Passionate Year Analysis

Passionate Year Analysis


Passionate Year Analysis
“The passionate year” by James Hilton ANALYSIS
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Drawing from critical sociocultural perspectives that view play, literacy, and gender as social practices, boys’ Disney Princess play is examined as a site of identity construction and contestation situated within overlapping communities of femininity and masculinity practice where children learn expected practices for “doing gender.” The article presents critical discourse analysis of two instances of 5- and 6-year-old children’s doll play excerpted from data collected during a year of weekly visits to one focal kindergarten in a U.S. Midwest public school, part of a larger three-year study of literacy play as mediated discourse. Through princess play, children enacted femininities and masculinities and negotiated character roles with peers in ways that enforced and contested gender expectations circulated in media marketing and enforced in play groups. Findings indicate that doll play is a productive pedagogy for mediating gendered identity texts circulating through global media and for creating spaces for diverse gender performances in early childhood settings.
The novel Cry, The Peacock by Anita Desia reveals delusions of the female protagonist who attempts to decry her loneliness through her own make-believe shifts and finally when she understands the truth of living, she understands that emotions that rooted in faith and in love count for more than memory to live in reality and that is the only way to live with detachment from disillusionment.
From the Editors 3 Call for Manuscripts 4 Diane …
Here I explore the West African, African-American, and Anglo-American roots of cool through the saxophonist Lester Young's synthesis of these cultural materials. The origins of cool are in the African-American jazz culture of the early 1940s: Young single-handedly disseminated the concept to refer to an ideal state of mind. When Young said, “I’m cool," he meant “I'm calm," "I'm keeping it together," or "I'm relaxed in this environment, and in my own style." Cool was an ideal state of balance, a calm-but-engaged state of mind between the emotional poles of "hot" (excited, aggressive, intense, hostile) and "cold" (unfeeling, efficient, mechanistic). Cool was the precedent for chill. There were four vital African-American concepts subsumed into the concept of cool and all influence contemporary usage. First, to be cool meant to maintain a relaxed attitude in performance of any kind, whether on-stage or walking in public. Second, to be cool was to project emotional self-control -- as if wearing a "cool mask" in the face of hostile, provocative outside forces. Third, to be cool was to create a unique, individual style -- or sound -- that communicated something of your inner spirit. Fourth, cool was an artistic ideal of emotional communication within an artistic field of rules and restraint (such as jazz or art or basketball). Then and now, cool is also just the word used to express aesthetic approval of any performance ("cool!"). Young's strategies of style were as influential as his artistic innovations. His renowned use of hip slang influenced jazz culture, Beat generation writers, and the counter-culture of the 1960s. He wore shades on-stage at night and indoors as a marker of cool defiance and self-insulation. His renowned sense of humor and trademark pork-pie hat, and silent, expressive sadness generated so much jazzlore he remains a model of the hip jazz musician. He expressed his inner pain artistically and wore blank facial expression to resist the white gaze such that he embodied two aspects of cool that seem contradictory: artistic expressiveness and emotional self-control. Young created the "cool" saxophone style and he is the father of cool jazz. His ground-breaking solos with the Count Basie Orchestra and Billie Holiday helped bring about a paradigm shift to the individual soloist during the swing era. He burst into recorded jazz history in 1936 with a revolutionary and modern tenor sound: fast, floating, airy, clean, light. His combination of lightning speed, blues feeling, rhythmic balance, precise articulation and inexhaustible melodic ideas made him something like the Michael Jordan of jazz. Young dedicated his life to being original on the Romantic model -- in music, mannerisms, and deportment. He was 'cool' – calm, relaxed, unhurried, charismatic, self-confident. Jack Kerouac worshiped him and his heirs (Miles Davis, Charlie Parker) disseminated the concept of cool. Young influenced hundreds of musicians during the most dynamic years of the Great Migration.
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The text under analysis is an extract from the book “The Passionate Year” written by James Hilton. James Hilton wrote his first novel “Catherine Herself”. His first big success came with the publication of “Good-bye, Mr.Chips”. Some of his other books are: “We are not alone”, “Random Harvest”, “Nothing so strange” and “Time and Time Again”. In this text the author describes the relationship between pupils and their attitude to a new teacher. The title of the text excites many associations due to abstract word “passionate” the relationship between pupils. This text is the author’s reminiscences from his own life. The author wrote the psychological story because he describes pupil’s everyday life and difficulties which a new young teacher can find. The author used such stylistic devices, for example: pun – to underline or to show us the all humoristic of this situation and so the author wanted to show the intension, the atmosphere in the class. The author described not these pupils, but he also wanted to show teacher’s one-day and his attempts to communicate with children.
