Passphrase Invalid Private Key

Passphrase Invalid Private Key


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JSR MICRO | Enthusiast | 2 | Members | 25 posts
We are trying to install a server certificate on our netscaler, but when at the last step it fails with the error message: "Invalid private key, or PEM pass phrase required for this private key". I tried already the command "openssl rsa -in current_keyfilename -out NEW_keyfilename" but it still fails with above message.
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Raman Kaushik | Master | 828 | Members | 607 posts
Open the certificate and hit details and then see the screenshot.
After step 4, give a name (make sure you browse the location where you want to save) and finish the process.
This will re-generate the Certificate file.
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Raman Kaushik | Master | 828 | Members | 607 posts
If you open your key file in a notepad do you see something like:
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JSR MICRO | Enthusiast | 2 | Members | 25 posts
the original key file gives me: -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTEDDEK-Info:
after I did the command it gives me only : -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
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Raman Kaushik | Master | 828 | Members | 607 posts
For the key file: openssl rsa -noout -modulus -in FILE.key
For the cert file: openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in FILE.cer
The modulus output should match exactly.
root@VPX# openssl rsa -noout -modulus -in letuslab.key

root@VPX# openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in
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JSR MICRO | Enthusiast | 2 | Members | 25 posts
I get an output from the .key but when I try to do above command for my .cer i get the following error:
34374509480: error:0906D06C :PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line:/home/build/rs_120_53_3_RTM/usr.src/crypto/openssl/crypto/pem/pem.lib.c:707Expecting: TRUSTED CERTIFICATE
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JSR MICRO | Enthusiast | 2 | Members | 25 posts
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I'm trying to send a file to some server using SFTP. During this process I'm getting the exception
Renci.SshNet.Common.SshException: Invalid private key file. at Renci.SshNet.PrivateKeyFile.Open(Stream privateKey, String passPhrase)
Generated the keys using PuTTYgen, shown below is an sample format of private key file. It has both the public and the private keys.
I copied the private key part from the above file in the config file and I'm accessing it as SftpKey in my code.
Got an OpenSSH format of the above key which looks like
I copied only the key part from the above file and copied in my config file and ran my code. Issue was not resolved.
Below is the code i'm using for SFTP upload
Is there anything wrong with the code or what could be the issue? Any help is much appreciated.
Konduri Vikram
Konduri Vikram 149●11 gold badge●11 silver badge●77 bronze badges
Martin Prikryl
151k●4343 gold badges●352352 silver badges●735735 bronze badges
I copied only the key part from the above file
You need to have complete key file in the MemoryStream. And exactly as in the file (as if you were using FileStream with your text key file). So no Convert.FromBase64String.
Actually with the earlier code i was showing there is an existing implementation where the file is successfully sent.
Then your connection string does not contain what you claim. Check the implementation of PrivateKeyFile.Open. It explicitly checks that the stream starts with ---- BEGIN ... PRIVATE KEY. If not, it throws "Invalid private key file."
It's actually probably even impossible (or difficult) to store multi-line contents into the connection string. If your code ever worked, it must be because your SftpKey connection strings contain a complete key file (including the BEGIN ... PRIVATE KEY envelope) but encoded (again) in Base64 encoding (as a single line). Like this:
Martin Prikryl
Martin Prikryl 151k●4343 gold badges●352352 silver badges●735735 bronze badges
As this is the top answer for that error message, so I think it's worthwhile expanding on a point in your original question - converting to an OpenSSH format key.
Renci.SshNet can't use PuTTY keys that start with:
You can use puttygen.exe to convert to the OpenSSH format
This will make a key that starts with:
Matt Kemp
Matt Kemp 2,204●11 gold badge●2525 silver badges●3737 bronze badges
This might be a useful comment to the question, but it's definitely not the answer to this question. This is covered for example in Authentication with PPK key in SSH.NET. – Martin Prikryl Aug 28 '19 at 5:30
Thank you Matt, I don't know why I use the private key, it throws exception and I convert it to OpenSSH it works. – anhtv13 Sep 25 '19 at 4:16
@anhtv13 OpenSSH format is the defacto standard which is why Renci.SSHNet uses it. See this answer for an explanation of the difference in the formats: – Matt Kemp Sep 25 '19 at 23:45
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