Perverse Games

Perverse Games


Perverse Games
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I’m Emma and I thank you for being here.
The book “Perverse Games” is my dream come true, which has increased my love for writing, and that is how the idea of ​​creating my personal my space, where I could write whatever I wanted without limitations, was born.
Erotic creation is my field – it gives me my inspiration, strength and unique internal vibrations that make my life unique in a special way.
Beyond the sexual theme, I want to share some thoughts, analysis and views about such areas as the links between us, our psycho-emotional world, creativity, art. But I’m convinced that topics may change over time. At least, because everything changes, moves, develops.
I hope you will act nice in this blog, create a specific attitude and visit it.
I am open to comments, but I can not tolerate any stupidity.
I wish you a pleasant reading, lots of amusement and inner enrichment
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(есенцията на едно желание) Пит - сладкарят от местната...
В живота му имаше много успехи, много разнообразие, много...
Хвърлих телефона си яростно към стената - удари се,...
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Това са думите на дамата, която оприличи стила ми...
(Неочаквана изненада) Изминаха три месеца от несравнимата емоция на...
Ето над това си струва да се замислиш…. Публикувам...
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(есенцията на едно желание) Пит - сладкарят от местната...
В живота му имаше много успехи, много разнообразие, много...
В живота му имаше много успехи, много разнообразие, много жени. Но имаше само една, която не утоляваше жаждата му и спираше дъха му при всеки спомен. Тя бе момичето с най-красивите сини очи, най-слънчевата усмивка, с най-меката кожа, с най-вълшебната кестенова коса! С най-намачканите тениски и най-цветните полички...
Хвърлих телефона си яростно към стената - удари се, падна на парчета, разпилените части на моя гняв. Желанието ми се провали, поредният опит да съкруша себе си и да бъда...
Припомням си “доброто (не много) старо време”, когато често получавах вашите коментари за “Перверзни игри”. Нищо в живота си не мога да сравня с това време! Усещането, вълнението, изобщо -...
Отворих очи. Намирах се в легло, завита и гола. Срещу мен имаше прозорец, покрит с тъмни тежки пердета, а в дясно гореше огън в камина - чух тихото и успокояващо...
И така… след дълго обмисляне, чудене, забавяне и разни други моменти, дойде времето и на Форума на Перверзни игри. Възприемам тази стъпка като експеримент, който би разширил съзнанието многопосочно -...
Това са думите на дамата, която оприличи стила ми на писане с този на Ерика Джонг (тук). Като се замисля, може би най-често срещаната дума, с която свързват начина ми...
(Неочаквана изненада) Изминаха три месеца от несравнимата емоция на Тера с Дем и Тим. Това изживяване я държеше като в перверзен капан - често мислеше за него - по време...
Ето над това си струва да се замислиш…. Публикувам коментара, който съм получила от мъж - януари 2017 г. “Перверзни игри” е книгата, която възбужда повече от порното. В нея...
Започвам с първия коментар за тази нова категория в блога. Изпратен ми е от жена, преди няколко години (април, 2019 г.). Повечето споделени ми мнения съм оставила анонимни - от...
Дойдоха две жени с маски на очите, в широки черни рокли, напълно скриващи телата им. Единствено устните им бяха ясно видими, оцветени в тъмно червило. Нежно освободиха ръцете и краката...

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Perverse Games

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Еротични разкази

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В живота му имаше много успехи, много разнообразие, много жени. Но имаше само една, която не утоляваше жаждата му и спираше дъха му при всеки спомен. Тя бе момичето с най-красивите сини очи, най-слънчевата усмивка, с най-меката кожа, с най-вълшебната кестенова коса! С най-намачканите тениски и най-цветните полички...
Хвърлих телефона си яростно към стената - удари се, падна на парчета, разпилените части на моя гняв. Желанието ми се провали, поредният опит да съкруша себе си и да бъда...
Отворих очи. Намирах се в легло, завита и гола. Срещу мен имаше прозорец, покрит с тъмни тежки пердета, а в дясно гореше огън в камина - чух тихото и успокояващо...
(Неочаквана изненада) Изминаха три месеца от несравнимата емоция на Тера с Дем и Тим. Това изживяване я държеше като в перверзен капан - често мислеше за него - по време...
Дойдоха две жени с маски на очите, в широки черни рокли, напълно скриващи телата им. Единствено устните им бяха ясно видими, оцветени в тъмно червило. Нежно освободиха ръцете и краката...
(есенцията на едно желание) Пит - сладкарят от местната сладкарница - бе очарователен в своята мекота, светещ поглед и закачливост. Срещнах го, когато взимах торта за рождения ми ден през...
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Тера….мечтата на всеки мъж... привлекателна, обаятелна, умна, с чувство за хумор, с богата душевност. Истината е, че беше мечтата не заради тези прекрасни качества, а заради факта, че беше и...

