Patch X Thunderbolt Porn

Patch X Thunderbolt Porn

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The story begins with the entire Dalmatian family, including Patch, being driven home to Cherry Tree Farm, Little Tichfield, Devon. On the way, Patch explained to his family about how he missed the move to the country, how he got to London to meet Thunderbolt at the auditions, and how he spent the whole day with Thunderbolt there. Patch's family found his story very interesting.

"Welcome home, everyone!" Roger said to the entire Dalmatian family as he opened the door to let them out of the car, now that they were all back home.

While all the Dalmatians are running around in the wide open space of the countryside, Roger eyed Patch carefully.

"Especially you, Patch," said Roger. "You've been in enough trouble, spending moving day in London, but we're all happy that you saved the rest of the family from that wicked Cruella DeVil, and that we have you back. And you've got that job with Thunderbolt, so you'll make us very proud. Won't you, boy?"

Patch let out a few barks in excitement.

"Good boy!" Roger chuckled as he patted Patch's head. "Now, run along. But stay on this farm! This place is your home, now."

As Roger went inside the house, Patch heard Rolly calling him.

"Hey, Patch, come here! You gotta see this place!"

Patch rushed to the other side of the farm to meet his brothers and sisters and have a good look around his new home.

"Do you like this place?" Rolly asked Patch.

"Yeah, it's wonderful," Patch answered in awe, but then showed an expression of regret. "If only I had seen it on moving day rather than gone to the auditions in London to meet Thunderbolt."

"Why?" Lucky asked curiously. "You're a big fan of Thunderbolt, and you really wanted to meet him, right?"

"I did, but it got you all in danger. After the photographers took pictures of Thunderbolt at the auditions for the papers, Cruella managed to find out where we now live in. That's because I was in those pictures, and the tag on my collar has our address on it. So, if I hadn't gone to see Thunderbolt in London and had the pictures taken with him, Cruella wouldn't have read the address from the paper and kidnapped you guys."

"But Patch, if none of that had ever happened, you wouldn't have rescued us."

"And if you hadn't rescued us," said Rolly, "you wouldn't have become a one-of-a-kind wonderdog."

"And you wouldn't have gotten the part on Thunderbolt's show as his new sidekick," added Penny.

Patch nodded his head in agreement.

"Yeah," Patch said softly. "I guess you're right."

"Well, Patch," said Rolly, patting Patch gently on the back, "all that matters, now, is that we're all safe. This farm is a great place for all ninety-nine of us pups to run and play."

Patch gasped in shock at what Rolly just said. He remembered having to put up with his eighty-four new brothers and sisters while still living in the small flat in London; it was not easy for him to live in a small space with a total of ninety-eight brothers and sisters. After going through having an identity crisis before moving day, he did not like the idea of having to go through that again.

"All ninety-nine of us pups?" Patch said, terrified. "No! I don't want to go through putting up with them again."

All the other pups looked at Patch, confused, while he looked down to the ground in sadness.

"Patch, what's wrong?" Rolly asked curiously. "What do you mean you don't want to go through putting up with them again?"

"I mean our new brothers and sisters," Patch responded sadly.

After what Patch just said, all eighty-four of the adopted pups in the family felt hurt.

"He doesn't like us," one of the pups gasped.

"Patch, you don't really hate us, do you?" another pup asked with concern.

"Oh, no, you guys," Patch said with sorrow in his tone. "It's not that. I like all of you. It's just that--"

Patch stopped, took a deep sigh, and looked down to the ground again, wondering how he was going to explain how difficult it was to live with so many siblings without hurting their feelings.

"What, Patch?" Lucky asked, sounding worried. "Come on, you can tell us."

Patch took a deep breath and began to explain everything to his siblings.

"All right," Patch began. "Ever since we had new brothers and sisters, none of you noticed that I exist anymore. You ate up all the food, stole my spot at the television, and ran around without seeing that I was in your path. And while we were watching Thunderbolt, I have been spoiling episodes just to get your attention. When that didn't work, I tried barking like Thunderbolt on our last night in the flat."

All the other pups were surprised at what Patch just told them. They thought it all over, and remembered their last night in the flat very well. They remembered running around the flat without knowing if anyone was in their direction. They remembered eating their dinner without knowing who already ate and who had not eaten. They even remembered telling Patch to be quiet while watching The Thunderbolt Adventure Hour. But most importantly, they remembered laughing at Patch after he did Thunderbolt's heroic bark.

"So, that's why you did all that," said Rolly, surprised. "Patch, why didn't you just tell us about your problems before you did those things to get our attention?"

"I dunno," said Patch. "There's just so many of us that I don't think any of you will have any time to listen to me."

