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Petit FAT File System Module, sligthely modified for theCore

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Created by ELM. Originally can be found at .
Petit FatFs is a sub-set of FatFs module for tiny 8-bit microcontrollers.
It is written in compliance with ANSI C and completely separated from the disk I/O layer.
It can be incorporated into the tiny microcontrollers with limited memory even if the RAM size is less than sector size.
Also full featured FAT file system module is available here
This module slightly modified for purposes of theCore Embedded Framework

Petit FAT File System Module, sligthely modified for theCore

There is no one ideal weight for petite women. It's best to discuss a healthy weight for you with your doctor.

Image Credit:
Andrew Blyth/iStock/Getty Images

Your ideal body weight is largely based on your height. Even petite women can use their height to calculate their ideal body weight . However, it's also established by your body frame, which falls into one of three categories: small, medium and large. From there, you should also determine your body mass index, a measurement of body composition, as well as your body fat percentage. Both of these numbers are used to categorize weights as underweight, healthy, overweight or obesity.
According to the National Institutes of Health, a woman should weigh roughly 100 lbs. for the first 5 feet of height and then an additional 5 lbs. for every inch over this height. If you're 5 feet 4 inches tall, your ideal body weight is right around 120 lbs.
But with petite women of a small frame, you should also subtract 10 percent from this body weight. This means that your ideal body weight is now 108 lbs. Larger frames add 10 percent, so your ideal body weight is now 132 lbs.
Body frame is determined by wrist circumference. Women under the height of 5 feet 2 inches tall are considered small-framed with a wrist that measures less than 5 1/2 inches and large-framed with a wrist more than 5 3/4 inches, notes the National Institutes of Health. Women between 5 feet 2 inches and 5 feet 5 inches have a small frame with a wrist of less than 6 inches and a large frame with a wrist over 6 1/4 inches.
Regardless of your height, an ideal body mass index of a woman is anywhere between 18.5 and 24.9, advises By using your height in inches and weight in pounds, you can easily establish this number. Multiply your weight by 703, divide this number by your height and then divide it again by your height. A woman who is 5 feet 4 inches tall and weighs 132 lbs. has a body mass index of 22.6. If this same woman was 108 lbs., she'd have a BMI of 18.5. Both of these numbers fall within the healthy range for body mass index.
Another indicator used to determine ideal weight is body fat. The National Institutes of Health recommends women maintain a body fat percentage of 20 to 21. Unfortunately, the only way to determine body fat is to consult with a medical or fitness professional. A skin fold test is used to arrive at this number, which you can't do on your own.
To maintain your ideal body weight, it's often recommended that you sustain a healthy lifestyle, which includes a well-balanced diet and regular exercise. Eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fish with moderate amounts of red meat, pork and dairy can help with your diet. At least 30 minutes of exercise, most days of the week is suggested to keep up your physical activity levels.

Fat-Loss Considerations For Petite Females (And Those With Slow Metabolisms)

