Pee Holding Challenge

Pee Holding Challenge


Pee Holding Challenge

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Jul 5th, 2019

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Jul 4th, 2019

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Jul 3rd, 2019

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Please reblog and share your experiences if you try this!
If you leak, wet, or pee in any way without being told to, you must roll punishment.
1- I just peed. I do not have to go at all.
2- I have not peed recently but do not have to go.
3- I kind of have to go and would normally wait half an hour or so.
4- I have to go and this is the point where I would start looking for a bathroom normally.
5- I have to go and I would normally already be using the bathroom but I know I could wait if I absolutely had to.
6- I am squirming a little and getting distracted. If I could not find a nearby restroom, I would start getting worried.
7- I can not hold still. It would be hard to hide the fact I have to pee. If I could not find a nearby restroom, I would be panicking. I would be surprised if I could last another hour.
8- It is very obvious I am desperate. I am holding myself and crossing to stop from peeing. I can go another 30 minutes max.
9- I have leaked and have to hold myself to stop from doing it again. I can not think about anything else. I am completely desperate and feel like I only have minutes left.
10- I have leaked multiple times and it is visible. I have to hold myself to hold the pee in. If I release, I know I would burst any second now.
2. You may go to the toilet and release for 6 seconds. Then you must stop.
3. You may release for 8 seconds in your clothes.
If 9-10 You may pee anywhere other than a toilet
5. You may pee outside or roll again
2. Wait 10 minutes then roll again.
3. Wait 20 minutes then roll again.
4. Wait 30 minutes then roll again.
5. 2 large glasses/bottles of water
1. Sit unclothed on toilet for one minute.
2. Run water over hands for one minute.
3. Put on another pair of underwear.
6. Lay completely still for 2 minutes.
2. Add bondage around underwear to prevent you from pulling them down.
3. Sit on the toilet for three minutes without peeing.
5. Do not cross or hold for next two rolls.
2. Wear soaked underwear until they dry and continue wearing until next day.
3. May only pee every three hours on the hour tomorrow.
4. May only pee three times tomorrow.
5. Post picture of soaked clothes online.
Use a random number generator to roll. Please reply with your experiences!
Easy mode- use the bathroom, drink a full glass of water, then roll ten times
Normal mode- use the bathroom, drink a cup of coffee, tea, or soda, then roll 20 times
Hard mode- do not use the bathroom, drink two glasses of water, then roll 25 times
Impossible mode- do not use the bathroom, drink two glasses of water and one cup of coffee, tea, or soda, then roll 30 times
3. Eat whatever you can find with the most sugar
5. Chug a glass/bottle of water as quickly as you can
11. Watch a ten minute YouTube video
12. Listen to rain sounds for ten minutes
13. FaceTime a friend (you can not hang up until they do)
17. Go for a 20 minute walk (if possible)
18. Find a random tag challenge and fill it out
19. Press on your bladder for 30 seconds
20. Press on your bladder rapidly 30 times
21. Lay completely still and relax for 5 minutes
24. Run warm water over your hands for two minutes
25. Fill the bathtub with warm water and soak your feet for five minutes
26. Go two minutes without crossing or holding
27. Go five minutes without crossing or holding
28. Sit on the toilet for one minute with clothes on
