Pervert Punishment

Pervert Punishment


Pervert Punishment
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What’s the definition of perverse behavior? As a matter of fact, defining perversion presents countless difficulties . Originally, the term was mistakenly associated with alleged sexual ‘deviations’. However, this concept is currently excluded from the definition.
Psychiatry adopted the terms dysfunctions or paraphilias for cases of perversion related to sexual situations. In fact, in the diagnostic manuals of mental disorders (DSM-5 and ICD 11 ) , perversion is separated from paraphilias and sexual dysfunctions.
A perverse person feels haunted by obsessive and destructive thoughts. They feel that their attitudes aren’t decent and above-board.
Evidently, this is an abnormal condition of the personality , in which the ‘perverse’ individual develops a destructiveness toward their associates through thoughts and acts of an evil nature.
Numerous scientific studies indicate that perverse behavior can be congenital. However, they also affirm that a lack of affection in early stages (in childhood) can lead to the gestation of a mind with perverse characteristics.
The pervert develops a conflictive personality. Their fantasies are always conscious, and they always try to harm, humiliate, and harass other people.
In cases where a sexual perversion (better called paraphilia) is present, it’s essential for the pervert to have a setting where they can develop their desire for destruction and activities with obscene connotations. Furthermore, to be able to transfer those humiliations (real or fictional) they received during their childhood and adolescence.
When the victim of the pervert is subjected and humiliated, the pervert experiences sensations of triumph , domination, and superiority. Ultimately, they need to feel like an avenger and not a victim.
“The evil caused by a pervert is indiscriminate, but they prefer people close to them, such as relatives or sentimental partners.”
Leaving aside the cases of paraphilias, psychoanalysis interprets perversion as a value of the nosographic structures of perversion, neurosis, and psychosis.
To a certain extent, a pervert develops psychopathic behavior. This manifests itself from childhood to maturity. It does so in all areas of their life, from the family to the workplace.
There are certain common traits of perverse people. For example, they’re individuals who present marked traits of aggressiveness and selfishness. They’re also impulsive, with pronounced maladjustment traits and selfish behavior that can become aggressive.
These people show little or no communication with their environment . However, they eagerly pursue perfection in all their pursuits, dragging anyone down in the process. In addition, they have no empathy and show an absolute lack of respect for others.
“Only time shows the righteous man, while you could meet the wicked in a single day.”
According to psychiatrists, the increase in the malignancy of these individuals is usually associated with emotional isolation. This grows due to social or affective resentment, hatred, failure, etc. In fact, it’s a vicious circle that continually feeds itself.
For the perverse person, there’s no turning back. Indeed, it appears that there’s no possibility of a cure. Nevertheless, treatment must be undertaken that starts with making the pervert understand that they’re suffering from an illness. This should be followed by pharmacological and institutional treatment. Furthermore, they should be re-educated in their emotions. Naturally, all treatments should be undertaken by the relevant professionals.
Radiodiagnostic images of the brain indicate that, in pathological perverts, some areas related to emotions present a certain degree of deterioration. Therefore, antidepressants and antipsychotics are proposed as part of the treatment.
The post The Punishment of Being Born Perverse appeared first on Exploring your mind.

A pervert is incapable of loving and expressing affection. Convinced that the world is evil, they become insensitive and unfeeling. It's their way of not suffering.
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What’s the definition of perverse behavior? As a matter of fact, defining perversion presents countless difficulties . Originally, the term was mistakenly associated with alleged sexual ‘deviations’. However, this concept is currently excluded from the definition.
Psychiatry adopted the terms dysfunctions or paraphilias for cases of perversion related to sexual situations. In fact, in the diagnostic manuals of mental disorders (DSM-5 and ICD 11 ) , perversion is separated from paraphilias and sexual dysfunctions.
A perverse person feels haunted by obsessive and destructive thoughts. They feel that their attitudes aren’t decent and above-board.
Evidently, this is an abnormal condition of the personality , in which the ‘perverse’ individual develops a destructiveness toward their associates through thoughts and acts of an evil nature.
Numerous scientific studies indicate that perverse behavior can be congenital. However, they also affirm that a lack of affection in early stages (in childhood) can lead to the gestation of a mind with perverse characteristics.
The pervert develops a conflictive personality. Their fantasies are always conscious, and they always try to harm, humiliate, and harass other people.
In cases where a sexual perversion (better called paraphilia) is present, it’s essential for the pervert to have a setting where they can develop their desire for destruction and activities with obscene connotations. Furthermore, to be able to transfer those humiliations (real or fictional) they received during their childhood and adolescence.
When the victim of the pervert is subjected and humiliated, the pervert experiences sensations of triumph , domination, and superiority. Ultimately, they need to feel like an avenger and not a victim.
