Penis Exercise

Penis Exercise


Less than 3 inches

Less than 3 inches
661 ( 2.05 % )

3 to 4 inches

3 to 4 inches
1281 ( 3.97 % )

4 to 5 inches

4 to 5 inches
3982 ( 12.34 % )

5 to 6 inches

5 to 6 inches
10002 ( 30.99 % )

6 to 7 inches

6 to 7 inches
9557 ( 29.61 % )

7 to 8 inches

7 to 8 inches
4797 ( 14.86 % )

More than 8 inches

More than 8 inches
1999 ( 6.19 % )

Having a longer penis is the primary desire, but it’s not all that matters. Thick penises also bring their kind of pleasure during intercourse. If you’re aiming for penis enlargement (PE), you have to consider balancing both length and girth.
If you’re concerned about your size, penile exercises for PE are worth a try. Apart from length and girth increase, you also gain the following benefits:
To understand how a penile workout works, we need to learn first about spongy tissues and smooth muscles of the penis ( source ).
During exercises, the spongy tissues are stretched or expanded to increase their maximum blood capacity. A higher volume of blood leads to the formation of micro-tears in the surrounding smooth muscles. The body will repair these tears and encourage the growth of new cells . It’s the same principle that explains how bodybuilders gain new muscles when working out in the gym.
Moreover, penile exercises also stretch the tunica , a connective tissue layer around the penis shaft. Tunica grows along with the smooth muscles and contributes to penis growth.
Lastly, exercises will extend the suspensory ligaments at the base of the penis. Stretching these ligaments will bring forward some hidden penis parts, which can provide additional length.
PE exercises are diverse, and they range from basic to advanced. Here we break down some of the common exercises for beginners and experienced users.
How it works: Elongates the smooth muscles, tunica, and ligaments to form micro-tears.
Length or girth: Stretching exercises are remarkable for length gains, but they also cause small increases in girth as well.
Here is a sample beginner-friendly routine:
Read our dedicated Jelqing Guide for all the steps.
How it works: With an OK grip, perform a forward stroke, like “milking” the penis. Like stretching, it elongates the tunica, muscles, and ligaments to create micro-tears. Moreover, it will expand the muscles in an outward direction.
Length or girth: Jelqs may look simple, but they’re useful for simultaneous length and girth increases. If you want to focus on girth alone, there is a modified version called “ V jelq ” for this purpose. You can check more information about this technique in our V Jelq guide.
As the most popular PE, jelqing is recommended as the first exercise for beginners . Experienced users will often combine jelqs with pumps, extenders, stretching, and kegels.
How it works: Squeeze one part of the penis to expand another. It will build pressure, push the muscles towards the tunica, and expand shaft tissues along the sides.
Length or girth: Due to the outward pressure, expansion exercises give significant girth effect.
To get a feel how an expansion exercise builds pressure, try this simple routine with an erect penis:
Make a second OK grip with your left hand, then squeeze your penis 1” above the base. If you feel the shaft throbbing, that’s due to the blood pressing in an outward direction.
Move your left hand 1” forward, and squeeze again.
Continue the squeezing motion in one-inch increments until you reach the area below the head.
For beginners and intermediate users , they can also try flaccid bends . For advanced exercisers , they can perform intense routines like Uli Exercise, Erect Squeeze, and Horse Squeeze . Our Girth Exercises guide has the details on how to implement these four techniques.
Usually, girth-focused exercises, like expansion, expands the penis head as well. If your primary focus is to get a bigger mushroom head , we have a dedicated post on Glans Exercises .
How it works: Contract and relax pelvic floor muscles repeatedly to push blood into the penis.
Length or girth: Kegels are not directly associated with length or girth increase. They are more known for their effects on erection quality, prostate health, and urination control. However, combined with jelqs or expansion exercises, the additional volume of blood pumped with kegels assists in the process of penis enlargement.
Two exercises that utilize kegel are the Viking’s Kegel Plus Squeeze and Flexing Girth Exercise , both of which are friendly for all kinds of users. You’ll find the instructions on these two methods in our Penis Girth Exercise guide.
Manual penile exercises can be done without the need of special equipment. However, if you add extenders or pumps to a workout routine, you can enhance your gains. For beginners, it’s recommended to do one of the beginner-friendly exercises first (like stretching or jelqing) for a few months before doing combination routines with equipment. This ensures the penis has been fully-conditioned for the additional load caused by extenders or pumps.
Using extenders is like doing a stretch on autopilot mode. Extenders are beginner-friendly as the traction force is gradually applied. But they are also applicable to experienced users whose focus is mainly length increase.
Combined with stretching and jelqing, extenders can further boost length gains. One good thing about extender is that you can wear it under a loose clothing, which saves you time as you can perform penis enlargement while doing your normal activities. You can wear an extender daily for at least 3 hours. However, there should be 1-2 rest days per week for recovery.
There is scientific evidence that shows the effectivity of extenders. If you want to know more about extenders, how they operate, and how much they cost, check our reviews on the popular brands Phallosan Forte and SizeGenetics .
As vacuum-based devices , penis pumps draw blood to fill the spongy tissues of the penis. They expand the muscles and tunica, form micro-tears, and promote new cell growth.
Like extenders, pumps are suitable for all kinds of users. However, while extenders affect length alone, pumps affect both length and girth. Also, you have to allocate a certain time per day for a pumping routine. Intermediate users usually add 10-15 minutes of pumping time to their workout while advanced users can prolong the duration to half an hour. 2-3 rest days per week are required to facilitate recovery.
If you’re looking for safe and effective pumps, try the water-based type ones. Learn more about popular penis pumps with our reviews on Bathmate and Penomet .
Only a few studies were conducted on penile exercises, so doctors are reluctant on endorsing them to their patients. But based on first-hand accounts of actual guys, penile exercises are indeed beneficial. Reports on gains vary per person, but on the average, length increase is about 1 inch while girth increase is roughly 0.5 inch .
Like any exercises, PE methods are safe as long as the person observes safety. Some degree of discomfort is normal.
Commonly advised tips include a slow start, gradually increase intensity, warm-ups, and observing pain and other signs of injury. In the presence of swelling, intense pain, sores, spots and discoloration, the exerciser should stop, rest, and heal for several days before resuming.
Guys are recommended to seek medical advice before starting any routine or when experiencing any symptoms of injury.
Yes, the warm-up is necessary to increase blood circulation into the penis. It also makes the skin more flexible, which decreases the occurrence of bruises. The warm-up can be done with hot towels, hot shower, or a short dip in a tub of warm water.
The rate of getting results will vary per individual, as genetics is a significant factor here. Generally, you should start seeing small differences within 1-2 months of consistent PE workout. But it would take at least six months to get noticeable results.
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Verywell Health's content is for informational and educational purposes only. Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Ⓒ 2021 About, Inc. (Dotdash) — All rights reserved

