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With all of these vagina questions: Any idea why so many people including vagina-havers are actually pretty uneducated about them and secretly worried because it's doing stuff and they have no idea if it's normal? Because no one I know ever had a specific talk about them during sex-ed beyond "it gets wet" "use contraceptives" "this is how a tampon works". Is this because they're designed less straightforward than a penis or just plain sexism? And thank you so much for explaining them properly.
Partly that they’re complicated, partly that our society prefers not to acknowledge pleasure when discussing sex, partly that our society doesn’t want to think about sexual pleasure at all, let alone that of non cis / straight men, partly that our society is sexist as shit!
Re: that double penetration in the butt question, would the same apply to a vagina? Like, would it take practice over a long period of time to get used to DP? Or would a couple of days at most be enough?
vaginas are designed to stretch! they are designed to stretch as big as a baby’s head! wow / weird!
now, for comfort’s sake, you’d want to make sure that vagina was really relaxed and well lubricated before inserting a second dick, plus the vaginal entrance sometimes needs some practice / help* stretching wider, but if someone were really into it, they could take a second dick with minimal practice. 
(this varies from vag to vag - some people do have a smaller vagina, and might need to work up to something bigger)
but you’re right, vaginas are way more suited to double penetration than butts are, and would need less work. 
* it could be fine for two dicks, or a monster dick, but many pregnant people have their partners give them regular perineal massages to make sure the skin there is stretchy and moisturized, so it won’t rip during childbirth. youch.
i've occasionally seen reference to people with vaginas finding that their personal smell/discharge smell changes after they start regularly having no-condom PIV sex--is that true?? is it just from the mixture of stuff in there, or is there a chemical change in the vagina itself?
some people experience an actual chemical change in their vagina once they add in the alkalinity of semen! science! what the fuck!
(it’s not super common, but some people’s vaginal microbiome is really finicky or sensitive, and the regular addition of an alkaline substance can throw the growth of yeasts and bacteria off)
Wondering how the cervix feels? How much prep anal sex actually needs? What g-spot stimulation is possible with [appendage]? Get your fanfiction smut questions answered!
ace people having sex with allo people? i'm ace myself, so the feelings portion i have figured out, but i don't have many ideas about specific things that could happen (except for like "today you can touch anywhere but the vulva")
ways that an ace and an allo person could have sex, all along the spectrum from sex-negative to high-libido (I’m not including sex-repulsed, just because they probably won’t be in a sex scene?) :
*My names radicchio & I like chicken
*she/her *I'm 26 stop telling me how you perceive me *I'm a professional cook and here are my dishes from work, and here is everything else.
I am beautiful & moisturized Are you?
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A Bloody, Human Loving, Kind Hearted, Cake Eating, Hairy Motherfucker. ~~~~(taken)~~~~
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in the case of PiV sex, would the person with the vagina be able to feel the penis twitch inside them or would that be something that wouldn't necessarily register as a sensation/the penis being inserted prevent it from having noticeable movement such as that?
a person with the vagina can absolutely feel a penis twitch inside of them. when someone with a penis activates their pelvic muscles and twitches the penis, it presses on the vaginal walls, and it’s a very noticeable sensation. 
not every person with a vagina would notice it, especially if they were distracted, but it tends to be a very “whoah, oooh” feeling. 
Can you differentiate between the pain/issues during vaginal penetration caused by vaginismus versus an overly thick hymen? Would the overly thick hymen cause pain only at the entrance while vaginismus lead to pain throughout the vaginal canal?
Pain from the hymen comes if you stretch the skin by the entrance of the vagina, where the hymen lives. Pain from vaginismus is from involuntary muscle contractions. 
And yes - vaginismus pain will occur throughout the pelvic floor, though centralized at the entrance to the vagina, as the vag is like “nope keep out”.
How easy/hard is it to avoid hitting the cervix? Because that description sounds really off putting.
unless the person penetrating a vagina has a massive dick (or the vagina is really unaroused), there are many positions that don’t direct the head of the dick / toy directly into cervical battering. 
if you’re having intercourse and there’s cervical discomfort, you can try:
I know it sounds scary, and I’ve talked about it a bit, but it is genuinely not difficult to find a position / speed / strength of fucking that is cervix-pain-free.
Ya know....I have always found it unfortunate the way that people target vaginas.
They’re a self-cleaning muscle that naturally grow hair on the mound, but most have no idea with the way they are talked about.
is there a "tight ring of muscle" in the vagina, or just the ass? I see so much smut in fics talk about someone's penis or dildo "popping" past it to fuck someone. that doesn't sound right to me though, right?
the anus is a sphincter - it’s designed to keep stuff in. So that’s a place where a tight ring of muscle is necessary. 
the vagina is a canal lined with muscle - the whole thing can be tighter or looser depending on relaxation, arousal, muscle spasms and flexing. Someone might have a very tight vagina due to a medical problem like vaginismus, but that would just make penetration very painful or difficult in general. 
so yeah, that’s not an accurate description.
(if the vagina isn’t lubricated enough, and the vaginal entrance is dry, it can be hard to get a penis in, but that’s just because of skin-on-skin drag, not any kind of muscular barrier)
First of all, thank you so much for creating this blog and for being so kind and open in your answers! It's honestly been a delight to read them :)
Now to my actual question: I'm an afab lesbian. Now, I've only had sex with two people in my life so my experience is limited but I've noticed something in a lot (if not most) of the f/f fic i read that made me wonder if I am the strange one or if some fic authors simply exaggerate for dramatic effect. The thing is, a lot of them describe vaginas that produce a lot of fluid when the person it belongs to is aroused, so much so that there is dripping involved. Now, of course I also experience wetness when I'm aroused but nowhere near so much that it could drip. So basically I'm wondering if I have an usually dry vagina or if those fic authors simply took creative liberties with those descriptions :D
Mostly creative liberties, though not necessarily!
Like, I have known some super wet vaginas, and have met more than one that hit the point of “dripping” if they were teased and touched for a long time before actually going in for genital touching. But not many!
Fanfiction loves being exceptional, though, if not downright unrealistic. The characters are the most turned on that anyone has ever been! Plus, some descriptions are hyperbolic, even if the physical experience isn’t. Like, “oh my god, you’re dripping wet,” Villanelle murmured, sliding two fingers between Eve’s labia. (even if Eve is just, like, super wet, but not literally “dripping” fluid)
But yeah, that isn’t the average vagina experience. 
Hey, sounding isn’t just for people with penises! People with vaginas have shorter urethras, but they’re stretchier so with practice they’re capable of taking larger things than people with penises. Have you heard of a Princess Albertina piercing? Goes in the urethra, comes out the top of the vaginal opening. I know it sounds scary but it makes orgasms *so much stronger*. IMO it's the absolute best functional genital piercing for people with vaginas and hardly anyone has heard about them.
welp! I have learned a new thing today! everyone else, enjoy this new thing! 
I’m just gonna... casually cross my legs, protectively, for no particular reason.
how does safer sex work between people w/ vaginas?
both can get tested for STIs, to make sure they aren’t spreading any viral or bacterial stuff during fluid transfer. Otherwise, they can use latex/vinyl gloves or dental dams to prevent fluid transfer!
Since it seems that anal sex requires a lot less prep than what is normally thought/associated by fandom, how much prep/what kind of prep is needed for vaginal (penetrative) sex?
It would be better if the person with the vagina were aroused, or if they used some lube, but people have quickies all of the time without experiencing harm. If someone with a vagina has sex without being turned on, it will ache a little during and after sex, but that should fade pretty quickly. 

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