“The evil caused by a pervert is indiscriminate, but they prefer people close to them, such as relatives or sentimental partners.”
Leaving aside the cases of paraphilias, psychoanalysis interprets perversion as a value of the nosographic structures of perversion, neurosis, and psychosis.
To a certain extent, a pervert develops psychopathic behavior . This manifests itself from childhood to maturity. It does so in all areas of their life, from the family to the workplace.
There are certain common traits of perverse people. For example, they’re individuals who present marked traits of aggressiveness and selfishness. They’re also impulsive, with pronounced maladjustment traits and selfish behavior that can become aggressive.
These people show little or no communication with their environment . However, they eagerly pursue perfection in all their pursuits, dragging anyone down in the process. In addition, they have no empathy and show an absolute lack of respect for others.
“Only time shows the righteous man, while you could meet the wicked in a single day.”
According to psychiatrists, the increase in the malignancy of these individuals is usually associated with emotional isolation. This grows due to social or affective resentment, hatred, failure, etc. In fact, it’s a vicious circle that continually feeds itself.
For the perverse person, there’s no turning back. Indeed, it appears that there’s no possibility of a cure. Nevertheless, treatment must be undertaken that starts with making the pervert understand that they’re suffering from an illness. This should be followed by pharmacological and institutional treatment. Furthermore, they should be re-educated in their emotions. Naturally, all treatments should be undertaken by the relevant professionals.
Radiodiagnostic images of the brain indicate that, in pathological perverts, some areas related to emotions present a certain degree of deterioration. Therefore, antidepressants and antipsychotics are proposed as part of the treatment.
The philosophy of mental illness combines methods and points of view from philosophy, psychology, neuroscience, and ethics to analyze mental illnes...
Exploring your mind Blog about psychology and philosophy. Articles and opinions on happiness, fear and other aspects of human psychology. © 2012 – 2022 . All rights reserved. The content in this publication is presented for informative purposes only. In no way is this information intended to replace a physician's diagnosis or act as a substitute for the work of a qualified professional. We recommend that you consult a reliable specialist.

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Moe needs money. He just has 100 EUR left but needs more for his bills. He thinks about gambling but then gets an idea: he wants to double his money through a fight. So he waits in front of his flat until someone of the fightplace team comes by. He wants to offer a fight for 100 EUR – the winner gets all.
Knut comes along the street. Moe heads him off and makes his suggestion. Since Knut always needs money as well and not seeing Moe as a big danger he shakes on the deal. After all Moe is smaller, lighter and has less muscles than him. Moe has prepared his flat for the fight already so they start right away.
After some minutes you see that it´s not really about the money. Moe wants his fun and relieve all his aggressions on Knut. So he attacks brutal and hard. It starts with schoolboy pins, muscle riding and slaps in the face. But develops into a punishment match with some erotic parts.
Knut can counterattack from time to time and get Moe underneath him but he didn´t expect that much energy and fury by Moe. They do not only use the usual wedgies and ballgraps. They pinch and bite, grab and squeeze on their balls and cocks. Moe really wants to punish and humiliate the opponent. He slaps him with his best part in the face and trashes his ass. As we know Knut likes such a perverse treatment but sometimes it´s too much. Than he collects all his power and fights back. And he can deal blows as well. But Moe just gets wilder by his actions. At the end it looks bad for Knut. Moe gives everything, attacks him with his feet, uses extreme scissors and plays his slightly pervert games with him.
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When you hear the word “punishment,” sex probably isn't the first thing that comes to mind. But in BDSM —an umbrella term that encompasses bondage and discipline, domination and submission, sadism, and masochism—punishment can be a major component of sex. And a pleasurable one, at that.
“Punishment is a behavior modification tool used in some [dominant/submissive] dynamics to train or discipline a submissive when they’ve defied a boundary or disobeyed an order,” explains Charyn Pfeuffer, a sex and relationships writer and author of 101 Ways to Rock Online Dating . “There’s no one-size-fits-all playbook for punishment, and not every kinky relationship uses it.”
Every couple is free to determine the type and severity of punishments they want to use—and the options are essentially endless. For example, if the submissive partner is a "brat" (a sub who enjoys disobeying their dom’s rules), a dom might give you a spanking as a punishment for being naughty.
“Punishment can include spankings, slapping, choking, use of restraints, or (consensually) forcing your partner into sexual acts," says Daniel Saynt, founder and chief conspirator of The New Society for Wellness , a private members Open Love club for the adventurous. "It's really up to you and your partner to set the limits of what's okay for punishment and what's not.”