This story was written in chronological order. We could see all events which happened in this story. This text can be divided into three logical parts. All events which he describes in this text are presented in their logical order. The first part of the text introduces the exposition. In this part the author shows us the scene from one day’s pupil everyday life at school. The author wanted to reveal the atmosphere in class. His aim was to display the teacher’s agitation and give us the intension of this situation. The atmosphere was strained, awkward, tense and nervy. The main characters in this story are: the teacher - Speed, two boys, the whole assembly and Nailor. The second part is a narration. A young man comes into the class to conduct a lesson. It was his first lesson, the atmosphere was broken by pupils and the teacher decided to punish them. He ordered to stand Warsley or Wowsley, but he didn’t know who was who. Wowsley was ungilty and he said about it his friend supported him, but the teacher decided to punish these two boys. It was no important for him who was guilty and then two boys wrote 100 lines. But at the end of the punishment the teacher remembered his own case from his life and he made concessions. The third part is climax. The climax lies in the episode when the teacher began to punish the boys. The more tension was the moment “What for sir?” The plot is unified. The main idea of this text is to testify the conflict between the teacher and the boys. The nature of the conflict is based on misunderstanding between a teacher and a pupil on the other hand as a result of generation gap between them. The atmosphere of suspense was created by the author. The author used flashbacks from his own life to introduce the reader to information reveal the teacher’s condition, his own world. The conflict was resolved at the logical end. The teacher made concession because he remembered himself in his youth. The plot is unified. The main character – protagonist – is the teacher Speed. He was a broad-minded, experienced, an intelligent, a well-bred, a well-read, clever and wise person. The antagonist are the boys and the whole assembly which the author personificated. The boys are very naughty and bad. The main characters during this text are changed. For example, the teacher Speed changed, he became greater to children and he changed his own world. The author reveals the main character describing him as directly and indirectly. He displays us him through his acts, world. The purpose of the minor characters was to testify children, their attitude to a new teacher and their behavior. Two boys represented the whole assembly.
The setting which the author revealed us was very important in my response, because it helps us to imagine the whole situation. I think the setting is used symbolically and this setting can be used in any school. The time, place and atmosphere in this text related to the theme of course. It might happen at any school to any children and teacher. This story was written by the author. The third person narrator is Speed who tells us the story. The narrator is the author himself. He is reliable and objective. The theme which the author touches upon in this text developed implicitly through the plot, main characters, descriptions and dialogs. To my mind this theme is actual in our life. It’s sure a confirm of my values, because it could happen to any young teacher at any school at any time. The style is consistent and appropriate throughout the story. The author used some colloquial expressions such as: “to be hard on”, “to pay the penalty of”, “to put off” to testify Speed’s wishes and attempts to find the contact with the whole class. The whole class-assembly is a personificated because the author used this stylistic device to display the atmosphere in class. He created such atmosphere of mutual friendship, trust and understanding. The level of diction can be described both formal and informal. The author uses long complex sentences, stylistic coloured super-neutral words. For example, the following bookish words: “subdued expectancy”, “outrageously bold”, “adventure passed entirely without incidents”, poetics words to show Speed’s high intellectual quality and the same time in Speed’s speech can be charactered informal in his dialogs with the pupils. That’s why the author uses we come across some short sentences and one case of break in the narrative (What for sir?), “for sitting in your wrong desk” and colloquial expressions. Credit should be given to the author for his masterful usage of stylistically coloured worlds. The choice of words in the following expressions, for example, “straggling to their places”, “the boys stared about them”, “there was some tittering”,” the whole assembly roared with laughter” contributes to creation of certain atmosphere. The author uses some stylistic devices to make the story more expressive, pictures, vivid, objective. For example, pun - he wondered how the name should be pronounces whether the first syllable should rhyme with “purse” or with “horse”. Using this stylistic device the author wanted to show the intention to put the boy’s off. One more device is a simile: “as if he were sitting on a powder-magazine” to display the protagonist’s excitement and intension. Allusion (stylistic device), for example, “ being pioneers”, oxymoron – “outrageously bold”, “adventure”, understainment – “tittering”, the epithet – “hysterics of laughter”, metonymy – “assembly roared with laughter”, “again the assembly laughed” used to show that the class was unified in its desire, to play practical joke on a new teacher and everyone was ready to do his part in this action. The tone of the story in the whole is humorous and ironical. The tone of exposition is a little extense and the repetition used by the author proves those facts the “boys stared at about the grinned at each other seemed as if…” The ironical effect is achieved by means of simile “as if he were sitting”.
Personally I think that this text is interesting because you don’t know what happen next and how the main characters will behave. I think that this problem described by the author is very actual nowadays, because it can happen to any young teacher at any school.

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Analysis of “The Passionate Year” by James Hilton
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The fragments under study are taken from the book “The Passionate Year” written by English writer James Hilton, who took education in Cambridge where he wrote his first novel, “Catherine Herself”. Also he is famous with his books “We Are Not Alone” (1937), “Random Harvest” (1941), “Nothing So Strange” (1947), “Time and Time Again” (1953).
