Pepper Potts Private Show

Pepper Potts Private Show


Pepper Potts[1]
Very Rare Woman[1]
Worthy Successor[2]
Two Seals Fighting Over a Grape (with Tony Stark)[2]
New Genius on the Throne[4]
Naughty Girl[4]
The One Thing That Tony Stark Can't Live Without[4]
Hot Mess[4]
Second-Rate Jumped-Up Amazon Secretary[5]
WHiH Newsfront (mentioned; promotional material)
I am trying to do the job that you were meant to do.Pepper Potts to Tony Stark
Virginia "Pepper" Potts is the CEO of Stark Industries. Originally working as Tony Stark's personal assistant, she would take care of his schedule and perform any task he wished. During this time, Potts became good friends with Stark and soon, they had begun developing romantic feelings for each other. However, neither was able to act on these feelings, as they each feared that the other would not accept them.
When Stark returned from captivity in Afghanistan, Potts was trusted enough by him to see his Iron Man suits and his workshop. She helped Stark defeat Obadiah Stane, who tried to kill Stark, by overloading the Arc Reactor, killing Stane. After Stane's death, Stark made Potts his new business partner, taking Stane's place. Believing his death was imminent, Stark stepped down as CEO and appointed her as his replacement. After Stark defeated Whiplash at the Stark Expo, both Potts and Stark finally admitted their attraction to each other and began a romantic relationship.
During the crisis surrounding the Mandarin's terrorist attacks, Potts was kidnapped by Aldrich Killian and injected with Extremis. She was freed by Stark during the Battle on the Norco and went on to kill Killian herself. Stark cured her of the effects of Extremis, who temporarily gave up being Iron Man just for her.
As the War on HYDRA began, the Avengers needed to be remobilized. Without S.H.I.E.L.D. active to run the team, Stark and Potts took over, allowing Captain America to retain field and team leadership while he designed everything else, including creating new armors and rejoining the team himself as an active duty combatant. Sometime after the Ultron Offensive, he and Potts broke off their relationship, which affected Stark and left him wondering why he could not make it work while his father could.
However, shortly after the Avengers Civil War ended, Stark and Potts resumed their relationship, where Stark eventually proposed to her. The two married following the Snap and had a daughter, Morgan Stark. The three of them resided on the Stark Eco-Compound until Stark departed for the Time Heist. Later, Potts joined the Avengers in the Battle of Earth as Rescue, wearing the Mark XLIX armor, when Thanos' forces invaded. After Stark died by her side, Potts was present at his funeral, where she set adrift Stark's first Arc Reactor onto a wreath into their residential lakeside.
Virginia Potts earned a BA in accounting. Afterwards, she became a model, but desired more challenge from life than empty days of posing and smiling. As a result, Potts eventually left her modeling career to pursue a corporate profession.[7] Potts' early jobs involved her working alongside Aldrich Killian, though she did not enjoy the experience as Killian would continually flirt with her.[4]
Potts was later hired by Stark Industries and began working as an administrative assistant in their financial department. One day, she discovered a numbers error on some projections and reported it to her supervisor but he dismissed her concerns, as did the general manager, Mr. Folan, who also fired Potts when she persisted. Undeterred, Potts made her way to the CEO's office and personally confronted Tony Stark with her findings. When security tried to remove her, she lied that she had pepper spray in her purse, prompting Stark to give her the nickname "Pepper". Impressed with her actions, Stark offered Potts a job on the executive floor as his personal assistant, which she accepted.[7][8]
In her new position, Potts kept Stark on track in spite of his chaotic lifestyle by efficiently managing her boss's business and personal affairs. Unfortunately, this included requiring her to send Stark's one-night-stands home the next morning. Overtime, Potts and Stark became trusted friends, though Stark would frequently forget when her birthday was, prompting Potts to get herself a birthday gift with his money.[1]
On January 30, 2009, Potts, along with Stark and Colonel James Rhodes, visited the Yuma Proving Ground to test a new Stark Industries weapon. After the test was finished, she gave the weapon's specifics to the officials of the United States Military who watched the test. Before Rhodes left with Stark, Potts sarcastically wished him luck in his efforts to talk Stark out of going to Afghanistan for the next demonstration, noting Rhodes would inevitably be pulled into his friend’s evening misadventures.[9]
You must be the famous Pepper Potts."
