Passionate Love

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Passionate Love: Definition, Signs, Influencing Factor and Ways to Show it

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Home Love & Relationships Passionate Love: Definition, Signs, Influencing Factor and Ways to Show it

Updated on Oct 04, 2022 | Published on Mar 23, 2022

Reviewed by
Julianne Cantarella, MSW, LSW
, Certified Relationship Coach

Reviewed by
Julianne Cantarella, MSW, LSW , Certified Relationship Coach

Julianne is Certified Relationship Coach and Licensed Social Worker. She has 15 years of experience in Matchmaking industry. Julianne’s expertise as a Relationship and Dating Coach has been highlighted through her articles in Your Tango,, Talk of The Town Magazine and Vue Magazine to name a few.
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Wondering what passionate love is? Did you fall in love recently? Can’t help but think of your partner all day long? Anxious if something’s wrong with you? 
Absolutely not… this is rather a natural stage of your newfound love. It might last only for a while…but I’m so happy you’re experiencing this beautiful phase! 
However, your worries about the changes are justified. And this think-piece will help you get rid of your heart’s deepest worries. 
Even if passion is missing in your relationship… this think-piece will help you rekindle the lost spark.
Can’t wait anymore? Let’s dive right into it…
…and I hope you have a healthy relationship !
Summary Passionate love is the exciting and overwhelming desire for your partner. You feel happy, confident, and idealize your partner endlessly in this love. It usually happens in the initial stages of relationships.
As per social psychologist Elaine Hatfield, passionate love is “a state of intense longing for union” with the object of your affections.
Passionate love is overwhelming and makes you feel happy, excited, lively, and euphoric. In this love, you feel many emotions at once. It’s usually common in the early stages of relationships.
In passion, your partner is always on your mind. You desire them all the time and feel distressed when you’re apart.
Passionate love usually fades away with desire. Later warm and comfortable feelings replace these feelings. This leads to healthy long-term relationships because passion alone is a fatal addiction.
Sometimes people stay back in unhealthy relationships because of the intense emotions of passion.
However, that’s not all. Many people misunderstand passionate love, so let’s know…
Passionate love is a mishmash of a wide range of feelings… many of you might get the wrong idea from this. In passionate love, there are very less negative feelings. Though it doesn’t warrant the absence of negativity in your relationship, you never…
4. Ignore one another’s texts or calls
6. Try to downplay one another or prove one another inferior
7. Hold back your emotions or thoughts
8. Refuse to acknowledge one another
9. Refuse to see one another’s true self
10. Refuse to listen and jump to conclusions.
People in passionate love experience certain feelings. Wanna know what? Let’s get to know them here…
Passionate love leads to two different situations. In mutual passionate love, it’s called requited love. In one-sided passionate love, it’s unrequited love .
Whichever it is… in passionate love you’ll experience some behavioral, cognitive, and emotional characteristics like these…
In passionate love, you feel your partner is flawless. You forget that they might make mistakes too. You feel that they’re your fated pair… or that they’re an angel God sent to you. You romanticize them without a break.
You either think of them all day long… or their thoughts intrude on your mind effortlessly. You experience it almost randomly.
It might be when you’re busy with work or when you’re idle. You can’t shrug them off your mind.
When in passionate love, you become two bodies and one soul . If your partner has a bad day, you feel broken.
If something good happens in their life, you feel overjoyed. Your mood strongly depends on their emotions.
You have a strong urge to know everything about your lover. Also, you want them to return the favor. Usually, you want it to build a stronger relationship.
You always want to be close and around with them. You feel the best when you spend time with them in person. You may also try monopolizing their free time.
But passionate love doesn’t last, it may become a compassionate one. Wondering how they differ? Let’s know more here…
Summary Passionate love depends on intense longing for the person you imagine your partner to be. It dies away with life circumstances. Compassionate love depends on intimacy, understanding, and stands the test of time.
Passionate love is all about intensity… but compassionate love depends on your intimacy. Compassionate aka companionate love involves affection, intimacy, commitment, and trust.
In long-term relationships, passionate love turns into compassionate love within a few years.
However, passion never disappears from the relationship. Rather the overwhelming nature fizzles down.
In compassionate love, there’s a true understanding between the partners. You won’t idealize your partner and accept them for their real self. You care for them even after knowing they’re flawed.
You’ll feel a connection, affection, and devotion towards one another… even when you have fights.
However, passionate love is still stronger in some aspects. Curious? Find your answers here…
Passion is popular for its intensity… and if you really love one another, you might be the best couple out there. However, due to the same… it might even hurt you more intensely than any other form of love.
So, only if you carve your way carefully, you might experience the best of everything. Let’s know what you might experience in a passionate relationship…
In passionate love, you want to stick physically close to them all the time. However, that’s not possible… so, you live every moment together magnificently.
Whenever you’re together, you feel immense joy. You never hold back from celebrating the moments because you want them close to you.
Falling in love shuts down the frontal lobe of your brain – this part manages decision-making skills and logical thinking.
So, in passionate love, you can’t think straight and even make bad decisions. For instance, they may ask you to marry after months… and you may say yes, even if neither of you has stable jobs.
