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Don't know what to do now
Last three girls left
(I may be wrong) v.8 is out i think or it might be for those who bought to get it early
What are the two achievements above Saffron and how do we get them?
patreon codes doesnt work on mobile
Hey admin Carmen's pictures are pretty much all missing
I don't know why but when I put the code in and then press enter it does nothing but days ago I used it and it worked but this time it doesn't work?
I don't know why but I can't press enter to none of the codes?
any isn’t ideas on how to get at Carmens sister?
Also, it would be good to have a list of achievements to go after instead of just knowing when they were hit
4j5f8g, 37gt8f, 67df9g, 58u79f, 32v09m, 29l87ds, 22m07k, 49n61i, coinage: Funds + 10000, wuvwoo: Reputation + 100, divineintervention: Authority + 50, 45k99n, 99n22w
Hey admin it won’t give to arrange the marriage
It won’t let me arrange the marriage
I put the cheats in when I press enter I gets bugged
marriage? forget it... it just puff like smoke. cant find it
how can i buy the fuckin house????????/
You have to have 100K, then go to the bank and get the loan, then go back to the realtor.
Umm so how do I progress my story with amber? I need it to complete the teacher path
Talk with slave girl at top of the row first. Then mayor and then amber
You need to work at the town hall and get the mayor to draft the education bill
Fuq you mean “double click this passage to edit it”???
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Long Live The Patriarchy
This blog is here to do all the radical feminists on Tumblr a favor by giving them something to be angry about. You're welcome, feminists.

“What is the male gaze? Put simply, it’s the idea that when we look at images in art or on screen, we’re seeing them as a man might - even if we are women - because those images are constructed to be seen by men.”
Well you got that much right, at least. Nothing better than a chick who knows how to suck cock well, that’s for sure.
Your average feminist summed up in this satirical picture.
You seem to have misspelled ‘men’s rights’ really quite badly in your sign.
No, I could write something with an actual understanding of what feminism is and why it’s important instead of just copying iconography of a social movement while saying ‘oh noes, the womens!’.
Orly? Then do it. I dare you. And for every point you make I will give you 2, no 3 reas- fuck that weak shit, 4 reasons why its not needed and why if anything, mens rights is more needed.
I am waiting. I await your points to my ask box, with sources of course form non biased non special interest groups.
I will be awake in 8 hours, and after 2 hours of misc stuff I will be on.
Let’s just start off with a few basic points then shall we?
On average women earn less than men when doing the same job.
Now I don’t know about you but I think that somebody earning less for doing the same job based on their gender (not just gender, you also have race, cis and other factors that come into play and from now on we can take that as a given and I am nothing if not intersectional in my feminism).
Here, have some information from the European Commission and this lovely meta-analysis of the international gender wage gap , it’s a little dry but makes for interesting reading and who doesn’t love a good meta-analysis?
For 51% of the population women really aren’t all that represented.
Have an article from The Independent about it or if you want the study it gets it’s information from.
When women are represented it either doesn’t tend to match to reality and has the tendency to be somewhat over-sexualized.
Women are also drastically underrepresented behind the camera.
The Status of Women in The U.S. Media 2012 , now you may not like that it comes from the Women’s Media Center but it is a very good, easy to understand at a glance resource with all of their sources cited, check the information before you poison the well.
Once again for 51% of the population women aren’t represented all that well.
And now we can get onto the joys of victim blaming.
Here’s something that Rape Crisis has to say about it, some information from Amnesty International on violence against women, some information on attitudes to rape and information on false allegations .
So that’s six basic reasons feminism is still needed so by my count you now owe me 24 rebuttals. Now remember the rules you set up, when you make your points you need to make them with sources of course form non biased non special interest groups, all 24 of them.
Now I don’t know why you would want me to send this to your ask box instead of doing in on our respective dashboards, if I were a more cynical person I might think that you had a desire to take this from public to private to make it easier to ignore things you don’t like and give you the ability to cherry pick the things you want to respond to, but I’m not a more cynical person so it really doesn’t matter.
