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I Really Wish My Friend Hadn't Taken That Photo Of Me then put i
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Si la chenille devient papillon pour toucher au ciel,
le pissenlit se fait volant pour l'y rejoindre au firmament.
Les jeunes filles d'autrefois soufflaient sur la tête du pissenlit pour faire s'envoler tous ses papillons. Autant de fois elles soufflaient, autant d'années elles devaient attendre un mari.
En français le nom « pissenlit » provient des propriétés diurétiques de la plante, littéralement « pisser en lit » pisser au lit.
If the caterpillar becomes a butterfly to touch the sky,
the dandelion is made to fly to join it there in the firmament.
The young girls of old would blow on the dandelion's head to make all its butterflies fly away. As many times they huffed, so many years they had to wait for a husband.
In French, the name “pissenlit” comes from the diuretic properties of the plant, literally pee in bed.
I the body would be sharing certain events cached in its data files.
I shall remove the text if anybody feels hurt, offended or humiliated by its contents.
Did you ever see a laddie go this way and that? :
The child gradually grew disconcerted with his experiences at the 'nursery'. He was annoyed and often shocked by the world that unwrapped and what that he deciphered in the fourth year of his life.
Other than Sister Atlee, there's a teacher and a nursemaid in the nursery. Sister Atlee makes an occasional visit, and though she appears aloof and austere, the child liked her because he recognized that she is loving and harmless. So is Maggie, the nursemaid, who is probably a teenage orphan living in the convent. She wears floral frocks and has bobbed hair. Maggie serves the kids with the milk and cookies brought from their homes and cleaned the rooms. The teachers in the school have to be unmarried, and if they marry, they have to leave their job. In that case, the teacher in the nursery is a young lady.
The children are assigned 'homework', and every morning they are supposed to place the homework book, one on top of the other, on the teacher's table. Most kids didn't know the purpose of the ritual. As a routine, they often place the book on the table, even if they have not done their 'homework'. The teacher goes through each book, and the kids have to go and get their book when she calls their name. She called "Anuj", and the kid gleefully approached her. He was startled that unexpectedly she threw the book at his face and yelled, "Why you didn't do your homework?". The book came flying with its pages spread and hit him right at his face. It didn't scare him, but he walked back with a heavy heart as the brown paper covering of the book got unwrapped, and he remembered how attentively his dad encased it late at night. While he sat appalled and downhearted, he could hear her calling the names of other kids in the class. He soon saw her throw the book at the face of another boy and saw the poor child pee right where he stood.
The kid was puzzled why he is continually getting instilled with sad and obnoxious negative notions. He wondered what's funny if "Jack fell down and broke his head, and if Jill came tumbling after", and what's joyful about Humpty Dumpty's great fall. He felt sad for Little Red Riding Hood's poor grandma, who the wolf ate. He wondered why he's taught that Golliwog doesn't bath or brush his teeth and is ugly; and portrayed as black, with big eyes, thick lips and curly hair.
The kid didn't understand why Vikraman, while playing in the sandbox, hit the back of his right hand with the pail when he approached him with a smile. It hurt him badly, and he withdrew, perplexed by the unexplained motivation for such behaviour.
The kid didn't understand why and how could Deepti, who accosted him crying for help, romp away tittering with the same child who hurt her while the teacher was terrorizing her saviour for helping her. Sobbing, she approached him as her best friend and neighbour Pravin threw out her umbrella through the window. He consoled her and assured her that he would get it for her and instantly dashed back with the umbrella, flashing a victorious smile. As he gladly handed it over to her, the fuming teacher who appeared from nowhere asked, "You two went out?". Pointing at him, Deepti replied, "No, I didn't. It's him", and joyously left, giggling along with Pravin, holding his hand. While fiercely reprimanded by the teacher for venturing out, he could see her blissfully playing in the sandbox with her best friend.
