Pegging Teen Boy

Pegging Teen Boy


Geef maar toe dat je nieuwsgierig bent.
Het begint langzaam wat losser te worden in televisieland op het gebied van seks. We zijn zelfs bijna niet meer verbaasd als er iets anders dan missionaris te zien is op het scherm.
Onze favo series en films geven inspiratie en maken ons nieuwsgierigheid naar deze next level activiteiten tussen de lakens. Sommige koppels zullen ze gelijk in de praktijk willen brengen, maar als je het wilt laten bij alleen het lezen van dit artikel: ook prima!
Deze vrouwen vertellen hoe anale seks echt is
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Wat is het: orale stimulatie van de anus
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Zo pak je het aan: laat je partner zachtjes met zijn vingers over je anus glijden terwijl hij je oraal bevredigd. Dan, zodra jij hem groen licht geeft, kan hij zijn tong richting jouw anus bewegen, en zelfs een beetje erin. Geef hem directies: hoe snel, hoeveel druk – goede communicatie is super belangrijk.
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Doen: niet als verrassing op tafel gooien zoals in de film, en niet als je doggy style al heel avontuurlijk vindt. Maar als je echt op zoek bent naar iets nieuws en niet wilt vasthouden aan de geijkte rollen… wie weet?
Zo pak je het aan: begin met een kleine strap-on en heel veel glijmiddel. Zeker de eerste keer moet je echt rustig, millimeter voor millimeter naar binnen gaan. Als hij zich nog steeds comfortabel voelt kun je wat meer en sneller gaan bewegen. Maar, nogmaals: alleen als hij er klaar voor is. Daarna kun je gaan spelen met verschillende diktes en lengtes.
Wat is het: spelen met een flogger, ofwel: een zweep met kwastjes eraan.
Doen: als de scenes waarin Christian en Ana los gingen in the Red Room je rode oortjes bezorgde, is flogging misschien wel iets voor jou. Het kan heel sexy en subtiel zijn, maar zeker ook je bedavonturen wat ruiger maken. Het enige wat de film niet zo goed laat zien, is het feit dat je duidelijk afspraken moet maken met je partner, en het allebei echt graag moet willen.
Zo pak je het aan: ga voorzichtig te werk. Net als alle andere SM-praktijken moet je rustig beginnen. Laat de zweep zachtjes over je lichaam glijden en experimenteer met de lichaamsonderdelen die gevoelig zijn. Zodra je wat meer ervaren bent kun je de spanning en intensiteit wat opbouwen.
Hier let je partner écht op tijdens seks
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Is it true the ships had "peg boys"?
by Cecil Adams September 5th, 2008August 29th, 2020
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One often hears references to rampant buggery among sailors in the glory days of the Royal Navy. Sometimes, it’s said, young boys called “peg boys” were on board solely for the purpose of providing pleasure to the officers. What’s the straight dope on this? —Wm. Bligh, Chicago
Not an easy question to…well, I guess we can’t say “get to the bottom of,” can we? “Get a handle on” also has unfortunate implications. So let’s just start. Was buggery, if not rampant, at least fairly common in the Royal Navy in its prime? (We’ll define this as the 18th century through WWI.) People certainly thought so at the time. Were ships’ boys sometimes used for sexual purposes by their elders? We have sworn testimony that they were. Did some British warships routinely put—let’s be blunt—underage male prostitutes on the manifest? Don’t be ridiculous.
First, terminology. I’ve seen “peg” equal “copulate” in a 1902 slang dictionary, and it’s easy to believe the expression was common long before that. But the earliest usage of “peg boy” cited in the Oxford English Dictionary is from Playboy’s Book of Forbidden Words by Robert Anton Wilson (1972), perhaps not the most reliable source. Wilson writes: “A ‘peg-boy’ is a young male who prostitutes himself to homosexuals; ‘peg-house’, a homosexual brothel. There is an unsubstantiated story that boys in East Indian peg-houses were required to sit on pegs between customers, giving them permanently dilated anuses.” Whatever you say, Bob.
That’s not to say sailors spent all their time singing sea chanteys and tying knots. As in any environment in which males live in close quarters for extended periods (prison and boarding school are the other well-known venues in this respect), both consensual and nonconsensual homosexual behavior did and doubtless does occur aboard ships—see for example Barry Burg’s Sodomy and the Pirate Tradition (1995). Sodomy, incidentally, wasn’t clearly defined in English law but at minimum included anal intercourse between men (authorities differed on whether anal sex with a woman counted) and in some interpretations bestiality, necrophilia, and fellatio.
More pertinent to our subject is Arthur Gilbert’s “Buggery and the British Navy, 1700-1861,” Journal of Social History, 1976. Gilbert suggests there’s some basis to the belief that the Royal Navy’s traditions consisted of “rum, sodomy, and the lash” (a witticism often misattributed to Winston Churchill). While conceding that “it is impossible to judge the incidence of buggery in the military,” he goes on to quote one British officer as follows: “I have been stationed, as you know, in two or three ships….On the D—, homosexuality was rife, and one could see with his own eyes how it was going on between officers. I have been told that in some services (the Austrian and French, for instance), nobody ever remarks about it, taking such a thing as a natural proceeding: that may be so or not; but in any case, nobody was ‘shocked’ on board either the A— or the B—. There were half a dozen ties that we knew about.…To my knowledge, sodomy is a regular thing on ships that go on long cruises.”
Still, Gilbert suggests, common is one thing, brazen is another. British naval buggery, however prevalent, was necessarily discreet: Sodomy was officially considered a grave offense, and punishment was harsh. Buggery “comyttid with mankynde or beaste” was first made a capital crime by Henry VIII in 1533; naval buggery was specifically made a hanging offense in 1627. In 1806 there were more hangings in England for sodomy than for murder. Punishment could be brutal even if you escaped the noose. A sailor convicted in 1757 of raping a boy received 500 lashes; in 1762 two seamen received 1,000 lashes each for consensual sex. That was an extreme case, but average lash counts for morals offenses were often double those for mutiny and desertion. Officers weren’t exempt: Capt. Henry Allen of the sloop Rattler was executed for sodomy in 1797, and Lieutenant William Berry was hanged in 1807 for buggering a boy. Conclusion: Whatever may have gone on beneath the poop deck, sex with boys at sea was never openly tolerated in the Royal Navy, let alone made a fixture of the officers’ mess.
Eventually attitudes softened. Though sodomy remained a capital crime until 1861, the last British naval execution for the offense was in 1829, the last in the U.K. itself in 1835. After that, until legalization in 1967, the act was punishable by 10 years to life. In short, to borrow from George Carlin, those convicted of sodomy were sent to prison where, in all likelihood, they were sodomized. —Cecil Adams
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