Penis Removal Porn

Penis Removal Porn


Penis Removal Porn

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penectomy he probably lost his penis due to a trauma or illness like cancer

Does your stump stay hard when it constantly rubs your undies? Is walking down the street the same as jacking off?

OMG, that is HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Where’s that massive dick? Beautiful fucking stump. I want it. It’s a useless, bitch-ass stump but I want to play with it and tongue-fuck it. Gorgeous stump.

Cannot tell... is the stump hard???

From my point of view this is male enough!

Would anyone like to cut my dick off my Kik is the same as this

He may as well take some hormones and a sex change, because there is not much use for that tiny

Anyone here wanna cut off a hard cock

Mich macht die Vorstellung total heiß an seinem Penisstummel so lange zu lecken bis er kommt. Falls das überhaupt noch geht...

I'm cutting the head & shaft of mine in half,but gotta say, this is pretty hot!

I had visions of Hedwig and the Angry Inch.....

кому: Hornyholesf : Well said. Love to fuck the cum outta him

Nice body, no dick, made me hard as a rock. Hope he wanted it.

Voll geil wie er da an seinem nicht vorhandenen Teil rumzuppelt. Tja ohne Eichel ist kommen wohl schwer... Geil!

so hot - I will get the same - where I can get that great penektomie?

Well someone needs a strap on to get the job done.

damn, now that's wild. It shows that having your penis cut off does not stop kinky desires. It looks like a big outie belly button slid down below his stomach.

Weird playing with his little clity

I ld like to get married with a grandpa like this...

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