Peeing In Swimsuit

Peeing In Swimsuit


Peeing In Swimsuit
When you're at the beach? ... lake? ... pool? Or even just sun bathing in your own back yard? Does it make a difference to you if you are alone or with friends? I pretty much just go whenever I feel like I need to, in or out of water doesn't really matter to me. The fabric is meant to get wet anyway and if it's a dark color people can't see that's it's wet. Plus for some reason something about it feels kind of good ; P most of my friends agree, although some of them will only do it in the water...
um the fabric isn't meant to get THAT wet. its not a fucking diaper. I've NEVER peed in my bathing suit out of water. thats kinda gross. I've peed in a lake a few times as a kid. if im with friends ill swim away first so they dont feel it get warm.
It's not a diaper. Besides, peeing in a public pool is disgusting. If you're in a lake, whatever, but don't pee in your bathing suit because it's not designed to be peed in. The Huggies Little Swimmers diapers are made for that though...
No I don't, I think peeing in the pool and stuff is gross
I only pee in my trunks while in the showers. NEVER in the pool.
Do you normally pee through your bathing suit?
Girls, If you are going fishing on a small boat with your Dad, what do you do when you need to pee?
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Not designed for it? It certainly doesn't hurt it... but that type of fabric is designed to still be comfortable when it's wet... so I guess I just don't know what's it matter?
Designed to be wet with water, not pee. Wouldn't it smell too?
Haha no I'm pretty much always in and out of the water so it gets washed away... i just don't make a point to go get in the water before I go... plus I'm serious I know it sounds weird but it really feels kinda good it gets super hot... i don't know I don't feel like I'm hurting anyone or anything so I can't see why some people feel the need to be rude in their answers, I was just curious how many others do it
Really? Not even in a lake or the sea? I can see some debate about in a swimming pool, although I think a lot more people do it than admit it... but why not in a lake or something?
Well in the ocean it can possibly attract sharks and I don't really swim in the lake so I guess if the person isn't near me I don't care about that

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May 20, 2012 in Omorashi & peeing experiences

I grew up in a city, but our family used to take holidays at the sea and at a lake in the country. I loved that you could do pipi in the water and in your bathing clothes. In fact, my mother told me to do it that way rather than exposing myself. So I knew that all the other women and girls did it too. It seemed like a naughty secret that everybody shared. Sometimes I wondered who was going into the water to pee, and how did the boys did it.
In our country girls and boys were seldom alone together. Most of my experiences were with other girls. One summer a friend dared me to pee before going into the water. She said she would if I would, and I remember how excited I felt as we sat on the beach and wet the sand underneath us, giggling like fools and looking around to see if anybody was watching us. After that I was hooked, and enjoyed doing it anytime I thought I could get away with it.
Does anyone else like this as much as I do?
Something I have enjoyed doing at the beach is to bring one of those little chairs with very short legs with me and drag it out to the surf. I put the chair into the water just where the waves are petering out, maybe three inches deep. Then I sit in it and watch the surf and the other people around me. This is very fine on a nice day. I wait until I become very desperate to pee, then I slowly let it out. It feels really sensual, very warm.
It may be that bathers or beach walkers in the area could see what I am doing if they look carefully and see the front of my swimsuit becoming wetter and wetter, and seeing the urine drip down from the bottom of the chair. I have gotten a couple of strange looks from people. After a while I have to go into the ocean in order to hide the evidence of what I have done.
Only later on, in the privacy of my room, am I able to think about what went on on that chair, and then to give myself relief of another sort.
What I did is on hot day my sister would fill a rubbermaid full of cool water and we would sit in it to cool off. Well before I would sit in it I would make sure i needed to pee and go in the grass and pee my shorts and then sit in the rubbermaid.
