Peeing Russia

Peeing Russia


Peeing Russia
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Nolan Peterson is a senior editor for Coffee or Die Magazine and the author of Why Soldiers Miss War . A former US Air Force special operations pilot and a veteran of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, Nolan is now a conflict journalist and author whose adventures have taken him to all seven continents. In addition to his memoirs, Nolan has published two fiction collections. He lives in Kyiv, Ukraine, with his wife, Lilya.

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A “No Peeing” sign at the Grense Jakobselv river in northern Norway, which marks the border with Russia. Photo by Barents Observer via Twitter.
Apparently concerned that a haplessly emptied bladder could ignite World War III, an unknown agent in Norway has posted a sign that bans “peeing” in Russia’s direction along the two countries’ frontier.
At a popular tourist spot along the Grense Jakobselv river in northern Norway, which marks the border with Russia, the newly posted sign reads in English and in all capital letters: “No peeing towards Russia.”
At low water, only a few yards of river divide the two shorelines at the Grense Jakobselv. At the time of this article’s publication, it was not immediately clear when, or why, the anti-urination sign was erected. Jens Høilund, Norway’s border commissioner, told the Barents Observer that he was unaware of any “specific events in recent times” that necessitated the warning.
However, it’s common knowledge that most prohibitions arise in response to actions that have already come to fruition. For his part, Høilund said that Norwegian border guards are trying to prevent an “incident” at the Russian border.
US Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Trevor Borden, a military police officer with Charlie Company, 2nd Law Enforcement Battalion, II Marine Expeditionary Force Information Group, participates in a foot patrol during cold-weather training at Bjerkvik, Norway, Feb. 23, 2020. US Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Isaiah Campbell, courtesy of DVIDS.
U.S. Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Trevor Borden, a military police officer with Charlie Company, 2nd Law Enforcement Battalion, II Marine Expeditionary Force Information Group, participates in a foot patrol during cold-weather training at Bjerkvik, Norway, Feb. 23, 2020. U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Isaiah Campbell via DVIDS.
“Both the police, the border guards, and the border commissariat will try to prevent incidents that could lead to violation of the agreement with Russia, including insulting behavior,” Høilund told the Barents Observer , adding that violators of the urination prohibition could face fines of about $340.
A founding member of the NATO alliance, Norway shares a 122-mile border with Russia that dates back to 1826. The two erstwhile Cold War adversaries have never been to war. Nevertheless, the Russo-Norwegian frontier is the only militarized border on the periphery of Europe’s Schengen Area.
A Norwegian law from the 1950s dictates proper decorum near the Russian border. The law specifically bans “offensive behavior along the border aimed at the neighboring state, or its authorities.” Violators face up to three months in jail, as well as hefty fines. In 2016, border guards detained four Norwegian citizens for throwing stones across the Grense Jakobselv in Russia’s direction.
Speaking with the Barents Observer , Høilund said the sign prohibiting urination in Russia’s direction is posted at a location where many motorists stop and stretch their legs after a long drive.
“It is likely that some have fallen for the temptation to urinate in the area,” Høilund said.
Two B-1B Lancers from the 28th Bomb Wing, Ellsworth Air Force Base, South Dakota, integrated with four Norwegian F-35s over Norway during a long-range, long-duration Bomber Task Force mission May 20, 2020. Courtesy photo by the Royal Norwegian Air Force via DVIDS.
Two B1B Lancers from the 28th Bomb Wing, Ellsworth Air Force Base, South Dakota, integrated with four Norwegian F-35s over Norway during a long range, long duration Bomber Task Force mission May 20, 2020. Courtesy photo by the Royal Norwegian Air Force via DVIDS.
Guards from the Border Service of Russia reportedly patrol the Russian side of the river. The headquarters of Russia’s Northern Fleet in the port city of Severomorsk is situated along the Murmansk Fjord less than 70 miles from Norway’s border.
Due to Russia’s military buildup in the Arctic, defense ties between Norway and the US have tightened in recent years. Consequently, relations between Oslo and Moscow have chilled.
US Marines now routinely train alongside their Norwegian allies in cold weather and mountain training. Some 350 US Marines and Navy sailors deployed to Norway in October 2020 for two months of Arctic warfare training and survival training.
In February, US Air Force B-1B bombers and support personnel deployed to Norway for military exercises. And in May, the USS New Mexico became the first US nuclear-powered submarine to dock in Norway.
Russia’s Arctic buildup has also spurred closer military ties between Norway, Finland, and Sweden. In September 2020, the defense ministers of those three Nordic countries signed a new defense agreement aimed at deterring Russia.
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Danielle Ong

10/18/21 AT 10:21 PM
KEY POINTS The "pee tape" allegedly showed Trump watching two prostitutes pee on a bed at the Ritz-Carlton Trump denied the allegation during a Republic donor retreat The former British spy was previously hired to look into Trump's potential ties to Russia

© Copyright 2022 IBTimes LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Former British spy Christopher Steele believes that former President Donald Trump ’s infamous "pee tape" video likely exists and could possibly be in the possession of Russians.
During an interview on "This Week with George Stephanopoulos" on Sunday, the former British spy speculated that the Russian government hasn’t released the infamous videotape because Trump gave them "pretty good value" when he was in the White House.
"I think it probably does [exist]," he told Stephanopoulos. "It hasn't needed to be released because I think the Russians felt they'd got pretty good value out of Donald Trump when he was president of the U.S."
The infamous "pee tape," which Steele first claimed in his dossier , allegedly shows Trump in the presidential suite at Moscow’s Ritz-Carlton Hotel watching two prostitutes perform sexual acts, including peeing on a bed that the Obamas supposedly slept on before.
The incident was allegedly filmed by the FSB, Russia’s main state security agency, which had installed microphones and hidden cameras in many of the rooms at the Ritz-Carlton. The "golden showers" allegedly occurred in 2013, when Trump was scheduled to attend the Miss Universe pageant in Moscow, before he was even president, according to the dossier.
There has been no evidence to support the existence of the tape so far. Jane Mayer, an author for The New Yorker , also noted the sources who told Steele about the "pee tape" did not see or spoke to the prostitutes allegedly involved in the incident.
"The allegation was attributed to four sources, but their reports were secondhand—nobody had witnessed the event or tracked down a prostitute, and one spoke generally about 'embarrassing material,'" Mayer wrote.
Trump has also denied the allegation. During a private speech at a Republic donor retreat Thursday in Palm Beach, Florida, he said he's "not into golden showers," according to The Washington Post .
In a book written by James Comey, the former FBI director also said that Trump repeatedly denied the tape’s existence, according to The Cut .
“I’m a germaphobe. There’s no way I would let people pee on each other around me. No way,” Trump allegedly told him.
Steele is a former MI6 operative and Russian specialist. He was previously hired by Fusion GPS, a private political research firm that was later hired by the Hillary Clinton campaign to look into Trump’s potential ties to Russia.
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