Percy Jackson Porn

Percy Jackson Porn


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In this story, all the hunters are older than 18.
"Sorry Seaweed brain, but I think we should end this relationship here."
It all begun with this simple phrase, she never told him why she wanted to dump him, she just did.
When he asked why, she just said that he wouldn't understand before leaving like that, like everything they've been through didn't matter to her.
Honestly, Percy thinked he heard his heart shatter when his wise girl, who he thought was going to be the love of his life, told him that.
At first he thought it was just in his head but now three weeks have passed and he could still hear it crumble into millions of pieces.
It hurts much more than anything else he've been through and honestly ? He've been through a lot.
But to Percy, he'd rather hold the sky for a hundred years instead of feeling the pain of a heartbreak again.
"Maybe I was just ... not good enough, maybe she needed me and I couldn't see it, if it's true then I can only understand her decision to dump me, what kind of boyfriend don't notice when his girlfriend need his help ?" He thinked
"I'm just the worst, that's why she decided to end our relashionship."
All these thoughts kept on accumulating untils he was finally pulled out of his mind by the sound of a hunting horn resonating in the whole camp.
"Seems like the hunters are here" Percy said for himself
Until three weeks ago, Percy would've probably been happy to hear the horn since after all, it meant that his cousin and one of his best friends, Thalia Grace was at camp and honestly, it was always fun to watch the hunters beat the crap out of the few guys stupid enough to try to hit on them.
But right now, pain was the only thing Percy could feel.
He didn't even moved from his spot, seated on the sand, watching the waves moving up and down to go and say hello to his cousin.
Thalia will probably electrocute him later for not moving his ass to greet her but Percy didn't care, he didn't care about anything, he just sat on the sand and waited.
Thalia was happily whistling while walking to the beach.
She knew Percy would be here since Annabeth told her and Thalia was always happy to see her cousin, he was one of her best friends and if she was being honest, she might have a little crush on him too.
Not that she would act on it though, she was a hunter of Artemis after all and Percy was dating Annabeth so it's not like she could, even if she wanted to.
Yet, love isn't a feeling that you can supress that easily so she decided to not do anything about it and to watch his cute little ass from afar, without being caught obviously.
One minute later, Thalia was at the beach and she didn't have to search for a long time before seeing Percy, seating on the sand.
"Hey Kelp head ! I know the sea is kind of your thing and all but you could at least come and greet your favorite cousin when she's in camp, you know ?" Thalia said happily
She was expecting a sassy answer like : "I'll be sure to greet Nico when he come, then !" but instead, Percy just gave her a weak : "Hey Thals".
The hunter moved forward a little and frowned when she saw her cousin's face : he seemed totally depressive.
When she had asked Annabeth where Percy was earlier, the daughter of Athena visibly tensed before saying that he was probably at the beach.
She didn't think much of it at first but now that she was seeing Percy's state, she was starting to think that something had happened, something big.
"Hey Perce, what happened ? You know you can tell me everything, right ?" She said in a soft voice
She heard Percy sigh before speaking up :
"Annabeth broke up with me" He said finally
Thalia was so shocked she couldn't stop herself from shouting :
She saw Percy shrug before answering :
"I don't know, she just said I wouldn't understand, you knew her before me, don't you have an idea ?" He asked sadly
It didn't took long to Thalia to understand the reason behind Annabeth's decision.
There is a secret that the female demigods had always kept from the male ones : all the demigodesses were born with both the genitals of a male and a female, they were futanaris.
Of course, Annabeth was not an exception and Thalia herself had an impressive 10 inches long and currently soft cock beetween her legs.
Yeah, it didn't help either that futanari's dicks were usually a lot bigger than normal ones.
When you knew all of that, you could understand Annabeth's decision : she was afraid.
Afraid that Percy would've dumped her when he would have found about her dick.
It had happened before, after all. That's the reason why most of the hunters hate males actually but in all honesty, Thalia couldn't see Percy break up with Annabeth for a reason like this one.
He's fatal flaw was personal loyalty after all.
He would have loved Annabeth anyway, Thalia was sure of it and was sad that Annabeth couldn't see it too.
"Yeah, kelp head, I think I know" Thalia said sadly
"Really ?" Asked Percy, hoping he could finally have an answer
Thalia sighed before his hopeful expression.
"Sorry Perce, I swear on the Styx I wish I could tell you but ... it's not only my secret, I can't tell you without betraying a lot of other peoples" She said
The glimmer of hope that was on Percy's face vanished but he still nodded.
"It's okay Pinecone face, at least I know there is a reason behind it, thanks"
Thalia smiled at the old nickname before giving a hug to her cousin, trying to comfort him the best she could.
She finally let go after five minutes, a slight blush on her cheeks.
Thankfully, Percy was still watching the sea and couldn't see her face, otherwise he would have asked why she was red and it would have been really, really awkward.
"Well Kelp Head, i'm going back to cabin eight, try to come for the capture the flag, tonight, if you don't it's gonna be way too easy for us to win" She said while standing up.
Thalia was pleased to see the ghost of a smile forming itself on Percy's lips before making her way back to the other hunters.
