Petgirl Stories

Petgirl Stories


Petgirl Stories

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Lauren is beautiful young woman who's hiding something. All her secret's are about to revealed though, as she finds herself being exposed!
Female Celebrities Past and Present have found themselves in bondage. They could be a world famous actress, a TV Star, a YouTuber, a Model, or even a fictional celebrity. So long as they are famous they will be bound. The only question now is why are they in this state, who has done this to them and what happens next? Perhaps a lover is interested in trying some bondage play or a Higher Power wishes for the celebrity to be restrained. You decide.
The aim of this thread is to create a collection of stories based on maledom, enf and pet play
Set in the universe that wants to see Vanessa Sinclair degraded (Downfall), follow Jessica Johnson, a very slutty and horrible journalist as she investigates a bunch of kidnappings and crimes tied to Vanessa's sentence which could give her the fame and money she desires. What she doesn't know is these cases will change her life forever...
Pets make great companions, and love to please their owners
College girls find themselves in embarrassing situations with less clothes than they'd prefer.

Ever match with someone on a dating app but have a hard time getting them to actually go out with you or even reply to your best pick-up line? Then the Ultimate Dating App is for you! Just match with someone and they are yours to command as you please! The only hard part is... actually getting those matches.
In a world where the pet fetish is so normalized that you can adopt them at the pet store, one young man has to deal with a pet that's not so normal.
A series of forced feminization tales from multiple genre's and settings. Fantasy, Sci-fi, slice of life, and more. Begin as a man, but I can't garauntee you'll stay one.
Oh if you've any question feel free to contact me. Or if you like or dont like something please do leave comments I'm happy to have them.
In the near future all non-skilled labor has been replaced by AI. Samantha and Tiffany, two sisters, are going on vacation to an all inclusive resort. Tiffany has always secretly hated Samantha and decided to finally act on it. In secret the night before their flight Tiffany changes Samantha’s accommodations from passenger and guest to a pet. The AI isn’t programmed to understand that such a thing is possible and treats her like a pet and Tiffany as her owner. How will she get out of this? Can she? What does Tiffany have in store?

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Doggygirls, Petgirls, Ponygirls
(26 stories listed)
Transformation of females into animals (or objects)

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