Since you’re intensely happy in this type of love , you become more optimistic and daring. You feel everything will turn out for the better if you’re together.
However, it may be either good or bad depending on your decisions. For the best part, you may become a confident and brighter person… all because your partner has faith in you.
In passionate love, you’re head over heels for your partner. You rush to bond with your partner deeply and commit a grave mistake. You let your guard down too fast and show your weak spots.
If the person is nice, this won’t harm you. However, if your partner has ulterior motives, this is their perfect chance.
In passionate love, you may not risk your all in the casino. However, you may dump the idea of safe sex practices.
You may get STIs, STDs, get pregnant, rear a family… and down the lane know there’s no future in the relationship. You may end up with life-long regrets.
In passion, you don’t take enough time to know one another. You jump to conclusions and believe you complete one another.
You may even skip the basic phases of a relationship and not know them at all. When you don’t know your partner and think they’re perfect… you develop unrealistic expectations.
Overwhelming expectations may even destroy a possible good relationship. You smother the relationship in an early phase with high hopes and demands.
Many people mistake passionate love for true love . The overwhelming emotions are easy to misunderstand. So, you might cling to a toxic relationship due to passion.
Usually, passionate love isn’t real love… rather it’s a form of infatuation but the other person also responds.
You fight and reunite in passion… and feel it’s because you’re inseparable. However, it’s mostly because of an obsessive or addictive feeling towards one another.
Passionate love is full of high and good feelings. You feel you’re the happiest in passionate love. However, when the passion fades, you might deny the existence of other types of love.
You hope for love full of passion… and when you don’t receive it in that form, you may disregard love.
In passion, you become your happiest version. You believe in yourself and the love sets ablaze your confidence. If you’re usually a gloomy person, you become a brighter one.
Pessimistic people change their perspectives and have a better foothold in life.
Usually, when you shine with confidence, your loved ones and co-worker easily catch up that something is new in your life.
If you and your partner are compatible with one another, it may turn into a long-term relationship. Passion becomes the foundation of healthy relationships.
Even if the passion fades with time, compatible pairs still stick to one another. So, your love turns from a fiercely blazing flame to a calm one.
You both still feel attracted to one another but with lots of rationality, support, and understanding.
Curious if you’re in a passionate relationship? To know better about yourselves, tally with these…
If you’re in mutual passionate love, you’ll always feel positive about every aspect of your life. You feel an intense connection with one another. The signs of passionate love have some similarities with infatuation.
However, if there’s genuine love in the mix, it brings out the best in you. Come on, let’s know if there’s passion in your relationship…
In passionate love, you talk day in and out… but you never cease to know. Even if the relationship is short-lived, you mostly touch your phone to contact them.
You text them the most and talk the longest hours with them. Though you talk so much, you find something new and interesting every day. 
You don’t judge them if it’s something good or bad. If knowledge about them was an ocean, you’ll drink it all in. Possibly, you know quite a lot about them in a short time.
You romanticize them without a break. Even if your partner doesn’t pick their share of responsibilities… you feel “they’re cute” or “he/she must be tired… no problem, I’ll fill in for them.”
Everything about them is good and sometimes you may ignore major red flags . The idealizing happens to the point of ignoring your pet peeves. You both become all-embracing and accept them.
However, you accept your imagined version of them… not the real one. Of course, it’s not that easy to understand this initially.
You both share a mutual goal – your happily ever after. You have both short and long-term plans with one another.
For instance, you have common opinions about when and where you’ll settle down… how many kids you’ll have, and when… when you’ll introduce one another to your parents.
Sometimes, you spend your time talking about how you’ll furnish your home. It proves that you’re serious about one another and you put in deep thoughts.
If this sounds like your story, there’s passion in your relationship.
Do you both give up your precious for one another? Perhaps, you feel you’re ready to spend your fortune or sacrifice your life for one another.
If you’re so in love that one another’s happiness means more than yours, then that’s another good sign of passionate love. Love thrives when you compromise and sacrifice for one another.
As many say, in love, you give away everything right from your heart down to everything you own to see your lover smile.
In passionate love, you can’t have enough of touching them. It’s not just sexual attraction… sometimes, it might be pure physical affectionate contacts.
You hold their hand, hug them tight, snuggle up, but it just doesn’t seem enough. Even when you walk publicly, you want to hold one another’s hand to feel closer and safer.
For instance, if you don’t like PDA usually… you forget that, indulge in it, and spoil them. Yet you feel it’s not enough to express your feelings.
Do you feel hesitant expressing yourself? If not, that’s another good sign of passionate love.
Perhaps, you hold different opinions about something. But you don’t change your thoughts to make them happy. You stick to your ideas and be happy even with the differences.
You have faith that your partner won’t judge you for being different. Even if at some point you felt under confident about yourself… your partner helped get rid of those uncertain feelings.
You both know clarity and transparency will help you in your journey.
When you stay together, do you feel just excited in general? In passion, you feel every moment is worth it… whether you stay back at home or even go on date nights .
You’re always happy and optimistic when you’re together. It’s like you hold the key to one another’s joy.
