Pet Slave Girl

Pet Slave Girl


Pet Slave Girl

I was kneeling on the floor in front of Ms. Angela Bowen. I was naked except for
a little silver collar that was locked in place around my neck. My head was
bowed and I shivered slightly, unsure whether it was from fear, my nakedness, or
Ms. Angela sat regarding me with an evil, self-satisfied smirk on her face. She
was wearing a long, satiny robe and her feet were encased in a pair of delicate,
richly embroidered slippers. She slid one foot out of its slipper and, crossing
her legs, began stroking my ear with her toe. Her toes were painted red and I
could smell the powder that I had recently applied shortly after her bath. I
remained motionless with my head bowed.
Ms. Angela, who had been promoted ahead of me, had been my supervisor at work.
Because I considered her to be an arrogant bitch, I had complained to upper
management and put in for a transfer. BIG MISTAKE!
'So, you were trying to undercut me at work and were planning to leave against
my expressed wishes. What were you thinking? I know I told you I was a witch.
Didn't you believe me?'
'I'm so sorry,' I whimpered. 'Please forgive me.'
She slapped the side of my head with her foot. 'Please forgive me, your
'Please forgive me, your highness,' I said.
'That's better,' she sneered. She leaned forward and fastened a red satin leash
to my collar. 'I'm going to be making some changes in your life, Leon. As you
know, I arranged for an accident that made it look like you were killed. Your
'funeral' was held yesterday; I was quite touched by the sorrow of your friends
and family. They'll miss you very much; but they'll get over it. In the
meantime, I now own you. I've shrunk you down to 18 inches in height, which will
allow me to control you more easily. I'm going to keep you as my little prisoner
and teach you to respect me the way I deserve. I will lead you around on a leash
and will keep you locked in a cage at night. In order to earn my forgiveness,
you will have to forget about your past life and begin focusing on what I want
and what I may find pleasing. If you obey me and please me, your life will be
bearable. If you resist me in any way, I will punish you severely.'
My training with the red satin ribbon and ring around my neck lasted several
weeks. Ms. Angela kept me tightly under her direct control, constantly pulling
or releasing the ribbon to create a sort of natural instinct in me to know
exactly at what distance from her she wanted me to be. The ribbon became my
constant companion, even in sleeping. Before going into my cage at night, I had
to roll it up and keep it next to me until ordered to come out again. I also got
used to washing myself with it and performed many other tasks with the ring
around my neck. When ordered out of my cage, I had to kiss Ms. Angela's feet and
then hand her the end of the ribbon.

During those weeks I had no alternative but to follow Ms. Angela everywhere in
the house. When stopping I would usually receive a command to kneel or lie flat
on my belly. If not, I was to stand quietly with my head bent and eyes fixed to
my owner's feet.

She expected me to obey her without question, otherwise, I was punished. Once,
for instance, I took too long to do what she had told me. She simply took the
ribbon and tied her end of it to a handle on her vanity table, tight enough for
me to stand on the tip of my toes but not to rest on my whole foot. I couldn’t
let go either, since the ring would start throttling me. In the meantime she
continued casually walking around the house, hardly paying any attention to me
and my little struggle against my impossible position. After a few hours, in
which the pain in my legs grew almost unbearable, Ms. Angela came up to me and
'I hope you've had a chance to reflect on what I expect from you. You need to
learn to obey me without question. You no longer have the rights and privileges
of other human beings; I've taken all that away from you. You are to consider
yourself as nothing more than my animal, my property. Everything about you
belongs to me, now. Is that clear, slave?'
'Yes, Your Highness', I replied through my stiff throat. 'I’m so sorry to have
been slow in obeying you. Your punishment of me has reminded me that you hold
all the power in our relationship and I will not forget it. Please forgive me,
Exalted One.'
And with this, she undid the knot and I fell down to the floor, at her feet.

The number of chores she gave me to do also increased drastically. You may
remember the first one, on my first night out of the cage, when she told me to
hand her the TV remote control. Well, anything possible, anything within my
reach, at my height, became part of my obligations. For instance, I started to
carry her coffee from the kitchen to the living room. It wasn’t as heavy as it
was uncomfortable, and I had to be very careful, for not only was it quite hot,
but spilling was absolutely forbidden.

