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Breast Talk: All You Want To Know About Ideal Breasts

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Ideal Breast Size : Female breasts have been symbols of femininity, sacred symbols of motherhood, and mysterious objects of desire to mankind since time immemorial. And yet, they are not always a source of pride and satisfaction to women. Artists, designers, and movies have brought hitherto private body parts to the public eye and created higher expectations in the minds of both men and women, as to what ideal breasts are like. A survey conducted in the United States revealed that 76 percent of women were dissatisfied with their breast size, and 40 percent of male responders expressed dissatisfaction with the breast size of their partners. Does the same apply to Indians as well? Is there an Indian idea of the ideal breast ? Here I have explored western and Indian art, Hollywood and Indian cinema, and plastic surgery texts and combined it with my own experience as a woman and a plastic surgeon to get the answers.
On a google search, the common perception seems to be that men like big breasts. This is a common theme of popular jokes as well. Pornography directed at men validates and reinforces this view. A study of ancient and Indian sculptures reveals women and goddesses being depicted as having large hemispherical, round breasts jutting straight out defying gravity. Men’s attraction to bigger breasts though can be explained by developmental theory. Breast develop during puberty in females, under influence of fertility hormone Oestrogen. It makes the girl transition to womanhood by stimulating breast glands and depositing fat in hips, thighs, and breasts, giving her the characteristic curves.
According to natural selection theory, sexual partners were chosen according to their potential for fertility. Big breasted and curvy women thus got preference. Mother’s breasts are the source of nourishment to an infant. Breasts are big, firm, and full when the woman is breastfeeding. While the memory of a mother’s breasts and the attachment to them may not be remembered in adult life, but subconscious mind carries the attraction. In the Victorian era, Breasts were bound in tight corsets to make them look smaller, as large breasts were considered low class, tribal and vulgar. High society favoured smaller breasts on women as being the ideal breast type. In the 21st century, the average breast size in the general population has increased from B cup to C cup, because of increasing weight. And now you see in movies, slim women who have large breasts – thanks to plastic surgery. But there are several surveys, though not from India, that have demonstrated that the majority of men are actually satisfied by any breast size on the woman they love.
Isn’t it strange that so far we have been talking only about men, even though breasts belong to women. A girl who goes through the awkwardness of growing breasts in adolescence must witness the changes, pleasure, and pains of her breasts through pregnancies, breastfeeding, weight fluctuations, and ultimately age. So what kind of breasts do Indian women like?
In my practice, size 36 is often mentioned by Indian women who want to enhance their breasts by plastic surgery as the ideal breast size . This perhaps comes from ”36, 24, 36 “ ideal of woman’s figure which is been existing since the 1960s. Thirty-six-twenty four-thirty six defines the ideal hourglass figure of maximum breast and hip measurements of 36-inch with a narrow 24-inch waist in between. How common is an hourglass figure in reality? A survey of 6000 women conducted in the USA in 2006 revealed that only 8 percent of those had hourglass figures. Indian women are most commonly pear-shaped, with relatively wider hips and buttocks than the breasts. One can not define an attractive or ideal breast by a single number, like 36 inches. Ideal breasts are better defined in terms of bra cup size. Cup sizes C and D are most popular among Indian women.
Bra size is a common guess, men make about women, but most women themselves do not know their correct bra size. The majority of women wear the wrong size bras in India. Reasons for wearing the wrong size bras are:
Bra sizes come in a wide range, but the most commonly available bra sizes in India range from 30B to 36D. Here 36 is bra size and D is the cup size. Measuring the size of the bra involves taking 2 measurements: Strap size (measurement 1), is the tape measure in inches just below the breast, where the bra strap rests. Measurement 2 is taken at the most prominent point of breast projection. If the difference between these 2 measurements is 1 inch then the cup size is A, if 2 inches B, 3 inches C, and 4 inches D cup. So a woman with bra size 36 can have a cup size of A and she may be flat-chested. Whereas 34 C may look very attractive and 30 DD may be too big. So cup size is very important in describing breast size.
Plastic surgeons are experts in beauty and body form. Plastic surgery textbooks pick up clues from art, sculptures and study what people like, to describe ideal breasts . When we operate on the breasts to improve the shape and size, these ideals guide us. Ideal breasts as visualized by plastic surgeons have the following characteristics:
Average breast size of women is increasing all over the world proportionate to increase in obesity. But, breast size of a woman is not necessarily directly proportionate to their weight. That is why, weight gain does not solve problem of flat chested women and similarly extra large breasts are hard to reduce in size by diet and exercise.
In contrast to breasts too big, small breasts do not cause any health concern – only psychological and sartorial ones.
According to 2016 survey of ISAPS ( International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons ), 92000 Indian women opted for aesthetic change in size and shape of their breasts in 2016. Most common breast procedure in India in descending order were:
Overall in the world, 3,08,9952 women underwent aesthetic breast surgery, marking 10 percent increase from 2015.
Ideal breasts remain significant to Indian women and their partners through different stages of lives. Women from 18-55 years old have approached me, alone, with parents or with partners with their breast issues. Sometimes, it is the partner who insists in the surgery and the woman does it to please him, but most times it’s the woman herself who takes the lead and does the task of convincing the family about the need.
Dr. Priti Shukla has been in practice since 2001 with a primary interest in cosmetic surgery, specifically breast enhancement, body contouring, and non-surgical facial rejuvenation. She is a member of many prestigious associations and is considered the best female cosmetic surgeon in India and a top plastic surgeon in Hyderabad. Today, her client list includes models, actors, homemakers, professionals, and students from around the globe.
In the last 15 years, Dr Priti Shukla has patients coming from a wide variety of backgrounds like working professionals, models & actresses, students, entrepreneurs, homemakers, even doctors, etc. Dr. Priti especially makes sure of her patient’s requirements in detail, and she studies the case history of her patients before prescribing any kind of procedures to them.