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Some people have it relatively easy when it comes to dieting.
Life – and dieting – just doesn’t seem fair sometimes.
Some are on the complete opposite end of the spectrum.
Perhaps you fall into this category.
You’ve tried everything under the sun, and fat loss is elusive for you.
You’re tried high-carb, low-carb, high-fat, low-fat, high-protein, vegan, Paleo, Ornish, Weight Watchers, Atkins, fasting, juice cleanses, and the “Food Babe No-Chemical Food Enema”.
While dieting is never a piece of cake (sorry, bad pun), some people simply have it worse off than others.
Easily the most frustrating “dieting demographic” is the petite female.
There are a number of reasons why short females have an extremely difficult time getting lean – and staying lean.
The purpose of this article is to help them out and point them in the right direction.
Being in a calorie deficit is annoying.
You’re hungry, you’re cranky, and you’re often “hangry”.
Dieting sucks for everyone – not just short females.
What are the characteristics of short females that makes it suck just a little bit more? (And trust me – we have many short females as online clients – and it DOES suck more for them……..)
It’s pretty much “the perfect storm”.
You take a normal female who is working a sedentary job, trains sporadically, and is trying to lose fat.
We’re going to assume this person isn’t adhering to silly nutritional dogmas and is aware that calories do actually count. Believe it or not, many still think coconut oil should go directly into beer bongs for consumption.
Anywho, this female embarks on a fat-loss journey.
She begins by estimating her calorie maintenance and setting up her macros.
There is an excellent chance her estimations will be off.
Many trainees make the mistake of thinking that training 2-3 times per week for an hour makes you move from the “inactive” label to the “active” label, which will increase your activity multiplier.
Your hour in the gym on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday doesn’t erase the 45 hours per week you’re sitting in a computer chair.
We have seen working calorie maintenances as low as 1,500 calories in the case of sedentary, petite females.
In order to lose fat, you will have to consistently eat less calories than that, or burn some calories via activity.
Take the case of Joe, a bloke with a 2,600 calorie maintenance.
What would happen if Joe “messed up” on Saturday night?
Let’s say Joe was “good” up until dinner.
He had an appetizer, a few drinks, a meal, and when he got home, he plowed through a bag of Doritos.
All in all, Joe put down 4,000 calories in his “mess up day”.
4,800 – 1,400 = 3,400 calories under maintenance for the week, even though Joe “screwed up”, big time.
Joe will still lose a pound of fat that week. 
Now, let’s take the case of Nicole, a 40-year old mother with a 1,600 calorie maintenance.
***Before you say “that’s not possible, this person won’t be able to eat as much” – consider this:
Two jumbo margaritas, some chips, a cheese-filled Mexican meal, and some snacks when you get home – that’s 4,000 calories EASILY.
It can be done without too much trouble.
So, what effect does a 4,000 calorie blowout have on Nicole?
The other 6 “on point” days equal 3,000 calories’ total deficit for Nicole –
The “blowout day” is 2,400 calories over maintenance –
The total net deficit for Nicole gets reduced to almost nothing –
Joe loses a pound of fat even though he screwed up.
Nicole loses about a tenth of a pound of fat (nearly nothing) after her screw up.
Same screw up, much different result.
Still wondering why petite females get frustrated?
Most of us, if we eat mindfully enough, can keep the fat loss train moving down the tracks.
But petite females (like Nicole) get royally screwed.
500 calories is nothing in this society full of processed crap.
A few trips to the office vending machine per day (or one meal dining out per day) can screw it all up.
So, what can Nicole (and others like her) do?
What tips do we have for petite females to make continual improvements?
How can those with low calorie intakes set themselves up for success?
Here is a list of tips that can help:
Hopefully by now we all know that eating “6 meals per day to stoke your metabolic fire” is a myth.
We generally don’t advise female clients to use intermittent fasting, as it can cause issues over time.
But lowering your meal frequency is still a great way to eat bigger, more satisfying meals and to “feel” less like you’re dieting.
A 2 or 3 meal set up will help you feel more satiated after your meals, and will reduce the chances of snacking in between them.
But the complete elimination of snacks is a requirement in these situations.
Snacking, grazing, etc. is a nasty habit – and it’s a habit that will undo your intentions, no matter how noble they may be.
Stay fully hydrated, and sip on some low calorie, sweet beverages if need be.
Calories are the name of the game here, and every calorie counts. You cannot afford to waste any.
Yeah, I know, carbs cause inflammation and insulin spikes.
And with insulin spikes, you cannot lose any fat because of high blood sugar.
Because insulin is a storage hormone.
Which will cause cancer, because all carbs turn into glucose and cancer eats glucose.
All of that is wonderful, except that it’s bullshit.
Calories matter over all else, and if you’re a petite female, you have a limited number of calories to work with.
A fitness coach is nothing more than a pattern analyzer.
We look closely at each demographic and try to see if any trends can be spotted.
Most petite females attempt to tackle their waistlines by going low-carb. Fat is good, carbs are bad, and that’s that.
The big problem with thinking “fat is good” is the caloric density of fat.
Fat has over twice as many calories per gram as protein or carbohydrates.
Are you currently shunning carbs in favor of salmon, beef, eggs, avocados, coconut oil, and nut butters?
If you’re a petite female, and you’re “low-carbing”, you would be better suited “low-fatting” instead.
Time and time again, when a client comes to us and we max out carbohydrates, they begin losing fat once again.
Carbs – potatoes, rice, fruit, and pasta – are a girl’s best friend, as long as you keep your fat low.
I have probably written about a dozen times in various articles on this site about why the scale sucks and you need to track your progress with a body tape measure.
Are you frustrated with your own fat loss? Have you heard this advice before? Have you said, “Yeah, that’s a great idea!” only to turn around and not follow this advice?
Everyone thinks this advice is for “other people”, when in actuality, this advice could be for YOU. Yes……..YOU!
The scale can be so faulty for those who are targeting small amounts of weight loss each week. Just a bit too much sodium can cause a 2 pound swing. When you’re aiming for 1 pound per week’s worth of fat loss, you’re blind if you’re not tracking body parts with a tape measure.
It’s tough to give up the “control” of monitoring your weight.
But you’ll never “fly” unless you “jump” first.
Let’s say you’re plugging along, crushing your macros, measuring with your tape measure, and nothing is happening.
Four weeks pass by and you have nothing to show for it.
If we ran into this problem and the person had bunches of calories to work with, we might simply reduce their calories. That’s an easy fix.
But with a lowered calorie intake, we would prefer to go another route.
Often, this is all that’s needed to give your body a boost in the right direction.
I could make a fortune if someone gave me the email addresses of everyone who downloads My Fitness Pal and also has a low-TDEE (total daily energy expenditure).
I would simply shoot ’em a message two months later with the subject line:
With almost no wiggle room for dietary mishaps, you need to be accurate whenever possible.
Macro apps have limitations that cannot be denied.
They take mindfulness and proper decision making out of the equation.
They drastically overestimate calorie burn, which can cause problems.
Nothing works as well as a pen, a notepad, and your own, real world, empirical evidence.
When starting your fitness journey, we often advise minimalist routines.
Short routines – 8-12 sets per session, combined with low frequency – 3 sessions per week, and an intelligent diet can give you fantastic results.
But there are a few factors which make us reconsider this approach for petite females.
Without sounding too sexist, petite females won’t be able to lift as much weight as other trainees.
This fact means there will need to be more sets, reps, and exposure to movements to create the same adaptive response.
This shouldn’t be too much of a problem, though, as the lowered weights will allow for quicker and more effective recovery.
This set-up gives 3 compound movements (deadlifts, shoulder presses, and pull-downs), two isolation moves (bicep curls and bench dips) for a total of 19 sets. It should take roughly an hour with rest periods just long enough to catch your breath and go back at it.
Create similar workouts for the other 2-4 days per week and you’ll be all set up.
Yes, we understand. You want it all “now”.
But that’s not likely to happen for you, unfortunately.
If you have a low TDEE, you need to play the “long game” and keep the eye on the prize.
This likely won’t happen “super fast”.
You’ll eat the cake and ice cream at a birthday party, and it’ll seem like it sets you back a month.
Remember the “big rocks” – and tackle them religiously.
But you need to live the “lifestyle”.
Don’t program hop, don’t change your methods, don’t try forty different diets.
Be smart, intelligent, and rational.
Which reminds me, there is one more item to discuss:
If you are an emotional eater, and you allow your emotions to guide your eating, AND you are a petite female, your odds of long-term success are not good.
There are two types of dieters out there.
Oopsie, I cheated today. I had a glass of red wine and a handful of peanuts! Golly!
Shit. I just ate a half-gallon of ice cream and washed it down with a 128 ounce vodka infused milkshake. On Monday. And then Tuesday rolled around and I was pissed off at myself so I went to Wendy’s and then…………….
Petite, short females CANNOT be Dieter #2. 100%, it will not work.
Your “off meals” cannot be binges. If you mess up, it cannot last longer than one meal.
You cannot be self-loathing, you must forgive yourself quickly and move on.
You must keep trying to have string more and more “perfect days” in a row, macro-wise.
You must keep working on habits, being mindful, and controlling your urges.
Your caloric deficit must be in tact nearly every day, since your deficit isn’t large to begin with.
Hopefully you don’t misconstrue this in a negative light.
You CAN do it, just be aware what you’re up against. 
And technically speaking, the odds ARE stacked against you. It will take lots of hard work, but it will be worth it.
It might take you years to get to where you want.
All of the testimonials and pictures you have seen have come from clients of Anyman Fitness.
Each and every one of them had frustrations – the exact same frustrations you are having.
They weren’t sure what to eat, how much to eat, or how to set up their training plans.
And we helped eliminate those frustrations, and show them exactly how it’s done.