"You're right, Patch," said Penny. "There is so many of us, and that's why it's so hard to notice everyone. But you gotta know that no matter how hard it is for us to notice everyone, we all love each other very much as a family. We even love you."

"I love you guys, too," said Patch quietly.

"We never thought that living with so many siblings would really be much harder for you than we thought it would be," said Lucky. "We're sorry, Patch. It was all our fault. If we all had just taken the time to notice everyone here before we do anything, we wouldn't have anyone having such a hard time."

All the other pups agreed with Lucky and apologized to Patch.

"But you've had those problems when we were living in a very small flat where there's just not enough room for all of us," said Freckles. "We now live in a big place in the country, so everything will change."

"Yeah, Patch," said Pepper. "Don't worry. You'll never have to put up with not being noticed again, now that we are living in a farm with wide open space where we can run around freely. We promise."

All of Patch's brothers and sisters gathered around Patch to hug him.

"And Patch," said Rolly, "when it's dinnertime, I'll save a full bowl for you. And when you're finished with that, you're welcome to eat from mine."

All the other pups looked at Rolly in surprise. Rolly, usually gluttonous, never shared his food with anyone before.

"Rolly, this isn't like you," said Lucky. "You'll share your dinner?"

"Sure, I will," said Rolly.

All the pups then heard Nanny ring the bell.

"Dinnertime!" Nanny called, and all the pups ran to the back of the house, each one to a bowl of Kanine Krunchies.

"Here you go, Patch," said Rolly, pushing a bowl toward Patch.

Patch ate up all the food from his bowl as fast as he could to make sure that no one else would come over to eat from there first. He then took a big mouthful of food from Rolly's bowl.

"Thank you, Rolly," Patch said with his mouth full, which causes some of the kibble in his mouth to fly at Rolly.

"Don't talk with your mouth full, mister," Rolly said in a playful stern tone.

After swallowing all the food in his mouth, Patch was now able to talk.

"Sorry," Patch said, laughing nervously for talking with his mouth full.

"It's okay, Patch," Rolly chuckled. "You're welcome."

"I'll let you eat the rest so you won't feel hungry like you always do," Patch said as he pats Rolly's large stomach, and he and Rolly both laughed together about it. "Well, I gotta go! Thunderbolt is about to start, and I gotta make sure nobody steals my spot at the telly!"

Patch pounced on each of his siblings' heads as he makes his way to the house to reach the television first. Patch's pouncing caused his siblings to say, "Ouch!" "Hey!" "Watch it!" and "Be careful!"

"Excuse me! Pardon me! Coming through! Sorry about that!" Patch said to his siblings as he continued pouncing from one of his siblings' heads to another and made it into the house.

As Patch continued his way to the television, he saw a big hole on the floor in front of him, screeched to a stop to avoid falling into that hole, and made a turn to the living room to meet Roger and Anita there.

"There you are, Patch!" said Roger. "We were wondering when you'd find the television in your new home before your favorite show starts!"

"Patch also seemed to notice that hole to your music room, Roger," said Anita.

"Well, Patch," Roger laughed, "now that you've found that hole there, remember to watch your step while you're in the house."

Patch let out a couple of barks in response, and Roger and Anita laughed. They all then saw the rest of the Dalmatian family come into the living room.

"Oh, look!" Anita said as she saw the Dalmatian family sitting at the television. "The whole family's here to see the episode of Thunderbolt that they did today!"

"Well, then, shall we get on with the show?" said Roger, and he turned the television on to The Thunderbolt Adventure Hour.

"Hey, Patch!" Lucky whispered. "Come and sit over here with me!"

Patch sat next to Lucky in front of the television. Before the pups were first kidnapped, Lucky would usually climb up too close to the television, and all the other pups would get annoyed and tell him to get down so they can see. The whole family watched the show together. When it was over, all the pups were in the barn, laughing and playing with each other before bedtime. Patch started to feel more comfortable with his new brothers and sisters as he tackled a few of them to the ground and tugged on their ears with his teeth in the process.

"So, Patch," said Rolly, "are you feeling better, now that you're back in the family?"

"I sure am!" Patch answered proudly.

"Patch, you should be really proud of yourself!" said Lucky. "After saving us from Cruella and guest-starring in The Thunderbolt Adventure Hour, you got the part on the show as Thunderbolt's new sidekick!"

"That means you'll be seen on every episode from now on," said Penny, "because the show was just renamed The Thunderbolt And Patch Adventure Hour."

"Yeah!" said Patch enthusiastically. "I'm really happy that I'm Thunderbolt's new sidekick on the show! I'm gonna be with Thunderbolt all day, everyday, attacking bad guys and saving lives from danger on the show!"

Patch walked up the tallest hay bale in the barn and majestically stood tall on top of it.