Wage gap has been one of the most debunked things feminists can say. In a nutshell people who present that figure as some sort of argument never read the damn study and just heard it from another feminists. It doesnt take into account women choose to work less hours, that they choose to take more time off, that pick minimum wage jobs more than men, that they gravitate towards social jobs and retail jobs, that men tend to choose to work more hours and pick the more high paying and more dangerous jobs. It also doesnt take into account jobs based on commission and performance where it determines pay, or seniority like a man getting paid more than a woman in the same position because he worked there for 15 years and the woman is a new hire, or position differences in the same field. They take married older women for example and compare them to a 25yr old single male in a different field. Bit if you take a 25yr old single woman, and a man same age also single, both with similar educations and same jobs, and calculate hours worked, the pay is the same, and sometimes the woman makes $1.02 and the man $1.00 or or $0.98 to a mans dollar. Well within margins of error. Here is a comprehensive look prepared for the government specifically, 95 pages. Enjoy Here are some by women US Department of Labor So while the gap exists, is it because you are oppressed for being women by this mysterious patriarchy gave you everything you need and use to live and enjoy, or are most women either lazy or just dont care about money the way men do? ————— As far as media geos,the all mighty dollar rules. SO if a movie gets more male leads, maybe the story is about a male. Holy fuck. Is this an argument. That link is just a news columnist upset that majority of the leads are men. Whould they complain if it was women? Well guess what, women caused this “problem” Majority of movie watchers are women. So for gender inequality in films, and the film isdustry being a business, meaning profits above all, maybe male leads lead to more interesting films. So now its not about inequality, its just people like it more. Are people preferences sexist now? This is in accurate. Instead of the top 500 movies like your study says, it should be of all movies made. All that study says to me is that men happen to be in more popular movies. Meaning the directors and writers are psychic and choose men on purpose for their hits. Lol. No. No one knows if their movie will tank or not and having only 500 popular movies in the western markets as an example of inequality is bad way of showing it. —————— As far as women in media in general, why do those studies not point out the sterotypes men face. The dumb male who cant solve something a women can in a second, the idiot father, the frail woman beating up the nig strong male in physical contact fighting (force on force ignoring the mass of the woman) the “tough men” are big strong chisled, that these big men are dumb and the bad guy the villins, always the one hurting people. Completly ignoring one side doesnt solve or depict anything in an accurate light. Reading that whole article and study, its apparant its one sided and heavily biased. Saying that the models of women used are the same hight as average woman but they weigh less. So? Were they forced? Is that what the target demographic likes, who have the money? If they used fatter women, there would just be another study about how skinny women are discriminated against. The only actual links to data was done by “Womens Media Center” yeah no bias there. Besides their data just looks at the differences in how many women in radio vs men and so on, then use that to insert their reason “discrimination because women!” ————— Working in the media, same thing. Biased and reasons inserted to fit narative. Even if it was 99% in media and 1% women, is it because women dont care for those careers or because they are oppressed? You would be hard pressed to prove it is oppression and not lack of interest. —————- Politics. Humorus that you link to british politics, when they have a QUEEN. As far as politics go on both sides, again I see the numbers but is it because discrimination, women are not allowed, etc or because women just dont care as much as men. More insertion of reason to fit narative. From more bias stidies “Women & Politics Institute” Come on. ————- Rape culture Doesnt exist. We dont say murder culture, or robbery culture, or whatever culture even when its portrayed more often on tv and music. As far as rape itself, rape crisis england and whales? Till now every link but a couple is from england or europe pulling its numbers from the same place, using data from smaller special interest groups. Really? Amnesty international using rape data from shit hole 3rd world nations like Africa? Feminism hold slut walks and other trash to right for the freedoms of women in Africa? British study this british study that, england this england that, then you use it to say feminism is needed as a whole in america and europe? Lol. While saying the victim had no part in any capacity if she went out drinking with strangers late at night. All while ignoring the rape statistics with men. And that in many areas rape is different for men and women. ——— These 6 poorly written reasons, with bias falling its ass. Her is why mens rights if anything is needed more than a group for whieny privileged women in 1st world nations. +=+=+=+=+ Men are: 99.999% of American combat deaths and casualties (historically) 97%+ since the 1st Gulf War (DOD) “The numbers of wounded women and female amputees, meanwhile, are considerably less than their male counterparts–at least 378 wounded versus 17,490; 11 amputees versus