The kid didn't understand why the cutely chubby Daffene was cruelly jeered at by most kids when she accidentally lost her bowel control and defecated in the class. While he sat beside her to console her, bewildered, he watched the dramatically cheerful commotion with the kids running around helter-skelter, covering their noses, bawling "Chakka thoori"(Jackfruit defecated). Chakka is Jackfruit, and plump people often get taunted with that term. Though poor Daffene put up a brave face, he knew she would burst out crying any moment.
He realized that traits are just inherent, and it has nothing to do with upbringing. He didn't believe that the parents of those kids taught them to behave that way. He felt that his world of ladybirds, butterflies, bugs and beetles is a far better place. He never felt hurt by an ant bite or a bee sting, but though he's known at his home and the whole neighbourhood as 'the child who never cries', all the incidents left scars in his heart.
Anyway, with all the bitter experiences, he slowly developed a dislike for the place. He told his mom that he no longer wish to go to that place. She informed dad, and they both came to his bed at night. Lifting the mosquito net, they both sat on the bed, and mindful of a child's apprehensions and worries, they asked," Is there anything that troubles you in the class?". The kid couldn't provide an immediate explanation, so he just repeated that he doesn't like the place. Desperate to solve the issue, they dissected and particularized the question. "Is someone troubling or misbehaving with you? ". The answer, "Yes", led to the questions, "Who?, How?". The kid couldn't find any immediate answer, so he lied, " The teacher called me a pig". "WHAT?! How dare she?!". Dad sprung up, fuming. He assured him he'll take care of the issue and asked the child not to worry before they tucked the net inside the mattress and left. The child remained sleepless for a while as the teacher never called him any such names, and he lied to his parents. His innocent intention was the simple expectation that his parents would stop sending him to such a nasty place.
The next morning he was taken to the nursery, and Sister Atlee was ready to teach a new song. The girls held either side of the bottom edge of their half skirts and swayed their hips left and right to sing:
The boys held either side of the bottom edge of their shorts and swaying the same way sang,
Abruptly, the swaying laddie felt a lightning bolt through his heart when he saw his dad at the door with a group of nuns and the teacher. After talking to him, the teacher came running towards the kids with an alarmed face. He wished he could go this way or that way as the teacher took him to his dad. On the verge of tears, she asked, "Anuj, did I call you a pig?". The kid replied, " Er, ahem, well ...No". "My child won't lie. Maybe someone else", said his dad. "Then, who? Is it Maggie?" asked the teacher. The kid looked around, and he didn't find Maggie anywhere nearby. His head bent downwards, he nodded and thought the issue is solved, and the matter would be closed. Oh no! There comes Maggie! Another face on the verge of tears, the same question and a lengthy " Yo, um, uh, er, ahem, well..No" as the answer. Thankfully, his dad thought of leaving it there, and he left after advising the teacher to be more careful with kids.
Though the kid regretted having lied, he was glad that the teacher became more amicable and mature than the kids after that incident.
Along with 'education' and experiences, though all kids slowly get acclimatized and move along with the flow, some kids merely grow up, some kids learn and remain immature, some kids mature but never learn, and the story goes on.
Did You Ever See a Laddie? : Did You Ever See a Laddie?
© 2020 Anuj Nair. All rights reserved.
© 2020 Anuj Nair. All rights reserved.
All images are the property of Anuj Nair. Using these images without permission is in violation of international copyright laws (633/41 DPR19/78-Disg 154/97-L.248/2000).All materials may not be copied, reproduced, distributed, republished, downloaded, displayed,posted or transmitted in any forms or by any means,including electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording without written permission of Anuj Nair. Every violation will be pursued penally.
Earlier this year, I think it was February, I discovered that an event was coming to Vancouver that I had seen on Youtube and marvelled at. It was going to feature one of my favourite painters, Vincent Van Gogh. So I suggested to Ross that we buy tickets, even though we were still in the midst of Covid. I do not like buying tickets months in advance for anything, because of my migraines, many of these I have been unable to attend, but I thought, you only live once so go for it, and so Ross bought tickets online and we chose his birthday as the day to go ...
