Petite German

Petite German


Petite German

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My mother is petite and slender. — Meine Mutter ist klein und schlank.
Other parties to the proceedings: Council of the European Union (represented by: J.-C. Piris, M. Bauer and B. Driessen, acting as Agents) Kingdom of Denmark (represented by: B. Weis Fogh, acting as Agent), Republic of Finland (represented by: A. Guimaraes-Purokoski and J. Heliskoski, acting as Agents), United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (represented by: V. Jackson, S. Nwaokolo and T. Harris, acting as Agents, and J. Stratford,
Barrister), Commission of the European
Andere Verfahrensbeteiligte: Rat der EuropĂ€ischen Union (BevollmĂ€chtigte: J. C. Piris, M. Bauer und B. Driessen), Königreich DĂ€nemark (BevollmĂ€chtigter: B. Weis Fogh), Republik Finnland (BevollmĂ€chtigte: A. Guimaraes Purokoski und J. Heliskoski), Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland (BevollmĂ€chtigte: V. Jackson, S. Nwaokolo und T. Harris im Beistand von J.
Stratford, Barrister), Kommission der EuropÀischen Gemeinschaften
A creativity virtually relentlessly driven by artistic inspiration causes in part very old, once indispensable tools to merge with exotically
formed heads, lets the bulky figures under
feelings and having, as it were, stories to tell -- while the beholder lingers, mouth open, amazed?
Ein geradezu unbarmherzig von Kunst getriebenes Schaffen lÀsst uralte, einst lebensnotwendige Werkzeuge mit exotischen CharakterhÀuptern
verschmelzen, lÀsst die klotzigen Figuren unter
Monumenten erwachen, lÀsst sie Geschichten
erzĂ€hlen, GefĂŒhle erschließen und den Betrachter mit offenem Mund staunend verweilen?
The following are excluded from this area: Guadeloupe, Les
as well as the zones situated up to
the 12 sea-mile limit off the coasts of those islands.
Von dieser FlÀche ausgenommen sind die Inseln Guadeloupe, Les
sowie die innerhalb der 12-Seemeilen-Grenze
vor der KĂŒste dieser Inseln gelegenen Gebiete.
constructiv CLIC are ideal mobile and modular architectural systems for the
use at conferences. They exactly meet up with the special requirements needed at conferences: Very small packing volumes with very large space effect results in optimized assembly and dismantling times, transport volumes and costs.
constructiv CLIC sind ideale Architektursysteme fĂŒr den Einsatz auf Konferenzen
und Tagungen, da sie exakt den speziellen Anforderungen dieser Veranstaltungen entsprechen: Kleinste Packvolumen bei grĂ¶ĂŸter Raumwirkung ergeben optimierte Auf- und Abbauzeiten sowie Transportvolumen und -kosten.
Due to the very slim design of the cabinet, this
the speaker comes to life: Its sound reproduction capabilities are those of a mature design and, at the same time, it offers peak precision and clarity, which is no doubt due in part to the excellent titanium mid-range unit which is proof of VISATON's view that loudspeaker technology can still produce surprising technological leaps.
Eindruck vergrĂ¶ĂŸert das Erstaunen der
Zuhörer, wenn sie loslegt: Klanglich agiert sie nicht nur absolut erwachsen, sie bietet auch ein Höchstmaß an PrĂ€zision und Klarheit, sicherlich nicht zuletzt ein Verdienst des exzellenten Titan-Mitteltöners, mit dem VISATON zeigt, dass in der Lautsprechertechnik immer noch große Fortschritte möglich sind.
The area around the town (well known as Grande
world wide famous for the brandy from this
region, which call the name of this town.
Das Gebiet rund um diese Stadt (namentlich die Lagen Grande
weltweit berĂŒhmt fĂŒr den französischen Branntwein, der ihren Namen trĂ€gt.
From the Place de la Gare where visitors flock in their
thousands into the city, to the historic
Place de la Cathédrale to Place Broglie,
historic sites of the Christmas market; from Place KlĂ©ber where the Christmas Tree majestically towers over shoppers, to Place d'Austerlitz, transformed into a "ForĂȘt de DĂ©lices" (Forest of Delights); tastes and scents mingle with sweet Christmas music, inviting visitors to enter a world of dreams.
