Penectomy Tribe

Penectomy Tribe


Penectomy Tribe

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Caitlin Kenney

Last Modified Date: June 02, 2022


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A penectomy is the surgical removal of part or all of the penis. This surgery may be required in order to remove cancerous tissue in the penis, or it can be elected as part of a sex reassignment surgery . In rare cases, a penectomy is performed accidentally during circumcision .
Penectomy, or penis amputation , is a common treatment for penile cancer. If at all possible, the surgeon will aim to leave as much of the penis intact as possible. A surgery in which only part of the penis is removed, usually just the tip, is called a partial penectomy and allows the man to continue urinating standing up and have a full, though changed sex life. A man with a partial penectomy can still get an erection and ejaculate, though the most sensitive part of the penis is missing. Still, sex life after a penectomy can be challenging and benefits from open lines of communication between partners and talking to a sexual support therapist.
During a radical penectomy, the entire penis, from the tip to inside the pelvis is removed. Cancer patients may also have the lymph nodes in the groin extracted to deter the spread of cancer into the rest of the body. Men who have this surgery will pass urine through a new opening for the urethra , so their regular bathroom habits may change. These men may also have to experiment to find ways to a satisfying sex life post-operation.
Penile cancer is uncommon in South America and Africa and very rare in Europe and North America. The cancer is typically a squamous cell carcinoma originating in the glans, a vascular section in the head of the penis, or foreskin. Symptoms include a lump on the penis, redness, irritation, or a sore on the penis.
Depending on how much of the penis is affected, the patient may be able to just have the tumor and a small amount of the healthy surrounding tissue removed, but amputation is the most effective treatment. The patient will also receive radiotherapy as a security against the cancer’s spreading. Rare but possible complications of partial or total penectomies include persistent penis discomfort, increased sensitivity, decreased sensitivity, difficulty maintaining an erection, and infection.
Sometimes, but not usually, penis amputation is part of a sex reassignment surgery called vaginoplasty for trans women. The more common surgery is called penile inversion, in which just the erectile tissue is removed, while the glans remains intact and is sometimes used to construct a clitoris. The rest of the penis is inverted into the body to create a simulated vaginal canal. The other type of vaginoplasty, colovaginoplasty, does require penectomy and uses a piece of the colon to simulate the vaginal canal. This is a much riskier surgery and doctors prefer not to perform it if there is any other alternative.
Does anyone know how much the cost is to proceed with this kind of surgery?
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The story of a man who fell victom to a female attacker.
I am dave. I had a prety normal life. I work in accounting in one of the bigest employies in the area.i had a comfortable life. I was content. That was all about to change. 
Anna elizebeth james had a grudge against men. She also was against breding and overpopulation. She had been in and out of mental institutions. No one thought she would become violent. She seemed to have her opinions but they seemed academic and philosophical. No one though she would act on it. 
Aperently she had gone to ramdom houses. She targeted single who lived alone. She went worked at night.usualy in the middle of night. From 200 am to 4:00. Usualy more towards the two side. The attacks were always in those windows.
She went into these houses. She cut off there penises. This was to get revenge on all males. She beleved all men were pigs.this also helped to fight overpopulation. One less breader in the world. I was not her first victim. I was her seventh. She was carefull. Her victims all lived in different parts of the united sates and Canada. None of her victoms were in the same region. 
I had gone to bed that night. I just wore a pair of blue shorts. I was sound asleep. I had no idea that my life was about to change foever. It would ever be the same. That was no hyperbole. 
I had left a window open ajar. She waa only five one. She was thin. She was able to force the window oppen.she crept in. She was inside. I had no idea that this had happened. I had bo idea that my life and my privy member was i. Serious jeopardy. 
Once inside, she crept furher into the building. She headed to the bedroom. She always got excited when she got closer into my room. She always felt an adrenaline rush just before she did her dirty deed. The anticipation of the act made her horny. 
She came into my room. I remaned asleep. I had no idea that she came into my room. Had i known i probably would have been quite freaked out. I was obvious to all of it.
She came in. She took out a knife. I was barefoot. She tied my hands and feet. I was gaged.i tried to make noise.
I had no idea what was going on. She hardly looked like a cold blooded mutilator. She looked like college coed or a watress at a bar. Was she going to rape me? I was so scared. 
Then she took out the knife. I wS convinced that she was going to murder me. While i hardly wanted to be raped, i really did not want to be killed especially by a petite murderes. 