"Indeed, I am."
"After all these years, Tony still has you picking up the dry cleaning."
"I do anything and everything that Mr. Stark requires. Including occasionally taking out the trash. Will that be all?Christine Everhart and Pepper Potts
Your eyes are red. Few tears for your long lost boss?"
"Tears of joy. I hate job hunting.Tony Stark and Pepper Potts
When Tony Stark returned from Afghanistan after his capture and escape, Potts, along with Happy Hogan, greeted him at the plane's landing site. She expressed her gratitude that he returned and not having left her looking for a new job by shedding slight tears. Once in the limousine, Potts insisted Stark see a doctor. However, Stark refused the idea, telling her that there are two things he wanted to do after spending three months in captivity: Getting a cheeseburger and for her to call a press conference. Potts accompanied Stark to get cheeseburgers from Burger King and then the press conference, where they were greeted by Obadiah Stane and James Rhodes.
Don't ever, ever, ever ask me to do anything like that ever again."
"I don't have anyone but you.Pepper Potts and Tony Stark
Watching the numerous reactions to Tony Stark's statement about changing Stark Industries's products, Potts was called by Stark to his workshop. To her shock, he needed help replacing his Mark I Arc Reactor with a better model. She helped him remove it, much to her disgust, telling him to never ask her to do that again. In a rare moment of Stark's ego is in check, he told Potts that he only has her. Asking what to do with the old reactor, Potts was told to destroy it.
We just danced."
"No, it was not just a dance. You don't understand because you're you. And everybody knows exactly who you are, and how you are with girls and all that... which is completely fine, but you know, then me, you're my boss and I'm dancing... Because it makes me look like the one who's trying to...Tony Stark and Pepper Potts
At Stark's annual charity ball, Potts wore her "birthday present" and was asked to dance by Stark. Both felt nervous about talking about their feelings for each other and went to get some air where they nearly kissed before Potts asked for a martini. Stark left to get the drink but then exited the party after Christine Everhart provided him with pictures and information of the Ten Rings, outfitted with Stark Industries weapons, leaving Potts.[1]
You stood by my side all these years while I reaped the benefits of destruction. And now that I'm trying to protect the people that I've put in harm's way, you're going to walk out?"
"You're gonna kill yourself, Tony. I'm not gonna be a part of it.Tony Stark and Pepper Potts
Potts went down into Tony Stark's warehouse, and discovered her boss wearing a red and gold armor, which J.A.R.V.I.S. was attempting to remove. When Potts questioned him about it, Stark shook off the question, noting that this was not the worst thing Potts had ever caught him doing. Looking at the suit more closely, Potts saw that it was covered in bullet holes. Stark went on to explain that he was building a weaponized armor to fight the Ten Rings.
Sector 16? What are you up to, Obadiah?Pepper Potts
Stark revealed that he believed Obadiah Stane was responsible for selling Stark Industries' weapons to the Ten Rings and organized his kidnapping. Potts agreed to go to Stane's office and learn more. Arriving at his office, Potts logged into the computer and began searching through the files, discovering plans for a large scale Iron Man Suit and a video of the Ten Rings Terrorists discussing their deal to assassinate Tony Stark for Stane.
This isn't working, we're gonna have to overload the reactor and blast the roof."
"How are you gonna do that?"
"You're gonna do it.Tony Stark and Pepper Potts
Alongside Agent Phil Coulson and other S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents, Potts arrived at Stark Industries intending to arrest the traitorous Obadiah Stane. When Potts attempted to access the room Stane was working in, she discovered Stane had changed the security codes, so Coulson used a small bomb to get them inside.
Agent Coulson, I just wanted to say thank you very much for all of your help."
"That's what we do. You'll be hearing from us."
"From the Strategic Homeland Inter–"
"Just call us S.H.I.E.L.D..Pepper Potts and Phil Coulson
After the incident, she tended to Tony Stark's cuts while he prepared for a press conference. Phil Coulson gave him his cover story which named Iron Man as his bodyguard and claimed Obadiah Stane would soon disappear while on his yacht. When Potts thanked Coulson for all his work, he simply told her that she would be hearing from S.H.I.E.L.D. soon. To her surprise, Potts heard Stark saw that if his secret identity was public, his girlfriend would constantly worry about him; adding to the fact Stark meant her, he stopped having one-night stands. Potts was later present at a press conference where Stark announced to the world that he was Iron Man.[1]
You do it."
