Penis Cums

Penis Cums


Penis Cums
You should know: The answer above provides general health information that is not intended to replace medical advice or treatment recommendations from a qualified health care professional.
Hi there, I am so deeply concerned right now in regarding an incident that happened yesterday. I was with my male friend and we took it a step further in regards to me masturbating him (handjob). I bent down and took a small lick of his pre-cum that was sitting on his penis on the tip. I swallowed it quickly and then continued with my handstrokes. He then took a swipe of his pre-cum that was sitting on top of his penis with his finger and I licked it off his finger and swallowed it immediately. He assured me that he does NOT have hiv or anything but I am so scared cause I wasn't expecting to taste his pre-cum. He then finished masturbating himself as I got frightened as to what just happened cause I was not expecting to taste his pre-cum. I did not put his penis into my mouth at all. Only 2 small licks of his pre-cum that was on top of his penis head and finger that he swiped off his penishead. He is circumcised and I swallowed it quickly when the pre-cum was on my tounge. The pre-cum was sitting on top of his circumcised penis before I bent down to take a small lick. He assured me that he does NOT have hiv and that he does NOT sleep around. I am so scared cause this happened yesterday and I am frightened out of my mind. He finished masturbating on his own and ejaculated on himself. I am so scared of possible transmission if any. Was there any possible transmission with pre-cum sitting on his penishead for a bit and that I just bent down to take a small lick in which the pre-cum was on my tounge and I swallowed it quickly and when he swiped little pre-cum with his finger that I licked iff and that was only on my tounge and I swallowed that quickly? I can't sleep or anything. I would appreciate your help. Thank you so much!
Oral sex carries the lowest risk of HIV transmission and with your experience the risk of HIV transmission is even smaller than that!
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By Guest | 430 posts, last post 23 days ago

Kate Smith
answered this
The Appearance Of Normal, Healthy Semen (Sperm) And Ejaculation

I am a 15 year old male and I just have a few questions.
What does it mean when you get to the actual stage of cumming? When I masturbate I keep tugging the little devil until I feel like I am about to erupt. After this happen is it meant to feel like you can't possibly go anymore? Like my penis doesn't hurt after masturbating, but it just feels like I sort of don't have the strength to go anymore, and that my penis is tired... :-P

Is that when I am meant to cum?
Occasionally some clear white liquid comes out, but in the pornography that I watch and use to stimulate, when the guy cums it is usually pure white and sort of shoots out. When it happens to me it sort of just pours out, like there is no energy behind it. Is that cum?

hey man... well it could be. if it is whitish then yea it is semen if it is clear and comes out when ou are excited but not when you feel the errupting feeling. the erupting feeling is an orgasm and if you dont have any liquid come out but stiget that feeling then it just means that you cant produce semen. there is a clear sticky liquid that comes out sometimes when you are excited or start masturbating is a lubricant called pre-ejaculatory fluid. (pre-cum). how long ago did you start puberty? it is normal for semen to be runny thick yellowish or white. there are lots of variations of "normal" semen . it is also ok for semen to run out like yours or shoot really far. it just depends. as you mature then you will probably incerease the ammount of semen you ejaculate as well as make it shoot more.

hope this helps let me know if you have any more questions or concerns. you can also private message me if there is anything you want to discuss more privatley.
good luck

Yea, the stuff that sort of pours out when I erupt is just clear and kind of sticky I guess. BTW, I have had pubic hair for about 2 years now, but I only got armpit hair like a year ago... so when did puberty start? Cause I have no idea... :-P

puberty started for you about 2-2.5 years ago. as i said earler you will continue to develope and so you should eventually ejaculate more. it the stuff that comes out when you erupt totaly clear or is it milky?

also is there any sticky, crysal clear, liquid that seeps out before you ejaculate. or if you ever watch porn or get excited someother way does that clear sticky liquid seep out (not the stuff when you erupt)

does this make any sense. its kind of hard to explain?

You'll know for sure when you have an orgasm, because once you push through that feeling of "can't go on any more" your penis will start a sort of series of convulsions. Like a multiple sneeze. There will be a contraction every 5/8 of a second (or once a second, to round it up for simplicity) and usually, with the contractions, the semen will spurt out like in the video. It looks like a whitish or off-white sticky, slimy puddle (or series of stripes) totalling about 1-2 teaspoons of fluid. Maybe a bit more, if you haven't done it for a while.

Pre-cum is clear, slightly sticky, has no smell (semen can smell a bit bleachy) and is usually less than a teaspoon full. Unless you're a big pre-cummer, it's usually only a few drops, and it dribbles or oozes out.

I think the trick is to keep on rubbing even when you feel you can't go on. Aim it somewhere safe. Have a couple of tissues ready. Enjoy.
(BTW, it feels great.)

yeah...when i masturbate i go to when i think is what ejaculating is...although i cant go on further and sometimes my penis "deflates". also if i do try to go on, it hurts a lil because i think its because its does that mean i did ejaculate?

cum is usually white, with a yellow/greenish tinge, and thick in consistency/ w/ wonderful contractions...sounds like youre getting there, but not QUITE there

Cheryl cole normally does the trick for me... But you may need the help of Miley Cyrus

I've been masturbating for a couple of years, and I'm 14 now, when I release the cum is in a liquid like state but a few moments later it becomes really thick, kinda like a slime, it's starting to scare me a little should I be afraid or is it normal?

What does it feel like when sperm comes out

In reply to anonymous on 2011-10-18 - click to read

The best way to find out is to masturbate. Try it, you'll like it.

I am 13 and when i watch porn i make like a watery liquad that you could mistake for water. every time i masterbate it gets thicker. i hope this helped you guys.


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No, thanks


What does cum look like and feel like?

when do i cum

Cant cum, i go pee instead

Masterbating clear sticky stuff

does sperm always come out when you masterbate?

after like 4 minutes of jerking it I feel like I can't go on

when I stimulate myself, I can't cum, I can precum, but just not real cum

How Do You Cum Faster When You Masterbate?

i have a small pain and a slight swelling in my penis after my first mastrubation

im not sure if its cum?

is sticky clear fluid still semen, and am i in puberty

is it normal to ejaculate Pre cum for 5 months?

very simple question. What does female cum look like?

I'm 13 and want to know when would I be able to actually orgasm semen?

im 14 cant ejaculate and after i masterbate theres clear bubbly stuff on my penis gland

Why does clear liquid come out when I orgasm but not semen?

pre-cum or ejaculation?

14 yr old and when i masturbate i pee instead of cum

clear semen before puberty

Instead of normal urine, it was like a completely white liquid, and it was quite sticky

Can you ejaculate before you hit puberty?

my left ball is bigger than my right my right ball feels like tissue and they sometimes `feel weird

i wanna know if i am ready to fully ejaculate semen

most of my friends have pubic hair and stuff and i feel underdeveloped

14 going through puberty and cant ejaculate yet

im 14 and cant produce semen

How does cum from anal intercourse look like?

How Do I Know If I Cummed Or Not

cannot produce semen when masturbating and i cannot carry on

I have clear semen

Healthy Swimmers Or Sinking Ship? 8 Signs Of Healthy Semen And How To Recognize Abnormal Sperm
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