Vom Bahnhofsvorplatz, wo Hunderttausende
Besucher herbeiströmen, bis zum historischen
bis zum Place Broglie, den historischen
Standorten des Weihnachtsmarkts, vom Place KlĂ©ber, wo sich der riesige Weihnachtsbaum erhebt, bis hin zum Place d'Austerlitz, der sich in einen Wald der GenĂŒsse" verwandelt, liegen untermalt von festlicher Musik weihnachtliche DĂŒfte in der Luft und öffnen TĂŒr und Tor zu einer Traumwelt.
First of all there are of course the common disorders of the body image known from people with eating disorders, namely anorexic and bulimic clients who usually
perceive themselves as extremely fat, as well as some adipose patients
da sind natĂŒrlich zuallererst die bekannten störungen des körperbildes bei essgestörten. und zwar sowohl bei anorektischen und bulimischen klientInnen, die sich i.d.r. als außergewöhnlich dick
wahrnehmen, als auch umgekehrt bei einigen adipösen klientInnen, die ihren körper
or taking a well earned break in one of the restaurants
or cafes after a stroll along the old parts of Halmstad
In der Stadt haben sie die Wahl zwischen
LĂ€den zu machen oder eine Pause in einem
der Restaurants oder Cafes einzulegen, nachdem sie einen Spaziergang in der Altstadt von Halmstad gemacht haben.
Although she describes the three minutes on stage before
an audience of millions as the most beautiful
Doch obwohl sie die drei Minuten auf der BĂŒhne vor einem
Millionenpublikum als schönsten Auftritt ihres Lebens
Our park is situated in the heart of the moselle, in the country of saulnois, the country where the nature, the rural architecture, the arts and the traditions decline throughout the landscapes. department strong in history and in heritage. with the maginot line, you will discover the military works (simserhof, fort of guentrange, decorates him(it) with bambesch) as well as the biggest american cemetery of europe situated to saint-avold. to see also the cathedral of metz,
earthenware to sarreguemines, museum
dept of the salt to marsal). to visit also the zoo of amnéville, the wildlife park of ste-cross to rhodes, the inclined plane of st-louis-d'arzviller, the thermal cure center of amnéville
Unser park ist in der mitte der mosel, in landes von saulnois, landes gelegt, wo sich die natur, die lĂ€ndliche architektur, die kĂŒnsten und die traditionen wĂ€hrend der landschaften ablehnen(deklinieren).starke abteilung(departement) in der geschichte und im erbe. mit der linie maginot werden sie die militĂ€rischen arbeiten (simserhof, starker von guentrange, arbeit von bambesch) entdecken sowie der grĂ¶ĂŸte amerikanische saint-avold gelegte europafriedhof. ebenfalls die kathedrale von metz, die
zahlreichen museen zu sehen (museum
von fayence in sarreguemines, dem museum
abteilung(departement) von salz marsal).auch den tiergarten von amnéville, den ste-kreuztierpark rhodes, die schiefe ebene von st-louis-d'arzviller, dem amnéville thermal zentrum zu besuchen
the timepiece strikes three permutations at the full hours with four Westminster Chimes, and
switches to the silence mode after six hours of activation.
der Zeitmesser zu jeder vollen Stunde drei Permutationen mit vier WestminsterschlÀgen
an und wechselt nach sechs Stunden automatisch in den Silence" Modus.
The new CD by Bryna, "Trying to be Me", will be a collection of
previously released music in addition to
voice and will be released early next year.
Brynas neue CD "Trying to be Me" wird eine Kollektion bereits
Stimme sein und wird Anfang nÀchsten Jahres erscheinen.
Koetsier has a special fondness towards brass music, due decisively to Philip Jones, the English trumpeter and longtime leader of the famous
section of the Concertgebouw Orchestra,
which twenty years later fell into the hands of Philip Jones; a connection was initiated and Koetsier's Symphony for Brass, composed for the Briton, became a smashing hit.