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Penis exercises and other enlargement methods get a lot of attention on the internet, with some people claiming you have as much control over the size of your penis as, say, your abs or thigh muscles. Some companies even market so-called "fitness accessories" and advice such as:

Beyond that, injections and surgery may also be available to make your penis larger, but these more invasive methods are considered a last resort, risky, and only for those whose penis is truly smaller than average. 1

In a culture where masculinity is often measured in inches, it's common for men to want a longer, thicker, and harder penis. But can that actually be achieved? The simple answer is usually no, but that's not all you need to know. A number of supposed "enhancement techniques" can cause changes to your penis that are far different from the ones you want.

The term "penis exercise" typically covers two types with different goals: penis stretching exercises said to add length, and "jelqing" exercises purported to increase your girth.

Because the penis can enlarge and get hard, some people believe it's a muscle that can be pumped up like a bicep. And the more you pump, the bigger it will get, right? That sounds logical until you realize one key bit of information: The penis is not a muscle. Anatomically speaking, the human penis is made up of:

The only muscle involved in penis function is the external sphincter muscle at the root of the penis, which aids ejaculation and can be voluntarily used to control the flow of urine.

A 2020 review of the available studies on penis enlargement concluded that all techniques remain supported only by "scant, low-quality evidence." Because most men who seek enlargement fall within the average range for penis size, the researchers recommend counseling before any enlargement is attempted. 2

Because your penis isn't made of muscle, no exercise can increase its girth or length.