We did most of our swimming in pools, and there was always a toilet nearby, as well as the issue of swimming in pee. There were a lot of jokes about it. Looking back, I'm sure that was because people did it. But not me. When I had to go I would get out of the pool, dry myself off, and go inside like a good little girl. Until our first trip to the ocean. There it was such a long walk to the toilets on the boardwalk. I did it anyway, but would wait as long as possible. On our second day at the beach I was nearly wetting myself before I got my mom to take me to the bathroom. I tried to hurry, but walking across the sand was slow going, and before we could get there my bladder cut loose. I was trying to run but my legs were getting wet and I just stopped and finished. I was almost ready to cry when my mom caught up to me. She hugged me and said it was ok, and then told me the big secret. It was ok to pee in the ocean.
I have a kind of irrational fear of water that has kept me from really enjoying so many occasions in my life where swimming was the main attraction. When I was twelve, my parents decided it was time for me to get comfortable with pools, and I reluctantly agreed to take swimming lessons, again (had taken them when I was in first grade, but I guess I didn't really didn't absorb anything). This time, it was a private swim club, and I would get personal attention. My instructor was a really cute blond girl, probably about 17. She was very patient with me, and didn't make me feel bad for being so timid about the whole process. I was really ashamed of this stupid fear, and it was nice to have someone coaching me through it without making fun. On the last day of my lessons, she ran into the locker room just as I was finishing putting on my bathing suit and said she had to pee, but she would be right out. She dashed into one of the doorless toilet stalls. My eyes disobeyed me and followed her as far as they could. I was frozen in my tracks. No sooner did she disappear into that stall than I heard the rushing hiss of pee start, then the splatter of a heavy stream hitting the porcelain and then the water. Her feet were still pointing toward the toilet, and I watched in amazement as her toes with their little red painted nails kind of curled a little bit as she let out a deep sigh with a hint of a shudder. It didn't last long. She was one of those girls whose pee comes out like a high pressure hose, apparently. I ran outside quickly, hoping she didn't sense me gawking. She came out with a smile on her face and immediately started talking about what we were going to learn on my last day. I heard nothing she was saying. I was busy noticing the dark area at the very bottom of her violet one-piece swimsuit. Her hair was dry. Everything was dry, except for the spot between her legs. Oh god, I was processing this as fast as I could. She hadn't been in the pool yet. She must have peed right through her swimsuit, and done it standing up, facing the toilet. I didn't need to pee at all, but I felt a rush of heat go down between my legs. It was a feeling I was only just beginning to recognize and question. She took my hand and led me to the edge of the pool, with an inquisitive look on her face. Every time she touched me that day to correct my clumsy posture in the water, it felt electric. I was kind of dismayed when it was over, and she said goodbye and wished me luck, heading over to greet her next student. I turned my eyes to the changing room. I was going to try it, whether I had to pee or not. I went into that same stall and stood there over the toilet relaxing and pushing and thinking about being desperate to pee. Nothing. My body refused to let me pee with my suit on. After standing there for a minute hoping, I disappointedly went and changed into my street clothes and walked out to the front office to meet my mom, taking one last look over my shoulder to catch a glimpse of my teacher.

It was months before I was around water again. in the meantime, I must have put on my bikini bottoms and walked into the bathroom four or five times, daring myself to pee in them, but chickening out. Finally, we went to the beach. I drank everything in sight. I was going to have to pee in my swimsuit whether my body liked it or not. I knew this beach, and the only place to pee was way up a hill behind some rocks, or in the ocean, the way my brother always did it. I had never allowed myself doing it in the water, and always made the trek instead. The beach was mostly vacant, and I was able to put a lot of distance between myself and my family without anyone thinking I was doing anything other than collecting shells or something. I felt a little nag from my bladder, and tried to let go right then. Nope. I waited and walked and tried again. Still nothing was coming, even though my bladder was starting to feel really heavy. I got something sticky on my foot and decided to go out to the water and see if I could rinse it off. Still a little nervous about the waves coming in, I didn't go out far. Just enough that the water would lap up around my ankles as each little wave petered out. I squatted down to take a look at my sticky foot, and the water came in and wet the bottom of my bikini. Suddenly, there was the urge I'd been waiting for. I let go and felt everything got instantly warm. I pushed hard, and felt the pee filling the crotch of my bikini and gushing out down the insides of my legs, mixing with the cold water. I'd been waiting for this for so long, and it was more than I had wanted it to be. I thought about my swim coach shuddering as her desperation eased, and I felt a little shiver of my own. This, I was going to do again, every chance I got, water or no damn scary water.
