Penis Guillotine

Penis Guillotine


Penis Guillotine










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The Guillotine

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Copyright Β© 1993 Cutter Productions
by Cliff Jay, February 1993
The idea of castrating men with a guillotine had been a great fantasy of John's for years. He had often fantasised about young men being tied up on a bench and having their genitals, or part thereof, chopped off with a miniature guillotine. Now he had his chance.
He had recently been appointed as the engineer in charge of a big mining site in Mexico and part of his task was to report regularly on the workforce at the mine and what changes there had been to it. Being in deepest and darkest Mexico the people who worked there were unreliable and unknown and the knowledge of those on the outside was minimal. Whether men arrived and when and whether they left and how were matters basically left to him and to god. No-one else knew or cared.
The circumstances for the realisation of his fantasies could not have been better - now he really had a chance to castrate all sots of guys with little or no chance of anyone knowing or caring. But first he to construct a guillotine!
John had been obsessed with castration fantasies for as long as he could remember and for as long as he could remember the most exciting of those fantasies had revolved around men and boys being castrated by a number of different forms of guillotines - big ones, small ones, tall ones and short ones. Now was his chance.
John decided that the first cutting job he was going to do was to be with a small, very portable guillotine and so he set to work making one. The basic construction was simple, The lightweight aluminium frame and a stainless steel blade plus a small wooden base were easy. The difficult task was to come up with a formula which would ensure that the blade came down with such force that it would cut through anything in its path. The traditional guillotine had no problem in this regard as the weight of the blade and the distance it fell ensured that even a human head parted company from its body with ease.
A portable one that would cut even the genitals off a man was more of a problem and needed something to ensure that the blade was going to cut through its target. John had decided that a very powerful spring was the answer in this case.
Accordingly he had manufactured a coil spring that exertd a force of some 300lbs psi on contact and which could be readily wound back up with a small hand key - rather like a clock with a key which could be removed - with 10 or 20 turns. The force once the lock was removed was amazing and within a fraction o f a second, once the lock was undone, the blade was embeded in a groove in the wooden base, the actual blade frame having a thick rubber pad which met a similar pad on the base of the machine - but several cenimetres of the blade would enter the slim groove before this happened.
The whole thing weighed only a few ounces and stood no more than 12 inches high - a slim aluminium frame with a metal tube to one side which contained the spring and the release mechanism and a slim but deep bar across the top which contained the deadly blade when it was out of use.
Miguel was to be John's first victim. He was a small, compact dark skinned mexican about 21 years old and 5 foot 6 inches tall who made a few extra pesos a week "massaging" the non-hispanic staff at the mine. Miguel was not gay but he was not fussy and a massage session often ended up with him on one end or the other of a steamy fuck! But he had never had a night like the one he was about to have nor would he be able to ever have one like it again!
John had Miguel call round to his company house at about 9pm at which time the staff had gone to bed and all was quiet and John was mellow and horny after several scotches and numerous glasses of beer. When Miguel arrived John was naked and lying on his bed. Miguel came in to the room and at John's instructions took off all his clothes and began to give John his massage.
John got hornier and hornier and within 5 minutes was telling Miguel to slow down. He rolled Miguel over on to his back and then had him sit up on the end of the bed. Miguels dick was hard and pointing to heaven as John got the guillotine out from under the bed and pushed it between Miguels widespread legs.
Miguel wanted to know what John was doing - never for a moment guessing that he was about to be castrated - and John explained that he was going to measure the weight of his, Miguels, balls and so needed him to keep his dick up and out of the way.
John had his elastrator handy and slipped a ring over Miguels balls and as high up as he could get it before releasing the tool and allowing the ring to tighten around the neck of the scrotum. Miguel was a bit hesitant about allowing John to do this to him. However he told Miguel not to worry as the ring would not be any problem at all shortly!
Having cut off the blood supply and the nerves to the scrotum with the elastrator ring and having put the guillotine in place John got hold of Miguel's balls and pulled them away from his crotch across the base of the guillotine.
Making sure his hand was not in the firing line John told Miguel to keep still and then released the locking mechanism.
There was a "thwack" as the blade shot down and severed Miguel's balls, a shriek from Miguel as he felt a sharp pain and a soft "plop" as the severed balls fell on to the floor from John's hand - totally and permenantly separated from their previous owner.
Miguel could not get his breath for a moment - it took a few seconds for him to realise what had happened - and John was speechless as he shot a giant load all over floor. The sight of Miguel's balls being sliced off and falling to the floor had really pushed him over the edge.
Miguel leaned forward and looked at his half empty crotch and his balls lying on the floor oozing what blood there was left in them and cried out to John asking him what he had done to him and what he could do about it.
John told the frantic Miguel in no uncertain terms that what had happened was an accident and just bad luck and if he told anyone what had happened or how it had happened he would lose his job without further notice.
