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Latin America, Story

It takes people from all nations to reach all nations with the gospel. From the very beginning, SEND International has recruited and sent missionaries from various countries. Len and Marrian Geddert mobilize Spanish speakers for SEND and shared these stories of the amazing people God is preparing to send to the harvest fields. 
A couple weeks ago, we were on the campus of Rio Grande Bible Institute in Texas, our SEND pamphlets spread across our table and the SEND banner standing strong beside us, when we met Ricardo, a student from Honduras. He had emailed SEND several months ago with questions about education and we were very excited to meet him face to face. We were fascinated as Ricardo shared about the journey God was taking him on.
“I am a radiologist,” he said. “One day, while I was in the operating room at the Christian hospital where I was employed, a patient went into cardiac arrest. At that moment I realized his critical condition, and a huge weight came over me. I have never shared the gospel with this man! He may die and go into an endless eternity without Christ!
"Well the patient did die. That moment was life-changing for me. At that moment I knew I had to do more than just carry out the responsibilities of my medical profession. Processing this experience, I decided to set aside my career in radiology and find the means and the training to serve the Lord as a missionary. That’s when I came across SEND’s web site and wrote them an email.
"Later, I was relieved to find out that a nurse had shared the gospel with that same patient just a couple days before the surgery and he had accepted Christ!”
Ricardo is now focused on attaining a missions degree and is trusting God to provide for him and direct him to where and in what capacity he should serve on the mission field.
Later on, while enjoying some coffee at the campus coffee shop, we got to know Raquel and Melissa (from Honduras) and Darío (from Chile). These three young adults have a call to serve on a SEND field among “M” refugees. Tears welled up in our eyes as we shared the passion for the lost souls in many nations today. Diligently completing their degrees, these dear friends are trusting God to open the doors for them to minister overseas. This will take a miracle!
Back at our table again, we answered as best we could all the questions the students could throw at us. “I am a doctor,” a young lady said. “I will soon graduate with my Bible degree and want to use my medical skills as a missionary. Where could I serve?”
It’s all sort of overwhelming. We look at our world today, all the pain and suffering, thousands that do not even know their spiritual need and definitely do not know God — the task is huge and the means seems impossible. Who will go and tell them? God is forming multi-national teams for the task and, among others, He is calling Latin Americans. They are a missionary force with a tremendous passion yet with huge hurdles before them.
Josue and Laura, both teachers from Guatemala, are raising support to go to Spain with SEND. Danny, from Honduras, is an accomplished musician. He and his family want to serve in Spain as well. Ossman and Erica, both teachers in Honduras, also want to serve in Spain with their family.
Abel, the leader of our partner agency in Honduras recently told us that the average salary of a Honduran pastor is $400/month. How can we mesh that with what it costs to send harvest workers to live in places like Spain, where the cost of living is more than 10 times as much? It will take a miracle for sure! We encourage these ones to be courageous as they count the cost to go and to be confident in the One who calls them.
SEND is accepting donations toward the Global Worker Initiative , a program that assists cross-cultural missionaries from low-income countries by covering some of their mission-specific expenses. To learn more or donate, visit SEND’s GWI page .

Provincial Fr. Jim O'Shea, CP Sits Down to Discuss Passionist Healthcare and Vocations--click on the button below to see the video! See The Video Here CLICK HERE TO MAKE A GIFT
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Provincial Fr. Jim O'Shea, CP Sits Down to Discuss Passionist Healthcare and Vocations--click on the button below to see the video! See The Video Here
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The little girl’s stomach growls. Mama hasn’t come home for three nights and she doesn’t know when she’ll be back. She can tough it out but she’s worried about her little brother. He’s small and cries a lot and she knows he’s hungry. She’s seen kids with shirts from a Kingston church. The shirts were clean and blue with a heart-cross on them. Though she can’t read, she recognizes the Passionist symbol. The 7-year old makes a decision, hitches her brother on her small hip, and starts down a dirt path dissecting Trench Town. She’ll parallel the main road to the church. She needs help. They have nowhere else to go.
Streetlights are flickering on as the young priest finishes loading his backpack. He triple-checks the new PPE donated to the monastery that morning. The city is still scared to come out. His mom is a veteran, though, and heroes shouldn’t die alone. The man has visited a different facility every night for a month. He will remind the sick that God is with them. He will tell them how Jesus shows us there is life after suffering. He Wazes tonight’s address. He’ll take the E train, then walk from there. Dressed in black, bag slung, he looks like a delivery man bringing food. But he’s not - he’s a Passionist. He brings hope.
It surprises her when she does the math. She’s been locked up half her life. No family. Friends long gone. She assumed she’d be homeless or dead or back in prison by now. Instead, she’s living in a real house with Passionist priests and women like herself. There are young people here, too - they’re learning trades, like cooking and computer drawing. Everyone talks and relates. It’s a community. Some of these kids ask her for advice. Her. She smiles and shakes her head. The Passionists gave her more than a roof. They gave her a Tomorrow.
He’s trying to find the game when he stops on CNN. There’s a “Passionist” priest speaking. He talks like a regular guy. Unfamiliar with Passionists, the man pulls up their website on his phone. He is struck by their agency and the provocative idea behind their mission. He never thought about the poor as crucified like Jesus, but he can feel its raw truth in his heart. He reads about Passionist vocations and associates, and for the first time in forever, he sends an email to a religious community. He doesn’t find his game that night, but he may have finally found his purpose.
The purple-red dawn sky is a cathedral for the retiree. Her arthritis is moody and she’s watching a Passionist mass online from her back patio. In her mind, Passionists are everyman missionaries in the dark cracks and forgotten corners of America. They’re not really in schools or parishes. Instead, they seek out the suffering. They run toward injustice. Whenever she donates to them, she feels like she is personally connecting to a kaleidoscope of humanity. The Passionists don’t just change how she sees the marginalized. In ways profound and unexpected, they change how the woman sees herself.
His journey to the town gutted by fracking takes 13 hours, and it gives the priest time to reflect. He glimpses scars of deforestation through his bus window and wonders about the wildlife. He imagines children drinking water from lawn hoses on warm days, the clear, fracked poison invisible as they gulp. He notes the parallels between the Passion of Jesus and this new passion of Mother Earth. She too is being crucified, along with every living being. A woman two seats over notices his collar and asks what brings him south. “I don’t know any priests who care about the environment,” she says. The Passionist smiles. “Do you know any Passionists?” Curious, she leans in.
One by one, he buries the bodies of the forgotten under a fiery Haitian sun. He opens a Brooklyn Café to show lost boys how to be better men through hard work and responsibility. He listens in a darkened West Pennsylvania church to a sobbing mother describe her daily knife fight with addiction. He holds the hand of a dying stranger in a quarantined nursing home, his eyes saying what his masked mouth cannot. No matter who you are or where you’ve been, we stand With You, the crucified of today. We are The Passionists and the Passion of Christ is always in our hearts.
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No matter who you are or where you’ve been, we stand With You, the crucified of today. We are The Passionists and the Passion of Christ is always in our hearts.

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