@pamaclay, what a nice story. It reminds me of how exciting it was when I first discovered wetting. Bathing suits turned out to be very easy for me. Because they were meant to be wet, and everybody did it. When I began to wet my ordinary clothes on purpose, though, I remember what a struggle it was to finally let myself do it.
I'm glad you managed to give into your urge, and have been able to enjoy doing it since then.
I've had friends ask me why I like to wear my swimsuit around the apartment so much on the weekends, since I don't really like to swim. I make up something about sunbathing, but I don't have much of a tan to show for all the sundays I supposedly spend lying out by the pool... ;-)
For me bathng suits proved to be "gateway" clothing - they opened the spigot and eventually led to other wettings.
While i'm not big on wetting bathing suits myself, i've always thought that it was extra sexy to watch a girl wet while wearing one. There's just something about them thats a huge turn on.
Thanks..enjoyed it and love wetting as well
For me bathng suits proved to be "gateway" clothing - they opened the spigot and eventually led to other wettings.
While i'm not big on wetting bathing suits myself, i've always thought that it was extra sexy to watch a girl wet while wearing one. There's just something about them thats a huge turn on.
Pamaclay, I don't think you have to worry too much about finding some boys who will appreciate a nice wet swimsuit. There just might be a few of them hanging around here. ;)
And that's what I love about this place! :D You may call me Pam, by the way.
OK so that was an incredible turn on. I always imagine that woman find it easier to just pee through a one-piece swimsuit then to take the thing off.
@pamaclay: Wow~ That was a great story! I'm going to the beach this summer for vaction so I'm looking forward to peeing in my swimsuit quite often! >//<
My opinion, I love love love swimsuit wettings. Not only staged wettings, but wettings on a daily basis. Almost all of my friends have swimming pools at their houses, so during the summer we spend a lot of time swimming. Most of these days we spend the entire day in the pool, only getting out to grab snacks and drinks. Most of the time, almost everyone has to pee. Normally, you would have to get out, dry off, and then go to the bathroom. But, to make things easier, [since the pools were above ground] we would just get up and go hide behind the pool walls and pee on the grass/dirt. Normally I like to hold my pee for as long as possible and then rush out quickly. That is always very fun. :3 But sometimes, when we are in a neighborhood, you can't just go outside and pee for everyone to see. In a situation like that, I would wait to dry off [with a full bladder of course c;] and then run into the bathroom only to just pee through my suit. My suit was black and nobody would be able to tell~ It's great!
Another thing, we play this game called Poison Ivy. [i'm not sure if anyone is familiar with this game?] One person has to stand in the pool with their legs spread, and all the other people would take turns to swim through without touching anything. Every round the space between the one person's legs would get smaller and smaller. If anyone touches, then it is their turn to be the gate almost. Confusing and weird, I know. lol~ But anyways, we would be swimming and be playing this game. I, as usual, would have to pee, but I would say nothing and take my turn holding my legs open. My friends would start swimming through and it became extremely difficult for me because not only did I have to pee, but standing with my legs wide spread in the cool water was tempting my bladder sooo bad! To make things even worse, my friends would blow bubbles underwater as they went through so they would float up and tickle my legs! So not only would I try and not let my friends pass, but I was also trying not to pee on them also! >//<
Those are only a couple experiences I had~
I remember quite some desperate moments while wearing one-piece swimsuits... it was always such a hassle to move them out of the way, and all that water around never helped. On top of that, who wants to get out of the pool to pee when you're having fun?