Zur BlechblĂ€sermusik hat Koetsier eine besondere AffinitĂ€t, und daran hat entscheidend Philip Jones mitgewirkt, der englische Trompeter und langjĂ€hrige Leiter des berĂŒhmten
Londoner BlechblÀser-Ensembles. 1946
des Concertgebouw-Orchesters geschrieben,
die zwanzig Jahre spĂ€ter Philip Jones in die HĂ€nde fiel; die Verbindung war geknĂŒpft, und Koetsiers Symphonie fĂŒr BlechblĂ€ser, fĂŒr die EnglĂ€nder komponiert, wurde ein Bestseller.
DELINUS 03 (220x90x80cm) is the worlds smallest Taxi bus.
Der DELINUS 03 (220x90x80 cm) ist der kleinste Taxibus der Welt.
Born on 21 October 1895 in Orp-le-Grand (Belgium);
I want to sincerely thank Volkswagen
and Van Amersfoort for their confidence
Aedermannsdorf in the canton of Solothurn,
who most recently contested the international Formula Masters, is a member of the Swiss national team in the A1GP racing series and has even tested the Audi A4 DTM.
und Van Amersfoort bedanke ich mich
Aedermannsdorf im Kanton Solothurn, die
zuletzt im internationalen Formel Masters antrat, dem Schweizerischen Nationalteam in der A1GP-Rennserie angehört und auch schon den Audi A4 DTM testete.
The eccentric Hamburg artist is often called the
grande dame of conceptual art, which doesn't
shortly cropped grey hair who prefers to dress
Als grande dame der Konzeptkunst wird die exzentrische Hamburger
KĂŒnstlerin gern bezeichnet, was nicht so
kurz geschnittenen grauen Haaren passen mag,
die sich bevorzugt in maßgeschneiderte HerrenanzĂŒge kleidet.
And it's true: Cross Polo, a gentle play on the
word cross-country, is the name of the latest
vehicle has 15 millimetres more ground clearance
and is seven centimetres higher than its civil brother.
Stimmt: CrossPolo, eine zarte Anspielung auf die Tour "querfeldein", heißt
ĂŒber 15 Millimeter mehr Bodenfreiheit verfĂŒgt
und insgesamt sieben Zentimeter höher ist als seine zivilen BrĂŒder.
While there you will find mainly everything written Jean JaurĂšs and texts published in his lifetime, there are also manuscripts, photographs, a very rich reserve of iconographic items and many newspapers and
reviews, including editions of La DĂ©pĂȘche
to 1903, La Revue de l'Enseignement
Hier findet man vor allen Dingen Schriften von und ĂŒber Jean JaurĂšs sowie sĂ€mtliche zu seinen Lebzeiten veröffentlichten Texte und Manuskripte, Photographien eine reiche ikonographische Sammlung und zahlreiche Zeitungen und
bis 1903, La Revue de l'Enseignement
To harvest the antibodies from plants, the scientists first had to isolate the
antibody genes from human immune cells and then transfer it to the genome
Damit sich die Antikörper demnÀchst aus Pflanzen ernten lassen, haben die
Wissenschaftler das Gen fĂŒr den Wirkstoff in das Erbgut einer Tabakpflanze
The city is surrounded by channels, the old
its names from an illness from whom suffered
ihren Namen von einer Krankheit die vor allem
die MĂ€nner dieses Stadtteils befallen hat.
The pictures of the Czech photographer Robert Thiele are exhibited in a space of the German architect Georg
Frey, who shows an atypical fan-shaped labyrinth of the architectural system
Die Bilder des tschechischen Fotografen Robert Thiele werden in einem Raum des deutschen Architekten Georg Frey ausgestellt, der
ein atypisches fÀcherförmiges Labyrinth aus dem Architektursystem
to Mercy Ships in 1983. She sailed for 11 years as the Good
Samaritan serving the Caribbean, Central and South America, until 1994 when she was renamed the Island Mercy and redeployed to the South Pacific where she served until 2001.
Ships 1983 geschenkt. 11 Jahre war sie als Good Samaritan in der Karibik
sowie in Mittel- und SĂŒdamerika im Einsatz. 1994 wurde sie in Island Mercy umbenannt und in den SĂŒdpazifik ĂŒberfĂŒhrt, wo sie bis 2001 unterwegs war.
After producing an accessory display line for Pucci based on a creature that was half-bird half-woman, his
most recent collection called 'Shapes'
designed to be displayed altogether.