"I do what?"
"Excellent idea, I just figured this out, you run the company."
"Yeah, I'm trying to run a company.Tony Stark and Pepper Potts
Potts went to confront Tony Stark in his workshop after she learned that he had donated his collection of modern art to the Boy Scouts, which she had worked hard to acquire. As Stark remained indifferent, Potts struggled to convince him to focus on Stark Industries instead of the Stark Expo, noting that the company was at a standstill due to his indecision despite raised stock prices. Stark then promoted Potts to Stark Industries' CEO, since she had already proved herself capable of of the position for years. Potts was surprised, yet delighted as she and Stark had a toast to this new development. Unbeknownst to her, Stark had developed terminal complications from the poisonous side-effects of his Arc Reactor's palladium core and believed Potts could ensure the company's future.[2]
Who is she?"
"She is from legal. And she is potentially a very expensive sexual harassment lawsuit if you keep ogling her like that.Tony Stark and Pepper Potts
Potts arrived at the mansion while Tony Stark and Happy Hogan were boxing together to request that Stark sign the paperwork delivered by Natalie Rushman to confirm her promotion. Stark claimed that he was busy with “Happy Time”, to which Potts wryly assured him that transferring his company to her would be a one-time task. She then signed her portion of the documents, before Stark took notice of Rushman and invited her to box with Hogan.
Tony, what are you not telling me?"
"I don’t want to go home. At all. Let’s cancel my birthday party and—and, uh... we’re in Europe. Let’s go to Venice, Cipriani. Remember?"
"Oh, yes."
"It’s a great place to—to... be healthy."
"I don’t think this is the right time. We’re in... kind of a mess.Pepper Potts and Tony Stark
Potts, Tony Stark, and Happy Hogan traveled to the Monaco Grand Prix, where Potts learned Stark had hired Natalie Rushman despite her earlier reservations. She was miffed at this development while conversing with their associates, who congratulated Potts on her promotion. At the bar, the two then met Justin Hammer, who boasted to them about having scored an interview with Christine Everhart of Vanity Fair; Potts and Stark mocked them both, noting Hammer had lost his contract with the government after the Senate hearing and Everhart previously had a sexual relationship with Stark.
You're out of control, okay?"
"I'm not out of control."
"Trust me on this one."
"You're out of control, gorgeous.Pepper Potts and Tony Stark
Later, Potts attended Tony Stark’s birthday party. When she came to give his present to him, Potts was hurt to see Stark shamelessly flirting with Natalie Rushman and toying with his Iron Man gauntlet. Stark offered to have her join them for drinks but Potts refused and briefly stepped away from the party to get some air.[3]
I am trying to run a company. Do you have any idea what that entails?"
"People are relying on you to be Iron Man and you've disappeared, and all I'm doing is putting out your fires and taking the heat of it.Pepper Potts and Tony Stark
The day after, Potts was on the phone with an associate attempting to regain possession of the Mark II armor from the military while she heard Bill O'Reilly in the background questioning her qualifications as CEO on television. When Stark entered, despite protests from Bambi Arbogast, Potts reluctantly gave him time, as she counted the seconds, to plead his case as to why he was acting erratically. Stark brought Potts a box of strawberries he got from a street vendor as an apology while trying to confess his feelings for her. Growing increasingly frustrated at his mixed messages, Potts revealed she was allergic to strawberries and berated Stark for giving her the job while she took flack for his messes. Natalie Rushman and Happy Hogan then entered and escorted Potts to an errand.[2]
My body literally cannot handle the stress. I never know if you're gonna... kill yourself, or—or—or wreck the whole company!"
"I just... I think I did okay!”
“I—I—I quit, I’m resigning. That’s it.Pepper Potts and Tony Stark
That night, Potts and Natalie Rushman traveled to the Stark Expo to watch as Justin Hammer unveiled his company, Hammer Industries', latest military marvel: a series of humanoid combat drones. Potts was unimpressed by Hammer's desperate need to imitate and outmatch Tony Stark in his presentation; however, she was shocked when Hammer unveiled that he had recruited James Rhodes as the pilot for the War Machine Armor: Mark I.
