Peeping Teens

Peeping Teens


Peeping Teens
Peeping Tom caught watching 14-year-old change clothes

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Peeping tom caught watching 14-year-old change clothes
HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- The mother of a 14-year-old girl says her daughter was in the middle of getting dressed for school when she noticed a strange man watching her through a window.
"It's very sad. It's very sad to know that in our day we can't even have our own privacy," the mother told ABC 13 Eyewitness News.
The woman, who did not want to be identified, said the incident happened at her home near Lumpkin Road on March 20 around 7 a.m.
"She noticed this guy through her window looking at her and that's when we noticed there was somebody in our backyard," the mother said.
The teen then yelled for her older brother, who also saw the man, before going towards the backyard.
"He ran after him, but the guy pretty much jumped over the fence, actually several fences, and fled the scene," the mother described.
The woman says her daughter is doing okay, but the family is on edge about what happened.
She filed a police report almost a week after the incident, and is hoping by sharing her story other people can keep themselves safe.
Eyewitness News obtained surveillance video of a man who neighbors believe may be the alleged peeper.
Since the Houston Police Department has not officially named a suspect, the man's identity cannot be released.
The footage was captured by a neighbor, who claims a man was also in his backyard and roaming around his driveway on the same morning of the peeping incident.
The mother of the victim says she also showed the footage to officers when she filed her report on Tuesday.
Houston Police says they're looking into the incident and urge the public to always call 911 as soon as an incident occurs.
Anyone who witnessed suspicious activity in the area last Wednesday morning should contact police.
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The Japanese school year starts in April, and one high school in Tochigi Prefecture wasted no time in scheduling a two-night class trip for its new crop of first-year students. Their destination: the city of Nikko, nestled in the beautiful mountains and one of the top sightseeing destinations not just in Tochigi, but all of Japan.
Nikko boasts numerous attractions of natural beauty and cultural significance, including Tosho-gu Shrine, dedicated to Tokugawa Ieyasu, the shogun who founded the three-century Tokugawa dynasty, and the picturesque Lake Chuzenji and Kegon no Taki waterfalls.
However, for a large number of male students on the trip, the body of water they really wanted to see was the women’s outdoor hot spring bath at their hotel.
With hot spring voyeurism being one of the most common stock scenarios for risque fantasies in Japan, the teachers warned the students against peeping at the start of the trip, which began on April 24. School staff were even posted outside the entrance to the women’s changing space, to keep any of the boys from trying to infiltrate the area.
However, over a dozen boys (who, as first-year high school students, were 15 or 16 years old) figured out another strategy. Both the men’s and women’s bathing areas at the hotel have outdoor baths, with a wall separating them and providing privacy. So on the second night of their stay, 13 boys who’d entered the outdoor men’s bath climbed up high enough on the wall to look over at a number of their naked classmates.
The female students spotted their peeping classmates and informed their teachers, who also implicated more than 15 other boys as “jeering” bystanders who did nothing to discourage the peepers, even if they didn’t look over the wall themselves. That 30-something contingent is a pretty significant portion of the group, which consisted of a total of roughly 250 students and teachers.
The principal of the school, the name of which has not been released, has offered an apology, saying “We have no excuse to offer our female students who were the victims of this incident. We will be taking measures to ensure this sort of thing never happens again.”
Though the school says the boys will undergo sensitivity lessons, no criminal charges have been filed, but considering the scandal, as well as the fact that not just students, but other female guests of the hotel were in the bath when the boys peeped over the wall, odds are the school won’t be welcome back at the hotel the next time it wants to organize a trip to Nikko.
Source: Yahoo! News Japan/SOON via Hachima Kiko
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Sorry to be so negative on this but, for one, isn't this a crime? two, if what they did was so bad, I don't think the photo was a good choice and finally the article seems to glorify their criminal act. (From a dad with daughters)
I'm guessing that "boys will be boys" will come up at some point.
I’m not sure that 13 year olds can be prosecuted in this country. But a suspension from school definitely seems appropriate.
Just shows they have no respect for their female classmates and their privacy, nevermind the other women using the hotel. If I were the parent of one of those girls I'd want them to be punished.
Thank US and it's Christian puritan influence for destroying what was once a beautiful bathing culture. Just look at Germany and a number of other European countries where mixed nude bathing and sauna is so common nobody really cares about these matters too much. Voyeurs still exist, but for pathological reasons.
... And yes, 16 year old boys will be 16 year old boys, no matter how outrageous someone finds this.
Anime and manga are full of peeping toms, foreign anime and manga audiences gets away with an impression that peeping toms are normal in Japanese culture.
Geeze imagine that.....teenage boys trying to grab a look at girls. Sounds like normal activity for an adolescent.