She was strong for being so smal and thun. She held me down. She was able to overpower me. Were i not apalled by the imminent attack i might be impresssed. 
She ripef off my shorts and underware with the knife. Dawn i thought. I realy like your shorts. Yes i realy did think about that. Sometimes in dire situations you think about weird things. I did thst day. 
Then she took the knife to my penis. She just started cutting. I screamed though the gag. Blood went every where. She took the penis with her. She later incinerated it do that it could not be surgically reattached. To her the planet could not survive if too many men had there genitals intact. To her this was a gerila war for the survival of the planet. 
She aperently wanted her victoms mammed not dead. She wanted her victoms to live as eunichs perhaps. I think she hoped that they would see the wisdom in her action and eben embrace it. Maybe they would advocate for population control. Of course i would never do that. I understand Stockholm syindrome but this is s bit too far. She called 911 as soon as she was out of the apartment. The ambulance quickly arived. 
She drove as far away as she could get.she drove all the way to the coast. She sold the car and got a new one. She went to another area.she looked for another victom.
They had to stop the bleeding. They got me to a point where i was not going to totaly bleed out. I was put on a strecher snd rushed to the hospital. 
They were able to cauterize the wound. They then created a smal incision do i could pee. I would have to pee siting down. No more urinal. I was not too disappointed. Although i found urinal convenient i was never a huge fan of them. 
When i first woke up i was very groggy. I felt weak. I started to remember the attack. I was waring a diaper. I opened it. I saw my thing well i saw where my thing should be. I was stunned. 
The doctor and nurse came in. They explaned that urination would be painful and unpredictable. I would be in pain on and off. 
I found it dificult to walk. I got a wheal chair. Most of the time i did not have to use it. I wore a diaper to prevent leakege. I was able to use the restroom most of the time. It was a dificult life. I tried to make the most of it. 
Anna was eventually caught. She tried to attack a man. A neighbor intervened. She was arested. She was put in jail and put in an orange jump suit. I was glad of that. 
I was able to return to work. I had to miss a lot of work.i had to go part time. My employer was very understanding. Unfortunately everyone at that job knew that was a shadow of my former self. I tried to make the most of it.
A farther and husbend is forced to be castrated due to an efort to combat overpopulation.
Im bary. I am a husband and farther. I owned a smal business. I paid taxes and was a productive member of society. 
Several years back, a group of scientist,philosophers, acedemics and other people with too much time on there hands got together. They tried to come up with top problems and how to fix them. 
One of there isues was overpopulation. They came up with ways in whitch it could develop into a real problem. They came up with the absolute worse case and argued why it could and probably would happen. 
They came up with a solution. Some men would be castrated. They would try to make it fair. There would be a system in place to determine how it would occur. 
This working group was determined to convince the government to go along with this. At first the government lauthed them out of there office. They took to the media. They staged protest in the capital citty. They waged a relentless campagn.they would not take a no for an answer.
After a long campagn, the legislature decided to take up the issues. after a long debate, the legislature passed a law establishing penectomy for the perpose of population maintinence and rejuvenation. 
Many urged the head of sate not to sign into law. Feeling presue he did give his oficial conscent. 
Basically every male 18 and older had to register for the penectomy lotery. Several names were drawn. Those who had chuldren had to register more then once. They were more likly to be chosen. Sence i had twins there was a prety good chance i would be picked.
I knew that penectomy was a posobility. In a coyntry this size i never thought i would be chosen. Only about five percent had to endure government sectioned castration. I thought i was safe. What were the ods i would be picked. I thought i was more likly to be struck by lighting or win the lotery. 
“Oh tomorrow you have to go to the town office ” my wife annie said.”i know! “I said. “Hey you dont want to get in trouble. Dont comply with the rules and the more likly you are to have your woo hoo cut off!”she said.
I did my civic duty. I reported and re registeted with the department of prosperous society. I filled out the paper work. Then i signed i. And sumbited it.
I did not think much about it. I had plenty to do. I had work. I did things around the house and spent time with the wife and the twins. 
One day i checked the mail. There was a lot of junk mail. An add for setilite tv. Flyers for retail stores. Then i saw a letter adressed to me from the department of prosperous society. I was schockrdw. My heart sank. 
I called anie in. I could hardly soynded more like a shriek. Annie ran in as first as she could.”hunnie whats wrong? ” she asked.
I could not get s word out. I showef her the unopened letter. She looled at it.she hugged me. I calmed down and reluctently opened it up. Sure enough it said what i feared it would. 