Ms. Angela did not allow me to wear any clothing other than my collar. She said
it was to remind me that I was now her animal, her pet. I was hers, for her to
do with me whatever she wanted.
Finally, one night, before saying good night at my cage door, Ms. Angela sat on
her bed and said,
'At my feet, slave'. I prostrated myself before her. 'I have decided to
permanently mark you as my property. Tomorrow, I shall have my initials branded
onto your forehead. I shall also have the words 'Property of Ms. Angela Bowen'
tattooed onto your back. Now kiss my feet and get into your cage', she ordered.

The day after, I waited impatiently for Ms. Angela’s return from work as I
recovered from my branding and tattooing. Once she walked into the room she
ordered me out of the cage. As usual, I prostrated myself before her and began
to kiss her feet. 'Tell me who you are, slave,' she asked, teasingly.
'I am the personal property of Ms. Angela Bowen,' I said as I continued to kiss
her feet, reverently.
'And don't forget it,' she said as she turned and walked to her mirror. I
crawled after her, kissing the floor wherever she stepped. Seeing me in the
mirror, she chuckled, 'Oh, I like that! I think our new relationship is such
that having you kiss the ground I walk on is quite appropriate,' she said,
admiring herself in the mirror. 'Today, you will be allowed out of your cage
without the ribbon around your neck. However, you are to stay close to me. In
fact, I think I'll insist that you crawl behind me, kissing the ground. Would
you like that, slave?'
'I like only what pleases my owner,' I said, meekly.
She chuckled as she continued to regard herself in the mirror, 'You'll find that
your new life with me is much more pleasant if you maintain that attitude.' She
then turned and walked out of the room. I followed her closely, kissing wherever
she stepped. She continued to the living room, kicked off her slippers and sat
on the sofa. She curled one leg under her and draped the other over the edge of
the sofa. Her feet were very nice and, thanks to me, her nails were buffed and
polished. She began thumbing through a magazine as she said casually, 'You may
give me a foot massage.' I gently caressed her foot with both my hands and
started working my way from her toes to her heel. My owner has always been an
extremely clean person and, although I could smell the day’s sweat, it was by no
means unbearable.
'That’s good, I like this feeling', Ms. Angela said as I massaged on. 'I'm going
to train you to adore me and worship me. I think having you kiss and massage my
feet is a good way to remind you that you are my property. Now lie down on your
back so I may place my foot on you.' She placed her foot on my body with her
slender toes lying over my upturned face. 'You must learn to never deny me
anything nor offer any resistance to my wishes. While I have no obligations to
you whatsoever, you, on the other hand, owe me everything. I've taken away all
of your possessions, all of your rights, and I intend to keep you for the rest
of your life as my personal slave. Is that understood?'
I managed to give out a 'Yes, Your Highness.'
'Now massage my foot and gently kiss the undersides of my toes.' I obeyed.
I continued to massage until I was told to stop.
'Now put my slippers back on my feet', she ordered. Her slippers were satin,
open-toed slip-ons that revealed her beautiful toes. She crossed her legs and
sent me to bring her the newspaper. It was lying on the desk and I reached it
climbing on a chair. When I gave it to her she ordered me to lie on my belly at
her feet with my lips touching the edge of her slipper.
I could tell she was enjoying this whole power trip thing. She liked being able
to have me perform any act she desired, no mater how humiliating it might be for
me. After a quarter of an hour or so she put the paper down and stood up.
'Come with me', she said. As I followed her to her bedroom, I was struck by how
regal she looked. She walked proudly, with her head held high. Her long, satin
gown swayed elegantly as she moved. A few paces behind her, naked and collared,
I followed with my head bowed, my arms limp at my sides. Ms. Angela sat on a
stool in front of her vanity. She looked in the mirror and began brushing her
hair. Without even looking at me, she said, casually, 'I think I'm finished with
you for now. Say goodnight to me and go lock yourself in your cage.' As usual, I
kissed her feet good night and did as I was told.
As I related in my first chapter, I have been captured by a witch and shrunken
to about eighteen inches 'tall.' She took away all of my possessions, my
investment accounts, and all of my freedoms. She keeps me as her naked prisoner,
forcing me to cater to her every whim, no matter how humiliating.
For the past couple of hours, I have been alone in her closet dusting and
polishing her vast collection of shoes and slippers. I’m naked except for a
compliance collar fastened tightly around my neck. The compliance collar is a
hideous device that allows my Mistress to remotely administer a variety of
electric shocks to the back of my neck. The shocks range from a mild tingle she
uses to summon me to a paralyzing jolt that will literally incapacitate me.
Believe me, I quickly learned why it’s called a compliance collar. Ever since
the device was locked around my neck, I obey my Mistress without question.
I just finished cleaning a pair of my owner’s tennis shoes and have now moved to
a pair of light blue pumps. As I do with each pair, I kneel and kiss the toe of
each shoe. I also place a kiss on the inside sole of each, smelling the familiar
scent of my Mistress’s feet.
You probably wonder why I abase myself so much when she’s not even around. Well,
the answer is that she IS around. She has hidden cameras installed everywhere. I
never know if she’s watching me or will view whatever I’m doing at a later time.
Therefore, I always conduct myself as if she were standing right over me.
Suddenly, I feel a tingle on the back of my neck. My Owner is summoning me! I
rush out of her closet and begin frantically searching for her. I know that
unless I am prostrate at her feet within ten seconds of the first tingle I will
receive a second jolt that will be extremely painful. I’m frantic, however,
because I have no idea where she is. She could be anywhere in or around the
Fortunately, I know my way around the house pretty well. After all, it used to
belong to me. That is, until Ms. Angela decided to take everything away from me.