Miguel did not know what to do - he was in shock both from having his balls physically cut off and from the mental shock of realising he was now a eunuch - a guy who loved to fuck but who only had his dick left with no balls to go with it.
Miguel got off the bed, his dick now so soft it had almost disappeared in the small but dense bush of black pubic hair.
The elastrator ring was still in place but now, with the sack which had held his balls gone the pubic hair hid the ring and the tiny neck of skin from view.
John did not want the ring to come off - as well it might now that there was no balls and sack to keep it on as the skin contracted and so he made Mguel keep still whilst he applied liberal quantities of supaglu to the ring to make sure it stayed in place until the skin under the ring healed and the ring dropped off.
Miguel,whimpering quietly to himself put his shorts on and started to walk away - but he did not get far.The raw nerves in the end of his severed scrotum, despite the ring, rubbed on his shorts and he stopped before he could even pick up his testicles from the floor where they had fallen when the guillotine castrated him.
He suddenly realised that he was without balls - castrated - no longer a full man - and that he would never be able to fuck quite the same way again. In fact at the time he thought that he would never be able fuck at all again.John gave him a bandaid and made him put it over the small bit of scrotum left below the ring so that the nerves would not rub when he walked.
John spoke to him in a casual way and pointed out to hin that if he tried to take the rubber ring off the neck of his now severed scrotum he would probably bleed to death and that he should be ceraful to leave it on untill it and the remains of the scrotum beneath it withered and fell off.
Miguel picked up his shirt and the massage oil he had brought with him and carefully walked out of the room and out of the house. After he had gone John picked up the balls he had left behind and dropped them into a bottle of spirits in which they would keep indefinitely. John thought of all the talent there was in the adjoining town for him to experiment with and went to sleep satisfied with his evenings work.
Next day John turned up for work as if nothing had happened and as soon as the routine issues were out of the way began to design another guillotine and another castration. Having really psyched himself up over the new design he called down to the work floor for Miguel. He came into his office -still walking rather carefully - and took his shorts off as John told him to.
John looked at Miguels crotch and the sight of a small shrivelled dick in a patch of thick black hair and NO balls really turned him on - he had never actually seen a man who had been castrated until he saw Miguel and the sight of Miguel now was more than he could cope with. He undid his jeans and pulled his cock out and blew a load all over Miguel's legs without even touching his cock!
Miguel wanted to know what was going to happen to him and again John told him that if he kept his mouth shut then he could keep his job but if he ever told anyone that John had cut his balls off he would lose his job and his dick!
Miguel had no choice. He nodded in agreement. He needed work and money to live and there was no other employment in the town. He could have killed John for what he had done to him but that would not have got him anywhere but dead! His more immediate problem was what to say in the showers in the dormitory accomodation where all the single men lived when they saw his empty crotch. He told John this - a complication John had not thought about and so John told Miguel to stay at one of his company's places which was presently unoccupied for the time being until he thought of something.
Apart from anything else like sex he would be able to get Miguel to 'help' him with his further exploits - and if he did not then Miguels dick would go the same way as his balls.
A few nights later John heard a knock on the door and there in a tight pair of jeans and nothing else was Jose. He ws to be John's 'masseur' that night and he was one of the best and with one of the biggest sets of balls John had seen in this part of Mexico.
John told him to come in and take his pants off and as he did so he smiled to himself. He had only that afternoon finished constructing another smaller guillotine and he needed a victim. John stripped and lay down and enjoyed the very good massage that Jose was giving him but when Jose tried to fuck him with his very big cock John rolled off the bed and told Jose to come over to the table.
On the table was a small aluminium frame about 12" high supported on a base with a small bar across between the two uprights about two inches from the base. One upright was much thicker than the other and there was a round bar across the top.John told Jose that he wanted to measure his really big balls and that to do so he needed to put a ring around the neck of the sack so that only the balls were being weighed.
John got the elastrator out and put a ring as high up Jose's sack as he could. He then made Jose stand against the end of the table and put his balls over the bar so that the neck of the sack was resting on it with the balls - quite tight and red because of the ring - dangling over the edge.
John stood back and told Jose to hold his cock back against his belly with his right hand and to push the black button on top of the frame.
Jose pushed the black button with his left index finger and almost instantaneously there was a soft thwack and a terrible pain and Jose saw his balls and the sack fall on to the table, the open sack oozing what blood there was in it on to the shiny tabletop.
Jose could not believe what had happened. He sobbed to John and cried as he picked his severed balls up off the table wanting to know what to do and what had happened.There was almost no blood from the scar in his crotch as the elastrator ring was doing its job and keeping everything back.
John was having trouble keeping the grin off his face and keeping his dick from shooting what felt like a huge load all over the place. He could not believe his luck. Two weeks into the game and he had castrated two of the local studs! John told Jose to sit down and he would get him a drink.
Jose liked whisky and as John passed a full glass of it to the trembling Jose he explained to him that he was sorry and all that but it was a bit of an accident and he had meant to say to push the white button and that he was sorry but there was nothing he, John, could do and that it would be wise for Jose not to tell anyone how he had come to lose his balls.