And so the days went on, Covid continues to rage on, we got our vaccines, and the day finally arrived. And I was lucky, no migraine, and the sun was shining, everything is looking good.
Trystan came with us which made the event even more special.
It was being held at the Vancouver Trade and Convention Center, so we found the entrance, answered all the Covid questions, were threatened :) to always wear our mask, to make sure you did not have to pee as once you were in you could not leave ... so silly when children and old people ( and me :) are involved. So then we were ushered into a huge dark space with multiple screens with info on them about how the show came about and also the story of Vincent's life which we were supposed to read, which is fine, but you had to wait your turn to read the next screen, and the group ahead of us were sloooow readers, even slower than Ross :) ...
So I decided to skip to the entrance where we were again admonished to keep our masks on and told that we could not go from room to room, so to make sure we were fully saturated before going on to the next room. which gave the impression that there were multiple rooms?
And while this was all going on there was music ... very loud music ... oh-oh ... it was beautiful classical music, Debussy, Satie, Bach, Delibes, which I like very much, but it was loud and all I could think was Oh shit, I hope this isn't going to make me sick, I was sooo worried about it, I did not want to ruin Ross's birthday with one of my episodes. So the room is HUGE, with multiple screens that seem to made of some opaque material and on them and the wall and the floor are being projected Vincent's paintings, and drawings, which sounds fab right? but it was all sooo faded, where were Vincent's vivid colours??
I kept waiting for COLOUR !! and the only time I saw it was through the lens of my camera. There was also patterns being projected on the floor and they moved and swirled ... and I started to feel a bit swirly myself, but I kept it together, I sucked it up and wasn't a big girl's blouse :) And the music that I was so worried about was the best thing about the show, It was loud, but glorious and whoever engineered it deserves an award. It suited the time period of when Van Gogh lived. So the photo I've included was not this brilliant, it was a faded murky and muddy image, very disappointing, and as for multiple rooms?
This one huge space was it, in the next room was a tiny gift shop, and then out ??
We later figured the whole show lasts about 30 minutes and then repeats and Trystan figured that the reason there was so little colour was because the screens were reflecting back the light instead of absorbing it, they needed silver screens, which were probably too expensive. He was disappointed also.
I was glad I had gone, but I was completely done in, I ended up crashing on Trystan's couch and was useless all of yesterday. Sensory overload, maybe its good it wasn't Vincent vivid, I might have had to be carried out :)
ps- Ross had a wonderful day, we were all together, we picked up dinner from The Chili Pepper House, ate it at Trystan's, while I slept they had coffee and yakked, so I did not ruin his day, and today we are picking up a favourite cake for him from Notte's Bon Ton in Vancouver which he will share with friends tomorrow :)
The Zinneke Pis which can be found at the corner of rue des Chartreux and rue du Vieux-Marché is a little bronze statue of a dog peeing. In Brussels dialect the word “Zinneke” would mean bastard dog. it’s the latest (1998) of the three peeing statues that you can find at a short distance from one another in the center of Brussels. The most famous is the Manneke pis little boy statue dating back from 1619 which attracts the brunt of the tourists followed by the little girl one Jeanneke Pis erected in 1987.
This little guy was flirting like crazy with a little girl walking down the street. Walking right up to her, playing pees-a-boo, holding her hand and blowing kisses. (Of course, I couldn't shoot their adorable interaction because her paranoid mother had her on a short leash (literally!) and looked at me with eyes that said "I just know you are going to slash this nylon cord and snatch my daughter.) So you'll just have to settle for watching him work it. ;)
Soon to go the way of the auk and dodo
The Horror!~ Neon Aesthetic - Pizza
#hashbang! - Neon City Gacha - Dye For You
ok, the vid isn't working so i'll give u guys the info
BTW!! There will be a twist at the end!!!
Kasia, Isabelle and Mika did no give in their photos
Giselle: this photo is gorgeous with a capital G!!! I love how you’re using your environment to take a spectacular shot. I love how you’re connecting with nature and how you look like someone who’s meant to be outside. This is fantastic shot!
