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Why does my friend not have matchmaking as a tab for CS:GO? He just got faceit and played a game, this is his screenshare on his own there’s no tab.
Summoning u/Criand and your theory of everything! Since it looks like you are spot on with your predictions, based on the current market conditions, what can we expect this week?
Guess who's buying???? Yep, RC!!! Link below.
I’m horny too but I’m uber skeptical. She pretty hot and I’m nice enough looking.m but not THAT handsome. Do you trust it?
Brick by Brick Theory from u/slutcash!
Trading212 have updated their 'Share Dealing Terms Of Business' and the 'Risk Disclosure Notice' - amendments come into force on 18 July
How convenient that they have amended the terms and conditions so our shares on Trading212 can be lent out…
or, to do a refresh of the client Ctrl + Shift + R will do the trick
(✿☉。☉) You didn't ask for a flair?! Lemme get one for you... (✿^‿^)━☆゚.*・。゚ 💎 Just Like the Stonk 🦍
This is how it works: you can request a flair with the magic incantation
The default color is black, but you can change that by writing one of these words at the very end : red, blue, pink, yellow, green, black
!FLAIRY! : if you can't think of a flair, I'll give you one of my own choice 🤭
!FLAIRY:CLEARME! : remove all flairs and pretend you're a new ape
!FLAIRY:SEALME! : Justin seduced me to get this 🥵
u/Superstonk-Flairy : If you tag me, I'll come around and explain how to get flairs
does RC ventures has enough money to buy shares in the thousands? and are they willing to?
He doesn't have to. Short hedgefunds have repeatedly quadrupled down at prices you see on the chart. When the stock blows past a certain threshold/price, shorts will be margin called and will fail at some point. The buying will occur by hedgefunds themselves (closing short positions) , pushing the price higher and higher.
Longs just have to find the threshhold and push past it :)
I’m still talking to her. I’ll keep update soon.
UPDATE: I just video chatted her on Snap. She’s a real person and she wants to meet at a Holiday Inn and Suites like 2 miles from my place. She says she was happy I actually looked like my pics. I said a variation of the same. Told me what was up with her. I didn’t get any bad vibes. But I’m also pretty horny lmao. Also sent really “nice” pics.
I think I’m gone do it. I have til 3 pm tomorrow to change my mind.
UPDATE 2: We’ve been Snapping back and forward for the last several. More pics of course. Have plans to meet around 3pm tomorrow. If it goes well, I’ll post my profile and ask her about a pic or two of her. If it doesn’t work out. I’ll update if I can. Lol (no lol)
UPDATE 3: Still chatting. We meet in 6 hours. This is me for all those concerned… will update if anything changes before. If not the next update will be “good, bad, or nonexistent”…
THE UPDATE 4: First off, all you hating ass mother fuckers were wrong. She was real. I’m gone be real with y’all. She did exactly what said she would do. She wanted me to face fuck her. But the most off putting part was that she wanted to record it and it was strickly a face fuck which in my 34 years, I’ve never done. So it was literally my first time and those NEVER go well. It started off well enough but I couldn’t stay hard. I went to grab her exposed breast (she was in lingerie) and she said no touch. Which made me softer. She spent a good 20 mins sucking my sad half hard dick. Til she stops and says you’re nowhere close to cumming. To be completely honest, I’m use to kissing touching. Not just dick in mouth. Guys know how it is once you get in your own head. Might as well play pool with a fucking rope. I’m disappointed in my self and I’ve let you all down. FUCK!!! 😔
You can tell slutcash that if they type !apeprove! in the sub, they're moved to the front of the queue to be approved for posting.
...hold the shares for you but colleterall.
So basically if citadel defaults and can't return the shares they must give us...
Beep boop, I'm a bot 🤖. If you don't like what I have to say, reply !optout to opt out or !delete to delete the comment.
Who would you recommend as a broker, is webull good?
Etoro, Revolut, T212 etc are all shit. Degiro ? Maybe, same story though. Capital com ? CFD only... Interactive Brokers is the most decent one out of the bunch, because you actually own your shares - you can restrict lending, recall them at any point, vote, transfer etc. It's worth noting though, that they also restricted buying during January.
If you want to be sure that you won't get fucked, you can open an account with Saxo Bank or similar. You will have to pay fees though and minimum deposit is $10k, but at least your heart can be at ease.
Can't expect top service from free brokers, there will always be trade-offs.

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