Peeing Outdoors Woman

Peeing Outdoors Woman


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Sometimes, when you are out backpacking, camping, or hiking, you find that you really have to go to the bathroom. Unfortunately, it seems that the more you need to use the restroom, the further away it is. This often leaves you little choice but to seek out your own restroom in the comforts of Mother Nature. This article will show you how to pee outdoors.
Keep privacy in mind. You may not mind if someone sees you while you go, but other people could be offended. But more importantly, it can expose you to the risk of sexual assault. Try to find a bush, large tree, or a boulder that you can stand behind. Avoid trekking into a large bush; plants often house insects and spiders.
Avoid urinating outside in public places. Try to find a women's restroom. If you find a men's restroom a women's will be close by. Urinating in public places is against the law in most cities, and could earn you a citation or worse.
If you absolutely must, try to find a place behind lots of bushes where no one can see you. Another options is against a wall in an alleyway or behind a building. For safety reasons, try to have a friend with you, especially if it is nighttime, or if you are in an unsafe area.
Choose a soft ground, rather than a hard ground. Soft surfaces, like grass and pine needles, absorb fluids more readily than hard surfaces. This will help reduce backsplash
Keep the wind in mind. If it is windy, make sure that you are facing away from the wind.[1] This will help direct your urine away from you.
Avoid slopes, if you can. If you do find yourself on a slope, turn so that you are facing downhill. This way, your urine will drain away from you, and not back towards you.[2]
Find a place that is at least 200 feet (60.96 meters) away from water, trails, and campsites. If you go too close to any of these places, you risk contaminating the water supply and spreading illness.[3]
Get your clothes and underwear out of the way. Not only are wet clothes uncomfortable, but staying wet can lead to infections. Once you have gotten your skirt, dress, shorts, or pants out of the way, pull your underwear down until it is half-way down your thighs.
If you are wearing a skirt or a dress, pull it up by the hem until it is at waist level. If the dress or skirt is full, with a lot of fabric, bunch everything up in front of you. There should be no fabric hanging behind you.
If you are wearing shorts or pants, unbutton and unzip them first. Then, pull them half-way down your thighs. Do not let them go past your knees, or they may get wet.[4] It may also be a good idea to roll up the cuffs of long pants.
Try the crouch or squatting position. Place your feet a little more than shoulder-width apart and squat down. Keep your balance by leaning forward. This will put your privates behind your underwear and pants/shorts (if you are wearing any).
If you are having trouble keeping your balance, try to touch the ground in front of you with one hand.
Use your hand to hold shorts or pants close to your knees.[5] This will help keep them from getting wet.
Try sitting between two objects. Find two objects, such as rocks or logs. Sit down on the edge of one object, and rest your feet up on the other. Scoot forward so that your privates are right above the ground. They should not touch the object you are sitting on. Also, make sure that your thighs are not touching.[6]
When you are done urinating, get off your makeshift toilet. Try to avoid the puddle.
Throne Technique. For this method, find a tree and lean your back against it. Your thighs should be parallel to the ground. Ensure your feet are planted squarely on the ground. You should feel as though you are sitting on an imaginary throne.
Tripod technique. Grip tightly onto a tree trunk. Your feet should be at the base of the trunk. Like the throne technique, this is also good for young children.
This one is great for parents/guardians taking recently potty trained children on outdoor adventures, as they can be in a similar position as they would be on the toilet.
Consider going into a wide-mouthed bottle. For this, you will need to slide your underwear and shorts/pants all the way down to your ankles. Kneel down on the ground and place the bottle between your legs. Eliminate into the bottle. You can also hold it up to your urethra if you prefer. Be sure to label the bottle, and not use it for any other purpose.[7]
Always wipe yourself dry. If you do not dry yourself, you may get an infection. You can use baby wipes, tissue, toilet paper, or even a "pee rag."
If you are using baby wipes, tissue, or toilet paper, do not leave it on the ground. Put the used paper into a plastic bag, and throw the bag away once you find a trashcan.
If you are using baby wipes, or any other wet wipe, try to find one that does not contain alcohol. Too much alcohol can kill both the good and bad bacteria. This could lead to urinary tract infections.[8]
A "pee rag" is a handkerchief or bandanna. You wipe yourself with it, then hang it out in the sun to dry.[9] The sun's ultra-violet rays will help disinfect the rag.[10] Keep in mind, however, that if you are in a damp, rainy, or humid area, you will need to rinse the rag often or it will begin to smell.
Consider getting a female urination device. They are small enough to keep in your purse or bag. Some are disposable while others are reusable. You can buy them online. Some stores that sell backpacking and camping supplies may also sell them. They look like funnels, except that the top is slanted.
Female urination devices may also be called: FUD, female urination aid, stand-to-pee device, or portable urination device.[11]
Consider practicing with one ahead of time. Before you plan on taking a female urination device with you to an event or a camping trip, you may want to practice with one in the shower. They can take some time getting used to. The last thing you'd want is using it for the first time on a trip, and ending up with splatters and dribbles.
Unbutton your pants or lift your skirt up and out of the way. This device will allow you to urinate while standing up, but you will still have to get access to your privates.
Move your underwear to the side. Hold the underwear by the leg hole against your thigh. If you are wearing tight pants, you may need to lower them a little in order to reach.
Position the device against your privates. Press the cup part against your body. The pointy spout needs to be aimed towards the ground, and away from your feet. Make sure that the end of the spout is lower than the back of the funnel.[12]
Know how to clean up when you are done. Be sure to wipe yourself front to back to avoid bringing any germs from behind to the front. Clean well or you may get an infection. If you have access to water, you can also rinse your device off right away. If you do not have access to water, put the device into a re-sealable bag (or the container it came in), and wash it later.
I have been riding in car with my boyfriend for eight hour and he has peed in a Gatorade bottle, but he has not stopped to let me pee. I am desperate, if I pee myself he will abuse me. What do I do?
No one deserves to be treated like that. First, tell him that if he doesn’t pull over, you will pee in his car. If he says no and you pee your pants and he abuses you, call the police! Also, and this should really go without saying, break up with him immediately.
If you don't have a vagina, you probably have a penis, in which case peeing outside will be a lot easier.
How can I cover up pee stains at school?
Pee stains are the same as hiding period stains. Tie a sweater, jacket, or scarf around your waist.
Apologize, and tell the person that it was an emergency and that you couldn't hold it.
What happens if I am camping and my daughter sees me? What do I say if she asks what am I doing?
Use the opportunity to teach your daughter that the body and bodily functions are not shameful. Explain the situation and then talk to her about normal things.
But if I go into the men's room do I have to look like a boy?
No. If you urgently need to go, that is more important than gender separation.
What if I don't have a jacket or sweater to cover up pee stains?
Go to the nearest bathroom and put water all over the pee stain and then spread it farther up toward your waist. Make it look like a big spill. Then stand in front of the hand dryer and blow your pants dry. If anyone asks, just tell them you spilled something on your pants.
Just let loose and let it go down the drain, then cover the smell with soap or shampoo.
I love to pee outside at home. Is this wrong?
It is a bit of a strange habit. It certainly isn't "wrong," assuming you wash up afterwards, but it would be pretty awkward if you were seen by neighbors or anyone passing by.
What if I am on my period when I pee outside, then what do I do?
You can still pee outside, just realize that you may also bleed a little, so keep your undies well away from the flow. You can do it, women have done so for millennia and beyond and haven't being revolved by it.
wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 104 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 1,592,654 times.
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