


If you're reading this, you just rolled a crit for incredible performances.
A brief retrospective on the life and crimes of Los Angeles' least favorite bar patron
You'll feel good for 30 minutes after you read this or my name isn't Squee the Immortal.
The longtime allies are now releasing games that will seemingly compete with each other.
There's a ton of sexual tall tales out there, and most people try to pass off as fact. Though we aren't sure why -- while everyone is talking about which celebrity is sticking a rodent up his ass, they're missing out on some awesome stuff that actually happened.
But we're here to set the record straight. With the help of looner-turned-nun AuntieMeme, we present you some of the most insane and true sex stories history has to offer.
We've got your morning reading covered.
There are FIVE chances for you to win some cold, hard Internet dollars. Click on the prompt that catches your fancy, and post your entry in the thread. Or submit to all of them and increase your chances of becoming rich and famous. (Photoplasty winners gets 10,000 pennies, GIF winners get 15,000 and macro winners get 20,000!)
It turns out that something can be both nostalgic and fresh.
Step one: Read about movies to get inspiration for the lyrics.
I cannot wait to have my surly pirate crew send me to Davy Jones' locker.
Learn a bit about what you're watching.
Let these famous people inspire you to get off your butt.
Someone needs to look into Clark Kent's glasses.
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Juicy Secrets
Forbidden Tales of Lesbian Love
You are currently browsing the archives for 25 October 2019.
First, thanks to you for being part of the Juicy Secrets universe. This little kingdom of ours is a true labor of love (generously flavored with lust), and it gives us more pleasure that you can imagine to bring a touch of erotic spice to your lives.
So. Today I come bearing news of the site, both good and bad.
The good news first: Juicy Secrets has been blessed of late with a big batch of great new stories that we plan to roll out in the months to come. Beloved authors No One and Purple Les have each submitted lengthy, multi-chapter gems that you have yet to see, Misty Meadow’s latest has several more chapters to run, and “Ripples,” the saga from Sapphmore and yours truly, shows no sign of ending anytime soon. Also, Sunnybunny has emerged from a two-year hiatus to pick up the thread of her story “A Young Desert Rose,” and our own site operator Amanda Lynn is working on the next installment of “Unaccompanied Minor.”
It’s a landslide of sizzling hot lesbian fiction, come to fill our happy website… and that , dear friends, is where the less fortunate news comes in.
To put it bluntly, we are experiencing an acute shortage of, er, personpower at the moment. These days, the entirety of Juicy Secrets is being run and maintained by a staff of exactly two: Amanda Lynn, who valiantly posts and formats the stories, and keeps the site in fighting trim… and me, JetBoy, who edits incoming stories and seeks out archival material, then hands it to Amanda to post.
My fellow site founders Cheryl Taggert and Naughty Mommy have moved on to other things, though Naughty Mommy is still a member of the Juicy Secrets community, leaving the occasional comment now and then. She hopes to write for us again someday, but has no plans beyond that. Please join me in fervently thanking these two incredible women for their massive contributions to this site, and let’s wish them and their loved ones every happiness imaginable.
As for my fellow editor and story seeker PoppaBear, he has fallen out of sight; the last communication we received from him was weeks ago, and he has yet to respond to our increasingly concerned emails. Let us all fervently wish and hope that he is okay.
What does this mean for Juicy Secrets? Essentially, this: I want to devote our time and energy to the new stories that we have in our possession. So as of now, we’ll be putting the site archive on hold, including the Author Unknown stories from my collection. Oh, I may stumble upon a vintage story every now and again to post, but for the most part, we will focus our attention on new material exclusively. (The one exception is FaeLissa’s “Help Me, Sister,” an archive story that still has a couple of chapters to go.)
This means that you will no longer be seeing posts every other day, a schedule that we’ve been working our tails off to maintain. Apologies, but the effort of simultaneously working on new material and trawling about for older stories is doing my head in.
The new schedule is simple enough: when we have something ready, we’ll post it.
That said, there is still plenty of Great Stuff here to peruse. I seriously doubt that there are many of you who have read every single story at this site, right? If you drop by and there’s no new post, don’t make a face and go elsewhere… explore! There are hundreds of stories here, some of them long enough to provide you with solitary pleasure for weeks. If you only check out the new stuff, you’re missing out in a big way.
Anyhow, Amanda and I want to make it clear that we have no intention of shutting this site down… we just have to slow the pace a bit before our tickers give out. Once we get caught up with all these awesome new stories, I hope to resume our old posting schedule.
Okay, that’s the latest from us. Thanks in advance for your patience while we weather this out, and for reading this. We love you all.
P.S. Thanks ever so much to all you lovely folks who volunteered to assist us! I had no idea how many of you were willing to offer your time and energy to Juicy Secrets. We’ve got enough offers for now, so there’s no need to apply unless you’re downright desperate to work for us.
To those of you who have already applied, please be patient while I work through your emails. My decision will be announced, I hope, by 11/10 or thereabouts.





We are currently moving to a new system that requires Contributor Status to use most of the site's features. We are doing this to minimize vandalism by trolls that becomes a problem from time to time. I am trying to get as many regular contributors as possible switched to contributor status before we disable these features for normal users. If you are just here to read stories and give feedback on the talk pages, there is nothing more you need to do. If you are a new user that wants to write stories for the site; or are a former contributor that I have not yet given Contributor status, you can request Contributor Status...

-- Elerneron ( talk ) 11:11, 17 June 2021 (UTC)
The system should now allow normal users to edit Talk pages. -- Elerneron ( talk ) 12:19, 27 June 2021 (UTC)
Permissions for editing file pages and category pages were not given to contributors. This has now been corrected. -- Elerneron ( talk ) 09:30, 29 June 2021 (UTC)

Your Name is Anna. You have just established your private practice in a Big city with the help of some clients you that you found with the help of some dark web forums. You are gay but have always had a lust for children. This is why You are about 5’6” a solid 120. You are almost always working out, kickboxing and yoga. You are gay but have always had a lust for children. You have never found a partner because of this. You Long black hair with purple and pink streaks. Your always well groomed, you have average size breast (32c) You where a prodigy and graduated top of your class and was able to breeze through your residency.

It was when you start jokingly looking for a job in the “community” was it told your loans were bought and you would be working at “your own” private practice. Your agreement was that you would record all your visits and leave detailed notes. You arrive at your office and your nurse and partner Celina is already there getting the place ready. She is a Hispanic female, more athletic build then you dark hair and bigger breast. She shares your same taste but she is bi.

Celina: "Good morning, Doctor…." which was punctuated with a deep tongue kiss "…you have 5 patients today and 4 of them assessments for further action." Her mouth curled into a evil smile.

Celina: We have Tina Johnson age 10 in for an activity assessment, Jason Tashman 14 in for surgical assessment, ooohh Lana Hernandez 6 in for assignment assessment, she ought to be fun…Nania Patel age 5 first visit.. and…" she pauses looks at me and smiles, "….acup! And it's her birthday!!!"

You: "Ooooh today!" you actually are blushing "...omg..i look like hell..i need to change.."

Celina: "Honey..." Celina says patting you on the shoulder "…you will look great. Plus… you two are a perfect couple so relax."

Acup’s name is Cheryl henderson she is just turning 10 (your favorite age). You call her "acup" cause she has in your opinion has the perfect breast. You two have developed a friendship over her 6 years visiting you as well as her parents. She is in your eyes perfect and would love to date Cheryl. You know a club where you can go to have this kind of fun. You can’t wait to see her.

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