Переработка На Английском Сочинение

Переработка На Английском Сочинение


Переработка На Английском Сочинение

Мини сочинение о переработке на английском

https://ykl-res.azureedge.net/0178f28e-d8f6-42bf-97f0-ca5437bbaae1/Ex1ap40mp3.mp3 ПЕРЕВОД СРОЧНО ДАМ 40 баллов

https://ykl-res.azureedge.net/0178f28e-d8f6-42bf-97f0-ca5437bbaae1/Ex1ap40mp3.mp3 перевод!!!! Дам 45 баллов

3. Поставьте слова в правильном порядке:
Many, has, different, done, she, tests___________________

Written, she, ten, interesting, has, books____________________________________
A lot of, they, famous, met, people, have____________________________________
Has, places, he, many, travelled___________________________________________
Been, we, in, married, have, New York_____________________________________

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Заранее Спасибо♥️

твір роздумина тему "моя майбутня професія" професія повар​

помогите с английским даю 20 балов. мне нужно это сдать завтра​

NameFmREADING (THE FIRST TERM)O Read the text and choose the correct word for each blank.MOTHER TERESAMother Teresa of Calcutta has often been describ

ed as a sant. She devederwhole me to(1) work, looking at the poor and neck. Mother Teresabom in 1910 in what is now Macedonia. From the age of 12. she said she methashe wanted to(2) her life to helping people her her schooling andshe went to Calcutta in India where she would becomeB) for her goodWhile teaching in a school, she felt a strong desire to do more here sickand dying people in Calcutta. In 1952 she set up a centre for the emaille. Siewanted these people to have the best quality care in the last days.Her work inspired many people and her organisation grew and grew Originally thehad twelve women working for her, but - 4 the ear 2000. Here were omthan 4,000 people working for the organisation running schools, orphanages andhomes for the sick and poor all over the world. Even people who did not ageall of her views could admire all of the good that she did.In 1979, she was (5) the Nobel Peace Prize and when she died, agedthe French President, Jacques Chirac, said what many people were thinking thisevening there is less love, less compassion, less light in the worldDBACassistancecharity1)donationdonatedictatedevelop2)dedicateconfidentVisionaryoutspoken3)famousaboutbyforrewardedawardedpresented5)madeDO SHOT ON REDMI 9AI QUAD CAMERA15​

написать на английском объявление своего магазина​

Написать на англисском мой магазин, и что там будет продаваться и цены​

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