Madalynn: this is a great shot. I love how your top and outfit matches the flowers and the flowers in you hair were in excellent touch. Your makeup is awesome, I find it gives it sort of a high fashion look. This photo is awesome. Good Job :)
Lauren: this photo is okay, but it’s not really what I asked for. Your outfit and scene doesn’t remind me of spring. If you would’ve titles this photo differently, I would’ve never thought that this was a spring photo. I don’t think your outfit is kind of spring like. And you kind of look like you’re standing there waiting for your boyfriend to stop peeing. This photo’s okay, but not really what I asked for.
Sophie: this is a huge improvement from the last 2 weeks! I am so so proud! OMG! I love this photo. It reminds me of the moments where it’s a little chilly in the spring but you don’t care, you go out in spring clothes anyway. I love how you didn’t go extreme on the makeup, spring is about light colors after all. This photo is great, keep up the good work.
Anna: this photo is awesome! I love it! I am in love with your hair and your outfit is amazingly gorgeous! I love love love the scenery and this photo is just awesome! Great job!
Sahara:, this photo is awesome! I love this! I love the quality, it isn’t grainy like last week. I love your scenery and your outfit and your hair is beautiful!
Evangeline: first I have to say, Holy Moly on the quality! It’s so much better than the last 2 themes! No more blurriness! And, omg, I love your outfit, it’s SO vintage-y beautiful! I love it, the hairband, jewelry, shoes, dress, and I love love LOVE your scenery! Great photo!
Jada: this photo is a bit disappointing. I love your background but your legs are cut off. Your hair is good but your not posing and for this theme it doesn’t really work. And your clothes aren’t really spring like
Couture-Hanami: this photo is ok but it could be better. The quality isn’t really improving but everything else is fine. I love your outfit and hair and the plant. It would’ve been better if you were outside. And I do wish you were facing the camera but this is still a pretty good photo.
Robin: this photo is flawless! I love this! I love you hair, outfit, hair piece scenery! Everything! Amazing job! Just... Wow!
Tori: this photo is really good actually! I really like it! I love your outfit and pose! I like your scenery and I think the quality has improved a lot more! This is an awesome photo!
Gia: this photo is awesome! I love your outfit and scenery and hair. The only thing is the lighting in your face, that kind of ruins the photo a bit, but I love love love everything
Krystal: this photo is awesome! I love this! I love your outfit and hair! It looks like you went to a studio and took a professional photo shoot. I would've rathered you be outside but this photo is still awesome!
Frankie: you get better and better each week! This photo is so cute! I love it! I love your idea with the fairy wings it's adorable! I love your hair, outfit, scenery! It's just gorgeous! Great job!
Leslie: this photo is awesome! I love this so much! I love your outfit and hair and the quality is fantastic! Maybe if this photo was outside it would've been a little better but I still love this!
Mika: Your photos haven't been strong in this competition and you haven't given in your photos for 2 weeks/themes
Kasia: You haven't given in your photos for 2 weeks
I'm sorry Mika, don't give up on your dreams of modelling
Congratulations Kasia, you have another chance to become BNTM!
So the twist is..... Allison is coming back! Yay!
So the next theme is Song Titles and I'll explain
there are 3 ways you can do this theme, I'll use Part of Me as an example
1. Make a photo about what the song (ex: Part of me is about a girl telling her ex to f off, lol)
2. Make a photo of the vid (ex: in part of me, the vid is about war)
3. Make a photo of your own story (ex: Dakota loved her boyfriend but he cheated, etc...)
Have fun guys! Photos are due Saturday May 5th!
6. Giselle: Somebody that I used to know:
Most of the photographers I know are guys, so usually, most of the time I go out shooting, I am the only girl in a group of guys. Which is fine with me but this involves dealing with the basic gross normal, completely natural things. You know, like.. burps, peeing in public places, the use of the word "dude or man" in every other sentence, bugs, heights, talking about women and maximum feather in Photoshop. Don't
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