The main idea conveyed by the author is to show how difficult it is for a young teacher to overcome all the challenging problems he faces at school. 3. The subject-matter
The theme of the given extract is describing teacher’s behavior in nonstandard situation. 4.1 The Plot
The plot is developed on the basis of the conflict between the young teacher and the students. Analysis of “The Passionate Year” by James Hilton
The fragments under study are taken from the book “The Passionate Year” written by English writer James Hilton, who took education in Cambridge where he wrote his first novel, “Catherine Herself”. Also he is famous with his books “We Are Not Alone” (1937), “Random Harvest” (1941), “Nothing So Strange” (1947), “Time and Time Again” (1953).
This text was written by an English writer James Hilton. He was born in 1900. His literary success he had ... and class-consciousness. They were frequently his targets. “The passionate year” was written in 1924. This abstract is about a teacher who put ... 20. Several of his books were international bestsellers and some of them were successfully filmed. In the mid-1930s Hilton lived and worked ...
The main idea conveyed by the author is to show how difficult it is for a young teacher to overcome all the challenging problems he faces at school. 3. The subject-matter
The theme of the given extract is describing teacher’s behavior in nonstandard situation.
The plot is developed on the basis of the conflict between the young teacher and the students. The plot structure The exposition of the text begins with the describing of the emotional state of the main character when he sees the school boys straggling to their places. He feels that something is being prepared. Beginning of the events (the knot of the intrigue) is marked by the banging of desk-lids at the far end of the hall. Then there follows complications of the events: another boy drops the desk-lid and Speed calls his name and punishes him with copying hundred lines. There comes the climax – it turns out that Speed has confused names but he neatly copes with the problem. The sentence: «you and Worsley can share the hundred lines between you» – is the denouement of the text. The epilogue suggests that Speed passed his «ordeal» successfully.
4.2 The Composition-organization of the Contents
The plot is ordered chronologically in the form of a straight-narrative presentation. 5. The Way of Presentation
The extract is written in the 3rd person narrative.
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... “The passionate year” was written in 1924. This abstract is about a teacher who put ... text was written by an English writer James Hilton. He was ... books were international bestsellers and some of them were successfully filmed. In the mid-1930s Hilton ...
How to Write a Book Review critical book review is not a book report or a ... adequate notes as you read your book: A. Selection's topic, author and author's ... author's information (or conclusion) conflict with other books you " ve read, courses you " ve ...
... Year and an American Library Association Best Book For Young Adults an has been nominated for Young Reader Awards in 9 states. Lois Duncan writes ... From early childhood, she knew she wanted to be a writer. At the age of ten she submitted her first story ...
... * Who would benefit from reading this book? * How does the book compare to other books in the field? * It can be ... book's merits, usefulness, and special contributions, along with shortcomings you think are necessary to point out. * What is the writer’s ...
... is talented, and her young heart has never been broke. The year is 1901. At some ... and turns that it was captivating. The book was very descriptive and wordy, but ... high school and I highly reccomend this book to anyone who loves a beautiful, fulfilling ...

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“The Passionate Year” is a book by James Hilton, an English writer of the beginning of the 20 th century. The extract under discussion is about a commencing teacher Speed, and is devoted to the problem of relations between pupils and teachers at school.
As it turns out, this problem was even more acute in those days as it is now, since the situation Speed faces in the story is frightening – the whole school sits in front of him, and to keep them under control seems next to impossible.
The exposition comes at the very beginning – Speed is in the classroom and watches pupils “coming in quietly enough”, but he is aware of the tradition of “ragging” teachers, especially on their first day at school. That’s why he feels rather as if he were “on a powder magazine”. The beginning on the conflict comes with the banging of the desk-lids.
The action develops climatically. The main thing for Speed is not to make a fool of himself, as it means an outright failure.
Speed pulls himself together, collects his wits and announces that any disorderliness will be severely punished. That doesn’t help – the banging of the lids continues. The next stage of gradation begins – Speed sees a boy, but he can’t name him in a correct way – it’s obvious that some measures must be taken, but to come up to the boy and to advance into the middle of the room means to lose control over the class. The situation gets still extremely tense. Now or never: “Wawsley or Wurssley!” – the teacher utters he boy’s name – “however you call yourself – you have a hundred lines!”. The climax comes, but the boy turns out not to be Worsley at all, the real Worsley sits in the first row, but he gets the same punishment for sitting in the wrong desk. This decision has occurred to Speed instantly.
The anticlimax comes – the class roars with laughter – they have obviously liked a fair and a witty decision of a teacher.
Speed managed to put them off, but was that all? They still had in store their fireworks, for which they have subscribed over fifteen shillings.. But this time Speed won the battle.
The message of the text can be formulated the following way – to be a professional, it’s necessary to be sure of oneself, to act with confidence, at the same time one should not go
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