“Dear mr. Lewis. This is to inform you that you have been silected to undergo castration. You are to report to murcy hospital thirty days from this date. From now on you are prohibited from participating in any sexual acyivity that could leed to impregnation until the surgery. This includes with contraception. Under the law ypon receving this you are legally a eunuch. ”
It was signed by a regonal director for the department of a prosperous society. I cried like a baby. Annie juat held me. She was so scared for me. While the procedure was designed to mame ,other then tbat it was fairly safe.they took every precaution to ensure that it was. 
Annie and i held eachother all night. We cried ourselves to sleep. I tried to do things i enjoyed to do before the mounth was up. It was like this gigentic storm cloud. There was nothing i could do about it. 
The day had arived. I dresed in a t shirt jeens and samdles. I arived before i was to report.i huged annie and the girls.then i went inside. I filled out the paper work. I was told to wait om a waiting area. 
Then i was told to follow a nurse. I was taken to a room. I striped to my underware. I put on a gowan. They got me preped for surgery. 
I was put to sleep during the procedure. While i was sedated, they carefully removed my penis.they took most of it away. They then created basicaly a vagina like structure so that i could urinate. I would have to pee sitting down. I was in la la la land while this was occuring. I was glad of that. I did not want to see this occuring. Not that i want to see this. 
After this i was put in recovery. I woke up in a private room. I woke up grogy ay first. I was on a lot of pain meds. I started to come tu. 
I had a diaper on. I pulled it down.i saw where my penis used to be. There was not even a stub.i wanted to scream. I decided not to. I did not want to cause any undue problems. I did not. 
I felt a bit weak. I gues it was to be expected. A major body part been surgically removed. I put the diaper back on. 
After a while the nurse checked on me.she was glad that i waa awake. She checked my temperature and did other seemed that i was fine. 
Annie came in.she tookmy hand and stayed at my bed side. I was so glad to see her. She was a rare bright spot in all of this. 
They kept me for a few days for observation. After a few days,i was alowed to be duscharged. I was able to walk.i was in pain on and off. I was told to expect it for at least the imiduate future. I put on my cloths i wore before with a diaper. I was brought out in a wheal chair. We drove home. 
The next few days i waa fairly weak.i stayed in bed. Annie cuddled with me. I had to ajust to peing siting down.i felt differently. I got emotional more easily.
I was different. Annie and i grew apart. Eventually she left me. I did not blame her. I tried to ajust to life post penectomy. 
I took harmones. I started to feel better. I became part of a new normal. I started to create a new personality.
Now i am hapier. I ware a womens panty. I ware a bra.i have alowed my boobs to grow. I warw womens cloths at home. My facial hair no longer grows. I live as a man. I have discovered a famine side. It is not a pefect life but i make due. 
I am greg. I owned my own business. I was hardly roling in The dough but i eaked out a good living. I got to a point where i could do mostly what i wanted to do. I owned a smal house and i had land. I was more then content. Life was not perfect but it was workable. 
Usualy in the morning, i ran before i went to work. It gave me time to destressify and clear my head. Usually after a good run, i was ready to get on with the day. I had done this almoat every day for the last few years. 
This day it did go as it uasuly did. In the time i went on these walks there were no incidents. There was occasional dtray dogs who had a beef with me for who knows why. I never got bit or anything. This fay there was an incident. It changed my life foever. 
I was a few minutes into my run when i heard a scream. I ran towards the noise. I discovered a young women who was about to be gang raped. I scared the woukd be rapist away. 
Her shirt had been ripped. Her shorts were down. I went over to her. Fearing i was one of the rapest she screamed as the top of her lungs. I tried to calm her down . Before i could the police arived. 
She claimed i was one of the rapist. Aperently she did not see the others. She thought i was the only rapist. 
I insisted that i was not trying to attack her. All of the evidence indicated i was. I was immediately atested. I protested but it did no good. 
Cuffs were put on me. I was led to a police cruiser. I was taken to a police station. I hoped that this whole thing would sort itself out. 
I was taken to a holding cell. I laid down on the coat. I knew i was inocent. I tried to remain upbeat and hopfull. I hoped that when the victim would calm down she would realize her mistake. I tried not to fret about it. 
She never did remember the real rapist. She only remebered seing me. There were no witneses. There was no penitration.the evidence did not incriminate me but did not clear me. 
I was in the area. I was near her. Her shorts were down and t shirt ripped. I seemed to be the only one in the vinicity. The evidence was circumstances but it was there. I could nir refute her story. It was reasonable for a jury to believe that i was in the process of participating in a sexual asult in progress. 
My lawer argued for reasonable doubt. He claimed that the prosicutuon did not prove beyond a reasonable doubt that i was about to rape her. My story of a gang was plausible. The prosicutor argued that it is reasonable to conclufe that i was trying to
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