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Peachymotel Myfreecams


Peachymotel Myfreecams
MFC Share ( is a platform for connecting with members while you're offline. You can host images and videos in albums, and can receive tips for albums, other items, polls, and more.

Only models may upload content. Premium MFC members may Like and Follow models, comment on albums and blog posts, and vote in polls.

The rules are the same as what models can broadcast on cam on :

If there is a non-MFC performer featured in a sexual context in your MFC Share content, please check the appropriate box when uploading the content and add this person as a registered performer in your account.

B/G content is allowed but will not appear on the MFC Share homepage or some embedded MFC Share pages.

Users may opt out of seeing B/G content in their MFC Share settings.

The content rights are covered by the Model Agreement (same as your MFC stream and profile photos), but basically:

Here are the current specifications and file limits:

There are a few ways to add your MFC Share content to your MFC Profile:

Images and videos are contained in Albums. You can create a new album from any page by clicking the Upload button in the header bar.

An Album can contain a single video or image, multiple videos, multiple photos, or a combination of images and videos.

You may drag your images/videos into any album and it will automatically upload them into the album.

For example, if you set an album as 200 tokens, and password protected, and VIP-only, then the user will have to use one of those three methods to view the album (either being VIP, having the password, or tipping 200 tokens.)

Note: Users tip for album access, not for the content inside the album. If you delete the album or change the content, they will no longer have access to the original content in the album.

Click the pencil icon in the top-right corner of any image or video to add a description to it.

In the top-right corner of your videos, click the cog icon to:

Your public shows and group shows from your MFC stream can be automatically saved as Recordings, which behave like Albums. You can set them to be automatically added to Clubs or Collections on the Settings page .

Collections contain one or more Albums (or Recordings).

When a member tips for a Collection, they gain access to its Albums as if they had tipped for them. They will not receive access to new Albums added to the Collection later.

You can create Clubs that Members can join. On a Club's settings page, you can set custom prices for Albums and other content so that Club members can access them at a discount (or for free). You can set whether club membership duration is limited or lifelong.

You can create Goals to reach a certain number of tokens.

In addition to direct tipping toward the Goal, you can choose what other content Members can buy that will still count toward the Goal. Goals can be turned on and off with the Active checkbox, and can be automatically paused while you're broadcasting with the Paused While Broadcasting checkbox.

You can create Milestones along the way to your Goal.

You can connect your Twitter and have it automatically Tweet when you've received a Contribution (Tip), reached a Milestone, or reached your Goal.

You can sell anything on your MFC Share profile by listing it as an Item. If you'll need logistical information from the member after they tip for it, you can request it in the "Ask member for additional information after purchase" field.

You can run polls for members to participate in. Optionally, voting can require members to tip, or to be in a club. Topics can be anything you want (some popular topics include outfits, hair colors, and video themes.)

Like polls, tip menus provide multiple options for members to pay a tip to select. Tip menu options can be paused and resumed.

You can create one or more Blogs which may be set as Free or Club-Only. Blogs may contain HTML, embedded videos from your MFC Share, YouTube, SoundCloud, as well as your Twitter and Instagram widgets.

You can create an Ask Me where members can ask you questions that you answer publicly. They can be Club-only.

You can invite one or more models to a Contest, where you compete to see who is first to get the winning number of tokens.

You can add online and offline events to your public calendar. Your upcoming events will show up on your profile. Members can add your events to their calendar and be reminded when your event is about to start, and can subscribe to emails about upcoming events of models they follow.

You can create discount codes that apply a percentage discount or fixed token discount to the content you select as applicable. Like most things on MFC Share, you can set these to be unlisted, so you can give these to chosen members, or if you like, you can list them publicly.

If you select the Code to be a Sale, then it's described on your profile and automatically applied to applicable tips. This is useful for holding temporary sales.

Vouchers are one-time-use URLs that a member can redeem for access to an Album, Recording, Collection, Item, or Club, as if they purchased it using 0 tokens. A Voucher may only be redeemed once. The model is able to see who has used the Voucher and which remain unused.

You can create Specials so that if a Member tips for something, they can get something else included for free. Specials can optionally expire, or can be temporarily disabled.

On the Tweets page, you can configure tips to cause tweets from your Twitter account. You can enter multiple ways to phrase the tweet (i.e. multiple Auto Tweet Texts), so that the tweets don't sound too repetitive. When a tweet is triggered, an Auto Tweet Text will be chosen at random. If you like, you can change the likelihood that a particular Auto Tweet Text is chosen by changing its weight . Texts with higher weights are chosen more often.

You can insert certain codes into the tweet to customize them for the tip. For example, if a member named JohnSmith tipped 100 tokens for an album of yours called Beach Album, the text "Thank you %TippedMember% for tipping %TippedAmount% for %TippedName%! %TippedUrl%" would cause this tweet: "Thank you JohnSmith for tipping 100 for 'Beach Album'! ".

The codes are listed under the Auto Tweet Text box.

You will see who tipped for which content on your Tips page, and get overall statistics about tokens and views on the Statistics page.

You will see MFC Share tips as Special Tips in your MFC stats. They're the same as offline tips but labeled a Special Tip so you can tell them apart.

Click your Avatar in the top-right corner and click "Settings" to access your main MFC Share settings.

Here you can create your bio, link your social media accounts, set your watermarks, set your VIPs and Managers, etc.

You can set one or more users as your MFC Share Profile Managers, granting them full access to your MFC Share account. They will be able to upload and customize your profile and content, without having your main MFC account password.

The following will redirect to your Share Tip page:

You can also pre-fill the amount of tokens and a message in the link, for example:

(Note that in the message part you need to replace spaces with + due to how URLs encode spaces.)

Geographical region blocking is fully supported in the Settings section.

You can choose to have your MFC chat room bans carry over to MFC Share.

Tokens earned on MFC Share count toward your CamScore and Miss MyFreeCams in the same way that any other tokens do.

Share Rank is calculated based on total tokens earned on MFC Share during that month, with the model earning the most being #1.

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Your online models and friends are shown here.
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You can message your offline friends too!
Video chat with thousands of models, artists, camgirls, amateurs, pornstars and female content creators!
Animations at 1 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 Max per second.
Show Room Count: Yes No Topics: Yes No
Paging: Dynamic Scroll Multiple Pages
Model list refresh rate: 15 Seconds 30 Seconds 60 Seconds 120 Seconds 300 Seconds 600 Seconds
Model list has separate scroll bar ?

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Hello, and welcome to MyFreeCams! There is a lot to explore, so take your time and make yourself at home.
Visit the Mobile Site on your phone at . Please Contact Us for anything at all. Have fun!
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Drag and drop to change the order of the sidebar:
Your online models and friends are shown here.
No bookmarks online. (You may drag models into this window.)
You can message your offline friends too!
Video chat with thousands of models, artists, camgirls, amateurs, pornstars and female content creators!
Animations at 1 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 Max per second.
Show Room Count: Yes No Topics: Yes No
Paging: Dynamic Scroll Multiple Pages
Model list refresh rate: 15 Seconds 30 Seconds 60 Seconds 120 Seconds 300 Seconds 600 Seconds
Model list has separate scroll bar ?

If this is your profile, visit the security settings of your setup and modify the access rights.
If this is someone else's profile, they may not allow everyone access to view it.

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