Is this about the Avengers? Which I know nothing about."
"The Avengers Initiative was scrapped, I thought.Pepper Potts and Tony Stark to Phil Coulson
Pepper Potts had a romantic date with Tony Stark at the top floor of the Stark Tower, but they were later interrupted by the sudden arrival of Agent Phil Coulson, who needed to speak to Stark about an urgent matter. Coulson was forced to crash J.A.R.V.I.S.'s systems in order to get into the tower since Stark was trying to close him outdoors.
Sir, shall I try Miss Potts?"
"Might as well.J.A.R.V.I.S. and Tony Stark
Later, when the Chitauri had started their invasion, Potts was on a private plane, safe in distance from the battle. She watched the battle in horror from the television on the plane. When Tony Stark sacrificed himself to destroy an atomic missile sent on Manhattan, he tried to call her on the phone, but she did not hear it and did not call back. However, Stark survived the mission.
Imagine if you could hack into the hard drive of any living organism... and recode its DNA."
"It would be incredible. Unfortunately, to my ears it also sounds highly weaponizable. As in enhanced soldiers, private armies, and Tony is not...Aldrich Killian and Pepper Potts
Close to Christmas, Potts was working at Stark Industries with the new head of security, Happy Hogan. She praised his enthusiasm for the job, but revealed he had increased complaints from employees by 300%. Potts tried to convince Hogan to dial back his strict enforcing while he believed that the human resources division should be replaced by Tony Stark's A.I. Systems. Their conversation was cut short as Bambi Arbogast informed Potts that an old acquaintance, Aldrich Killian, had arrived to see her. She was somewhat unenthusiastic about their reunion, yet surprised at Killian's improved physical form.
Oh, hey, did you see your Christmas present?"
"Yes, I did. I... I don't know how I could have missed that Christmas present. Is it gonna fit through the door?Tony Stark and Pepper Potts
Potts arrived at the Malibu mansion to be met with Tony Stark's Christmas present to her: an enormous custom bunny rabbit toy, much to her amusement and exasperation. Walking inside, Potts found what she believed to be Stark sitting on the sofa wearing one of his Iron Man armors. As she prepared to relax before dinner, the couple flirted for a while, with Stark offering her a massage and Potts asking him to open up his mask and kiss her, which he jokingly refused.
Don't go, alright? Pepper?"
"I'm going to sleep downstairs. Tinker with that.Tony Stark and Pepper Potts
This continued strain to Tony Stark's mental state resulted in him becoming increasingly distant from Potts, as his efforts to ensure that he could protect her ironically drove him to spend less time with her. While the couple slept together, Potts was awoken due to hearing Stark having a bad dream. As she tried to wake up and comfort him, Stark's nightmare caused the Mark 42 armor to power up and attack her. Although Stark awoke and de-powered the suit, the experience forced a shaken Potts to sleep downstairs away from him.[4]
I got you."
"I got you first.Pepper Potts and Tony Stark
After Tony Stark publicly threatened the terrorist the Mandarin in revenge for an explosion which critically injured Happy Hogan, Potts tried to convince him to leave the city with her. Upon packing their luggage, she met Maya Hansen, a scientist and one of Stark's past flings, who had arrived to warn him about the Mandarin as well. The two women briefly discussed Stark's faults as a lover before he and Potts began arguing over the situation. Shortly thereafter, armed helicopters suddenly attacked the mansion with missiles. In order to protect Potts, Stark commanded the Mark XLII to form around her.
You think he's gonna help you? He won't."
"Having you here is not just to motivate Tony Stark. It's... well, it's actually more embarrassing than that. You're here as my..."
"Trophy.Pepper Potts and Aldrich Killian
Potts and Maya Hansen drove away to a safe place as Potts demanded to know what Hansen apparently wanted to tell Tony Stark before they were attacked. Hansen revealed that she was the one who originally designed Extremis and her boss, Aldrich Killian, was selling it to the Mandarin, much to Potts' shock.
Oh my God. That was really violent.Pepper Potts
Potts was abducted and taken to the Norco, a docked oil tanker wher
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Pepper Potts - Wikipedia
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Pepper Potts (film) | Iron Man Wiki | Fandom
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