over 400–but they are historic for modern day warfare.” A Pentagon study published in March on the mental health of soldiers returning from deployment to Iraq and Afghanistan found that more than one- third of U.S. soldiers received psychological counseling. A statistic buried in the study: 23.6 percent of women reported a mental health concern compared with 18.6 percent of men. Source: (currently, women are not even required by law to register for selective service, but even mentally challenged and physically disabled men are, in addition to all the healthy ones) In contrast, women get every veteran’s benefit a man does, yet comprise less than 3% of combat deaths or casualties and a woman makes the cover of Time magazine (person of the year/2003 standing in front of two men. Men are 93% of industrial deaths and accident (NIOSH) Even though murder is the leading workplace cause of death for women, a statistic often used by gender feminists, that number is only a percentage of the 6% of workplace deaths that women comprise. In other words, a fraction of a small fraction. One example: Between 1890 and 1917, two hundred thirty thousand (230,000) [male] railroad workers were killed. One of the most dangerous jobs was “brakeman.” Each car had to be stopped manually and it was the brakeman’s job to stop four or five cars. The brakeman walked on top of the RR cars and turned a wheel, putting the brakes “on” for each car. It was not unheard of for a brakeman to be thrown from the top of a RR car. Source: Freight Trains, Modern Marvels, The History Channel, 2006 Men are:   76% of homicide victims – DOJ   80% of Suicide victims – CDC # Suicide took the lives of 30,622 people in 2001 (CDC 2004). # Suicide is the eighth leading cause of death for all U.S. men (Anderson and Smith 2003). # 24,672 suicide deaths reported among men in 2001. 24,672 / 30,622 = .8056952 In other words, over 80% of all suicide deaths in 2001 were male. also: “Suicide ranks 11th among causes of death in the US, with 30,622 completed suicides in 2001. It is the 3rd leading cause of death among people 15 to 24 yr. Men ≥ 75 yr have the highest rate of death by suicide. Among all age groups, male deaths by suicide outnumber female deaths by 4:1.” Source: “The other most common suicide victims are divorced and/or estranged fathers like Derrick Miller. In fact, a divorced father is ten times more likely to commit suicide than a divorced mother, and three times more likely to commit suicide than a married father. Source: Men are the overwhelming majority of rape victims. Male rape has been called “The most closely guarded secret of American prisons.” (Weiss and Friar 1974) There are estimated to be over 300,000 male rapes per year in American prisons and jails. Meanwhile A United Nations statistical report compiled from government sources showed that more than 250,000 cases of male-female rape or attempted rape were recorded by police annually. The reported data covered 65 countries. According to the 2009 United States National Crime Victimization Survey estimates, only 55% of rapes and sexual assaults were reported to law enforcement officials. When a male is raped, less than 10% are believed to be reported. Female-male and female-female rape are ignored altogether in this survey. Other facts regarding men and rape: * 2.1% of men reported forced vaginal sex compared to 1.6% of women in a relationship in the previous year. From: Predictors of Sexual Coersion. *94% of sexually abused youth in correctional facilities reported being abused by female staff. From: Sexual Victimization in Juvenile Facilities, 2008-09. * Among inmates reporting staff sexual misconduct, ~ 65% reported a female aggressor. From: Sexual Victimization in Prisons and Jails Reported by Inmates, 2008-09. * 50% of homeless youth reported being sexually abused by a female. From: It’s Not What You Think: Sexually Exploited Youth in British Columbia. A woman is the party filing for divorce in about 66% of divorce cases. “How often was it that many more of women wanted the divorce more than the men? 2/3. The same as the amount responsible for divorce filings. And yet another study of divorced couples found that the majority of divorced wives and husbands both agreed it was the wife who wanted out.” Source: Women receive custody in about 84% of child custody cases. In the spring of 2002, an estimated 13.4 million parents had custody of 21.5 million children under 21 years of age whose other parent lived somewhere else. About 5 of every 6 custodial parents were mothers (84.4 percent) and 1in 6 were fathers (15.6 percent), proportions statistically unchanged since 1994 (Table A). According to Los Angeles divorce consultant Jayne Major: “Divorced men are often devastated by the loss of their children. It’s a little known fact that in the United States men initiate only a small number of the divorces involving children. Most of the men I deal with never saw their divorces coming, and they are often treated very unfairly by the family courts.’” Paternity fraud is rampant in the U.S. 30% of those named as fathers who test for paternity find they are not the biological father. Source: Not only is all this imbalance around marriage and children unfair to men, we must also consider that the damaged inflicted on fatherless children is staggering:   63% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes (US Dept. Of Health/Census) – 5 times the average.   90% of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes – 32 times the average.   85% of all children who show behavior disorders come from fatherless homes – 20 times the average. (Center for Di
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