Pegging Dildo

Pegging Dildo


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Choosing the Best Dildo for Pegging
Saying dildos are an essential part of pegging is like saying paintbrushes are an essential part of painting; it is an extreme understatement. But dildos come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, probably even a wider variety than paintbrushes. If you are a pegging veteran you know that much of the information surrounding dildo sales isn’t pegging-centric and can prove to be really unhelpful. We’ve compiled some points of comparison for your consideration that are specific to pegging. There may be no one right answer that fits everyone but there are a few pitfalls we can help you avoid.
Your two biggest concerns when dildo shopping: material and design. The first half of this article will deal with the former and the second half will deal with the latter. This way you will have a comprehensive understanding of what you are buying before you end up getting the wrong thing.
Jelly toys, or gel toys, are appealing for newbies because of their low cost and versatile designs. That being said, you should avoid any dildos made of jelly material. Jelly toys are notorious for containing phthalates which are both carcinogenic as well as caustic. Many people experience extreme allergic reactions, resulting in painful burning of the skin. On top of that, jelly is porous and can accumulate bacteria that cannot be washed out. We strongly suggest that you avoid dildos made of jelly, or other phthalate-containing materials, completely. We specifically don’t carry any on You may save some money with the jelly options, but you can definitely pay for it in the long run and it is not worth the risk.
The idea of inserting something made of glass scares some people, however, glass toys are generally very safe as well as the easiest to clean. Many glass toys are even dishwasher friendly. That being said, they do require some care while handling. While they are known for being sturdy, they can no longer be used if they do get chipped. The other thing that can be problematic with glass dildos is that glass dildos are exceptionally firm. This can lead to a more stimulating experience for the penetrating partner, but it might be a little less comfortable for the receiver. Glass dildos do tend to be a tad more expensive, but many find their benefits outweigh the increased cost. An additional perk of glass dildos is how they handle temperatures; glass dildos make excellent toys for temperature play, since some can be heated or cooled before use.
Silicone is generally considered the best dildo material. The many pros far outweigh the few cons, so it is an easy choice for retailers and shoppers. Silicone pegging dildos are soft, but firm. Silicone dildos are easy to mold industrially, but they’re not porous so it’s a lot safer than porous jelly materials. Silicone dildos are hypoallergenic as well, which means it is extremely rare for anyone to suffer from any sort of reaction.
The only thing you have to pay attention to with silicon is to (1) avoid storing silicone toys with other silicon toys and (2) avoid using silicone lube with silicone toys. Silicone likes to bond with other silicon, so silicone-based lubes should be avoided and it shouldn’t be stored with other silicone toys. These are easy problems to mitigate, though, which makes silicon the contender for the title of the best dildo material. It’s also why a majority of the toys featured on site are made with silicone.
While we are going to talk about some fun and interesting toy designs, we thought it appropriate to start with the smaller and smoother types of dildos. These tend to be thinner, smoother designs with a rounded head. The goal here is simple: stimulate the prostate - and these dildos follow the K.I.S.S theory of design. (Keep It Simple, Stupid). While simple dildos tend to be what we recommend to people newer to the pegging scene, that doesn’t mean that they ever lose their charm. These dildos lack frills, that's true, but what they lack in surprises, they make up for in consistency. 
There is some interesting debate surrounding the satisfaction that a more realistic dildo can provide. Realistic dildos tend to aim to recreate the sensation of a penis in both texture and material. Realistic dildos aren’t just a different look, they’re a different sensation. On one hand, internal sensitivity can largely vary from person to person. If you aren’t very sensitive anywhere except for your prostate, then the additional texture and bulk probably won’t add to your experience. If you appreciate that increase in stimuli, though, then you will probably enjoy a more realistic design. From a practical standpoint, the increased area of a textured surface means these types of dildos require a lot more lube, so be prepared. Realistic dildos can also add a psychological stimulant to you and your partner's play, depending on what you get out of pegging. Partners who enjoy kinkier forms of role reversal might get a lot more out of a realistic dildo then someone who is just in it for the sensory enjoyment. 