Jose drank deeply and looked at the limp scrotum and the two balls it still contained in his left hand and tried to convince himself that he was dreaming - but he was not and the throb in his groin told him that it had really happened - and he really had been castrated.
Jose could not get his jeans on as the tight denim was just too painful against the scar where his balls had been and so John told him he could stay the night in the spare room. They both went to bed and just as John was going to sleep he felt Jose get in to bed with him and- much to his astonishment - felt Jose wriggle down in front of him with his back to John and force his warm brown arse down on John's rock hard cock.
John did not have to do a thing. Jose fucked himself on John's prick and in a few moments they both came - and to their amazement a great spurt of cum came gushing out of Jose's dick as John shot his load up the tight hot hole.
Jose seemed to relax once he realised everything that was left still worked and it was not long before he was fast asleep.
The next morning Jose managed to get his jeans on and walked home to his parents house and his 12 brothers and sisters. What was he to say to his brothers when they saw that his balls were missing he asked John? John suggested that he stayed at the house Miguel was using for the time being and Jose agreed instantly as it was much better than his own.
Of course that same evening when Jose came home and saw Miguel in the shower the whole story came out between them - but that is another story and not one that advances this because they were both too terrified of losing their jobs to talk to anyone.
Raoul, another employee about 21 years old was the next to find out about John's unusual mechanical equipment when, a few days later it was his turn to go and service the Yankee boss. He was half way through giving John a really great blow job when John told him to ease off so that he could try something else. John told Raoul to lie on his stomach on the bed and spread his legs which he did without question. As he rolled over John reached between Raoul's legs and pulled Raoul's small balls back between his legs and away from his cock which was still hard and pointing up under his belly.
He stroked and caressed Raoul's firm round little bum whilst he reached under the bed and put a small metal frame between Raoul's legs. As he stroked Raoul with one hand he put the frame in place with the other. It was another, even smaller guillotine like piece of equipment with a strange circular ring at the top. John fitted this ring over Raoul's balls so that his scrotum was securely inside the ring and then pushed a couple of fingers up Raoul's arse and started to frig him hard.
After a couple of minutes Raoul began to moan with lust and pleasure and at that moment John pushed the little button at the bottom of the frame. There was a quiet click and the circular top of the machine snapped shut - just like a cigar cutter - and Raoul emitted a loud shriek as a terrible pain shot up his body from his groin.
His balls, neatly tied off with a wire tie applied by the machine and cut off by a circular knife blade, fell onto the bed - entirely and cleanly severed from their owner who was lying there on his stomach, stunned with the short sharp pain but completely unaware of the disaster which had befallen him - at least for a few seconds!
Raoul hauled himself off John's fingers which were still up his arse and rolled over so that he could sit up and see what was causing the pain in his balls, not so sharp now but still there. As he sat up he sat on his now severed balls but did not notice - he looked down at his crotch and emitted a low moan of dismay as he saw his almost empty crotch - now only occupied by a rapidly softening cock.
Where were his balls he asked John and then felt the lump under his thigh and, putting his hand under his leg he felt his scrotum with its contents of rapidly cooling balls. He groaned again and looked pleadingly at John as he asked him to put them back on him again.
John explained that he was very sorry what had happened. that the cutter was only supposed to give his balls a massage and that it had been an accident that had cut his nuts off and that he was sorry but there was nothing he could do about it.
John gave Raoul a beer to calm his nerves and after a while, when Raoul had got used to the idea of holding his balls in his hand rather than feeling them between his legs - not that he was pleased about the turn of events - he got up to go home. But the movement of his legs as he walked caused the wire ring at the neck of what had been his scrotum to hurt and so he lay down again sobbing quietly and after being fucked silly by John went to sleep.
The next morning, before work John told Roaul to piss off and take his balls with him to the house which Miguel and Jose were occupying. This was John's first big mistake. He told Raoul to come back to see him at the same time that night for a massage and that was John's second big mistake.
Accordingly that evening Raoul appeared as instructed, walking in a bit of a funny way because of the still fairly raw nerves under the wire ring, and gave John a fantastic massage - one of the best he had ever had in Mexico.
After the massage and the fuck - John found it a particular turn on fucking this kid on his back with that cute little bum, bushy black pubic hair, hard but small dick and only a circle of wire to show where his balls had been.
John spent a long while feeling Raoul's crotch and looking at the results of the cutting by his new castrator and admiring his handiwork before going to sleep himself.That was his third big mistake.
A few hours later John woke up, lying on his back as usual, naked and with no covers over him and his very large and stiff dick pointing up to his navel. He went to stretch when he discovered that he could not move and that Miguel, Raoul and Jose were all in the room. All naked, all with semi-erections and all looking at him with big beautiful - if circumstances had been different - grins.
John's heart sank as he looked at the three guys and his dick began to shrink as he thought what was in store for him. He had castrated them and now he was pre
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