Pentagramon: The sound of DNA

Pentagramon: The sound of DNA


Music is one of the most fast developing forms of art which objectively reflects the zeitgeist and esthetics of the modern world. The 20th century was marked by the birth of new genres such as jazz, rock-n-roll, rhythm-n-blues and techno, which changed radically the musical landscape and created new innovative and revolutionary approaches to making music. This development is continuing and recently led to an interesting symbiosis between music and science.

We had an opportunity to talk with Ivan Stepanyan, a doctor of biological science and active member of the Center of Multidisciplinary Research of Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory, which is as an institution for new scientific approaches in exploring music and gives a wide platform for cooperation between musicians and scientists.

One of the leading directions of work of the Center of Multidisciplinary Researches is creating new systems that push the development of music much further forward. As an inventor of the musical instruments, Pentagramon, which are based on this new system, Ivan Stepanyan is the one who is responsible for the birth of this new form of musical expression.

In his interview for All Andorra Ivan told us about the latest research which shows a close link between music and DNA codes and how his inventions – Pentagramon instruments can change modern music.

Interview: Dmitry Tolkunov

Hi Ivan! Can you please tell us about your invention – the Pentagramon instruments? What is it all about?

There have been a lot of attempts to find new forms of musical styles during human history. For example, a form that will be based not on a classical 7 note system like all modern music but more oriented towards microtonality.

These experiments are still actively continued by many enthusiasts but until recently there was no criterion of this microtonality before it was discovered by a Russian scientist Sergey Petuhov. In his work “Matrix Genetics” Petuhov analyzed the DNA code by matrix as well as other mathematical methods. Comparing the relations and the proportions of DNA codes he discovered that they have the Golden ratio (section) principle.

I will not go now too deep into details of this algorithm but the main achievement of its discovery was a possibility to consolidate the classical Pythagoras musical system with a new “pentagram” system that is based on Fibonacchi numbers.

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