Everything you do together is memorable… whether you laze on your couch or do your chores together… you’re always laughing, smiling, making fun of everything in a good way.
Both in passionate and compassionate love, emotional intimacy is an important ingredient. So, this stands for a common sign. In passion, you’re willing to show your vulnerabilities.
You share your darkest fears and deepest secrets in passionate love.
Possibly, you never dared to share these secrets with anyone else. However, you want to believe your partner and entrust them with your soul.
Knowingly you bare your heart to them… hope they’ll care for your wounds and deepen the relationship.
In passionate love, your partner sees the best in you through the toughest times. They have never-ending faith in you. Whenever you give up, your partner pushes you to try again.
If you feel they have a great contribution in the present you… then, my dear, your relationship is full of passion. They don’t justify your negatives and motivate you to work harder.
For instance, when you face difficulties in coping, they inspire you. They show you that once you cross a hurdle, you’ll find more opportunities in life.
They always pull you towards the brighter side of life.
You may be a millionaire or a beggar, but life is full of obstacles for everyone. The tough times demotivate you and you think… “Why am I doing this?”
Without zeal for anything, you may give up even on a healthy relationship.
However, when you have passion in a relationship, you realize the reasons behind your efforts. You remember that it’s because you love them.
You stick to your point stubbornly because you’re sure about the future. You know that there’s nothing more beautiful than your current relationship.
The greatest sign of healthy passionate love is happiness with freedom. Your partner doesn’t bind you with smothering conditions. Rather, they help you grow like a free bird in the sky.
They believe in nurturing you in the open. They don’t hide you away in a golden cage. They want you to understand life independently… and whenever you need them, they wait for you with open arms.
You feel peaceful, comfortable, light, yet secure… as if a long thread of fate binds you. No matter how far you go, you stay in love without the pressure.
In a genuine passionate relationship, you both will trust one another deeply. Trust is one of the pillars of any kind of relationship.
If you’re passionate about one another, rumors or scandals won’t impact your relationship. When you set one another free, you know that they’ll not hurt you.
You have faith that even if they’re out of your sight… they won’t do anything hurtful.
Whether they have friends of the opposite gender, have late-night parties, go out of town on business… you know they cherish your relationship.
One of the biggest signs of a passionate love is respect. With respect, you both and your relationship grow immensely. In a passionate relationship, you both respect one another even during hard times.
For instance, your partner disappointed you in some way. You’re furious and can’t keep calm. But you still don’t disrespect them like – blaming, shaming, name-calling, or speaking absolutes.
You resolve conflicts maturely and focus on getting out of the muddy waters… instead of comparing who’s dirtier.
Think I’m talking about the kiss, sex, or the likes? NO! You always prioritize one another because you’re precious to one another.
You also never take one another for granted… as you feel that you’ll never have something like this anywhere else.
In some relationships, the excitement dies down with time. Couples don’t cherish or prioritize one another as much as before. They become super busy when they’re done with courtship .
However, in a passionate relationship, you treat them like a King/Queen every day… from the beginning to the end.
Relationships become overwhelming at times because of conflicts, life struggles, different perspectives, responsibilities, and so much more.
You commit to your partner, children, parents, work, your household… The list never ends. This is when you need some alone time.
With space and time, you calm yourself down and feel ready to resume your life.
If you’re in a passionate relationship, you’ll understand the importance of space. Though you want to monopolize your partner, you’ll allow them me-time. And they return the favor to you.
Another sign of being passionate is announcing your love for them.
Some people brag about things their partner never achieved. That’s not passion, they’re ashamed of their partners and try to cover up their “shortcomings”.
In passionate love, you’ll boast about the smallest things they actually did.
Suppose you both fear spiders, but your partner took care of it all by themselves. You feel happy that your partner ensured your safety and fought their fear for you.
It’s always about the little things in a relationship.
Passionate lovers always aim to make the relationship more exciting… in and outside the bed. You always seek new activities to do together.
You know that candlelight dinners are romantic, but not enough for your burning love. You always look for varieties… like something cute, sweet, adventurous, scary, new, old-school, and everything memorable.
You both actively nourish the relationship with new ideas. Neither of you is ready to go in a rut and that’s your driving force.
When in passionate love, you’ll share every minute deet of your day. You may see a huge bug, seal a business deal, get a promotion, burn your food, feel dejected… you tell them everything.
You feel satisfied telling them about the best and worst highlights of your life. Some may say it’s an obsession and will soon wear off. Well, only time can tell… but for now, they’re your journal.
However, passionate lovers only want to share their feelings. They want to multiply the joy, diminish the sorrows… and feel fulfilled with their life.
Since you share every part of your life with them… you become as good as best friends. They understand you like the back of their hand.
They accept your true self so you don’t hide any feelings either. When something is off, they easily suspect it. However, it’s not magic… it’s because they know your real personality.
You feel loved because of this deep bond, where you get both passionate and romantic love and friendship.
If you find happiness when you’re by their side and when they’re happy…
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