Personal Narrative: Build-A-Bear

Personal Narrative: Build-A-Bear

Personal Narrative: Build-A-Bear😍

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To search dissertations by author, keywords, etc. Demo, Doug PhD β€” Interactional competence in gatekeeping encounters: A discourse analysis of cross-cultural employment interviews Mentor: Andrea Tyler. Fogle, Evelyn PhD β€” Language socialization in the internationally adoptive family: Identities, second languages, and learning Mentor: Kendall King. Goo, Jaemyung PhD β€” Corrective feedback, individual variation in cognitive capacities, and L2 development: Recasts vs. Mentor: Natalie Schilling. Jacobsen, Natalia PhD β€” Applying cognitive linguistics and task-supported language teaching to instruction of English conditional phrases Mentor: Andrea Tyler. Jeon, K. Kim, Jeong-eun PhD β€” Explicit form-focused instruction and acquisition of implicit L2 knowledge in adult second language acquisition Mentor: Alison Mackey. Chinatown Mentor: Robert Podesva. Mentor: Robert Podesva. Mentor: Alison Mackey. Rus, Dominik PhD β€” The acquisition of verbal inflection in child grammars in a variability model of early morphosyntactic development Mentor: Donna Lardiere. Soukup, Barbara PhD β€” The stragegic use of Austrian dialect in interaction: A sociolinguistic study of contextualization, speech perception and language attitudes Mentor: Natalie Schilling-Estes. Winke, Paula PhD β€” Individual differences in adult Chinese second language acquisition: The relationship among aptitude, memory and strategies for learning Mentor: Alison Mackey. Recent dissertations are listed alphabetically by author below.

The Harlem Dancer And Invocation Analysis

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