Pattycake Wanna Put Me Porn Forum

Pattycake Wanna Put Me Porn Forum


Pattycake Wanna Put Me Porn Forum

Sexy PattyCake - Fantastic Beast (720p)

Sexy Pattycake - Heartbreak Hottie Full

Sexy PattyCake - Shopaholic II Video

Sexy PattyCake - Sleepy Massage (Zipset)

Sexy PattyCake - Tongue Tickled (ZipStore)

Sexy PattyCake - Fantastic Beast (720p)

Sexy PattyCake - Snapchat (11/17/20)

Sexy PattyCake - Patty Warbucks Outtakes

Sexy PattyCake - Roses Are Red (LTO)

PattyCake - Heartbreak Hottie BTS II (2K)

Sexy PattyCake - Leprechaun Hunting (LTO)

Sexy PattyCake - Fleur Delacake BTS Outtakes (April 22, 2022)

Sexy PattyCake - "Fantastic Beast" (April 25, 2022)

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[quote user="cporker"]... and I must say this was the largest waste of my money so far. [/quote]

You're obviously not familiar with her style. Good riddance then.

Good riddance? That seems needlessly hostile.

I'm extremely familiar with Pattycake's style, having been a member of her site off and on for years. The way this video was advertised, coupled with the increasing frequency of peeks and slips we've seen lately led me to expect that this video would show a little more skin. Nothing hardcore, just a little bit nauthtier. You don't think that's a reasonable expectation for a video that costs $25 all by itself?

Good post, rchangel. That's my thinking exactly. If the pay-extra stuff is tamer than the normal member content, what's the point?

Speaking if normal content, there's a new limited time video up today. Anyone check it out yet? Any good boob shots? I'm planning on signing back up as soon ad she posts something I'm interested in like the shower and tub videos from not too long ago.

like a thousand years ago. but thanks all the same. :-P

More importantly: THANK YOU PATTYCAKE!