Sit down and have a talk with them about respecting young ladies and privacy, make them do some extra clean up or something around the school and move on.
@ ebisen - another appeal to emotion fallacy. How could Christian puritanism, which would abhor that type of behavior and agree with the separation of men and women bathing, be responsible for the mischievous acts of two dozen teenage Japanese boys?
For once, group think, at its best.
Sensei258 - historically, the naked body was not a big deal, and certainly not sexual in itself in Japan, just like it is seen today in Germany and Scandinavia, for example.
After the war, when bath segregation was imposed by the occupying forces, it had lead to a drastic drop in the number of mixed baths, and that naturally lead to an increase in the number of voyeurism and other certain acts. Not only males, but also females are affected by this. If you have the chance, talk to a German person about their bathing culture, you'll have an eye opening moment.
Hopefully those boys will grow up to be decent people-in face, I am sure they will.
They were not 13 years old, there were 13 boys of the ages 15 and 16. Not that it matters really. Pretty disrespectful.
@ ebisen - you still haven't answered the question how could an ideology which focuses on restraint and self-control be blamed for what these kids did?
Sensei258 - guess who, and by what reasons imposed segregation in Japan after the second war world? Google is your friend.
Wonderful, and I thought teenagers only interest was the virtual world.
Did any man out there NOT try to do this when they were 13?
But we didn't get caught. Kids today, eh!
A healthy interest in the opposite sex (real females) might be just the thing Japan needs to get their native population stable.
@ ebisen - you keep dancing around the topic of bathing culture (which is not in dispute) and avoiding the answer to my question. Those kids are creatures of free will, and did it because they wanted to. They weren't forced by a belief system that they don't even ascribe to.
Or are you trying to say that if there were a coed bathing culture Japan, these boys wouldn't have been forced to do what they did?
Thank US and it's Christian puritan influence for destroying what was once a beautiful bathing culture. Just look at Germany and a number of other European countries where mixed nude bathing and sauna is so common nobody really cares about these matters too much. Voyeurs still exist, but for pathological reasons.
The US did not create Japan's patriarchal culture that demeans women and allows men to think sexualizing young girls is acceptable.
It starts with young men getting away with this kind of behavior, which is then normalized until men see women as sex objects that exist for their amusement and pleasure.
A healthy interest in the opposite sex (real females) might be just the thing Japan needs to get their native population stable.
A healthy interest does NOT include sexual assault.
And no, you do not have to touch a woman for her to feel she has been sexually assaulted. Obviously I'm not using the word in it's legal sense. The correct word for this crime is voyeurism. What I am saying is that these girls can't feel safe around their male peers any longer. They can't trust these boys won't do something similar, or worse. This is how the fear and distrust of men starts. And that you utterly ignored the implications of these boys' actions for the girls says a lot about how you view women yourself.
Teenagers. They probably watch too much anime. Reality is a lot more harsh. Probably lost their chance to ever date these girls now.
I can still remember when I saw it. There was a hastily built partition between the boys and girls locker rooms. There for a moment, I looked down in shame and thought I had 11 toes.
Porkys 4 in the making. If we could control the hormonal crazes we would not be human.
A healthy interest in the opposite sex (real females) might be just the thing Japan needs to get their native population stable.
Yes, but prioritizing one's sexual urges over another's right to privacy is not healthy. A healthy interest in sex should be encouraged, while anti-societal behavior such as this should be discouraged.
A healthy interest does NOT include sexual assault.
Misrepresentation does not help anything. This was not a sexual assault, and no reasonable court would ever find it was. It was an invasion of privacy, in a sexual manner.
There are mixed hot springs. When I visit a hot spring there are always fathers with their little daughters.
In such a situation, consent has been given to see the naked people by entering into an area where it is known that people have the right to be naked and to be seen naked. Such consent has not been given to people not in the contained area. As consent has not been given, peeping into their area is a violation of the privacy of those being peeped upon.
And no, you do not have to touch a woman for her to feel she has been sexually assaulted. Obviously I'm not using the word in it's legal sense. The correct word for this crime is voyeurism. What I am saying is that these girls can't feel safe around their male peers any longer. They can't trust these boys won't do something similar, or worse. This is how the fear and distrust of men starts. And that you utterly ignored the implications of these boys' actions for the girls says a lot about how you view women yourself.
Chill out, do you realize that you would have to lock up pretty 100% of all males AND a very LARGE percentage of females as well!!!
What is needed here is for a good lesson, not a bunch of silly SJW sound bites!!
Not to make light of this, but a reminder that times have changed.
I mean, it wasn't all that long ago that this was a scene in a very popular Hollywood movie.... "Porky's" anyone?