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Find out why bigger isn’t always better…
Hello, gentlemen. Today we will talk about breasts, because why wouldn’t we? Boobs can be a topic of conversation any day on the Gregorian Calendar, but today is a special, because science seems to have found out what the most attractive breast size is on a woman actually is. Hooray for science!
On a noble quest to determine what type of female figure is most appealing to men and how it ties into evolution and breeding, researchers at Charles University in Prague found that, contrary to popular belief, men don’t always like a big honkin’ bosom. Rather, it was found that not-as-large, perky breasts were the preferred type.
To illustrate, let’s compare Jennifer Lawrence and the more, um, robust Katy Perry. 
Previously, we might have bet on Katy’s epically ample chest being more universally appealing, but the findings of this study suggest J-Law’s medium-sized girls take the cake. 
This is a little surprising, because it was previously believed that bigger breast size indicated higher estrogen levels, which meant large-breasted women were more fertile. And since men are subconsciously attracted to women who can pop out healthy babies, the researchers hypothesized that men would totally be attracted to huge knockers.
But no. That’s not how things turned out. Apparently, there’s more to the reproductive enigma than just boob size.
In their study , the team of researchers recruited 267 men from four different countries–Brazil, Cameroon, the Czech Republic and Namibia–and surveyed them on their breast preferences. Then, the men were shown pictures of different sized boobs of varying firmness. Some were large albeit saggy, others were sprightly A-cup tater tots…well, you get the idea.
The results? “Individual preferences for breast size were variable, but the majority of raters preferred medium sized, followed by large sized breasts. In contrast, we found systematic directional preferences for firm breasts across all four samples,” the authors wrote in the published report .
So, bigger is not always better, but firmer definitely is. The authors explain that even though breast size is a good indicator of fertility, “breasts become less firm with age and parity, and breast shape could thus also serve as a marker of residual fertility.”
This means that if a woman has pretty sizable chesticles but they droop down to her belly button, she’s likely pretty old and not fertile, which is why you don’t find that whole scenario too endearing. Same goes for pocket-sized breasts, too. Probably not too fertile. But you never know. Biology is full of confusing loopholes. 
The researchers conclude that the sagginess that comes with increasing age and declining fertility, as well as estrogen-dictated breast size come together to synthesize the mathematical equation of the perfect pair of hooters, which is:
Relatively higher estrogen + relatively younger age = medium sized, firm, absolutely ideal boobs. 

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Lisa Lombardi is the Executive Editor of Health and co-author of What the Yuck?! The Freaky & Fabulous Truth About Your Body. She has written for everyone from The New York Times and MSN to Marie Claire and Maxim. A working mom of two, she is much better at pinning healthy recipes than actually making them.

It may sound like a headline from The Onion , but actual British researchers have pinpointed the ideal breast shape , according to a study published in the very real journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery .

In this rather unusual bit of science, the British doctors surveyed 1,315 people (men, women, and plastic surgeons), asking them to look at photos of different breasts and pick the proportions they liked best. The winning ratio across all three groups: 45:55, as in 45% of breast tissue falls above the nipple line and 55% below. Turns out, this is a "natural" shape—similar to the Venus de Milo —and nothing like the orb-like, fake boobs of yore.

"Particularly in the United States in previous decades, plastic surgeons have used implants that were often round due to being filled with saline," wrote researchers Dr. Patrick Mallucci of The Cadogan Clinic and Dr. Olivier Branford of the Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust in an email. "These inevitably gave an unnatural football-like or ' Baywatch ' breast with overfilling of the top of the breast due to the implant shape and lack of understanding as to what to aim for."

Surprisingly, one subset in the study was more apt to choose perfectly even melons: women over 40. The likely reason? They pine for what they've lost up top. "As the breast ages," wrote the researchers, "it becomes more fatty, the skin sags and the nipple falls, often with breast volume loss." (As if those of us in our 40's need a reminder of all that!)

Maybe you're thinking: How dare experts reveal what's "perfect" when we all know beautiful breasts come in all shapes and sizes! Well, before you get too worked up, keep in mind that the study was meant to help plastic surgeons have a more consistent template not only for breast augmentation , but also breast reductions and reconstruction after cancer .

Topline takeaway? A natural bosom is the favorite, even with guys—no matter what beer commercials would have us believe. As the British doctors explained, "Preconceptions that men prefer an artificial augmented look are false."

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