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Come on guys, just leave something to the imagination, jeez! with videos like , u could just about imagine things. On her part, if she just did hc stuff, shed be yesterdays news by the week, i think shes doin fine, id still watch her no matter wat for sure!!!
Sorry Ae2k, I'm with Babycomeback and Ray on this one.... you're coming in at a time where if one more person complains about not seeing enough of Pattycake.... You seriously bought the video and expected to see something naughtier? If you were "extremely familiar" with her style, you would realize that you're still thinking-desiring with your dick (so say we all) and not your reason. I mean we've been through, what, a 7-8-9 year odyssey with this girl ... GET. A. CLUE. She'll take it off if and when she is ready....
A crazy thing happened to me the other day when I was watching Blue Goo II (I think)... I realized that maybe I didn't WANT her to take it all the way off anymore... hard for me to wrap my mind around but, well, I never want to tire of her and I suddenly got paranoid that with all this hype... what am I saying?! I guess maybe it's more that I personally believe that you have to be attracted to her enough to not care if she takes off moreclothing to really be into her. But I understand that everybody is at a different attraction level.... I can keep coming back to Pattycake and am grateful for whatever bone she throws. But I don't collect Kari Sweets like I collect Pattycake, hot as she is... but someone else may feel the reverse. So I get that... and for you, it may be that you are attracted to Pattycake but not so attracted to her that what you get is enough. Conversely, you might have fallen for her at a time where there is so much pr0n on the interweb, you're used to seeing nude girls...and that has changed your expectations. I get that.
I still think there has to be expectation management. I can watch videos of Pixies Pillows over and over again... she's got so much for the imagination... sure it helps to get a nip-slip here and there...but her body is mesmerizing to me without seeing much at all.... I'm content with Erica Rose Campbell never doing hardcore mmm mmmm... my goto video for Alison Angel is a boob/butt massage and, I confess, her fingering her pooper (but that didn't happen for years). Everyone is at a different level. For Pattycake, there are plenty of vids which satisfy my Patty craving.... I don't need more, I don't expect more... and if I'm going to have an expectation, my expectation is that she ain't going to show squat... everything else, then, is a happy surprise.
[quote user="Ae2k"]I'm extremely familiar with Pattycake's style, having been a member of her site off and on for years.[/quote] 
But not a member recently, right? So sorry, didn't mean to offend - - I was shooting from the hip there. Bottom line is, men are weak (but I digress) - - just be glad that Pattycake isn't thrashing you as much as she could.
Look, I bought her "Car Wash" video many years ago and was very disappointed in it ("buyer beware," but I didn't dwell on it). Besides, her site content had different standards six years ago so it made sense. It appears by her look and hair length that this video was shot maybe a year ago...? before the slips and peeks had evolved to be more blatent and de rigueur helping to keep up interest in her. Truth is she's shyer than you think so give the girl a break, alright?
Did you not enjoy the video at all?
 Patty IS great the way she is. If you've been following her website for any length of time, then you obviously agree with me, otherwise you wouldn't have done so for " any length of time " right? Patty teases, and she's never tried to claim otherwise or fool anyone. I personally have loved her look, her style, her outstanding creativity, and her wonderful balance of teasing and occasional pleasing.
The "In Training" video stands as a perfect example of how Patty can be sexy. In its own right, it represents the quality we've come to expect from her, and she gets full credit for that. She has long been and remains my favorite intetnet model, and I hope she never goes away.
 Still, I've got to say there is a problem. "In Training" is comparable to any of the other Limited Time videos she's had in the recent past, which members have gotten for the price of membership. If any other business began charging you substantially extra for something that was previously free or included in an existing cost, you'd complain! As much as any of you or I love her, you cannot deny this fact. If she is going to charge an amount equal to a whole other month's membership (which always included at least four pictorial/video updates, webcam access, and private forum access) and give you only one standard-style video, you have a right to be disappointed. It was a misstep that is going to cost her points with some otherwise loyal members--especially in this economy.
I love her, I always will, and I'll still be a member whenever it fits my budget, but we can't overlook a mistake just because it was made by someone we all love. She deserves constructive feedback so that she can keep the best possible relationship with her fan base and keep being Pattycake online for us for a long time to come.
@ rchangel: Good post, you put it better than I ever could. I think this video, "In Training," is likely the first link in a chain. I expect there to be others and expect the eroticism to rise accordingly if the current trend is any indication. Judging by the response on the Net the demand is certainly there for more - - just not, as you said, more of the same . And speaking of mistakes, the real mistake of hers was to make the link to CCBill live without securing the OK from VISA, leaving VISA members unable to purchase the video. It should be resolved very soon, but how embarassing.
Fascinating @rchangel and everybody..thank you! I wonder what her business model is... I haven't subscribed to the site in a long time but is it active? You get 4 pictorial/video updates a month, webcam access, and private forum access. So did you not get that this month and instead got the offer to purchase the video for the full cost of membership? Or did you get the regular updates and this was a premium offering?
That would bother me if I was a member and didn't get the regular updates. Of course, I think it's the same problem of desert... you pay, so you feel you deserve...Others wank, and feel they deserve. She don't owe us nothing! Capitalism be damned. Really, if you're a paying member, then you pay for a level of reveal -- you always have -- so if she pushes that envelope and wants to reveal more for a premium, more power to her. It is PREMIUM content...
Now, it sounds like the last video like this was a disappointment... that it revealed less while costing more? I wonder how much she relies on a monthly subscribing fan base? I wonder if she relies on the long-timers or maybe her team thinks that the basic updates are worthy of the cost. She puts a personal premium on what she shows (or doesn't show) which is why we're even having this conversation. So if she thinks that a new premium show is worth the price of admission, more power to her. Maybe she's trying to recoup her losses from this era of piracy. If she knows that her videos will end up on torrents, maybe she feels it's better to make more money on them right away to offset the losses from piracy. Maybe she's trying to take her cost-scheme in a different direction to head off piracy or to change her business model and this is only the beginning.
She's not a stripper in a club that you may only visit once. She's Pattycake...her body is a premium to her and to us. If she wants to charge a 25$-a-head lapdance, more power to her. If I could afford it, I would. And some people can and will. Anyone in professional services will RAISE THEIR PRICES especially when there is good demand (for example)... they don't lower them! Their prices go up as their offerings improve and their expertise along with it... it's strange to apply this to the adult industry but, really, this is a BUSINESS... a professional service... she's been at this job more than most of us have probably been at ours...and hers is a small professional business service! ... it's not retail, she's not having her stuff manufactured off-shore... this is some home-grown, premium content, pay for it or steal it and quit your moanin
That said, I think she WOULD want feedback on her business models so that she can make informed decisions... but she may already have anticipated these concerns...she ain't no dummy... the VISA snafu could happen to anyone...don't you know we have a tech plague going on? Everything breaks, all the time....
i had a friend who really did alot of the imagination stuff. he would remember what the chick looked liked and use her image when watching a porn chick get naked or something along those lines and he would project what his memory had about a certain girl.
i can't do's stupid. i don't want to imagine, i want to see. but i don't complain here. i know what her deal is and so be it. i also know/knew what pixie and ND nikki's deal was so i don't bother with argueing there either. i want to see not have to imagine. but if others like the teasing girls than i have no issue with that at all.
 Very nice, but here's a new one. Which hole to put it in? They both look so tight 


