duty runs in her blood. She comes from a long line of highly decorated soldiers and burns with the desire to serve with honor.

As a child, Fareeha dreamed of following in her mother's footsteps and joining the global peacekeeping force, Overwatch. She enlisted in the Egyptian army, and her dogged persistence and tactical prowess caused her to rise up through the officer ranks. She was a courageous leader and earned the loyalty of all who served under her. With her exemplary record, Fareeha was well placed to join the ranks of Overwatch, but before she had that opportunity, Overwatch was disbanded.

After leaving the army with a commendation for distinguished service, she was offered employment with Helix Security International, a private security firm contracted to defend the artificial intelligence research facility beneath the Giza Plateau. The top-secret facility was touted as vital to the safety of not only the region but countries across the globe. Fareeha gladly accepted the choice assignment and received training in the Raptora Mark VI, an experimental combat suit designed for rapid mobility and devastating firepower.

Under the call sign "Pharah," she works to safeguard the AI installation. Though she mourns Overwatch's passing, she still dreams of fighting the good fight and making a difference on a global scale.

Jet Pack
Will no longer refuel while Pharah is sliding on an un-walkable surface

Rocket Launcher
Rate of fire has been slightly reduced

Remember me
Not recommended on shared computers

Last updated on May 29, 2018 at 14:55 by Mournflakes


Real Name: Fareeha Amari, Age: 32
Occupation: Security Chief
Base of Operations: Giza, Egypt
Affiliation: Helix Security International