29. Sit on the toilet for one minute with pants off (underwear on)
30. Watch a try not to laugh compilation
32. Use bathroom for exactly five seconds then stop
33. Put on a tight belt or tie something tight around your waist until the end of the challenge
34. Find an exercise video on YouTube and follow along
35. Put an ice cube in your underwear
36. Read one chapter of a book or a full news article
37. Take your clothes off from the waist down and leave them off for a full minute then put them back on
41. Spill a bit of water in your lap
42. Play a song and dance until it’s over
43. Squirm and hold for one minute then stay still the next minute
45. Squat and lean hard against a counter
47. Tighten your pants in any way possible
48. Pee through clothes for 2 seconds
49. Roll a dice and drink that many glasses of water
Only after allotted number of rolls:
50. Congratulations you completed the challenge
51. You may wait 30 minutes then use the bathroom
52. You may pee only through your clothes
53. You must complete five more rolls
54. You must complete ten more rolls
Tried this for the first time. Got to the end and rolled that I had to do five more rolls. Got to the very last one and I had to go without holding or squirming for five minute. Started spurting heavily at 2 minutes and the dam broke on 3. 🤦🏻‍♀️ will have to try again
Use a random number generator to roll. Please reply with your experiences!
Easy mode- use the bathroom, drink a full glass of water, then roll ten times
Normal mode- use the bathroom, drink a cup of coffee, tea, or soda, then roll 20 times
Hard mode- do not use the bathroom, drink two glasses of water, then roll 25 times (add a roll any time you leak)
Impossible mode- do not use the bathroom, drink two glasses of water and one cup of coffee, tea, or soda, then roll 30 times (add two rolls any time you leak)
3. Eat whatever you can find with the most sugar
5. Chug a glass/bottle of water as quickly as you can
11. Watch a ten minute YouTube video
12. Listen to rain sounds for ten minutes
13. FaceTime a friend (you can not hang up until they do)
17. Go for a 20 minute walk (if possible)
18. Find a random tag challenge and fill it out
19. Press on your bladder for 30 seconds
20. Press on your bladder rapidly 30 times
21. Lay completely still and relax for 5 minutes
24. Run warm water over your hands for two minutes
25. Fill the bathtub with warm water and soak your feet for five minutes
26. Go two minutes without crossing or holding
27. Go five minutes without crossing or holding
28. Sit on the toilet for one minute with clothes on
29. Sit on the toilet for one minute with pants off (underwear on)
30. Watch a try not to laugh compilation
32. Use bathroom for exactly five seconds then stop
33. Put on a tight belt or tie something tight around your waist until the end of the challenge
34. Find an exercise video on YouTube and follow along
35. Put an ice cube in your underwear
36. Read one chapter of a book or a full news article
37. Take your clothes off from the waist down and leave them off for a full minute then put them back on
41. Spill a bit of water in your lap
42. Play a song and dance until it’s over
43. Squirm and hold for one minute then stay still the next minute
45. Squat and lean hard against a counter
47. Tighten your pants in any way possible
48. Pee through clothes for 2 seconds
49. Roll a dice and drink that many glasses of water
Only after allotted number of rolls:
50. Congratulations you completed the challenge
51. You may wait 30 minutes then use the bathroom
52. You may pee only through your clothes
53. You must complete five more rolls
54. You must complete ten more rolls