Nachdem die Produktion ein Accessoire-Linie fĂŒr Display Pucci basiert auf einem Wesen, das war halb Vogel halb Frau, seinem
so konzipiert, dass insgesamt angezeigt.
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Most frequent German dictionary requests:
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Women's apparel is offered in petite, regular and tall sizes.
Women's apparel is offered in petite, regular, and tall models.
a petite woman who spoke little English
If you describe a woman as petite , you are politely saying that she is small and slim.
She was of below average height, petite and slender.

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Introducing the Miniature German Shepherd
About Alexandra Animalso I was raised to be a dog person. My first Shepherd grew up as I did and wanted to be where I was at all times. I got my second dog as a 16th birthday present, and her loyalty for me was just as strong as my first. I hope that my contribution to Animalso will help others find dogs who give them that same unconditional love.
Home » Breed » Introducing the Miniature German Shepherd
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The Miniature German Shepherd is a cross of a German Shepherd with a Collie or miniature Poodle, also known as Mini Shepherd. It’s a small to medium dog breed at about 15 to 20 inches tall, weighing about 50 pounds. The average lifespan of the Miniature German Shepherd is 9 to 13 years.
In this post, we’re going to zero in on a rising star- the Miniature German Shepherd .
Controversy is brewing in dog world regarding this Mini, and it’s certainly what we need to address first before discussing anything further.
One side claims that the Miniature German Shepherd is a carbon copy of the standard German Shepherd . The other side claims it is a mixed breed .
The truth is that the Miniature German Shepherd is indeed a crossbreed .
Small-sized standard German Shepherds do not exist unless the dog happens to have dwarfism .
To get a Miniature German Shepherd, the standard is bred with another purebred, most commonly the Collie or Poodle.
If you are interested in a Mini Shep and believe it will be a lap-size replica of the standard with the same temperament and health, it’s important to know that this isn’t the case with mixes.
You never know what you’ll get in terms of size, behavior , and appearance . Instead, take a look at the parents to get an idea of how a puppy could possibly turn out as an adult.
For the Mini German Shepherd, there are the 3 possible parents ( Spoiler alert : one of them is German Shepherd 🙂 ).
This breed is world-renowned for its smarts. In fact, it’s regarded as the most intelligent dog breed in the world.
A lovable family doggo with talents for competition and herding , it contributes desirable personality traits to make a German Shepherd Collie mix .
It can weigh up to 44 lbs (20 kg) with a height of 22 in (56 cm) and has a lifespan of up to 17 years.
Some health concerns to be aware of with this breed include bloating and an eye anomaly that causes partial or complete blindness.
There’s no shortage of talent and charisma with the Poodle. This dog makes an elegant and friendly family dog that is a fast learner. In fact, it’s ranked as the 2nd most intelligent breed .
The Poodle excels as a competition dog and is also widely used for therapy.
One distinction that sets the Poodle apart is its signature curly coat rendered “ hypoallergenic ” (keep in mind that this does not mean your Mini Shep will be as well).
The Poodle can weigh up to 70 lbs (31 kg) with a height of 22 in (56 cm) and has a lifespan of up to 15 years.
There are health concerns associated with this breed, such as epilepsy, canine hypothyroidism, and progressive retinal atrophy.
The German Shepherd is sharp as a tack and completely dedicated and in love with its family. It’s a working dog used for rescue, police work, and therapy .
Ranking as the 3rd most intelligent , you get a well-rounded dog that is not only stunningly beautiful with its thick coat, confident stance, and communicative features, but an excellent guard dog that will protect at any cost.
It can weigh up to 88 lbs (40 kg) with a height of 25 in (65 cm) and has a lifespan of up to 13 years.
For further insight into German Shepherd growth, take a look at this guide and chart.
With the Shepherd breed, hip dysplasia is a common health issue that is seen in the Miniature variety as well. Shepherds are also known to suffer from a neural disease called degenerative myelopathy and endocrine pancreatic insufficiency, which is a digestive disorder.
This is a rare inherited genetic disorder that results from breeding two purebred German Shepherds.
A German Shepherd with dwarfism, though significantly smaller (weighing up to 30 lbs ), will exhibit the token characteristics and mannerisms t
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