1. Pharah (Fareeha Amari) Guide Overview

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Pharah is an offensive hero who
uses her trusty Rocket Launcher to blow up enemies from the skies.
Although a straightforward character, Pharah's mobility
and her projectile dps is tricky to master.
As with any hero, becoming a master of Pharah's abilities takes a lot of
practice, but this trial and error can pay dividends on a player's
skill rating .
Pharah has one of the best vertical movement abilities in the game, which
is called Jump Jet . Similar to Winston 's Jump Pack ,
Jump Jet launches Pharah high into the air in a matter of seconds, helping
her scout out enemies and reign terror from above.
Once Pharah is in the air, she can use her
passive ability , Hover Jets , to remain
among the clouds. When compared to Jump Jet, Hover Jets is a more sustainable
way to stay above the fray, but the upward momentum of Hover Jets is only a
fraction of Jump Jet's launch. Therefore, when used, Hover Jets is more of a
small boost upwards rather than a swift rise.
One of the more interesting parts of Pharah's kit ,
Concussive Blast is a crowd control ability
that can be used to push enemies away or towards a specific area on the map.
Additionally, Concussive Blast can be used in conjunction with Pharah's other
mobility abilities to send her careening across the skies. Either use is a
helpful tool when used correctly.
Last, but not certainly not least, we have Pharah's Barrage . Barrage
is an extremely high projectile dps ultimate that bursts down practically any
hero it is directed at. Although the ultimate deals loads of damage, Pharah must
remember that once the ability is used, she will be stationary in that
position for three seconds. Therefore, a bad use of
Barrage can cost Pharah more than a wasted ultimate.
Pharah works best with allies who can keep her alive or follow up
her damage. For this reason, Mercy is one of the best allies for Pharah as she
can use her Caduceus Staff to heal Pharah when she takes damage, or help
Pharah dish out damage with its damage-boosting effect. Genji can
follow up Pharah's damage no matter where the enemy is
thanks to his Cyber-Agility , and Swift Strike is an easy clean up
ability that works well against enemies who are low from
direct Rocket Launcher hits. Similarly, D.Va is a fantastic
tank that pairs well with Pharah as she can use her
Boosters to either protect Pharah with Defense Matrix ,
or attack enemies who are low from Pharah's rockets.
Pharah is typically countered by long-range weapons that deal massive
burst damage . For this reason, a practiced
Widowmaker is easily one of the best counters available. Against a
sharp Widowmaker, Pharah will either have to stay grounded in order to stay
out of Widow's sights, or she runs the risk of getting instantly killed by
Widow's Kiss . In a similar vein, Hanzo 's Storm Bow
is a strong Pharah-deterrent, as it too can instantly kill the flying soldier.
If Hanzo lands a body shot, he can simply follow up
his own shot with Storm Arrows to
secure the kill . D.Va is a hard counter to
Pharah for other reasons. She can erase all of Pharah's rockets with her
Defense Matrix ; and she can use her Boosters to attack Pharah
or run into her while she uses Barrage (having the potential
to make Pharah kill herself with her own missiles).
Pharah is strong against heroes who are grounded and rely on securing
picks on the enemy to perform their duties. Winston
is heavily countered by Pharah since his "monkey business" cannot typically
reach Pharah while she is in mid-air. Doomfist thrives on securing
picks on enemy players, but Pharah's Concussive Blast keeps Doomfist
away from her team, easily breaking his damage-dealing combos.
Mournflakes is a flex Grandmaster Overwatch player who boasts a career high SR
rating of 4433. His favorite heroes are Roadhog, Soldier: 76, and Ana. He has
played Overwatch since its initial release, and has put over 700 hours into
competitive play. When not writing guides, you can catch Mournflakes streaming
on his Twitch channel .
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Early in its now year-long life, Overwatch ’s Egyptian hero Pharah’s Native American-styled skins sparked wide controversy over cultural appropriation. We spoke to Blizzard about Pharah’s backstory, and while they wouldn’t fully confirm her heritage, Blizzard offered some insight on their controversial design decision.
Since Overwatch ’s release, Pharah’s heritage has been a point of contention. Two of her legendary skins drew ire for their explicitly Native American look. Named “Thunderbird” and “Raindancer,” they paint her face in red and white and remove her Eye of Horus tattoo. Her hair is separated into two braids and her armor bears distinct “tribal” patterns. Her helmet is a falcon decorated with grass. Dozens of forum posts questioned, Did Blizzard just assume Pharah could switch races because she’s brown? Through last year, fans argued that the skins were “ racist ” and culturally appropriative. One popular Reddit post read , “If Blizzard wanted to make a skin like this, why not create a Native American character that could wear it proudly and appropriately? That way, we see the connection between what she wears and who she is. . . They should not make the same mistake of treating Native Americans like their culture is meaningless and no more than a costume.”
Months later, it’s looking like Blizzard is doubling down on Pharah’s depiction as a woman of mixed race. Pharah, it seems, is half Native-American. It’s a piece of lore that’s been teased and, if true, helps dispel the year-long controversy that’s plagued Overwatch ’s Egyptian hero.
Last July, Kotaku reporter and Pharah fanboy Nathan Grayson asked Overwatch game director Jeff Kaplan about the Pharah skin controversy. Kaplan said, “Specifically when you talk about that Pharah skin, it’s really interesting because the first time that we had seen the concept art of it, we were all blown away. . . We wrestled with like, ‘OK, so Pharah is clearly Egyptian and that’s her heritage. That’s her nationality and we want to respect that and we also want to be respectful of Native American culture.’ We sort of had this moment of asking ourselves, ‘Are we being disrespectful in any way?’ The Native American parts of it feel awesome and feel like an homage and like, ‘Hey, isn’t this cool?’”
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Kaplan didn’t confirm or deny that Pharah is Native American. But late in December, Blizzard published a holiday comic in which Pharah, who is usually based in Egypt, is in Canada. She’s dining with an older man. A Canadian hockey game plays on the television behind them. Outside, it is snowing. The community started theorizing: What if that’s Pharah’s dad? What if he’s Canadian? In April, Blizzard added a new spray for Pharah’s mother Ana that displayed her, baby Pharah and a man who looks just like that older man in the comic. His features are dark and his hair is long and black. Some fans believed he looked Native:
In the intervening time, several forum posts have pointed out that Pharah’s “Thunderbird” and “Raindancer” skins were likely inspired by Pacific Northwest indigenous cultures like the Eyak, Haida and Tlingit people.
So, on Wednesday, I attempted to confirm Pharah’s Native heritage with Overwatch game director Jeff Kaplan. He said, “That’s what we’re driving towards. All the hints are there, so we’ll see.” That seems like a yes.
Was Pharah’s somewhat obtuse lore added to quell players’ accusations of cultural appropriation? It’s hard to say. One strongly-worded Medium post by a Dia Lacina, a Native woman, questioned whether Pharah’s father is the “Convenient Indian.” She wrote, “corporate interests and fandom demands aligned so they can make those skins ‘acceptable’ while getting bonus points for finally having a Native in Overwatch ’s lore.”
Pharah’s backstory and skins seem to scan, though a few other Overwatch skins faced similar accusations of cultural appropriation. Fans spoke out when Roadhog’s “Toa” and “Islander” skins apparently redesigned the large, porcine “Australian” as a Hawaiian Luau dancer. Roadhog was believed to be Australian because of his close association with Junkrat, who is certainly Aussie. But Roadhog, whose real name is Mako, is probably a New Zealander. His name means “Shark” in New Zealand’s Maori language, which indigenous Polynesians speak. Roadhog’s voice line, “If I wanted to go to the wop wops, I could have stayed at home” basically confirms this—“wop wops” is distinctly New Zealand slang for the “boondocks.” A quick Google image search for “Maori” confirms that Roadhog’s “Islander” and “Toa” skins are the spitting image of Maori fashion.
Symmetra’s “Devi” skin, which envisions her as a sexy version of the Hindu goddess Kali, also sparked a minor controversy . Last July, Hindu statesman Rajan Zed, who’s made a habit of speaking out against religious Hindi representations in games, asked Blizzard “to withdraw the Devi skin in the video game, as it trivialised Hinduism’s highly revered goddesses,” a Kotaku article reports. It doesn’t appear that there’s a justification for the “Devi” design.
These conversations are important and help generate pressure against bad or shallow representations of people, and especially, people who face difficulties because of their racial background. And anyway, who can tell whether Blizzard inserted these bits of lore after the skins sparked outrage? That said, Pharah’s potentially mixed race is a very cool addition to her backstory, which, unfortunately, is getting teased a bit late.
[Correction—5/24/17]: An earlier version of this article stated that Pharah’s “Bedouin” skin had Native American patterns. The skin’s name and inspiration were announced days after this article. We apologize for the error.

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