I ran through each of the upstairs room and did not see her. I flew down the
steps as fast as a little guy like me could. As I rounded the corner to go into
the front sitting room, I caught a glimpse her auburn hair through the front
window. She was sitting on the front porch!
I ran to the front door and threw myself against the flap of a built-in pet
door. (Ironically, I had installed the pet door when I was still of regular
height and owned the house. I had put it in for a cat and never dreamed that I
would one day be its primary user.) I tumbled out onto the porch and rushed
toward my Mistress. When I was about three feet from her, I threw myself to the
floor and crawled the rest of the way on my belly until my lips touched the edge
of her slipper. I made it, I thought. Thank God, I made it within the ten
ZAP! The jolt hit me unexpectedly. Why it happened I don’t know. Either she was
slow in taking her finger off of the remote button, or, just as likely, she felt
like zapping me. Either way, I was in no position to complain. I remained
motionless with my lips still pressed to her slipper.
'Take a moment to catch your breath, little toad,' she said. I should mention
that when my Mistress enslaved me, she also took away my name. She now refers to
me as little toad, dinky dink, stupid slave, or any other demeaning label she
thinks of.
'I want you to prepare my bath,' she soon said. The tone of her voice was
arrogant and smug, like a spoiled little rich girl used to having everything her
way. And, of course, having her way with me, a shrunken, naked slave locked into
one of her compliance collars, was now the natural order of things.
'Scent the bath with lavender oils and be sure that everything is just the way I
like it to be.' She snapped her fingers, dismissing me.
I leapt to my feet and rushed off to do her bidding. However, I had not even
made it back to the pet door when I felt another ZAP. This one caused me to lose
my balance and sent me tumbling to the floor. Dazed, I scrambled to my knees and
turned to face the Mistress, my head bowed.
'Whenever I dismiss a slave, I expect to feel my feet being kissed and to hear a
meek little ‘Yes, Mistress.’
'I’m so sorry, Your Highness. Please forgive me,' I pleaded.
'Now, grovel your way back over here and we‘ll try it again,' she ordered.
I crawled on my belly and kissed the floor back over to her feet. Again, I
pressed my lips to the edge of her slipper.
SNAP, went her fingers. Holding her nose in the air like some impetuous
princess, she said, 'You are dismissed, slave,'
I covered her feet with kisses and said, 'Yes, Mistress.'