Exercises and products claimed to enlarge your penis can do significant harm and even permanantly impair your ability to maintain an erection. Unless you're advised by your doctor to use them for specific medical purposes, most of the exercises and products for enlargement won't help and can cause damage.

The two main manual exercises touted for penis enlargement are stretching for added length and jelqing, which involves regular penis massages, for added girth. Both techniques are based on the idea that massage creates micro-tears in your tissue, which your body then "fills in" through the healing process.

Stretching exercises, which are done while you're flaccid, generally involve gripping the head of the penis and pulling it upward, then holding for a while, possibly while applying pressure to the base of the penis at the same time. It's usually recommended that you do this at least once a day for a couple of minutes.

Jelqing involves putting your fingers in a ring around the base of your penis and squeezing until there's mild pressure on the shaft, then slowly moving the ring to the tip. This is recommended for up to 30 minutes a day.

These techniques haven't been studied, so the only information available about safety and effectiveness is anecdotal. In published interviews, many urologists have expressed concerns about the possibility of injury and loss of ability, including Peyronie's disease (a buildup of scar tissue that causes painful, curved erections) and erectile dysfunction.

If you want to try penis enlargement exercises, talk to your doctor to make sure you're not doing anything that could cause damage, and report any problems you may experience.

Also based on the micro-tears theory, traction devices are an apparatus you regularly wear on your penis. A typical traction device looks like a complicated back or knee brace. It has a ring that fits snugly around the base of your penis, another that goes near the head, and adjustable bars down the side. They're supposed to gently pull on the penis to create micro-tears that then heal, therefore increasing length.

A 2015 study using a traction device reported that the device did result in modest increases in length, but with a mean of only about 1.5 centimeters when erect and no increase in girth. Researchers noted that participants were generally satisfied, but only modestly—and that's after wearing a device on the penis for between four and six hours every day for six months. 3

However, these devices may offer some medical benefits:

As far as extending length for those who think they're undersized, researchers called for studies with larger sample sizes and longer follow-up periods to establish what benefit, if any, traction offers. 4

Not enough research has been done to say these devices are safe for long-term use or whether any minor gains that may be achieved are lasting. Possible side effects are:

In many newer studies, no negative side effects or only mild, short-term side effects have been reported with traction devices. 7 8 However, this may be due to the medical supervision of their use.

The devices can often be uncomfortable and cumbersome, which is a real drawback as you may need to wear them for several hours a day. However, at least one newer device has shown improvements with use only between 30 and 90 minutes a day. 7

If you're interested in penile traction therapy, talk to your doctor and follow their advice regarding devices and how to use them

The effect of traction devices is sometimes compared to tribal practices that involve elongating the earlobes or necks through steadily applied pressure, and medical traction used for grafting skin and elongating limbs.

Penis pumps (also called vacuum pumps or vacuum devices) are intended to help treat erectile dysfunction and improve penile recovery after surgery (such as radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer) by forcing blood into the penis, 9 but they've developed a reputation for supposedly helping increase penis girth, and possibly even length, as well.

Vacuum pumps are essentially a tube with a device on the end that creates a vacuum by pumping air out of the tube. That draws blood into the penis and leads to an erection. You can then put a retaining band around the base of the penis to keep the blood inside it and remove the pump.

The 2019 review of enhancement methods concluded that vacuum devices did not increase size in any of the included studies. 2 However, a study on rats released later did suggest that combining an enzyme called anti-lysyl oxidase (anti-LOX) with a vacuum device did increase penis length by almost 11%, and the combination of anti-LOX with the device was more successful than anti-LOX alone. 1

Researchers suggested this could be due to changes anti-LOX induced in the tunica albuginea (the sheath of connective tissue in the penis). 1 As this is an animal study, it's far too early to assume the same would be true for humans. More research is needed.

Meanwhile, some men will tell you that vacuum pumps did increase the size of their penis after extensive daily use (usually for a year or more). It may be that they did get bigger, but likely not in the way they wanted to. Penis pumps can cause swelling due to tissue damage, which may temporarily make your penis look larger but also can impair its function.
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