Artemis was alone in cabin eight, quietly resting on one of the beds while her hunters where all outside, probably beating the crap out of some male or practising archery.
All the hunters, including Artemis, were all sharing a sisterly-like bond and as such, they all cared immensely for each others so when Artemis saw the sad expression on Thalia's face when she came back from the beach, she became worried.
"Thalia, are you okay ?" Asked the goddess
Thalia stopped to think for a moment before sighing.
Artemis frowned but didn't say anything, inviting Thalia to continue.
"Annabeth broke up with Percy, he's totally depressive and I don't know how to cheer him up" She explained sadly.
If it was about any other male, Artemis would have said that he just had probably cheated on her so she dumped him in return but the man Thalia was speaking about was Perseus Jackson and even Artemis was positive that he would never have done that.
"What happened ?" Artemis asked curiously, she wasn't one to care about everyone's relationships like Aphrodite but she had to admit she didn't know why anyone would want to break up with Perseus.
"I'm not sure because Annabeth didn't say anything to Percy but I guess it's because she was afraid of what Percy would have done if he had learned the truth".
Artemis understood what Thalia meant. A lot of males dumped their demigodesses girlfriends when they learned about them being futanari, stupid males, they were making a lot of young maidens feel insecure and ashamed about their bodies.
Being a futanari like all the demigodesses and godesses, Artemis had her own cock too. It was actually one of the longest of Olympus since it could stand at 21 inches when hard, putting to shame all of the male gods of the pantheon, which was quite pleasant in Artemis' mind.
Why do you think Apollo keep saying he is the big brother ? He's trying to make up for something else, obviously.
"I don't know Perseus that much but I doubt he would dump Athena's daughter for this" Artemis said
"Yeah, I know, I think it must be because of her fatal flaw too. Her pride would have been hurt if Percy had been the one to break up so in her mind, she had to do it first."Explained Thalia
Artemis sighed, unfortunately it made sense, hubris always had been one of the worst fatal flaw in her mind.
"What are we going to do Milady ? I really don't want to leave camp knowing that Percy is in this state. And it doesn't help that he have to stay at camp either, everything here remind him of Annabeth."
Artemis saw at Thalia's face that she wouldn't leave while Perseus was still depressive and truthfully, Artemis wanted to help the male too for he was the only male she respected.
She began to think of a way to make him feel better.
Thalia said that the fact he had to stay at camp didn't help. Obviously he couldn't go alone because even when you are Perseus Jackson, it's not easy to stay alive for a long time outside of the camp's border.
That's when an idea popped up in the godess' mind.
In all honesty, if Artemis had to pick a male with who she would have to spend the rest of her life, it would've certainly be Perseus Jackson, after all he was loyal, strong, kind and a bunch of other qualities that Artemis didn't want to start to enumerate.
Anyway, her point was that Perseus was truly a good person, even Artemis couldn't deny it, she knew she could trust him.
So yeah, Artemis was currently thinking about giving Perseus Jackson the choice to come with her and her hunters.
But she also knew that even if Perseus was respected in the hunt, the hunters wouldn't like the idea of a man being in the hunt.
Except if said male was giving something that the hunt couldn't have.
Artemis felt her cock begining to harden at the thought that had formed in her mind.
Usually, people thinks Artemis' oath forbade her from having sex, but that's not true.
It forbade her for losing her virginity, more precisely her pussy's virginity and her ass' virginity.
But her dick, on the other side, she could use it whenever she wanted.
And since her hunter's oathes were bounded to her own, it was the same for them.
Some times, Artemis knew her hunters wished they could ... relieve themselves and honestly, Artemis wished she could too.
But if Artemis could get Perseus to agree to her idea, this need would be fulfilled and that would surely please the hunters.
"Yep, it's worth the try." Artemis thinked, her cock now totally hard.
"I think I have an idea, I'll speak to Perseus, don't worry Thalia" She said finally
"You Milady ? Are you sure ?" Asked Thalia, worried that her cousin might end up as a jackalope. She didn't mind the erected cock of her mistress either, after all it was a common sight in the hunt.
"Absolutely, don't worry I won't do anything that you wouldn't do to him" Artemis said while smirking slightly
Thalia felt her cheeks redden and her cock begining to harden.
"W-What do you mean, Milady ?" She stuttered
"Thalia, i'm the godess of the hunt, I can shoot the bullseye when the target is 2000 feets away with an eye closed and you really think I wouldn't notice when you check up Perseus' ass ? But none of that will matter anyway if I can make Perseus agree with my idea"
"Which is ?" Asked Thalia curiously, her face was now entirely red
"Well, I want to make Perseus Jackson the personal cumdump of the hunt" grinned Artemis

No part may be reproduced in any form without explicit written permission.
All characters in all stories on this site are over 18.

Percy is dumped by his girlfriend without even knowing why.
Depressive, he don't know what to do, he can't go out of camp since it's too dangerous for a demigod like him but he don't want to stay either because of the memories.
Fortunately for him, the solution to this problem come in the form of the least likely person : Artemis, godess of the hunt.

Updated on Aug 5, 2022
by Decent smut writer

Created on Jun 13, 2019
by Emi

It makes me sad to check for updates on a great story and not see any.
when will you post the next chapter?
It would be an understatement if I said it is great. Cheers :)
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