Payment Instructions

Payment Instructions

cash app ® payment option/method is back online !! Venmo ® for some stupid reason idkwtf is still unavailable. This is unfortunate because of the discount promos we had been able to apply with the Venmo option but I apologize for the inconvenience 😬 they will not uninterrupt their service for the ticket/problem (issue) I had with them ... I will update you all as soon as this changes !!

1.) Venmo unavailable<TFN>

We are accepting all cryptocurrency payment methods. And, the instructions for said method(s) are simple.

Go through our stores catalog and add all items you wish to purchase to the bag. Once you have finished adding all of the desired products you need for your research requirements you may then click on the "Checkout" button/link.

Next you will be asked to enter your contact information. Your Name and the destination address we will be shipping to. Be sure to put in the zip/postal code next to the street address. We don't ask for it but it's necessary for me to send your package to the correct address. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!!!

After that, depending on what you ordered and where you live relative to the storage unit location where we send our products from the shipping cost will be calculated in.

Finally, you will select your payment method:


OPTION 1.) BITCOIN WALLET ADDRESS (FOR BTC ONLY !!) ***if you send any other NFT STABLE COIN or cryptocurrency to the address listed in this payment method you will have forfeit the entire $ value you sent and you will have no recourse for getting back that money...***

You will just please send us the amount as displayed on the same page (near the top) in Bitcoin to the wallet address inside of the description of this payment option. Wait 15 min. -- 30min. For 2 confirmations to be approved by the Blockchain network and then you will probably get a notification from your own Bitcoin wallet that say something to the effect of success! Or confirmed! Also, the txID should be displayed on the receipt for the transaction.

This part is optional but always a good thing to practice...

Take a screenshot of the confirmed BTC transaction with txID included on in it & email that as an attachment to one of the email addresses provided in the same descriptor as the BTC wallet address is in. This helps us stay reminded of your order requirement and also is a record for proof of the payment that's just occurred.

Payment option/method 2.)

Cash app® xfer

This is one of the most reputable companies providing anonymous peer2peer payments in both cash xfer as well as a Bitcoin option as well !!

Now, cashapp has been migrating to be available on PC and laptop computers as well but I still think it's only worthwhile for people who are using their mobile device as the source of this payment application.

The coolest thing about cash app accounts imo is you can connect prepaid cards as well as FDIC insured Bank/Debit cards. Credit cards for that matter !! These guys will pretty much accept anything for you to drop some cash into the cashapp native environment and then send it to the group or individual of your choice.. !

All cash app accounts are found by their prefixing signing of the $(cash) symbol.. ours is inside the description of this payment option at the very top so you can not miss it !!

Select "Pay" or "Send" & enter the subtotal shown at the top of the checkout page. If you have a SUBTOTAL for $50 we allow you to subtract $10 from the subtotal and then send us the remaining on the balance. If you have a subtotal that exceeds $100 you may subtract $20 from the amount and then send us the balance.

Since we have a business account on cash app ® you shouldn't have to wait for us to accept the cash transfer before it's confirmed & withdrawn from your account, that being said cash app does act glitchy on occasion & sometimes for whatever reason I have to manually click on "accept payment" in order to complete the xfer from your account to ours.

Same thing with the aforementioned payment option (completely optional) ...

Screenshot of the confirmation screen and then attachment to an email destined for, or,

Then click on "COMPLETE ORDER" of your eum haven't already done so, and then just please be patient as your order is on the way !!

Payment option/method 3.)

ETHEREUM COIN & other NFT Token's as well as virtually every stable coin in existence !!

The ETH wallet address is in the description of the payment option.. if you want to pay with another type of cryptocurrency, NFT, or stable coin:

We will accept virtually any/every NFT or Cryptocurrency available. Just let us know which one of these cryptocurrencies you have tokens ready to send to us by email (which is shown to you at the 2nd to last step of the checkout process) and we will promptly send you the correct wallet address to deposit your coins to finalize the payment.

Final Step: Once you have sent us the email. Click on "Complete Order" so we will get the notification that an order has been placed. Once you have confirmed payment on the block and we have on our end: we will notify you that your order has been confirmed and we will begin preparing it for immediate shipment. The tracking number/information will be sent to you by email within 12-24 hours.

Please as a rule of thumb use the tracking website we send you along with your tracking number/information.. reason being that has a privacy policy that is in alignment with our own..

As things are we often time end up using USPS priority mail for our courier service. They're the best priced and they are about as reliable as they come. But, using their website for tracking your order is NOT a good idea. Whenever you are connected to another network or website's server on the world wide web you are opening up your own system and the secrets theirin (e.g. proprietary information) on your own device and/or computer to being exposed to theirs. Being that USPS is a GOVERNMENT agency using their webpage to track your packages containing sensitive CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS that would be considered HAZARDOUS if an untrained personelle were to open up and improperly handle the contents. So, often when you order a research requirement, you are tempted to check the movements of the delivery driver almost to an unscrupulous degree. I used to make the same mistakes myself. Checking on an order requirement for inventory or my own research every 2 hours each day till the package 📦 arrives. Now, I have actually experienced the negative effect that over checking on a tracking number can cause. 9/10× as long as you don't have any laws excluding the right to conduct ANALYTICAL LABORATORY RESEARCH on unscheduled chemicals your order requirement will still arrive as it's supposed to. But, not before they stop the truck with your package on it and have the delivery person conduct a preliminary investigation. Checking, checking, checking way too much WILL set off bells and whistles that makes the courier service insecure and want to check out the contents of such a high priority mail piece. They are more concerned about explosive MATERIAL rather than drugs, or, illicit contraband. Nonetheless, it will unnecessarily delay the arrival of your products.

If you use however, they won't invade your privacy or alert the postal service for exceedingly checking on the whereabouts of your paid goods.

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