A healthy interest does NOT include sexual assault.
Misrepresentation does not help anything. This was not a sexual assault, and no reasonable court would ever find it was. It was an invasion of privacy, in a sexual manner.
I made it clear I'm not using the word in the legal sense. I also clearly stated the legal term is "voyeurism".
It IS sexual assault in the sense that the girls did not give consent and the boys forced a sexual act on them. While this would not legally be classified as sexual assault, the result to the girls' psyche is exactly the same. The mental health effects should not be dismissed or downplayed just because no one actually touched them.
It IS sexual assault in the sense that the girls did not give consent and the boys forced a sexual act on them.
Again, misrepresentation does not help the situation. It is not a sexual assault, and making up new definitions of the term doesn't suddenly make it so. It was a violation of their privacy, and their right to determine to whom they consent to see themselves naked. Assault is something different. Assault literally (and I use that word literally) means a physical attack. There was no physical attack here.
I thought this article was a joke when I read the headline. Boys taking a peep at nudie girls - this has been the norm for 83 billion years.
Now if they had absolutely no interest in taking a peep, I'd be much more concerned and should've made the national news.
"I thought this article was a joke when I read the headline. Boys taking a peep at nudie girls - this has been the norm for 83 billion years.
Now if they had absolutely no interest in taking a peep, I'd be much more concerned and should've made the national news."
What "Speed" says. I totally agree.
I mean, it wasn't all that long ago that this was a scene in a very popular Hollywood movie.... "Porky's" anyone?
And American Pie one-upped it by live-streaming to the entire school.
Yeah, dang those American Puritans for having the audacity to give Japanese women the right to vote and petition their government! How dare they!
@strangeland Above you said "we as society have created a very real stigma upon being seen naked" That is just not the case in Japan
Um, are you reading a different article than I am? Try reading the article again, and then come back and tell me that the above quote isn't about as silly as it gets.
OK so what about the pre-warning about peeping, the staff posted at the entrance, the girls informing on the boys, the apology and the sensitivity lessons? American SJWs, or Japanese trying to protect the privacy of others?
If this happened to my daughter I would press charges against the school. No one has the right to see you naked without your permission and from what the article states the school doesn't seem to be doing much about it. Teens are idiots and the ones that did this are particularly gross but it's the school's responsibility to monitor the behavior of their students. They failed to protect the privacy of their female students and that is unacceptable.
@Strangeland Please see savethegaijin post above.
Which has any relevance to what? I don’t think stg is in America. No clue if they are American. I also don’t see them talking about America.
Also note the use of the word "gross." It is how 29 year old SJWs use the word. 
So because they use a word you don’t like, their ideas are to be discredited without question nor discussion.
Seems like a pretty flimsy stance myself, but...
I had it easy ! Everything I wanted to see was right there in the changing room ! Naked guys everywhere ! Didn't have to climb walls ! Just sat down and enjoyed the view !
I had it easy ! Everything I wanted to see was right there in the changing room ! Naked guys everywhere ! Didn't have to climb walls ! Just sat down and enjoyed the view !
Haha! Half the posters here will never go naked in an onsen again after reading that comment.
Breaking News....13 boys caught perving at females share high fives.
As some have pointed out here, up until the end of WWII, Japanese baths were not segregated by male and female, but everyone bathed together. The separation was imposed by American occupying forces. However, it is a well known secret that there are still some baths way out in the countryside that are still integrated.
I just realized the irony of having a picture of a woman in an onsen for a story about boys peeping at girls in an onsen.
Aren't girls glad they're desirable
The boys were just acting what their society have taught them to do.
13 boys who’d entered the outdoor men’s bath climbed up high enough on the wall to look over at a number of their naked classmates.
OK, the wall just got 10 feet higher!
Seriously, though, is this news? Teenage boys trying to get a peep at naked girls?
So for their punishment maybe the boys should be made to line up naked in front of the girls, which would give them a head up on who to date next.
LOL, zichi... That made me laugh out loud! So only the boys who don't get asked out by the girls would be "punished" lol
Is it a problem? The real big problem will be when boys will not do that.
Is it a problem? The real big problem will be when boys will not do that.
It IS sexual assault in the sense that the girls did not give consent and the boys forced a sexual act on them.
Again, misrepresentation does not help the situation. It is not a sexual assault, and making up new definitions of the term doesn't suddenly make it so. It was a violation of their privacy, and their right to determine to whom they consent to see themselves naked. Assault is something different. Assault literally (and I use that word literally) means a physical attack. There was no physical attack here.
And once again, the legal term is a completely separate issue.
It starts with the small things, like staring, catcalling, sexualised comment
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