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Perverse Games

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Home All Articles Top 10 Sexy Games For Perverts
I run the 'I Love Japanese Games' facebook page - unsurprisingly, I love Japanese Games, which is how I ended up contributing to Rice Digital. I love doujin games, but expect me to write about all aspects of the Japanese games industry - from JRPGs, to Visual Novels, shooters - anything that interests me, basically. I've been told to tell you that my 'views are not necessarily those held by Rice Digital or it's partners'.
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I am a massive pervert. I don’t mean in a grooming-children-while-playing-Call of Duty kind of way. More in the way that I have a certain… appreciation for sexy games and the moe. I feel no shame in browsing Gelboru on public transport. I have four wives. All of them printed on double-sided dakimakura.
Feel the shame welling up inside you as you continue to browse. Secretly feel aroused at the wrongness within. Frantically try to close your browser as your boss enters the office… and remember to remove all traces of sexy games from your history.
This, my disgusting friends, is a guide to my top sexy games for perverts.
Goggles on, perverts! Lets do this! 
This is a no brainer. It’s basically a match 3 puzzle dating sim – where you have to woo the ladies by stalking them around town, buying them gifts and chatting them up in bars.
Win enough match-3 puzzle action and you’ll increase your relationship level with them to the point you can take them on dates. Win enough Match 3 puzzles on dates and you get to take them home. Once you get them home you get to Match 3 your way to nudity and er… closing the deal, as it were.
The good thing about Hunie Pop is, well, it’s actually quite a decent game. Beware though, there are two version of this game, a marginally lewd version on Steam and then a REALLY LEWD version that you can buy from placed like
If you scroll further down this list you’ll find the original Gal*Gun, but since I originally wrote this, two further Gal*Gun games have been released – Double Peace and more recently Gal*Gun 2. These stay firmly in the rail-shooting-against-hordes-of-giddy-girls-vying-for-your-attention genre.
While Double Peace if perhaps seen as the favourite among fans, Gal*Gun 2 is particularly interesting as it ups the visual ante somewhat, is available on Switch and, crucially is also one of the few sexy games playable in VR if you’re so inclined.
If every there was a game that made that headset worthwhile then this is is. Nothing beats DokiDoki mode in VR. Nothing. You can buy it here.
Okay, hold on to your hats folks, because as sexy games go, the premise of this one is AMAZING.
Basically, you’re on an island with a whole load of other girls. An island where you have to fight a whole bunch of robots and stuff. Mechanically, this is pretty good and a very fun beat em up – but here’s the thing – you have a partner in the game, another girl. This girl also happens to be a super weapon .
The question is, how do you think you get your super weapon to work? How do you make her more powerful? By totally getting it on with her, that’s how.
Lord have mercy – that is one hell of a concept. Teenage fighting lesbian super weapons.
Originally on 360 and PS3 – Atlus’ Catherine has had a much awaited re-release and remaster. One the one side you have a game which is very much narrative driven . As the lead character Vincent, you have to choose between Katherine with a K – who’s basically all about marriage and settling down and responsibility – and on the other hand you have Catherine, the attractive seductive blonde.
The decisions you make throughout the game will affect which direction you take along with a pretty outrageous twist.
In between the, I have to say, gorgeous anime scenes and story bits – you have Vincents nightmares – which play out as challenging block puzzles. It’s an odd fusion of styles, which, somehow, really works. Even if you’re not in it for the sexy games angle, it’s well worth playing regardless!
Love Plus isn’t actually all that pervy on the sexy games scale – it’s just a little creepy . This DS title is probably best described a girlfriend simulator. A pocket girl you can carry around with you and interact with – pretending all the while she’s your real girlfriend.
To begin with you have to court her – there’s a choice of three girls you can go for – and there’s a fairly rpg-like feel to the experience. You can build stats, go on dates and see if you can walk her home. Once you’re with the girl of your choice (triggered by a mutual confession of your interest in each other) the game changes up – and gets even more involving. Unlike Visual Novels – there’s no titillating CG reward.
Instead you can continue to interact with (and touch!) her in real time, tied to a real time calendar, so different events will pop up on the days they’re supposed to. Cleverly, her behaviour will change to match your likes and dislikes.
It’s a shame this has no western release – mainly because, techically speaking it’s very solid is a genuinely interesting game (many RPG’s could learn from it) and is a triumph in elegant design.
Again – not super filthy in terms of sexy games – but honest to goodness entry level fan service. For those of you who have not tried this series? In a nutshell, it’s the Console Wars made real. Well, I say ‘real’ – a console war where rival factions are actually fighting it out, with characters and worlds being fantasy representations of the real world consoles.
As you’d… er… ‘expect’, each console is represented by a super-hot, boobalicious sex goddess from the planet Pantsu.
As RPG’s go it’s actually not that great – meandering dialogue that doesn’t really go anywhere and, though conceptually, the design is pretty great, it’s all disappointingly menu-driven.