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Darrell C. Sydlo
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Pee holding challenge (short) (62177)
OK this is for everyone who wants practice at holding their bladder for the ultimate holding challenge which you will find on this website. Called: (-How bad do you need to pee.) Other test. (Ok this is for everyone who enjoys pee holding challenges. If you successfully complete this challenge you will truly be the master of your bladder. How ever if you fail you must listen to what ever your bladder tells you until you do finish this test successfully. I have can you. )This is the half or 5 day miniature quiz. If you want to put your bladder to the test and see if your ready for the ultimate holding test then this quiz is right for you. If you don't want to test your bladder than go away right now.

What is your need to pee right now. If you need to pee or poo do so and come back after you have finished this desperate task.

I don't have too. 0

I might have too. 1

I can. 2-3

I need too. 4-6

Oooh I'm in desperate need But I can wait an hour or two. 7-8

I Have too but I can wait 12 minutes. 9

If I don't go now I'm going to go in my pants. AAH.... 10+

OK so now that you finished that. Are you ready for your first task. We will be putting you on a bathroom holding schedule. As outlined in each qustion. Each question will tell you if you can go pee, poo, or both. Each question will also tell you if your even allowed to relive your bladder at all. SO PAY ATTENTION::.... Are you ready.

Yes I am.

No I cant do this I give up already. (Disgrace) Shame on you...

I will try until I fail... (Good for trying) Hope you pass.

Start Saturday Night: At 9:12pm GO pee only. No poo breaks allowed. Continue holding number 2.

I went.

I held it in. (More Challenging)

Sunday Morning: @ 7:33am GO pee only. No poo breaks allowed. Continue holding number 2.

Sunday: @ 3:24pm GO pee only. No poo breaks allowed. Continue holding number 2.

Sunday: @ 8:07pm GO pee only. No poo breaks allowed. Continue holding number 2.

Monday Morning: @ 6:30am GO pee only. No poo breaks allowed. Continue holding number 2.

Monday: 9:03pm GO pee and poo. Completely emptying your bladder.

Tuesday Morning: @ 7:37am GO pee only. No poo breaks allowed. Continue holding number 2.

Tuesday: @ 8:05pm GO pee only. No poo breaks allowed. Continue holding number 2.

Tuesday: @ 11:37pm GO pee only. No poo breaks allowed. Continue holding number 2.

Wednesday Morning: @ 7:01am GO pee only. No poo breaks allowed. Continue holding number 2.

Wednesday: @ 8:00pm No Pee or poo breaks allowed. Continue holding in both number 1 and number 2.

Thursday Morning: @ 5:33am GO pee only. No poo breaks allowed. Continue holding number 2.

Thursday: @ 2:12pm Go Pee Go poo. If you made it here and didn't fib or lye about your progross congratulations you sucfully passed the half test. Now go relive yourself and then prpare for the ultimate challenge and remember you can find it at the link at the top of this test good luck.

I went.

I held it.

Too easy.

I went and completed this test and will try the ultimate test.

I failed and need more practice.

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A Milovana pee holding challenge




 On 9/11/2017 at 2:50 AM, Themaster258 said:
 On 9/12/2017 at 1:19 PM, Themaster258 said:

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August 27, 2017 in Omorashi general

I'm not what you'dcall a regular poster on here but I still exist. Last wednesday I decided to have a bit of fun. I managed to stumble upon a milovana challenge made by: davidparker265 . It was really satisfying to watch timers tick down while trying to hold it. I wanted to do my own challenge. The I'm peeing button was a great idea and I took that idea for my own challenge.

I designed the challenge with having to pee already in mind, but not necessary. It doesn't really have a fixed time limit, the first part will keep going until you are desperate enough to proceed to the second part. 

The second part is designed to make you lose control. I felt this was a bit trickier to do, some people seem to have an incredible holding capacity while people like me can't last 20 minutes at that part.

Give it a try if you want. I would love some critique and experiences.

I never imagined that making this would be so much work. I just had ideas after ideas and new branches and more stuff. I cut about 70% of all ideas end still ended up over 250 pages. Some of the later challenges are not as fun as some others I feel, maybe I have to edit these. Like I said, critique me please. I designed some of them with stupid spontaneous ideas. For example: You can decide to go out in public. Somebody might feel comfortable with the idea in the heat of the moment, but later regrets it. Too bad I made them lock their pants...

I also tried to time everything so nobody reaches the end. But hey, my math could be way off so every path ends with something impossible or letting go.

And if some of you really do the public path, pics or it didn't happen.

I'll try this either today or tomorrow. I don't know if I'm going to do the public part or not though.

I tried it without the public part, and it was really fun. I'm going to do the public part tomorrow. I might take pics if I don't feel weird about it, but holding in public is already a little out of my comfort zone.

Thanks you for trying the challenge.

Now do you have any critique? Looking back at it after a few weeks I feel like there is a lot that could be better.

I'm always so glad when I see new wetting themed milovana teases pop up. I like this one a lot, gives you a lot of options and I haven't even done all the paths yet.

Thanks you for trying the challenge.

Now do you have any critique? Looking back at it after a few weeks I feel like there is a lot that could be better.

I don't have any suggestions. It was really
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