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Recent Nude Sexy Pattycake Porn Videos and Pictures

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Sexy Pattycake is 40 years old model from United States with blonde hair, blue eyes and fake breasts. Her first debut in adult industry was in year 2007.

On the date of last scan, the oldest post with active links on our forum with Sexy Pattycake was made in 2013. At this moment we have 506 posts with Sexy Pattycake videos or photos in Forumophilia database and last post was made on Oct 19, 2022.
Looks like this model is at her peak and this, perhaps is the best time for those following the Sexy Pattycake's work. Usually in periods like that models are gaining experience, are more confident in front of a camera, eager to try out new porn genres and do scenes and shoots with top studios who know exactly what fans are looking for and how to get the model to reveal her talents and make her even sexier! At this stage it is especially exciting to watch a fresh clip in a genre that is completely new for this model. Just imagine, you've discovered a new name, this chick is now your dream girl, she has wonderful body, angelic face, delicious boobies and squishy butt. The only problem is that she only does softcore, teasing your constantly, making you come back to that page over and over again to see if she finally did hardcore action. Then BAM comes the day when this model lets go of her fears, embraces her sexuality and does her first anal video, screaming and moaning as big dick tears up her tight little ass hole - the day when you realize that you got exactly what you have been waiting for from this pornstar!
We love to assemble complete collections of girls into dedicated galleries for each person. This way it is much more convenient to follow models and pornstars you like, find new hot and fresh content, find new faces! Models Pages is a fresh idea of Forumophilia team. This is an outside of the box approach to presenting content for Forumophilia as well as majority of other file sharing porn forums.
You may wonder why do we need Models Pages when we already have POPULAR MODELS and PORNSTARS sections, what's the difference?
The thing is, the old section has very strict content posting guidelines which is a pro and a con all at the same time:
Here is where Models Pages come in! Users can post wherever they want and whenever they want, our team will assemble collections all by themselves. This approach may make you see the repeat content more often BUT on the other hand there will be a lot more active links to the content you are looking for.
We believe that this format of displaying the content is much more convenient that traditional forum view and hope that you will like it. Looking forward to your comments and reviews on our General Chat.

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If you guys want the link, PM ME, i'm not pming you. edit: im busy hunting for planet katies new zipset.

enough us the goods!

Saw the Touchdown 3 vid, decent but nothing new for her as far as how revealing it is...waiting for someone to zip the latest Steamy Tease cam show, THAT looks fun!

damnit my comp just wont work with rar files... anyone have these vids in mpg form

I seem to have the same vid for Pink Panther 2 as Pink Panther 3. Anyone know where I can check out all three to see what I'm missing?

Looks like a glimpse of pussy in the second row down 3rd & 5th over.

anybody notice the watermark on the new pics are maybe it's from a new, more revealing site that's going to be up shortly.

Oh how I hope thats the case...It's about time we see some pink!

touchdown III has been deleted. Lets see who can Put in on megapost....








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