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The New Year brings new resolutions to slim down and shape up, but if you are one of the 50 percent of women in the U.S. classified as petite - 5'4? or under - you face unique challenges when trying to lose weight.

Fitness expert Jim Karas wrote his new book, The Petite Advantage Diet, to help shorter women left wondering, in frustration, why regular diets don't work for them, as they watch their taller friends drop the pounds.

Karas appeared on " Good Morning America " today to share his top diet and exercise tips for petite women.

People forget that carbohydrates are not just breads and pasta, but items like fruits and vegetables too, Karas says. Healthy carbs, especially those with a high water content, are needed to help people stay full and lean in the midsection.

Karas estimates petite women who overeat by as few as 28 calories a day will gain 30 pounds over the course of one decade. A 45-year-old woman who weighs 160 pounds and is 5'9," for example, can eat 2,013 calories per day to maintain her weight. A petite, 5'3? woman of the same weight and age would only be able to consume 1,973 per day without gaining weight.

If the petite woman were to take in those extra 40 calories per day, she'd gain 4.2 pounds of fat each year, which would mean 42 pounds each decade and an extra 128 pounds over the course of 30 years.

3) Eat High-Calorie and High-Fat Foods Sparingly

Karas says petite women should watch out for three foods in particular when counting their calories: olive oil, avocado and juice.

Just one tablespoon of olive oil, for instance, contains 120 calories and is 100 percent fat, so Karas recommends using it sparingly, no more than one serving per day. Juice, meanwhile, has 25 percent more calories than soda and twice as many calories as liquid sports drinks, so petite women should watch their intake. Commercial juice products are also pasteurized, which kills valuable nutrients and vitamins.

Eaters in the U.S. typically start the day with their smallest meal, breakfast, and then work th
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