"The villains will all cringe in fear," said Patch proudly. "Thunderbolt and Patch are here!"

Patch then started to do Thunderbolt's heroic bark.

"PATCH, NO! STOP!" Rolly shouted before Patch could finish the bark. "Remember your past mistake back in the flat?"

"What past mistake?" asked Patch.

"Barking like Thunderbolt, of course," said Lucky. "We laughed at you for that because you didn't have the voice to do it right, and you still don't, okay? So, don't make us have to laugh at you again."

After what Lucky just said, Patch turned angry.

"You guys are pathetic!" Patch snapped as he walked down the hay bale. "After becoming a real hero and getting the job on the show with Thunderbolt, you're still gonna laugh at me when I do that bark? You can't do that to me anymore! Thunderbolt's gonna start helping me improve my voice to do that bark tomorrow on my first day at work! You guys are supposed to show me some support!"

"We can't," said Rolly apologetically.

"Rolly!" said Patch, his anger increasing a bit.

"We're sorry! Look, the reason why we can't support you on improving your voice to do Thunderbolt's bark is because we're all pups. Pups will get laughed at for doing that bark because they don't have the voice for it, not even you, Patch. If you do that bark again while you're still a pup, you'll still sound as if--"

"--somebody sat on a squeaky toy!" Patch finished angrily. "I know! But I'm not going to sound like that for too long. My voice can change soon if I keep working on it."

But Rolly shook his head to show that it was still not right for Patch to have his brothers and sisters support him on improving his voice to do Thunderbolt's heroic bark.

"Now, Patch," said Rolly sharply, "if you do that bark in front of anyone, you'll be laughed at for it, even by us. That's not what you want, now, is it? If you want to work on improving your voice to do that bark, then you gotta promise us that you'll only do it at work with Thunderbolt."

"I don't know, Rolly," said Patch sadly. "I mean, I really need my family to--"

"Promise us, Patch," said Rolly, sounding more serious.

Patch's spirits became low. He knew that at this point, there was nothing he could say or do to get his siblings to support him on improving his voice to do Thunderbolt's heroic bark. So, he hung his head miserably and gave in.

"Okay, I promise," Patch said glumly.

All the other pups looked at Patch sadly. Lucky went closer to Patch and hugged him.

"Cheer up, Patch," said Lucky. "Just because we can't support you on improving your voice to do that bark doesn't mean we don't believe in you. But it's going to take time for your voice for that bark to be just as good as Thunderbolt's, so don't worry about it. Just focus more on attacking villains and saving lives on the show, and you'll be as successful as Thunderbolt before you know it."

"Thank you, Lucky," said Patch, trying to force a smile back on his face.

All the pups then saw their father, Pongo, walk into the barn.

"All right, children," Pongo said to the pups. "It's time for bed."

All the pups groaned.

"But Dad, we're not a bit sleepy," Penny yawned.

"Come on, now," Pongo responded. "All of you need to get to bed."

He turned to face Patch.

"That includes you, Patch," he said. "Even heroes need to get their rest so they can have enough energy to save the day. You do have a big day tomorrow with Thunderbolt, don't you?"

"Definitely, Dad!" said Patch, his spirits now back high again. "I got a new job with Thunderbolt! I got the role of his new sidekick on the show, and I can't wait to see how I do on my first day tomorrow!"

"Well, I think you're going to do great on your first day. Just do what you are told there, and you'll be able to get through it with no problem. And, of course, Thunderbolt is going to be there to help you all the way. There's going to be a lot of hard work ahead of you. But right now, it's time for you to get some sleep."

"Okay, Dad," said Patch, laying himself down on a hay bale after he climbed onto it. "Good night."

"Good night, my little one-of-a-kind wonderdog."

And with that, everyone in the Dalmatian Plantation fell asleep.
Chapter One: Back In The Family

All "101 Dalmatians" characters (c) Disney
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Really Amazing, good job, also I watched you.
Pretty interesting so far. Keep up the great work.
Also, are they as real dogs or as anthros?
What if Thunderbolt had a mate, and pups of his own?
Saturday came, and the Dalmatian family was taken to the park in London to meet Thunderbolt there. While the producer of The Thunderbolt And Patch Adventure Hour discussed with Roger and Anita about paying them Patch's weekly checks, Thunderbolt and the Dalmatian family discussed Patch and Thunderbolt's success on the previous night's episode of their show. "It was brilliant!" Patch said to Thunderbolt excitedly. "The way we rescued the trapped miners, and stopped Dirty Dawson from getting away with all that gold!" "Yeah!" said Lucky. "It was excellent to see you throw the dynamite out of the mine like that, Thunderbolt!" "And we were all

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