Vibrating dildos tend to be a bit of a hit or miss in pegging play. Many people enjoy the vibration sensations quite a bit, finding it stimulating for both partners. The problem we hear from people is finding a vibrating dildo that is powerful enough for both partners to feel the vibration. Many sex toys that are used by peggers require you to insert a small vibrator into the containment area of the strap-on harness, which can be too removed to allow the vibration to come through. This might mean you need to do a little homework about models and the amount of power you are going to need. One of the perks of more modern vibrators is that cumbersome cords are a thing of the past; now they commonly come with a wireless remote or mobile app for your phone. One final piece of advice when using vibrating toys: you need to be careful about your use of lube. Check to make sure your vibrating dildos are waterproof to save you both money and frustration. Those warnings aside, vibrating dildos and other toys can be a great way to add that extra bit of fun to your pegging time. 
Often we see clitoral stimulation dildos advertised to lesbian couples, but they work great for many other types of people. If the penetrating partner has a clit, they will receive a lot more stimulation while topping if they use a dildo specifically designed for clitoral stimulation. Specifically, the thrusting and movement combined with the design of the dildo results in a lot of pleasure for the person doing the pegging. While other styles of dildo can offer similar clitoral stimulation, they cannot offer as much or they have drawbacks along with it. You don’t have to deal with the uncomfortable firmness of a glass dildo or the difficult grip of a double insert in order to enjoy a mutually satisfying pegging experience. All in all, this style of dildo is well rounded, but not something you will come across commonly, so you might have to search a bit to find the right one.
A more readily-available alternative to a clitoral stimulation dildo is a dildo cover. Dildo covers provide texture and/or vibration for enhanced clitoral stimulation and can be attached to most dildos you already own. This makes turning your favorite dildo into the perfect pegging toy quite easy, improving pleasure and stimulation for the partner doing the pegging. You will often see these coupled with vibrating toys as a package deal, and that isn’t a bad pairing. More bang for your buck, if we may be so tongue in cheek.
First off, let's get this out of the way: strapless strap-on dildos are not to be used without a strap-on harness unless your partner has some serious PC muscles and confidence to back it up. While pegging with a strapless strap-on without a harness is considered to be the “holy grail” of the pegging world, in practice, these dildos often receive mixed reviews. Many models require a lot of trial and error to get the positioning right for both partners to find the perfect rhythm. This can be fun, as well as frustrating. Expert peggers know that if you know what you are in for, you might find this challenge to be a perk rather than a drawback. It is also worth mentioning that while these types of dildos are difficult to master, the pleasure and connection that people often feel while using them is considered incomparable to other styles on this list.
On that tantalizing note, we recently started carrying the Strap-On-Me bendable vibrating strapless strap-on dildo. We’re especially excited about the Strap-On-Me, because it has so many features that we absolutely love since it was designed with pegging specifically in mind. This strapless dildo has a bendable neck which allows positions and angles that strapless dildos don’t normally allow. The Strap-On-Me also features vibrators for both g-spot stimulation as well as clitoral stimulation built in, which makes it the only dildo offering this feature! We are excited to offer this on our site and we are even more excited to start getting feedback from the Pegging Advisory Board about how it works for them.
Pack and play strap on dildos are primarily marketed towards the transgender crowd, but that doesn’t mean if you are cisgender that you can’t be curious. If you are looking for an extremely realistic experience, then you will find no better. These dildos are intended to be worn with pants and underwear, or “packed,” and then, if you are looking to “play”, a flexible rod is inserted into the shaft. This flexibility is what makes this style of strap on great for pegging, allowing you to alter the bend to enhance you or your partner's pleasure. Plus, if you are curious about exploring gender roles or presentation, this is a great way to do so comfortably with the people you care about.
There you have it, our assessment of the variety of dildos available to our pegging advisory board. And these are just the generalizations. Dildos come in a fantastic variety of shapes and sizes. That’s one of the best things about pegging, is with a little creativity and keen eye for adult toy shopping you can be constantly expanding your collection and broadening your experience in the bedroom. And those are two goals that we are always willing to get behind. 
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