There are plus points. There are a ton of clever references and nods to videogames past and present which are fun to uncover and the battle system is pretty awesome. And when you’re not revelling in up-skirt shots, you can marvel at how such a simple game can have such an appalling framerate.
Perhaps one of the first sexy games to bring shameless fan-service to mainstream gaming. Team Ninja took the girls from Dead or Alive – decided to just throw away all the rubbish fighting gameplay, strip the girls down to their undies and put them all on a tropical island.
And those who have played this game will understand that… well… that’s not a fair representation of this game. Somehow, somehow Tecmo managed to deliver a game that was about beach volleyball, mini-games, gambling and relationship building into a package that worked amazingly well.
A volleyball game that basically just uses a couple of buttons? Rubbish right? Wrong. It was very well handled, intuitive and excellent fun. Likewise, the relationship building aspect (success in which affects your on court performance) was also subtly handled and proved very compelling.
So yeah, it might seem like it’s just an excuse to get minimum clothing for maximum profits – but against all expectations, this was a superb title. If you’ve never played it because of your pre-conceptions – then just drop it and pick up a copy. Since I originally wrote this article Dead or Alice Xtreme 3 has since been released – and as you can see form the screen above – It. Looks. Gorgeous. Sure it might be a little content light, but goddamn is that game… er… relaxing.
This recently got picked up for a Western release – which I’m very pleased about – not least because both titles in the series, the 3DS’ ‘Burst’ and PS Vita ‘Shinovi Versus’, have proven themselves to be very fun, very accomplished brawlers.
Senran Kagura centers around the concept of two schools – one good, one bad, each full of super-hot girls fullfilling all the usual anime archetypes. Oh yeah, and they’re secretly being trained in ninjitsu.
Nothing wrong with this of course. There’s even less wrong with one of the game’s main features – the fact that as they fight, their clothes get ripped apart until they’re fighting in nothing more than their delicate skimpies.
This is the kind of game feature that I can totally get behind and, as it turns out, all western age-ratings bodies have fully approved of. So everyone’s happy.
It also means that once, just once this year – I will be turning the 3D feature of my 3DS back on. Because… you know…
You’re a guy in school. Who accidentally gets hit by all of Cupids arrows (bear with me) the affect of which is that every single girl in school totally wants a piece of him.
Their raging teenage hormones mean they’re utterly powerless to resist charging at him, giggling and demented – demanding to be taken into the deepest recesses of the school library for some excessive heavy petting.
There’s a problem though. Our hero – that’s YOU – doesn’t want ALL the girls. You’re a picky little douchebag who only wants one of a select few.
SO. What’s a boy to do? Enter some pretty decent rail-gun gameplay – where instead of bullets you’re shooting love to a) keep the girls you don’t want at bay and b) score hits on the girls you want.
Perhaps the most pervy this game gets is where you can enter DokiDoki mode – a kind of special mini-game where you have to touch the girls in all the right places to make sure they’re totally hot for you.
Best of all – Gal Gun, and especially Double Peace is a damn fine game. Solid Rail shooter action but dressed up in a super-moe and outrageously titillating package. So pleased this is getting a western release as it’s totally legit.
The Special Edition of this game even has a pair of panties in the box – because… you know… why not.
Gal Gun: Double Peace, the sequel to Gal Gun, is available to order for the PS4 and PS Vita from the Rice Digital Store.
I’m going to use the ‘but… but… it’s actually a really great game’ defence here, as I frantically rub away at my Vita like some kind of sex-starved lunatic hobo, who’s stumbled upon an old copy of playboy at the side of a railway.
There’s a lot to respect about this title, the unfolding nature of the game which has you physically opening booster packs on the touch screen and the fact that the TCG elements are quite involved, strategic and would hold up regardless of the sexiness.
But you don’t want to know about the pros of this as a stand alone TCG do you? You’re here for the sexy – and it’s here that things certainly get interesting.
Cards that you collect can be powered up in a rather unique way. Unlike games like Valkyrie Crusade, where you evolve or amalgamate cards of like-types. Monster Monpiece asks that you open up a full view of the card you want to power up and then poke and prod at the sexy artwork in the right places to build meter. Once you’ve got them to the appropriate level it’s time to frantically stroke your card to bring them to… er… fruition. Be successful in this rather ridiculous process and your cards will be 1) Even more awesome and 2) even more saucy.
Probably one of the most well known of the sexy games – but not so well played.
Otherwise known as the ‘Witch Touching Game’, Majo Shinpan asks that you ‘investigate’ young girls with the stylus in order to uncover which of them is a witch – just like I do to the clinetele of my local bowling alley after three cans of Special Brew.
In some ways it’s relatively tame – the majority of the time is spent as a visual novel – interspersed with battles against the girls. Once their HP reaches zero, the investigation begins – as you tap and blow on the girl in order to get her agitated or aroused – the point being that she reaches a certain state where a ‘Witch Mark’ is uncovered and you can expose her for the evil sorceress
Selfbondage Orgasm
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