Penis Girth Percentile

Penis Girth Percentile


Penis Girth Percentile
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Whether you've seen two penises in your life or 50, it's probably become apparent that they come in all kinds of shapes and sizes—in both length and girth.
And while you know that size doesn't really matter, you can't help but wonder: What size is, well, average?
Turns out there may be an answer to your curiosities, as some researchers have taken the time to explore the length and girth (a.k.a the circumference, or entire length around) of the average male penis, because, why not?
One of the latest large-scale studies took place in 2013, when Debby Hebernick, Ph.D., a sex researcher and educator at Indiana University authored Erect Penile Length and Circumference Dimensions of 1,661 Sexually Active Men in the United States .
As the name suggests, she gathered self-reported data from 1,661 men (and incentivized them to do so accurately by offering to match them with a better-fitting condom). From her research, Hebernick found that the average penis length was 5.7 inches, and the average girth was 4.81 inches when erect.
She also found that the means by which a man gets erect may influence his size. Specifically, she discovered that men who were aroused via oral seemed to get bigger than with manual stimulation. (Good to know?)
Another paper published in BJU International compiled research from 17 studies that measured the penises of a combined 15,521 men. The men were all measured by health professionals using the same standard procedure to ensure the numbers were as accurate as possible. And they looked at both erect and flacid penises.
From their findings, the average flaccid girth, was 3.67 inches. Erect penises averaged 4.59 inches around. For some size reference, that's about the width of a tube of toothpaste.
There are some caveats, though. Mainly, these studies didn’t control for things like temperature, level of arousal, and previous ejaculation.
Still, whether a penis is the size of a tube of toothpaste or not, it should have no bearing on how well it performs between the sheets.


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Is Your Penis Normal? There's a Chart for That

Is Your Penis Normal? There's a Chart for That
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Are you one of those men who constantly worries that your penis isn't of an adequate size? Then you may be suffering from "small-penis syndrome." (Yes, that's an actual medical term .) More likely, you are simply intrigued to know how your manhood measures up against the rest of humanity. Either way, whether you are anxious or merely curious, you may soon be able to ask your doctor to pull out a tape measure so he can definitively answer the question, "Hey doc, is my weiner big enough?"
British researchers, led by Dr. David Veale at King's College London, conducted a meta-analysis of the English language literature on penis size. They screened 16,678 publications and, based on various criteria, whittled the list down to 17 studies. (For example, studies that examined patients with erectile dysfunction were eliminated.) From these studies, the authors extracted data on the length and circumference ("girth") of both flaccid and erect penises from 15,521 men. This information was used to simulate 20,000 observations.
The following data represents the "average penis":
Flaccid length: 9.16 cm (3.61 in) Stretched flaccid length: 13.24 cm (5.21 in) Erect length: 13.12 cm (5.17 in) Flaccid girth: 9.31 cm (3.67 in) Erect girth: 11.66 cm (4.59 in)
The authors also constructed a handy chart:
As shown, 95% of erect penises fall within the range of 9.8 cm (3.86 in) to 16.44 cm (6.47 in). Also, it is interesting to note that the stretched flaccid penis is quite similar in length to the erect penis.
Disappointingly, the authors were not able to draw any conclusions on penis size and race. However, it should suffice to say that the rumors are probably true .
Finally, it is worth mentioning that some dudes really do have puny peckers. Like IQ, penis size falls along a normal distribution, and penises that are two standard deviations below average are considered, by definition, to be small. (However, men with "micropenises," which are 2.5 standard deviations below average, constitute merely 0.14% of the population.) Similarly, there are lucky guys out there who have penises that are two standard deviations above average and are considered, by definition, to be blessed large. The other 95.45% of men, who fall within two standard deviations of the average, have boringly normal penises.
So, worry not, manly men. The vast majority of you are perfectly normal. Well, except that guy with two penises . That's definitely not normal.
Source : "Am I normal? A systematic review and construction of nomograms for flaccid and erect penis length and circumference in up to 15,521 men." David Veale, Sarah Miles, Sally Bramley, Gordon Muir, and John Hodsoll. BJU International ; Published Online: March 3, 2015 (DOI: 10.1111/bju.13010).
( Image : Sausage with measuring tape via Shutterstock)

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