🔷 PayPal | Registration | Warm Up | Anti-Fraud

🔷 PayPal | Registration | Warm Up | Anti-Fraud

@bwrfeed, Blackwaterâ„¢ International, Buy n Largeâ„¢ Group

PayPal - is an international payment system that has a unique buyer protection program that can be used for our purposes. In the field of refunds, paying with PayPal is an additional "safety net" that can be used in case of deny of refund in any store.

To register an account, you will need SIM cards and some documents. You can register three accounts for one SIM card, and only one for a passport document. Where to get these consumables, you can read here. Just register PayPal in the same place as the store, it is preferable to do everything on a dedicated server, since the dedicated server has a "clean" ip-address and hardware, which allows you to complete a full verification in 3-5 days.

Well, just go to the website, register and add a bank card. After that, need to confirm your mail. It happens that the message arrives with a delay, just wait. Once the mail has been confirmed, we proceed to full verification. It is needed to increase the payment limits. To do this, go here: https://paypal.com/policy/hub/kyc

Just fill in all the data and upload documents.

Now we postpone PayPal to lie down for 5-7 days. If your verification did not pass in five days, this does not mean that it cannot be used. You just need to warm up with small purchases on any site, if you make PayPal for eBay, then we warm up PayPal and eBay at the same time. If it happens that eBay flies into the block, then this does not mean that PayPal cannot be used for a new eBay account. Just link it to a new account on a new device and that's it. You can use PayPal for the second refund, but only carefully, because PayPal can fly into the block for 180 days and withdraw funds from it you'll can not, so you do everything in moderation. PayPal can be used for different stores, so if you made an order on eBay with a refund, then do not throw it away, but use it for other stores. If you transferred PayPal to a new device, then we heat it up so that it does not fly into the block in the same way.

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Created by BLACKWATERâ„¢ International [BWR Network]
Subsidiary of the Buy n Large™ Group © 2017-2022

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