Pastor Notes

Pastor Notes

Destiny TV


Theme: The Christian Life: A life In the Supernatural And Not In The Natural ( Part 3 ).


Habakkuk 2 : 4

John 4 : 23 - 24 

2 Corinthians 4: 16 - 18


Worshiping in the Spirit and Truth is simply a life in the Supernatural 

- Worship in the Spirit = Conviction of the Holy Spirit 

- Worship in Truth = Revelation of the word

All the above makes up A Life in The Supernatural 

V. The woman of Shunem's Encounter With The Supernatural (2 Kings 4 : 8 - 17 / 18 - 37)

Shunem = Double Resting Place - A city in Issachar, located 5 miles( 8 kilometres) South of Mount Tabor.

- Shunem also means a quiet place 

- She was not a native of Shunem but an imigrant in Shunem 

- Elisha passes by Shunem 

- The woman constrained( prevailed upon ) Elisha to eat

- She was wealthy/ well to do woman 

- The woman's connection with the supernatural 

• V 9= she perceived ( inner seeing ) that Elisha was a Holy man of God 


what do you perceive?

= Your perception is what opens your door

= There Right Perception and Wrong Perception 


= Jacob at Luz / Bethel 

- V 10 Her Perception led her actions 

= She suggested to her husband " Let us make...." As God said " Let us make man in our own image ..." 

• So the woman in effect saying to her husband " Let us make this man, Servant of God. 

• Let us make his life comfortable for his ministry 

• Let us provide comfort

= The way you perceive God is the way you serve him

= The way you perceive your Pastor is the way you relate to him

- How do we perceive ? To have the Right view of God or things;

Spending time with God in The word / Prayer/ meditation 


1. Everyone has a need

2. Every need has a solution 

3. Every solution depends on the inspired actions you take towards God/ Note that Elisha did not ask the woman 

• Don't always wait for God to ask or demand.

- The Result of Her Actions:

1. The curse of barrenness and childlessness was broken by the Prophets Anointing = Matthew 10 : 41

2. Her property was restored back to her with interests / 2 Kings 8 : 1 - 6

3. She received a privileged information about what will happen in her land : 2 Kings 8: 1 - 3

V. Joseph And The Supernatural = Genesis 37 / Genesis 39

- He resisted temptation to the point of being disgraced and cast into prison 

- He fled the scene 

- He did not yield to Sin because 

- He believed in the Supernatural 

- He valued his dream/ Destiny 


1. Joseph exhibited a spiritual and moral excellence 

- Spiritual Excellence = He feared God

- Moral Excellence = He did not cheat on his boss

= Proverbs 13 : 11 / Proverbs 11 : 1 

- This scripture is taking to two people in business 

- Those who cut people to make exorbitant profits

- Those who exploit by over bargaining to get more.

VI. Ezekiel and The Supernatural = Ezekiel 37

VII. Mary and the Supernatural = Luke 1: 28 - 37

VIII. Peter And The Supernatural = Luke 5 : 1 - 8

IX. The Disciples And The Supernatural = John 6

X. The woman With The Issue of Blood And The Supernatural = Mark 5 : 24 - 34.

XI. Mary and Martha's Encounter With The Supernatural = John 11

XII. Jairus and the Supernatural = Mark 5 : 21 - 24, 35 - 36

XIII. The woman who Poured The Alabaster box of Expensive Perfume on Jesus = Matthew 26 : 6 - 13 / John 12 : 1 - 8

  - What moved this woman to do this ? Her faith in the Supernatural 

  - It was the most expensive perfume 

  - It cost one year wages

  - Until the perfume was broken it retained its fragrance 

  - The fragrance touched Jesus Christ 

  - This became a memorial 

  - The reaction of the disciples 

= There Are three kinds of People in the Pews

- Those who are only moved by the needs of the Pastor 

- Those only moved by the needs of the church 

- Those moved by both.

NOTE : Some still doubt whether we can finish our building project...


- Holy Spirit give me the heart and mind for the Supernatural / Ezekiel 36 : 26/ 1 Samuel 10 : 9

- Holy Spirit give me the attitude for the Supernatural .

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