Penis Japan

Penis Japan


Penis Japan
The Kanamara Festival (かなまら祭り) is held on the first Sunday in April every year at the Kanayama Shrine in Kawasaki, Japan. The shrine is just a three-minute walk from Kawasaki-Daishi Station on the Keikyu-Daishi Line.
The festival centers around penises, which appear everywhere, as candy, on hats, and on clothing. Phallic-shaped objects or anything which has to do with sex are sold all around the shrine.
In recent years, the festival has gained popularity among foreign residents in Japan, who flock to the festival in great numbers to see the penis-shaped objects. Don’t be surprised if half of the people you see are foreign. The staff are very friendly and can speak basic English.
This fellow greets visitors as they enter the shrine.
He’s a literal dick-head. As I posed for a picture with him, he whispered into my ear. “You’re cute. I love your freckles. Can I take you out to dinner?”
As the beer and the chu-hi started to flow, things got a little wild at the festival.
Despite the blatant sexual objects and the hilarity of it all, the festival has a much deeper meaning than just large penises being waved around with the cheery blooms in the background. Kanamara Shrine has long been a place for prostitutes to go pray for protection against sexually transmitted diseases and prosperity in business. In addition, people visit the shrine to pray for easy childbirth, marriage, and matrimonial harmony.
Legend has it that a demon hid in the vagina of a young woman. On her wedding nights, both of her husbands had their penises bitten off, in a fashion reminiscent of a scene from Teeth . Determined to ensure that her third marriage was a charm, she sought the services of a blacksmith who fashioned an iron penis, which broke the demon’s teeth. The iron phallus is enshrined here.
The festival now serves as a way to raise awareness and funds for AIDs. All the proceeds from the sales as the festival go toward HIV research or other charitable causes such as the reconstruction for the 2011 earthquake.
The most popular objects sold at the festival are the large penis and vagina-shaped lollipops, which visitors suck and slurp on as they walk around. The crowds around the lollipop stands are thick, and the sweets usually sell out by mid-afternoon.
The highlight of the festival is the parade of portable shrines called mikoshi (神輿), which contain large phalluses. As the mikoshi head through the shrine gates, they bob up and down in a rhythmic movement. “The way they move is interesting,” remarked one visitor standing next to me. 
The large, pink penis was pulled by transvestite women.
Here a Shinto priest prays and bows to one of the iron penises enshrined in the mikoshi . Many visitors pay their respects at the shrine.
In addition to penis-shaped objects everywhere, there is an abundance of little children.
All in all, the Kanamara Festival is an event where people show their love for the penis. Although Japan may blur out the genital parts in pornography, this country has an open attitude when it comes to sex.
There used to be many more penis shrines until the Meiji government had most removed. They wanted to be respectable to the West and saw the shrines as a problem.
However they hide here and there. For example if you go to Hanazono Jinja in Shinjuku, just net to the bars in Golden Gai in Kabukicho and face the shrine from the street entrance you will see a small Inari shrine to the rtight of the pathway. Go through the tori and when you reach the Inanri shrine look up and you will see a large wooden penis spanning the path. This Inari shrine is often visited by couples.
Tymour, I believe they are. It’s a fertility festival (though rather “weird” by Western standards of decorum and behavior). Japanese would probably ask about Americans: “Are those people thinking (when they shoot each other with guns every day, and can’t agree on reasonable laws on firearms)?” I guess “weirdness” is in the eye of the beholder. After factoring in everything, I think I actually prefer “weird Japan” to “weird U.S.A.”.
A festival celebrating the phallus is a good idea, but men need to show it respect every day; one way is by using a first class penis health crème that can deliver amino acids and nutrients directly to the organ, helping to maintain its health.
Seeing these images and reading these given sentences i am feeling that penis once upon a time was a great god of creation in the world. most of the countries of the world worshiping to penis till now in different wa in different cultures and creats.
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Ellen Scott Thursday 1 Feb 2018 3:52 pm
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Another day, another strange trend to do with people’s genitals.
This time around we’re not (thankfully) talking about putting something in vaginas that shouldn’t be there.
Instead people are putting their penises in places they probably shouldn’t be. Makes a nice change, at least.
Over in Japan men are getting wise to a seemingly handy way to evaluate the size of one’s penis: sticking said penis in the cardboard inner tube of a toilet roll.
This technique isn’t new – a quick Google search reveals that men have been wedging their dicks inside toilet roll tubes for quite some time. But it’s suddenly boomed in popularity thanks to a tweet from @urasahou, who shared diagrams of the method and a guide on how to do it.
男性器のサイズに関し、非常にわかりやすい資料を見つけたので共有させて頂きます。 自称巨根の方もこちらの基準を元に、今一度ご自身の息子さんを見直して頂くと「あいつ言うほどデカくもなかったわ」と言われにくくなるかもしれません。いかがでしたか?
— 裏垢のお作法 (@urasahou) January 27, 2018
The idea of sticking your penis in a toilet roll tube is that it’s a way to judge the size of your penis without the use of a ruler or tape measure.
You put your penis in the tube, so says the guide, and can judge the size of your penis depending on how much emerges from the other end.
If the head of the penis does not protrude from the far end of the core, you have a small penis, explains the guide. If two centimetres or less of the penis protrudes, you have an average size penis. If more of the head of the penis protrudes, you have a ‘huge cock’ and if the entire head protrudes you have an ‘irregularly large’ peen.
In terms of girth, it’s all about the amount of wiggle room.
If there’s plenty of room inside the tube, that indicates a smaller girth. If it’s snug, that’s average. If you can’t physically insert your penis in the tube without tearing it, again, that’s a ‘giant cock’.
We assume that said test should be done with an erect penis, so that growers not showers will get a more accurate assessment, and it’s worth noting that this particular guide was written with a standard consumer-size Japanese toilet roll in mind, which are apparently longer than the toilet rolls we get in the UK. So it’s really not a universal assessment.
There are also large discrepancies in toilet roll dimensions between brands. If your household happens to buy slimline toilet paper from Sainsbury’s, for example, you’re going to get a shock.
But that’s not our main issue with this little trick.
These kind of tests are made to make you feel rubbish, making you fit into rigid categories that are either ‘too small’ or ‘too big’. The reality is that there’s no concrete guide to the ‘right’ size of a penis, and if you’re feeling insecure about your genitals, doing this kind of test won’t help.
You can measure your penis and compare it to averages if you feel like that will help you feel more confident.
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But if your concerns are to do with sexual performance, it’s likely a better plan to learn that size really doesn’t matter when it comes to giving another person pleasure. It’s not what you have, it’s how you use it, and all that, and anyone who would judge you because your penis doesn’t meet a strict measurement probably isn’t worth your time.
If you do have genuine concerns about your penis, you’ll feel a lot more reassured after a visit to a doctor than you will after the cardboard tube test.
Oh, and you could get a nasty paper cut. Be careful out there.

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