Upstairs, I began preparations for my Owner’s bath. I drew the water at just the
right temperature, put in the scented oils, and laid out fresh linens. I turned
on her favorite music, soft jazz, and set a glass of wine on the back edge of
the bathtub. I laid a small whip next to the wine glass and knelt next to it. If
everything were not perfect, the Mistress would want to whip me, so I knelt next
to the whip, placed my hands behind my head and leaned back as far as I could.
This position would allow her to snap the whip across the underside of my belly
if she chose to do so. I already have several welts there from previous
'lessons' so I’m hoping that everything is to her liking.
After about ten minutes or so, she entered the bathroom. She let her robe fall
to the floor and pulled the pins out of her luscious hair. She looked
magnificent and I could feel my penis beginning to throb.
She stepped into the bathtub and slowly lowered herself into the warm bubbles I
had prepared. 'Mmmm, good boy!' she purred. 'This feels so good. I think you may
put away the whip.'
After I’d put the whip back on her nightstand, I returned to the bathroom and
knelt next to the tub, this time with my head bowed and my arms limp at my side.

'Let’s see, what do I want from you now,' she said to herself, out loud. 'I
know, go fetch my high-heeled mules, the black ones, and set them next to my
dressing table. You can wait for me there.'
I went to her closet and picked out the shoes she wanted. When I got to the
dressing table I began to lick both shoes all over. Although I had just done
that earlier this morning, I knew that my Mistress liked her shoes to be freshly
I was still licking the shoes when she entered the room. She had already dried
her hair and put on a long white summer dress. As she slid her feet into the
shoes, I lay prostrate with my lips touching them. Her feet were very attractive
and my close-up view of her toes as they disappeared into the shoes was somewhat
Ms Angela strode over to the mirror and admired herself. 'Hmm, I don’t think I
like these shoes,' she said. 'Get me the lavender ones instead,' she ordered as
she kicked off the black ones.
As quickly as possible, I returned with the lavender mules, holding one in each
arm. I was struggling somewhat as I ran because I was trying to lick them at the
same time.
Seeing my struggles, my Mistress chuckled, 'O, that’s alright, little shoe boy.
You can finish licking them after I’ve put them on.'
Gratefully, I set the shoes at her feet and kissed them while she put them on. I
then followed her, on my knees, of course, over to the dressing table. As she
sat applying her make-up, I was on the floor under the table licking her shoes.

After about fifteen or twenty minutes, she stood and began walking out of the
room. 'Go get your leash and wait for me by the front door.'
Now, using a leash on me is not necessary. She can set the remote for my
compliance collar to act as a virtual leash of whatever length she chooses.
Believe me, whenever that virtual leash option is set, I’m very careful to stay
well within her predefined distance. The only reason I can think of for her to
use a real leash is her ego. She likes the visual impact of having a shrunken
slave at the end of a leash. It’s pretty hard for me to forget that she thinks
of me as an animal when I’m naked and at the end of a leash. Also, it probably
means that we’re going out around other people and she wants to flaunt her
dominion over me.
Anyway, after getting the leash and attaching it to my collar, I kneel next to
the front door and await my Owner.

I had been kneeling at the front door of my Mistress’s house (actually, if you
recall, it had been my house until she took it away from me), waiting for her to
come take the end of my leash. As I’d been trained, I always waited for my
Mistress with my head bowed and my hands folded as if praying. She likes seeing
me wait for her like a devoted little supplicant.
After about twenty minutes, she comes by and grabs the end of my leash and
proceeds out the door. 'Come along, slave boy,' she says. I crawl after her down
the porch to a waiting taxi.
'Dogs are $2.00 extra,' says the taxi driver.
'Fine,' my Mistress says.
Something I realized a long time ago is that witches, like my Mistress, are able
to cast spells around their shrunken captives such that normal people view them
as actual dogs. So, to anyone who is not a member of my Mistress’s coven, I
appear as a little yappy mutt at the end of a leash.
Even if I jump up and down and say, 'Please help me, this woman has enslaved me
and is keeping me as her prisoner,' people who are not part of my Mistress’s
group will hear nothing except, 'Yapp, yapp, yapp, yapp. And the only thing
they’ll see is a shivering little K9 at the end of leash.
I’m telling you this because if you’ve ever seen an elegant lady leading a yappy
little dog around on a leash, please understand that the dog may, in fact, be a
naked slave who’s pleading for help.
Anyway, I crawled into the back seat with my Mistress. She, of course, buckles
in to ensure her safety. I, on the other hand, must kneel on the floor,
In fact, my job, when my Mistress
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