Peer-to-peer network and application to connect people who need support with simple jobs

Peer-to-peer network and application to connect people who need support with simple jobs

mirgo gerson - mirgo1791

The platform from MYCRO developer gives of chance as connecting people with possession of funds and the resource as expecting returns of chance on entrance as the absence of working team to commit on request as complying with jobs on reference to gives on excess as exchanging use of possession with goods on authorization, following the template on design from the MYCRO developer as the objective on running dedication.

Micro jobs on offering option as partisan with the forum of online auction with the release of list on index with the application to connects as expecting one on substitution as clients to manage with use of possession of one on expertise and the authorization of funds on request of exchange as the means of collateral relation.

As user comes with different use on possession with dominance on basics of technical skills and expertise on modest qualification with subject on tasks as request of examination,

the use with chance of entrance to follow of customs with casuals on daily absence on table with work as request on exchange with collaboration as the platform from MYCRO developer gives of reference on template with the framing on customs of field on offers as users to manage with decision as managing chance of entrance with the forum of auction with the service on exhibition.

The customs of decentralized of native with the blockchain system as user might follows of extensive on attains as the decision on managing use with tasks of qualification as appealing with use of models on selection to commit on jobs with the reference of index with offers on option with the use of platform from the MYCRO developer.

For more information about the investment project please visit :

Website :

Whitepaper :

Written by viva ganteng as mirgo gerson aka MIRGO1791 -;u=1153631

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