Yeah, I've done the same when I was a kid. If we were playing outside in the sprinklers or in the pool, I was too lazy to go back inside, so I would just sit down on the concrete and the pee would usually leave a large circular spot there, which we found fascinating, lol. I don't think my parents would have been too pleased, but they never found out.
Les cuento lo que le pasó un dia a mi esposa que salio a cenar durante un seminario de trabajo.
Bueno, ya saben como son ese tipo de cenas: muy largas, no te podes levantar de la mesa en medio de una conversacion de work planning o de finantial,mucho agua y mucho cafe, etc....todo eso hace que la mujer termine la noche con la bombacha humeda tras los frecuentes escapes de pis o, en el mejor de los casos, reventando.
Aca no termina la historia, durante la cena, como les dije, practicamente, no pudo ir al baño porque como una mas de las responsables de un proyecto ante gerentes, directores e inversores, mi esposa estaba en el candelero y las charlas, preguntas y proyectos se sucedian sin cesar y nadie daba muestras de querer aflojar la conversación, aparte que eran un ping pong de preguntas de trabajo y hacer memoria de un monton de datos que no era ni el lugar ni la hora para sacarlos a la luz.
Conclusión: debio aguantarse.
Al salir del restaurant estaba que se re meaba, y además sentía la humedad ahí abajo provocada por el parcial no control de su vejiga. Ya iba sintiendo la ropa interior mojada, aunque la pollera estaba seca. “Puedo llegar a casa” penso. Tenía media hora de viaje a casa en el auto.
Ni bien subío a la autopista sabía que no había calculado bien los tiempos, su vegija se lo hacía notar.
Iba manejando con una mano en el volante y otra en mi ya saben que . Tras todo esto, camino a casa no hay baños publicos, solamente en una pequeña estacion de servicio. Ella penso: “mejor que pare ahi y paso al baño o voy a estar en problemas”.
Llego a la estación de servicio, se bajo del auto, media doblada, porque se estaba haciendo encima, y fue directo al baño de mujeres.
Casi le da un ataque. Lo estaban limpiando.
Ella, toda retorcida, aguantando como podia, un poco mojada por su incontinencia, iba a pedirle por favor a la chica que limpiaba que la dejara pasar porque no daba mas, pero estaban tan atareadas y el baño en pleno proceso de limpieza que, aparte que cree que ni la oyeron, se dio cuenta de que era imposible pasar en ese momento, por lo que dio media vuelta y se fue. Camino al auto, empezo a sentir como la vegija le hacia notar que la batalla estaba perdida,. Sentía como se iba haciendo pis pero no paro de caminar hasta llegar al auto. Se subio y asi empapada la bombacha , las medias y la pollera, se fui a casa a bañarse.
Esto fue hace casi dos años y todavia le da vergüenza cuando se acuerda.
I'll tell you what happened one day when my wife went to dinner at a working seminar. Well, you know how that kind of dinner can be: very long, and you cannot just leave the table in the middle of a conversation about work planning or finances. Much water and much coffee, etc .... all this can lead to a woman finishing the night with wet panties after following some frequent leaks, or in the worst of cases, bursting.
That's not the whole story. During dinner, as I said, practically speaking, she could not go to the restroom, because as the one most responsible presenting projects before managers and investment directors, my wife was in the spotlight and making speeches. Questions were incessant, and followed each project, and no one showed signs of letting the flow of conversation die. Rather, there was a ping pong of work related questions to answer from memory, a lot of information that it was neither the time or place to bring it up.
Conclusion: She must endure.
Upon leaving the restaurant, she should have peed, as she felt the dampness down there, partly caused by leaking. She could already feel her underwear was wet, but her skirt was still dry. "I can get home,
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