Like with most deliciously kinky things, punishment is not just about pain, but also pleasure. It’s a dance between the dom and sub that allows them to explore sides of themselves they may not get a chance to express in real life.
“Sexual punishment is when you know there is a part of you that is under-expressed, maybe from shame or fear,” says Kenneth Play , international sex educator and and creator of the Sex Hacker Pro Series . “So, if you feel like you’re being a dirty slut, being punished by your partner allows you to live out that feeling, while also enjoying your 'dirty slut' side.”
IMPORTANT: Before you engage in any BDSM punishments, you and your partner must thoroughly discuss your boundaries and limits beforehand. Despite the connotation of punishing someone, the activity still requires enthusiastic consent from all parties; the punished wants to be punished, and the punisher wants to punish.
This is where you bring someone to the brink of orgasm, only to stop touching them right before orgasm. Oh, the sweet agony.
Put them over your knee and show them what happens to naughty people who break the rules. Just remember to aim for the fleshy parts of the body, such as the butt cheeks and upper thighs.
Or, you could deny them a spanking. “Sometimes a submissive will ‘act out’ to get the punishment that they really enjoy," says Taylor Sparks, erotic educator and founder of Organic Loven , the largest BIPOC-owned online intimacy shop. "One way to punish them is to NOT give them what they enjoy."
Force your sub to agree to keep their pretty little mouth shut. You can go a step further by not allowing your submissive to speak while in a public place without asking permission first.
This would be cruel outside of a consenting dom/sub dynamic, but hot as hell if both parties are into it. “[This entails] getting your submissive dressed up for an event that they really enjoy, but upon arrival making them sit outside on the ground with their hands in their lap and not allow them to come into the event for a specific amount of time,” Sparks says.
Make your submissive walk on all fours with a collar and a leash like a dog. You can incorporate a dog mask designed for kink, like this one , and even take the act outside for the public humiliation factor.
This is a form of public degradation: You make your submissive wear a shirt that literally says "slut" on it.
“Chain your partner to the bed and leave them there to wait for your return,” Saynt says. “Leave your home and decide how long you want to make them wait for you. Come back to them begging you to set them free.” Oh, the fun that can ensue afterward!
This is when you "make" your partner "take" the pleasure, even if it feels like over-stimulation. “Force your partner to have orgasms until they are completely overwhelmed—then keep going,” Play says.
This is when the dom has sex with someone else and forces the sub to watch. Cuckolding is a more advanced activity, and we suggest doing your research before bringing a new person into the bedroom. For a slightly tamer version, the dominant partner can make the submissive watch them get off with a toy.
“Refuse to let your partner pleasure you and make them beg for a taste," Saynt suggests. "Come within a few inches of their mouth, watch their tongue slip out and get just close enough but not quite there. Make your body their prize and make the longing for it the punishment.”
“Grab ice cubes and use them to run along your partner's body while they are restrained,” Saynt says. “Use the ice to stimulate their body and offer a chilling experience.” This can go really well with a blindfold—that way the sub’s other senses, including touch, are heightened.
“What chore(s) does your sub hate doing? Make them do it—meticulously,” Pfeuffer suggests. What better excuse to not have to do the dishes tonight?
If your sub is naughty, take away their table privileges and force them to eat off the floor like a dog.
Tell your sub to get on all fours and act as a stool for you to rest your feet. Dive into a good book and force them to stay still until you’re good and ready to let them get up.
Is your sub being a little brat? “Put your submissive in the corner for a time-out,” Pfeuffer says. “Being ‘grounded’ for a little while can be incredibly effective” in getting them to follow your rules next time.
Dribble hot wax on a naughty sub’s body. Be sure you’re using a body-safe candle (like these from LoveHoney ), unless you really know what you’re doing. You don’t want to cause burns.
“Only allow your sub to pleasure themselves with your permission," Pfeuffer says. "If rules are broken, that permission is revoked." This means you hold the power over whether they experience pleasure or not; their pleasure is a gift you’re allowing them to enjoy in return for good behavior.
Have your sub go to the grocery store, the dry cleaners, or some other ordinary place while wearing a panty vibrator. You can accompany them, if you choose. We love the We-Vibe Moxie , which comes with its own remote for the dom to control.
If your sub breaks the rules, write what they did wrong on their body in permanent marker. Make them wear it around all day so they don’t forget how naughty they were.
Have your sub sit in the shower or bathtub and pee on them. This kind of humiliation play can get messy, so you might want to do it in the nude.
This is a form of “restrictive discipline,” much like giving your sub a “time out” in the corner. If they break the rules, take away something they enjoy as punishment. This could be access to the show they want to watch, their cell phone, or even an orgasm.
This one is taken right out of the old Catholic school playbook. If your sub does something they’re not supp
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